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Volumn 46, Issue 9, 2007, Pages 1419-1422

Observation of Cu2+-H2 interactions in a fully desolvated socialite-type metal-organic framework

Author keywords

Copper; Hydrogen metal organic frameworks; Microporous materials; Neutron diffraction

Indexed keywords


EID: 34250017616     PISSN: 14337851     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1002/anie.200604362     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (376)

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    • Crystallographic analysis: 2 (C90H24Cl 3Cu13N102O18, Mr, 3754.48, green crystal, 0.36 x 0.28 x 0.24 mm3, cubic, space group Pm3m (no. 221, a, 18.595(7) Å, V =6430(4) Å3, Z, 1, F(000, 1850, ρcalcd, 0.970 g cm-3, μMoKα, 1.136 mm-1, λ-(MoKα, 0.71073 Å, T, 159(2) K, 18413 reflections collected (2θmax, 44.83°, 953 independent (Rint, 0.0869, 0 restraints, 62 parameters, wR2, 0.1538 (I > 2σ(I, wR2, 0.1650 (all data, R1, 0.0726 (I > 2 σI, GOF, 1.086. A crystal of 2 was coated with Paratone-N oil, attached to a Kapton loop, transferred to a Siemens SMART APEX diffractometer, and cooled in a nitro
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