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Final Report on Women's Equality and Nationality in International Law (London: International Law Association, 2000). Article 9 of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, on nationality, remains one of the most heavily reserved of the treaty's provisions. For the full text of reservations, see (last visited 15 October
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Belgium is the most recent state to consider legislation imposing a general restriction on the wearing of the burqua or niqab in public spaces. The bill, approved unanimously by the lower chamber's Home Affairs Committee on 31 March 2010, would make it a crime to be in a public place with one's face partially or wholly concealed in a way that would make identification impossible. Violators would be subject to a fine of 15 to 25 euros and/or a prison sentence of one to seven days. Twenty out of 589 municipalities in Belgium already prohibit wearing full Muslim veils in public. Similar local restrictions exist in parts of Italy and the Netherlands. See: Human Rights Watch, Belgium, 'Muslim Veil Ban Would Violate Rights' (Brussels, 21 April) at (last visited 15 October 2010). See also n 2 above at 71
Belgium is the most recent state to consider legislation imposing a general restriction on the wearing of the burqua or niqab in public spaces. The bill, approved unanimously by the lower chamber's Home Affairs Committee on 31 March 2010, would make it a crime to be in a public place with one's face partially or wholly concealed in a way that would make identification impossible. Violators would be subject to a fine of 15 to 25 euros and/or a prison sentence of one to seven days. Twenty out of 589 municipalities in Belgium already prohibit wearing full Muslim veils in public. Similar local restrictions exist in parts of Italy and the Netherlands. See: Human Rights Watch, Belgium, 'Muslim Veil Ban Would Violate Rights' (Brussels, 21 April) at (last visited 15 October 2010). See also n 2 above at 712010
In France, see: Loi no 2003-1119 relative à la maîtrise de l'immigration, au séjour des étrangers en France et à la nationalité of 26 November 2003 and Loi no 2006-911 relative à l'immigration et à l'integration. See also: Loi no 2007-1631 relative à la maîtrise de l'immigration, à l'intégration et à l'asile of 20 November 2007, introducing the Contrat d'acceuil et d'intégration pour la famille (CAIF), Article 7. At EU level, see: Council Directive concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents, 2003/109, [2004] OJ L 16/44, 23.1.2004 and; Council Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 September 2003 on the Right to Family Reunification, OJ L 251/12, 3.10.2003. For commentary, see: S. Carrera, In Search of the Perfect Citizen: The Intersection Between Integration, Immigration, and Nationality in the EU (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009) ch 6 and; M. Beaujeau, 'Le modèle français d'intégration dans tous ses états: Entre réaffirmations républicaines et tentations populistes' () 10 International Journal on Multicultural Societies 27. On developments on family reunification at the EU level, see: D. Kostakopoulou, S. Carrera and M. Jesse, 'Doing and Deserving: Competing Frames of Integration in the EU' in E. Guild et al, n 5 above.2008
Earning the right to citizenship, by speaking English, working hard and paying taxes, obeying the law and demonstrating 'active citizenship' is at the centre of a new 'architecture' of citizenship, introduced in the UK Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009. See further: D. Kirwan, 'Becoming a British Citizen: A Learning Journey'Citizenship Review (December 2007) at (last visited 18 October 2010); UK Home Office Secure Borders, Safe Havens: Integration with Diversity in Modern Britain (CM 5387, 2002); Impact Assessment of Earned Citizenship Proposals Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Bill, 15 January 2009 at (last visited 18 October
Earning the right to citizenship, by speaking English, working hard and paying taxes, obeying the law and demonstrating 'active citizenship' is at the centre of a new 'architecture' of citizenship, introduced in the UK Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009. See further: D. Kirwan, 'Becoming a British Citizen: A Learning Journey'Citizenship Review (December 2007) at (last visited 18 October 2010); UK Home Office Secure Borders, Safe Havens: Integration with Diversity in Modern Britain (CM 5387, 2002); Impact Assessment of Earned Citizenship Proposals Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Bill, 15 January 2009 at (last visited 18 October 2010
See: Leyla Sahin v Turkey (Application no 44774/98), Grand Chamber Judgment of 10 November 2005, (2005) 19 BHRC 590; Dogru v France App 27058/05 [2008] ECHR 1579 (4 December 2008); R (Begum) v Head Teacher and Governors of Denbigh High School 1 AC 100, discussed further below
See: Leyla Sahin v Turkey (Application no 44774/98), Grand Chamber Judgment of 10 November 2005, (2005) 19 BHRC 590; Dogru v France App 27058/05 [2008] ECHR 1579 (4 December 2008); R (Begum) v Head Teacher and Governors of Denbigh High School 1 AC 100, discussed further below2008
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Décision du Conseil d'État du 27 Juin 2008, available at n 2 above, 642
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See for example, CERD General Recommendation XXX, pt 4. See also: D. S. Weissbrodt, The Human Rights of Non-Citizens (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press,). At EU level, see Chakroun v Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, C-578/08, European Court of Justice, 4 March 2010, on the lawfulness of integration abroad requirements imposed by the Netherlands in the context of the Family Reunification Directive, (Council Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 September 2003 on the right to family reunification)2008
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20 above, Exposé des Motifs.
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ibid. This latter reference, in particular, is strange, suggesting that if Mme M had preferred to be attended by a female gynaecologist, a further failing of assimilation would have been found. It highlights the heightened surveillance of the immigrant woman by the State.
