The learner-centered psychological principles are available from currently at
The learner-centered psychological principles are available from http://apa.org, currently at http://www.apa.org/ed/lcp2/lcp14.html.
The Assessment of Learner-Centered Practices (ALCP), used in many of the meta-analyzed studies, has recently been made available online by the Challenge to Raise Your Students' Motivation and Achievement at. Shortened versions of some ALCP subscales are also available in McCombs and Miller's Learner-Centered Classroom Practices and Assessments: Maximizing Student Motivation, Learning, and Achievement (2007)
The Assessment of Learner-Centered Practices (ALCP), used in many of the meta-analyzed studies, has recently been made available online by the Challenge to Raise Your Students' Motivation and Achievement at http://www.charysma-online.com. Shortened versions of some ALCP subscales are also available in McCombs and Miller's Learner-Centered Classroom Practices and Assessments: Maximizing Student Motivation, Learning, and Achievement (2007).
The inexpensive, but reliable and valid, Questionnaire for Teacher Interaction (Wubbels, 1993) has been the subject of many research studies around the world. It provides measurement of student, teacher, and ideal perspectives in relation to normative data. Chapter 5 describes the classroom management model on which this instrument is based
The inexpensive, but reliable and valid, Questionnaire for Teacher Interaction (Wubbels, 1993) has been the subject of many research studies around the world. It provides measurement of student, teacher, and ideal perspectives in relation to normative data. Chapter 5 describes the classroom management model on which this instrument is based.
Stringer's (1996) clearly written Action Research emphasizes practical community applications, explaining ways to conduct research to improve practice. Additionally, Emerging Technologies provides a repository of Web sites dedicated to action research
Stringer's (1996) clearly written Action Research emphasizes practical community applications, explaining ways to conduct research to improve practice. Additionally, Emerging Technologies (http://www.emtech.net/actionresearch.htm) provides a repository of Web sites dedicated to action research.
Angelo and Cross's Classroom Assessment Techniques (1993) present an accessible collection of assessments teachers can use to assess and improve many elements of their instruction
Angelo and Cross's Classroom Assessment Techniques (1993) present an accessible collection of assessments teachers can use to assess and improve many elements of their instruction.
The Person-Centered Approach in Higher Education provides articles, discussion boards, and other resources
The Person-Centered Approach in Higher Education provides articles, discussion boards, and other resources: http://elearn.pri.univie.ac.at/pca.
Kathy Greenberg (Fickeisen, 1991) developed helpful lists of elements to foster scaffolding, mediation, and self-regulation
Kathy Greenberg (Fickeisen, 1991) developed helpful lists of elements to foster scaffolding, mediation, and self-regulation: http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC27/Greenbrg.htm.
Brooks and Brooks's In Search of Understanding: The Case for Constructivist Classrooms (2001) provide a concise and convincing summary of ways teachers can effectively teach from a constructivist perspective
Brooks and Brooks's In Search of Understanding: The Case for Constructivist Classrooms (2001) provide a concise and convincing summary of ways teachers can effectively teach from a constructivist perspective.
See for more information and interesting visual depictions of this process from MRI studies on how brain development occurs across the beginning decades of life
See http://www.edinformatics.com/news/teenage_brains.htm for more information and interesting visual depictions of this process from MRI studies on how brain development occurs across the beginning decades of life.
Gazda et al.'s Human Relations Development: A Manual for Educators (2005) and Carkhuff's Human Possibilities: Human Capital in the 21st Century (2000) provide classic texts on human relationships development for teachers, chock-full of useful tools to improve warmth, trust, empathy, and realness
Gazda et al.'s Human Relations Development: A Manual for Educators (2005) and Carkhuff's Human Possibilities: Human Capital in the 21st Century (2000) provide classic texts on human relationships development for teachers, chock-full of useful tools to improve warmth, trust, empathy, and realness.
Counseling training programs and materials, particularly in person-centered or experiential therapies, provide a wealth of videos, articles, and discussion communities for building facilitative dispositions and skills. See and for portals to these resources
Counseling training programs and materials, particularly in person-centered or experiential therapies, provide a wealth of videos, articles, and discussion communities for building facilitative dispositions and skills. See http://pce-world.org, http://www.adpca.org, and http://www.pfsonline.at for portals to these resources.
There is no substitute for observing, practicing, and getting feedback on one's attempts to be facilitative, whether in entire class discussions or individual interactions with students, administrators, parents, or others. We encourage you to seek out role models and mentors in your area and conscientiously improve your ability to help others learn and grow
There is no substitute for observing, practicing, and getting feedback on one's attempts to be facilitative, whether in entire class discussions or individual interactions with students, administrators, parents, or others. We encourage you to seek out role models and mentors in your area and conscientiously improve your ability to help others learn and grow!
provide accessible suggestions on how to increase student engagement
Brewster and Fager (2000) provide accessible suggestions on how to increase student engagement: http://www.nwrel.org/request/oct00.
