Identification of Degradation Mechanisms in Bipolar Linear Voltage Comparator Through Correlation o Transistor and Circuit Response, presented at NSREC 1999.
H. Barnaby, R, Schiïmpf, P. Cole, T. Tuiflinger, J. Krieg, J Titus. D. Emily, M. Gehlhausen, S. Witczak, M- Mäher and D Van Mort, Identification of Degradation Mechanisms in Bipolar Linear Voltage Comparator Through Correlation o Transistor and Circuit Response, presented at NSREC 1999.
R, Schiïmpf, P. Cole, T. Tuiflinger, J. Krieg, J Titus. D. Emily, M. Gehlhausen, S. Witczak, M- Mäher and D Van Mort
Barnaby, H.1
p. 1650, December 1995.
|4J A. Johnston, B. Rax and C. Lee, Enhanced Damage in Linea Bipolar Integrated Circuits at Low Dose Rate, IEEE Tran Nucl. Sei. NS-42, No. 6, p. 1650, December 1995.
B. Rax and C. Lee, Enhanced Damage in Linea Bipolar Integrated Circuits at Low Dose Rate, IEEE Tran Nucl. Sei. NS-42, No. 6
Johnston, J.A.1
p. 3049, December 1996
A. Johnston, C. Lee and B. Rax, Enhanced Damage in Bipolar Devices at Low Dose Rates: Effects at Very Low Dose Rates, IEEE Tran. Niict. Sei. NS-43, No. 6, p. 3049, December 1996
C. Lee and B. Rax, Enhanced Damage in Bipolar Devices at Low Dose Rates: Effects at Very Low Dose Rates, IEEE Tran. Niict. Sei. NS-43, No. 6
Johnston, A.1
p. 28, 1990
R. Pease, W. Combs, A. Johnston, T. Carrière and S. McClurc, A Compendium of Recent Total Dose Data on Bipolar Linear Microcircuits, 1996 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop Record, p. 28, 1990
W. Combs, A. Johnston, T. Carrière and S. McClurc, A Compendium of Recent Total Dose Data on Bipolar Linear Microcircuits, 1996 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop Record
Pease, R.1
p. 1981, December 1997
R. Pease, L. Cohn, D. Fleetwood, M. Gehlhausen, T. Ttirflinger, D. Brown and A. Johnston, A Proposed Hardness Assurance Methodology for Bipolar Linear Circuits and Devices in a Space Ionizing Radiation Environment, IEEE Iran. Nucl. Sei., NS-44, No. 6, p. 1981, December 1997
L. Cohn, D. Fleetwood, M. Gehlhausen, T. Ttirflinger, D. Brown and A. Johnston, A Proposed Hardness Assurance Methodology for Bipolar Linear Circuits and Devices in A Space Ionizing Radiation Environment, IEEE Iran. Nucl. Sei., NS-44, No. 6
Pease, R.1
p. 2665, December 1998
R. Pease, M. Gehlhauseni J. Krieg, J. Titus, T. Turflinger, D. Emily and L. Cohn, Evaluation of Proposed Hardness Assurance Method for Bipolar Linear Circuits with Enhanced Low Dose Rate Sensitivity, IEEE Tran. Nucl. Sei. NS-45, No. 6, p. 2665, December 1998
M. Gehlhauseni J. Krieg, J. Titus, T. Turflinger, D. Emily and L. Cohn, Evaluation of Proposed Hardness Assurance Method for Bipolar Linear Circuits with Enhanced Low Dose Rate Sensitivity, IEEE Tran. Nucl. Sei. NS-45, No. 6
Pease, R.1
R. Freitag and D. Brown, Study of Low-Dose-Rate Radiatio Effects on Commercial Linear Bipolar ICs, IEEE Tran. Nucl Sei. NS-45, No. 6, p. 2649, December 1998.
Study of Low-Dose-Rate Radiatio Effects on Commercial Linear Bipolar ICs, IEEE Tran. Nucl Sei. NS-45, No. 6, P. 2649, December 1998.
Freitag, R.1
Brown, D.2
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National Semiconductor, An 1C Voltage Comparator for Hig Impedance Circuitry, National Semiconductor Cor Application Note LB-12, dated January 1970.
An 1C Voltage Comparator for Hig Impedance Circuitry
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W. Price and A. Stanley, Hardening of MJS77 Spacecraf against the Jupiter Radiation Belts, IEEE Tran. Nucl. Sei, NS 23, No. 6, pp. 2669, December 1975.
Hardening of MJS77 Spacecraf Against the Jupiter Radiation Belts, IEEE Tran. Nucl. Sei, NS 23, No. 6
Price, W.1
Stanley, A.2
pp. 1756, December 1976.
L. Palkuti, L. Sivo and R. Grccgor, Process Investigations o Total-Dose Hard, Type-108 Op-Amps, IEEE Tmn. Nucl. Sei. NS-23, No. 6, pp. 1756, December 1976.
L. Sivo and R. Grccgor, Process Investigations O Total-Dose Hard, Type-108 Op-Amps, IEEE Tmn. Nucl. Sei. NS-23, No. 6
Palkuti, L.1
pp. 4769, December 1979.
A. Johnston, C. Lancaster, A Total Dose Homogeneity Stud of thelOSA Operational Amplifier, IEEE Tran. Nucl. Sei., NS 26, No. 6, pp. 4769, December 1979.
C. Lancaster, A Total Dose Homogeneity Stud of ThelOSA Operational Amplifier, IEEE Tran. Nucl. Sei., NS 26, No. 6
Johnston, A.1
p. 3032, December 1996.
D. Schmidt, A. Wu, R. Schrimpf, D. Fleetwood and R. Pease Modeling Ionizing Radiation Induced Gain Degradation of th Lateral PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor, IEEE Tran. Nucl. Sei NS-43, No. 6, p. 3032, December 1996.
A. Wu, R. Schrimpf, D. Fleetwood and R. Pease Modeling Ionizing Radiation Induced Gain Degradation of Th Lateral PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor, IEEE Tran. Nucl. Sei NS-43, No. 6
Schmidt, D.1
A. Wu,.R. Schrimpf, H. Barnaby, D. Fleetwood, R. Pease and S Kosier, Radiation-Induced Gain Degradation in Lateral PN BJTs with Lightly and Heavily Doped Emitters, IEEE Tran Nucl. Set. NS-44, No. 6, p. 1914, December 1997
H. Barnaby, D. Fleetwood, R. Pease and S Kosier, Radiation-Induced Gain Degradation in Lateral PN BJTs with Lightly and Heavily Doped Emitters, IEEE Tran Nucl. Set. NS-44, No. 6, P. 1914, December 1997
Wu, A.1
Schrimpf, R.2
New York: Wiley, (ISBN 0-471 -52277-5)
W. Nelson, Accelerated Testing, Statistical Models, Teat Plans, and Dam Analysis, New York: Wiley, (ISBN 0-471 -52277-5)
Accelerated Testing, Statistical Models, Teat Plans, and Dam Analysis
Nelson, W.1