Complementary DNA sequencing: Expressed sequence tags and the human genome project
, vol.252
, pp. 1651-1656
Adams, M.D.1
Kelley, J.M.2
Gocayne, J.D.3
Dubnick, M.4
Polymeropoulos, M.H.5
Xiao, H.6
Merril, C.R.7
Wu, A.8
Olde, B.9
Moreno, R.F.10
Kerlavage, A.R.11
McCombie, W.R.12
Venter, J.C.13
Initial assessment of human gene diversity and expression patterns based upon 83 million nucleotides of cDNA sequence
, vol.377
, pp. 3-174
Adams, M.D.1
Kerlavage, A.R.2
Fleischmann, R.D.3
Fuldner, R.A.4
Bult, C.J.5
Lee, N.H.6
Kirkness, E.F.7
Weinstock, K.G.8
Gocayne, J.D.9
White, O.10
Sutton, G.11
Blake, J.A.12
Brandon, R.C.13
Chiu, M.W.14
Clayton, R.A.15
Cline, R.T.16
Cotton, M.D.17
Earle-Hughes, H.18
Fine, L.D.19
FitzGerald, L.M.20
FitzHugh, W.M.21
Fritchman, J.L.22
Geoghagen, N.S.M.23
Glodek, A.24
Gnehm, C.L.25
Hanna, M.C.26
Hedblom, E.27
Hinkle, P.S.J.28
Kelley, J.M.29
Klimek, K.M.30
Kelley, J.C.31
Liu, L.-I.32
Marmaros, S.M.33
Merrick, J.M.34
Moreno-Palanques, R.F.35
McDonald, L.A.36
Nguyen, D.T.37
Pellegrino, S.M.38
Phillips, C.A.39
Ryder, S.E.40
Scott, J.L.41
Saudek, D.M.42
Shirley, R.43
Small, K.V.44
Spriggs, T.A.45
Utterback, T.R.46
Weidman, J.F.47
Li, Y.48
Barthlow, R.49
Bednarik, D.P.50
Cao, L.51
Cepeda, M.A.52
Coleman, T.A.53
Collins, E.-J.54
Dimke, C.55
Hastings, G.A.56
He, W.-W.57
Hu, J.-S.58
Huddleston, K.A.59
Greene, J.M.60
Gruber, J.61
Hudson, P.62
Kim, A.63
Kozak, D.L.64
Kunsch, C.65
Ji, H.66
Li, H.67
Meissner, P.S.68
Olsen, H.69
Raymond, L.70
Wei, Y.-F.71
Wing, J.72
Xu, C.73
Yu, G.-L.74
Ruben, S.M.75
Dillon, P.J.76
Fannon, M.R.77
Rosen, C.A.78
Haseltine, W.A.79
Fields, C.80
Fraser, C.M.81
Venter, J.C.82
The genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster
, vol.287
, pp. 2185-2195
Adams, M.D.1
Celniker, S.E.2
Holt, R.A.3
Evans, C.A.4
Gocayne, J.D.5
Amanatides, P.G.6
Scherer, S.E.7
Li, P.W.8
Hoskins, R.A.9
Galle, R.F.10
George, R.A.11
Lewis, S.E.12
Richards, S.13
Ashburner, M.14
Henderson, S.N.15
Sutton, G.G.16
Wortman, J.R.17
Yandell, M.D.18
Zhang, Q.19
Chen, L.X.20
Brandon, R.C.21
Rogers, Y.H.22
Blazej, R.G.23
Champe, M.24
Pfeiffer, B.D.25
Wan, K.H.26
Doyle, C.27
Baxter, E.G.28
Helt, G.29
Nelson, C.R.30
Gabor, G.L.31
Abril, J.F.32
Agbayani, A.33
An, H.J.34
Andrews-Pfannkoch, C.35
Baldwin, D.36
Ballew, R.M.37
Basu, L.38
Beasley, E.M.39
Beeson, K.Y.40
Benos, P.V.41
Berman, B.P.42
Bhandari, D.43
Bolshakov, S.44
Borkova, D.45
Botchan, M.R.46
Bouck, J.47
A cytidine deaminase expressed in the post-infective L3 stage of the filarial nematode, Brugia pahangi, has a novel RNA-binding activity
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
, vol.88
, pp. 105-114
Anand, S.1
Martin, S.A.M.2
Yu, H.3
MacGinnitie, A.J.4
Devaney, E.5
Davidson, N.O.6
Ancylostoma secreted protein 1 (ASP-1) homologues in human hookworms
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
, vol.98
, pp. 143-149
Bin, Z.1
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Qiang, S.3
Hainan, R.4
Huiqing, Q.5
Wei, H.6