Theroux (1994/2007) offers a condensed list of 21 strategies at
Theroux (1994/2007) offers a condensed list of 21 strategies at http://members.shaw.ca/priscillatheroux.
There are many guides for how to conduct brainstorming exercises online, such as at or
There are many guides for how to conduct brainstorming exercises online, such as at http://www.mindtools.com/brainstm.html or http://www.businessballs.com/brainstorming.htm.
Slavin's Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice (2000, pp. 204-211) suggests the use of specific instructional strategies-note taking; underlining; summarizing; outlining; mapping/figure drawing; Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, and Review method (PQ4R); solving relevant/authentic problems; activating/reflecting on prior knowledge; and applying advance organizers and metaphor construction-to increase self-regulated learning. Learn more about these techniques by searching online
Slavin's Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice (2000, pp. 204-211) suggests the use of specific instructional strategies-note taking; underlining; summarizing; outlining; mapping/figure drawing; Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, and Review method (PQ4R); solving relevant/authentic problems; activating/reflecting on prior knowledge; and applying advance organizers and metaphor construction-to increase self-regulated learning. Learn more about these techniques by searching online.
Raffini's 150 Ways to Increase Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom. (1996) presents 150 practical alternatives to rewards and punishments to increase engagement for students of all ages
Raffini's 150 Ways to Increase Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom. (1996) presents 150 practical alternatives to rewards and punishments to increase engagement for students of all ages.
Creating Highly Motivated Classrooms for All Students, Ginsberg and Wlodkowski (2000) discuss culturally responsive ways to increase motivation
In Creating Highly Motivated Classrooms for All Students, Ginsberg and Wlodkowski (2000) discuss culturally responsive ways to increase motivation.
The Seattle Post Intelligencer has prepared an excellent summary of the research on the discipline gap
The Seattle Post Intelligencer has prepared an excellent summary of the research on the discipline gap (http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/disciplinegap).
Evertson and Weinstein's (2006) comprehensive Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice, and Contemporary Issues contains 47 chapters and provides numerous resources consistent with LCI
Evertson and Weinstein's (2006) comprehensive Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice, and Contemporary Issues contains 47 chapters and provides numerous resources consistent with LCI.
Visit the Discipline for Promoting Responsibility and Learning or Self-Determination Theory Web sites for additional learner-centered classroom management resources
Visit the Discipline for Promoting Responsibility and Learning (http://www.marvinmarshall.com) or Self-Determination Theory (http://www.psych.rochester.edu/SDT) Web sites for additional learner-centered classroom management resources.
Prescribed teaching of critical thinking skills can improve learning, particularly for those learners who recognize the value to their own lives. Critical thinking, metacognition, and self-regulation are discussed at length in other texts (e.g Elder & Paul, 2001; Halpern, 2003; Unrau, 1997)
Prescribed teaching of critical thinking skills can improve learning, particularly for those learners who recognize the value to their own lives. Critical thinking, metacognition, and self-regulation are discussed at length in other texts (e.g., Elder & Paul, 2001; Halpern, 2003; Unrau, 1997).
For specific applications of Bloom's cognitive levels in the classroom, particularly those higher levels they may be missing, readers should consult any number of Web sites available (e.g)
For specific applications of Bloom's cognitive levels in the classroom, particularly those higher levels they may be missing, readers should consult any number of Web sites available (e.g., http://www.coe.uga.edu/epltt/bloom.htm).
You can find larger lists of critical thinking question stems at
You can find larger lists of critical thinking question stems at http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/researchskills/dalton.htm.
Visit the Teaching Tolerance Web site at to find exercises appropriate to different levels of instruction (preschool to graduate school) and order free posters, pedagogy kits, and Academy Award-winning documentaries
Visit the Teaching Tolerance Web site at http://www.tolerance.org to find exercises appropriate to different levels of instruction (preschool to graduate school) and order free posters, pedagogy kits, and Academy Award-winning documentaries.
Readers can consult many online sources for specific suggestions for differentiating instruction (e.g the National Center for Accessing the General Curriculum [NCAC] publications at or)
Readers can consult many online sources for specific suggestions for differentiating instruction (e.g., the National Center for Accessing the General Curriculum [NCAC] publications at http://www.cast.org/publications or http://www.greenfield.durham.sch.uk/differentiation.htm).
