The effect of a 13-hour curriculum to improve residents' teaching skills: A randomized trial
Morrison EH, Rucker L, Boker JR, et al: The effect of a 13-hour curriculum to improve residents' teaching skills: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med2004; 141:257-263
American Psychiatric Association: American Psychiatric Association Committee on Graduate Education: 2001-2002. Psychiatric Residents as Teachers: A Practical Guide. Available at EducationCareerDevelopment/ ResidentsMembersinTraining/residentasteacher.aspx? FT-.pdf
American Psychiatric Association: American Psychiatric Association Committee on Graduate Education: 2001-2002. Psychiatric Residents as Teachers: A Practical Guide. Available at EducationCareerDevelopment/ ResidentsMembersinTraining/residentasteacher.aspx? FT-.pdf
Graduate Medical Education (GME) Committee of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC): The Resident Teaching Skills Website
University of California-Irvine and Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC Available at
Graduate Medical Education (GME) Committee of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC): The Resident Teaching Skills Website. Bringing Education and Service Together (BEST). University of California-Irvine and Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC. Available at
Change in residents' perceptions of teaching: Following a one-day Residents as Teachers" (RasT) workshop
Aiyer M, Woods G, Lombard G, et al: Change in residents' perceptions of teaching: following a one-day "Residents as Teachers" (RasT) workshop. Southern Med J 2008; 101:495-502