Shu-hua, X.7
Tiehua, L.8
Xing, G.9
Zheng, F.10
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Genes expressed in Brugia malayi infective third stage larvae
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
, vol.77
, pp. 77-96
Blaxter, M.L.1
Raghavan, N.2
Ghosh, I.3
Guiliano, D.4
Lu, W.5
Williams, S.A.6
Slatko, B.7
Scott, A.L.8
The Filarial Genome Project
Brussels: Commission of the European Community
COST 819
, pp. 47-58
Blaxter, M.L.1
Daub, J.2
Waterfall, M.3
Guiliano, D.4
Williams, S.5
Jayaraman, K.6
Ramzy, R.7
Slatko, B.8
Scott, A.9
Genome sequence of Caenorhabditis elegans: A platform for investigating biology
C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium
, vol.282
, pp. 2012-2018
How the worm was won
C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium
Trends in Genetics
, vol.15
, pp. 51-58
Chemiluminescent detection of sequential DNA hybridizations to high-density, filter-arrayed cDNA libraries: A subtraction method for novel gene discovery
, vol.27
, pp. 146-152
Guiliano, D.1
Ganatra, M.2
Ware, J.3
Parrot, J.4
Daub, J.5
Moran, L.6
Brennecke, H.7
Foster, J.M.8
Supali, T.9
Blaxter, M.10
Scott, A.L.11
Williams, S.A.12
Slatko, B.E.13
Endosymbiotic bacteria in the filarial nematode Litomosoides sigmodontis are targets for tetracycline therapy which results in filarial immunity
Journal of Clinical Investigation
, vol.103
, pp. 11-18
Hoerauf, A.1
Nissen-Pähle, K.2
Schmetz, C.3
Henkle-Dührsen, K.4
Blaxter, M.L.5
Büttner, D.6
Al-Quaoud, K.M.7
Lucius, R.8
Fleischer, B.9
Targeting of Wolbachia endobacteria in Litomosoides sigmodontis: Comparison of tetracyclines with chloramphenicol, macrolides and ciprofloxacin
Tropical Medicine and International Health
, vol.5
, pp. 275-279
Hoerauf, A.1
Volkmann, L.2
Nissen-Paehle, K.3
Schmetz, C.4
Autenrieth, I.5
Büttner, D.W.6
Fleischer, B.7
The cuticle of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: A complex collagen structure
, vol.16
, pp. 1-8
Johnstone, I.L.1
Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome
, vol.409
, pp. 860-921
Lander, E.S.1
Linton, L.M.2
Birren, B.3
Nusbaum, C.4
Zody, M.C.5
Baldwin, J.6
Devon, K.7
Dewar, K.8
Doyle, M.9
FitzHugh, W.10
Funke, R.11
Gage, D.12
Harris, K.13
Heaford, A.14
Howland, J.15
Kann, L.16
Lehoczky, J.17
LeVine, R.18
McEwan, P.19
McKernan, K.20
Meldrim, J.21
Mesirov, J.P.22
Miranda, C.23
Morris, W.24
Naylor, J.25
Raymond, C.26
Rosetti, M.27
Santos, R.28
Sheridan, A.29
Sougnez, C.30
Stange-Thomann, N.31
Stojanovic, N.32
Subramanian, A.33
Wyman, D.34
Rogers, J.35
Sulston, J.36
Ainscough, R.37
Beck, S.38
Bentley, D.39
Burton, J.40
Clee, R.41
Deloukas, P.42
Dunham, A.43
Dunham, I.44
Durbin, R.45
French, L.46
Grafham, D.47
Gregory, S.48
Hubbard, T.49
Humphray, S.50
Hunt, A.51
Jones, M.52
Lloyd, C.53
McMurray, A.54
Matthews, L.55
Mercer, S.56
Milne, S.57
Mullikin, J.C.58
Mungall, A.59
Plumb, R.60
Ross, M.61
Shownkeen, R.H.62
Wilson, R.K.63
Hillier, L.W.64
McPherson, J.D.65
Marra, M.A.66
Mardis, E.R.67