Go to to discover more information on implicit biases in yourself and others
Go to https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/takeatest.html to discover more information on implicit biases in yourself and others.
The journal Theory Into Practice has many free articles available online, like Bansberg (2003), concerned with learner-centered literacy initiatives
The journal Theory Into Practice has many free articles available online, like Bansberg (2003), concerned with learner-centered literacy initiatives: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0NQM/is_2_42/ai_102696730/print.
Many Web sites provide information for teachers concerned about how to engage issues of high-stakes tests, such as understanding pros and cons in their use or advocating for better practices. Here are some examples
Many Web sites provide information for teachers concerned about how to engage issues of high-stakes tests, such as understanding pros and cons in their use or advocating for better practices. Here are some examples: http://www.fairtest.org, http://www.alfiekohn.org, http://www.teachers.net, http://www.knea.org.
Adventures in Assessment: Learner-Centered Approaches to Assessment and Evaluation in Adult Literacy is available online and provides useful approaches to both standardized and alternative assessments for adult and secondary learners
Adventures in Assessment: Learner-Centered Approaches to Assessment and Evaluation in Adult Literacy is available online (http://www.sabes.org/resources/publications/adventures/index.htm) and provides useful approaches to both standardized and alternative assessments for adult and secondary learners.
There are several Internet resources on writing and reading across the curriculum. Here are some examples
There are several Internet resources on writing and reading across the curriculum. Here are some examples: http://www.pgcps.org/~elc/strategies.html, http://pubs.cde.ca.gov/tcsii/ch1/readingcurriculum.aspx, http://www.thewritingsite.org/resources/curriculum/links.asp.
Examples of WebQuests (;) and
Examples of WebQuests: http://www. http://WebQuest.org (http://webquest.sdsu.edu/taskonomy.html; http://webquest.org) and http://www.suelebeau.com/webquests.htm.
Examples of simulations: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives and NASA Online
Examples of simulations: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (http://nlvm.usu.edu) and NASA Online (http://www.knowitall.org/nasa/simulations/science.html).
Primary Source Learning provides and shows how to use primary sources in the classroom (see also)
Primary Source Learning (http://www.primarysourcelearning.org) provides and shows how to use primary sources in the classroom (see also http://www.sdst.org/shs/library/primary.html).
The National Educational Association has released a guide to online teaching Visit the North American Council for Online Learning to learn more about virtual classrooms. Visit a University of Vienna Web site for examples of how online elements prepared by students can be integrated into courses in higher education
The National Educational Association has released a guide to online teaching (http://www.nea.org/technology/images/onlineteachguide.pdf). Visit the North American Council for Online Learning (http://www.nacol.org) to learn more about virtual classrooms. Visit a University of Vienna Web site (http://elearn.pri.univie.ac.at/patterns) for examples of how online elements prepared by students can be integrated into courses in higher education.
Campus Compact is a national organization devoted to improving community service and civic engagement, especially through service-learning
Campus Compact (http://www.compact.org) is a national organization devoted to improving community service and civic engagement, especially through service-learning.
Manual for teachers to improve reflection procedures in service-learning and formative and summative assessments
Manual for teachers to improve reflection procedures in service-learning and formative and summative assessments: http://www.uvm.edu/~dewey/reflection_manual.
Johnson and Johnson are leaders in the field of cooperative learning and provide access to many resources and books at
Johnson and Johnson are leaders in the field of cooperative learning and provide access to many resources and books at http://www.co-operation.org.
Gillies's Cooperative Learning: Integrating Theory and Practice. (2007) provides an accessible text introduction to cooperative learning
Gillies's Cooperative Learning: Integrating Theory and Practice. (2007) provides an accessible text introduction to cooperative learning.
There is an International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education. Learn more at
There is an International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education. Learn more at http://www.iasce.net.
A rapidly growing collection of Web 2.0 sites can be found at including some where you create your own unique wikis, such as wetpaint, or collaborative applications like Adobe Brio and SlideShare
A rapidly growing collection of Web 2.0 sites can be found at http://g02web20.net, including some where you create your own unique wikis, such as wetpaint (http://www.wetpaint.com), or collaborative applications like Adobe Brio (http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/brio) and SlideShare (http://www.slideshare.net).
The largest teacher unions are the American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association
The largest teacher unions are the American Federation of Teachers (http://www.aft.org) and National Education Association (http://www.nea.org).
The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and the American Educational Research Association are large nonprofit professional organizations
The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (http://www.ascd.org) and the American Educational Research Association (http://www.aera.net) are large nonprofit professional organizations.
Listings of professional organizations are Teachnology or National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
Listings of professional organizations are available at Teachnology (http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/pro_organizations) or National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (http://www.ncate.org/public/standards.asp).
Afterschool Alliance and Breakthrough Collaborative offer programs that can increase teacher recruitment and retention and build community across grade levels
Afterschool Alliance (http://afterschoolalliance.org) and Breakthrough Collaborative (http://www.breakthroughcollaborative.org) offer programs that can increase teacher recruitment and retention and build community across grade levels.
Project Change provides a primer for how to revitalize democracy within schools and their communities
Project Change (http://www.projectchange.org/publications/toolkit.pdf) provides a primer for how to revitalize democracy within schools and their communities.
The Wellness Councils of America have put together free resources for schools, universities, and other groups to initiate wellness as a core component of their functioning (see)
The Wellness Councils of America have put together free resources for schools, universities, and other groups to initiate wellness as a core component of their functioning (see http://www.welcoa.org/freeresources).
Retrieved April 20, 2008
ACT Research and Policy Issues. (2007). What works in student retention? Retrieved April 20, 2008, from http://www.act.org/research/policymakers/reports/retain.html
What works in student retention?
Washington, DC: National Institute for Literacy. Retrieved April 20, 2008
Ambruster, B. B., Lehr, F., & Osborn, J. (2001). Put reading first: The research building blocks for teaching children to read. Washington, DC: National Institute for Literacy. Retrieved April 20, 2008, from http://www.nifl.gov/partnershipforreading/publications/reading_first1.html
Put reading first: The research building blocks for teaching children to read
Ambruster, B.B.1
Lehr, F.2
Osborn, J.3
Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved August 19, 2008
American Counseling Association. (1996). Multicultural counseling competencies and standards. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved August 19, 2008, from http://www.counseling.org/Resources/
Multicultural counseling competencies and standards
Teacher immediacy as a predictor of teaching effectiveness
D.Nimmo (Ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Andersen, J. F. (1979). Teacher immediacy as a predictor of teaching effectiveness. In D.Nimmo (Ed.), Communication yearbook 3 (pp. 543-559). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Communication yearbook
, vol.3
, pp. 543-559
Andersen, J.F.1
Why talk about different ways to grade? The shift from traditional assessment to alternative assessment
Anderson, R. S. (1998). Why talk about different ways to grade? The shift from traditional assessment to alternative assessment. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 74, 5-16. doi:10.1002/tl.7401 http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/tl.7401
New Directions for Teaching and Learning
, vol.74
, pp. 5-16
Anderson, R.S.1
(January) Washington, DC: American Psychological Association and Mid-Continent Regional Educational Library
APA Task Force on Psychology in Education. (1993, January). Learner-centered psychological principles: Guidelines for school redesign and reform. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association and Mid-Continent Regional Educational Library.
Learner-centered psychological principles: Guidelines for school redesign and reform
Beverly Hills, CA: Sage
Aronson, E., Blaney, N., Stephin, C., Sikes, J., & Snapp, M. (1978). The jigsaw classroom. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
The jigsaw classroom
Aronson, E.1
Blaney, N.2
Stephin, C.3
Sikes, J.4
Snapp, M.5
Cooperative test construction: The last temptation of educational reform?
Ashtiani, N. S., & Babaii, E. (2007). Cooperative test construction: The last temptation of educational reform? Studies in Educational Evaluation, 33, 213-228. doi:10.1016/j.stueduc.2007.07.002 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2007.07.002
Studies in Educational Evaluation
, vol.33
, pp. 213-228
Ashtiani, N.S.1
Babaii, E.2
A study of three facilitative conditions and their relationships to the achievement of third grade students
Aspy, D. N. (1969). A study of three facilitative conditions and their relationships to the achievement of third grade students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 30(5-A), 1853.
Dissertation Abstracts International
, vol.30
, Issue.5 A
, pp. 1853
Aspy, D.N.1
Knowledge of the physical dimensions of human life
Aspy, D. N. (1976). Knowledge of the physical dimensions of human life. Counselor Education and Supervision, 15, 4, 292-296. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6978.1976.tb02007.x http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/j.1556-6978.1976.tb02007.x
Counselor Education and Supervision
, vol.15
, Issue.4
, pp. 292-296
Aspy, D.N.1
Amherst, MA: Human Resource Development Press
Aspy, D. N., Aspy, C. B., & Roebuck, F. N. (1984). The third century in American education: Education in the age of productivity. Amherst, MA: Human Resource Development Press.
The third century in American education: Education in the age of productivity
Aspy, D.N.1
Aspy, C.B.2
Roebuck, F.N.3
The effects of teachers' inferred self-concept upon student achievement
Aspy, D. N., & Buhler, J. H. (1975). The effects of teachers' inferred self-concept upon student achievement. Journal of Educational Research, 68(10), 386-389.