Fulton, L.A.68
Chinwalla, A.T.69
Pepin, K.H.70
Gish, W.R.71
Chissoe, S.L.72
Wendl, M.C.73
Delehaunty, K.D.74
Miner, T.L.75
Delehaunty, A.76
Kramer, J.B.77
Cook L.L. Fulton, R.S.78
Johnson, D.L.79
Minx, P.J.80
Clifton, S.W.81
Hawkins, T.82
Branscomb, E.83
Predki, P.84
Richardson, P.85
Wenning, S.86
Slezak, T.87
Doggett, N.88
Cheng, J.F.89
Olsen, A.90
Lucas, S.91
Elkin, C.92
Uberbacher, E.93
Frazier, M.94
Gibbs, R.A.95
Muzny, D.M.96
Scherer, S.E.97
Bouck, J.B.98
Sodergren, E.J.99
Worley, K.C.100
Rives, C.M.101
Gorrell, J.H.102
Metzker, M.L.103
Naylor, S.L.104
Kucherlapati, R.S.105
Nelson, D.L.106
Weinstock, G.M.107
Sakaki, Y.108
Fujiyama, A.109
Hattori, M.110
Yada, T.111
Toyoda, A.112
Itoh, T.113
Kawagoe, C.114
Watanabe, H.115
Totoki, Y.116
Taylor, T.117
Weissenbach, J.118
Heilig, R.119
Saurin, W.120
Artiguenave, F.121
Brottier, P.122
Bruls, T.123
Pelletier, E.124
Robert, C.125
Wincker, P.126
Smith, D.R.127
Doucette-Stamm, L.128
Rubenfield, M.129
Weinstock, K.130
Lee, H.M.131
Dubois, J.132
Rosenthal, A.133
Platzer, M.134
Nyakatura, G.135
Taudien, S.136
Rump, A.137
Yang, H.138
Yu, I.139
Wang, J.140
Huang, G.141
Gu, J.142
Hood, L.143
Rowen, L.144
Madan, A.145
Qin, S.146
Davis, R.W.147
Federspiel, N.A.148
Abola, A.P.149
Proctor, M.J.150
Myers, R.M.151
Schmutz, J.152
Dickson, M.153
Grimwood, J.154
Cox, D.R.155
Olson, M.V.156
Kaul, R.157
Shimizu, N.158
Kawasaki, K.159
Minoshima, S.160
Evans, G.A.161
Athanasiou, M.162
Schultz, R.163
Roe, B.A.164
Chen, F.165
Caenorhabditis elegans expressed sequence tags identify gene families and potential disease gene homologues
Nature Genetics
, vol.1
, pp. 124-131
McCombie, W.R.1
Adams, M.D.2
Kelley, J.M.3
FitzGerald, M.G.4
Utterback, T.R.5
Khan, M.6
Dubnick, M.7
Kerlavage, A.R.8
Venter, J.C.9
Fields, C.10
Identification of novel sequences and codon usage in Strongyloides stercoralis
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
, vol.79
, pp. 243-248
Moore, T.A.1
Ramachandran, S.2
Gam, A.A.3
Neva, F.A.4
Lu, W.5
Saunders, L.6
Williams, S.A.7
Nutman, T.B.8
Cloning of a new gene encoding an antigen recognized by melanoma-specific HLA-A24-restricted tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
Journal of Immunology
, vol.154
, pp. 5944-5950
Robbins, P.F.1
el-Gamil, M.2
Li, Y.F.3
Topalian, S.L.4
Rivoltini, L.5
Sakaguchi, K.6
Appella, E.7
Kawakami, Y.8
Rosenberg, S.A.9
A survey of expressed genes in Caenorhabditis elegans
Nature Genetics
, vol.1
, pp. 114-123
Waterston, R.1
Martin, C.2
Craxton, M.3
Huynh, C.4
Coulson, A.5
Hillier, L.6
Durbin, R.7
Green, P.8
Shownkeen, R.9
Halloran, N.10
Metzstein, M.11
Hawkins, T.12
Wilson, R.13
Berks, M.14
Du, Z.15
Thomas, K.16
Thierry-Mieg, J.17
Sulston, J.18
The filarial genome project: Analysis of the nuclear, mitochondrial and endosymbiont genomes of Brugia malayi
International Journal for Parasitology
, vol.30
, pp. 411-419
Williams, S.A.1
Lizotte-Waniewski, M.R.2
Foster, J.3
Guiliano, D.4
Daub, J.5
Scott, A.L.6
Slatko, B.7
Blaxter, M.L.8