Journal of Educational Research
, vol.68
, Issue.10
, pp. 386-389
Aspy, D.N.1
Buhler, J.H.2
Physical fitness in counseling and teaching
Aspy, D. N., Roebuck, F. N., & Aspy, C. B. (1983). Physical fitness in counseling and teaching. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education & Development, 21(3), 115-123. doi:10.1002/j.2164-4683.1983.tb00222.x http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/j.2164-4683.1983.tb00222.x
Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education & Development
, vol.21
, Issue.3
, pp. 115-123
Aspy, D.N.1
Roebuck, F.N.2
Aspy, C.B.3
Teacher-student interaction in urban at-risk classrooms: Differential behavior, relationship quality, and student satisfaction with school
Baker, A. J. (1999). Teacher-student interaction in urban at-risk classrooms: Differential behavior, relationship quality, and student satisfaction with school. Elementary School Journal, 100, 57-70. doi:10.1086/461943 http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/461943
Elementary School Journal
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, pp. 57-70
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Automatic stereotyping
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Psychological Science
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Applying the learner-centered principles to the special case of literacy
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Theory into Practice
Bansberg, B.1
Are student ratings of communication instructors due to "easy" grading practices? An analysis of teacher credibility and student-reported performance levels
Beatty, M. J., & Zahn, C. J. (1990). Are student ratings of communication instructors due to "easy" grading practices? An analysis of teacher credibility and student-reported performance levels. Communication Education, 39(4), 275-282. doi:10.1080/03634529009378809 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03634529009378809
Communication Education
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Dimensions for evaluating the acceptability of message sources
Berlo, D. K., Lemert, J. B., & Mertz, R. J. (1969). Dimensions for evaluating the acceptability of message sources. Public Opinion Quarterly, 33, 563-576. doi:10.1086/267745 http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/267745
Public Opinion Quarterly
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Beutler, L. E., Rocco, F., Moleiro, C. M., & Talebi, H. (2001). Resistance. Psychotherapy: Theory/Research/Practice/Training, 38, 431-436. doi:10.1037/0033-3204.38.4.431 http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0033-3204.38.4.431
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Peace building through foreign study in Northern Ireland: The Earlham College example
C. M.Weigert & J.Crews (Eds.), Washington DC: American Association for Higher Education
Bing, A. (2001). Peace building through foreign study in Northern Ireland: The Earlham College example. In C. M.Weigert & J.Crews (Eds.), Teaching for justice: Concepts and models for service-learning in peace studies (pp. 82-90). Washington DC: American Association for Higher Education.
Teaching for justice: Concepts and models for service-learning in peace studies
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A first course in mind, brain, and education
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Mind, Brain, and Education
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A comparison of the verbal interaction in counseling groups differing in member interpersonal compatibility
Block, J. D. (1971). A comparison of the verbal interaction in counseling groups differing in member interpersonal compatibility. Dissertation Abstracts Journal, 32(2-A), 780.
Dissertation Abstracts Journal
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Student task persistence in the third international mathematics and science study: A major source of achievement differences at the national, classroom, and student levels
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Relationship as healing
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The client as active self-healer
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Academic resilience in mathematics among poor and minority students
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Reproduction in education, society, and culture
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Time to move beyond the mind-body split
Bracken, P., & Thomas, P. (2002). Time to move beyond the mind-body split. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 325(7378), 1433-1434. doi:10.1136/bmj.325.7378.1433 http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.325.7378.1433
BMJ: British Medical Journal
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Preschool IQs after twenty-five years
Bradway, K. P., Thompson, C. W., & Cravens, R. B. (1958). Preschool IQs after twenty-five years. Journal of Educational Psychology, 49(5), 278-281. doi:10.1037/h0044412 http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/h0044412
Journal of Educational Psychology
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, pp. 278-281
Bradway, K.P.1
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Cravens, R.B.3
The efficacy of play therapy with children: A meta-analytic review of treatment outcomes
Bratton, S. C., Ray, D., Rhine, T., & Jones, L. (2005). The efficacy of play therapy with children: A meta-analytic review of treatment outcomes. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 36(4), 376-390. doi:10.1037/0735-7028.36.4.376 http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0735-7028.36.4.376
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
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Non-directivity in client-centered therapy
Brodley, B. T. (2006). Non-directivity in client-centered therapy. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 5(1), 36-52. doi:10.1080/14779757.2006.9688391 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14779757.2006.9688391
Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies
, vol.5
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, pp. 36-52
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