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2/6 ssr, 3 février 1999, Mme EY au rapport de Mme de Margerie, cited in Conclusions n 77 above, 3. The Conseil d'État had remained somewhat above the political fray, in debates on the wearing of the veil, repeatedly seeking to limit the impact of new legislative restrictions on religious dress. See for example: Avis du Conseil d'État 27 November 1989 No 346893, described as a 'Solomonic judgment'. S. Benhabib and others, Another Cosmopolitanism (New York and Oxford: Berkeley Tanner lectures, Oxford University Press.
2/6 ssr, 3 février 1999, Mme EY au rapport de Mme de Margerie, cited in Conclusions n 77 above, 3. The Conseil d'État had remained somewhat above the political fray, in debates on the wearing of the veil, repeatedly seeking to limit the impact of new legislative restrictions on religious dress. See for example: Avis du Conseil d'État 27 November 1989 No 346893, described as a 'Solomonic judgment'. S. Benhabib and others, Another Cosmopolitanism (New York and Oxford: Berkeley Tanner lectures, Oxford University Press, 2006 55-56
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Bauberot, J.1
P. Weil, n 86 above
P. Weil, n 86 above
For a fuller discussion of these points, see: P. Kahn, n 29 above; E. M. Daly, n 29 above; J. Myard, (ed), La Laïcité au Coeur de la Republique' (proceedings of colloquium at French National Assembly, 23 May 2003), (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2003); E. Poulat, Liberté, Laïcité (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1987); H. Pena-Ruiz, Dieu et Marianne: Philosophie de la Laïcité (Paris: PUF.
For a fuller discussion of these points, see: P. Kahn, n 29 above; E. M. Daly, n 29 above; J. Myard, (ed), La Laïcité au Coeur de la Republique' (proceedings of colloquium at French National Assembly, 23 May 2003), (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2003); E. Poulat, Liberté, Laïcité (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1987); H. Pena-Ruiz, Dieu et Marianne: Philosophie de la Laïcité (Paris: PUF, 1999
See P. Weil, n 86 above
See P. Weil, n 86 above
'L'integrisme Republicain Contre la Laïcité' (La Tour d'Aigues, Éditions de l'Aube;
J. Bauberot 'L'integrisme Republicain Contre la Laïcité' (La Tour d'Aigues, Éditions de l'Aube; 2006
Bauberot, J.1
Prime Minister Raffarin, addressing the Assemblée Nationale, 148th session 3 February
Prime Minister Raffarin, addressing the Assemblée Nationale, 148th session 3 February 2004
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LOI no 2005-158 du 23 février 2005 portant reconnaissance de la Nation et contribution nationale en faveur des Français rapatriés at (last visited 16 October 2010
A petition, protesting the law gathered more than 1000 signatories from historians. The petition was coordinated by: Ligue des droits de l'Homme; Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l'Amitié entre les Peuples (MRAP); Syndicat de la magistrature; Association française des anthropologues; Fédération de l'éducation, de la recherche et de la culture CGT (FERC-CGT); Institut Charles-André Julien; Association Les amis de Max Marchand, de Mouloud Feraoun et de leurs compagnons; Collectif Haïti de France
A petition, protesting the law gathered more than 1000 signatories from historians. The petition was coordinated by: Ligue des droits de l'Homme; Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l'Amitié entre les Peuples (MRAP); Syndicat de la magistrature; Association française des anthropologues; Fédération de l'éducation, de la recherche et de la culture CGT (FERC-CGT); Institut Charles-André Julien; Association Les amis de Max Marchand, de Mouloud Feraoun et de leurs compagnons; Collectif Haïti de France
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C. Joppke,A New Politics of Identity: Political Principles for an Interdependent World n 3 above and B. Parekh, (Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008
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C. Joppke, n 3 above.
C. Joppke, n 3 above, 115
The full text of the reservation is available at (last visited 18 October
The full text of the reservation is available at (last visited 18 October 2010
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Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee: France UN Doc CCPR/C/FRA/CO/4 31 July para 112008
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Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child: France UN Doc CRC/C/FRA/CO/4 11 June para
Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child: France UN Doc CRC/C/FRA/CO/4 11 June para 1012009
, pp. 101
CRC Committee Concluding Observations: France UN Doc CRC/C/15/Add.240 30 June paras
CRC Committee Concluding Observations: France UN Doc CRC/C/15/Add.240 30 June paras 25-262004
, pp. 25-26
ibid. References to common religious symbols leave open the possibility that the treaty bodies might find differently if the symbols or dress in question were less common, and presumably more threatening to dominant cultural norms, and ways of life. This possibility was explicitly suggested by Human Rights Committee member, Ruth Wedgewood, in Hudoyberganova v Uzbekistan, in which the Committee found the respondent state to have violated article 18(2) of the ICCPR, by excluding the applicant from attending a state university while wearing the hijab. In an individual opinion, Wedgewood commented that states may be permitted to restrict forms of dress that 'directly interfere with effective pedagogy' and noted that the 'covering of a student's face would present 'a different set of facts
ibid. References to common religious symbols leave open the possibility that the treaty bodies might find differently if the symbols or dress in question were less common, and presumably more threatening to dominant cultural norms, and ways of life. This possibility was explicitly suggested by Human Rights Committee member, Ruth Wedgewood, in Hudoyberganova v Uzbekistan, in which the Committee found the respondent state to have violated article 18(2) of the ICCPR, by excluding the applicant from attending a state university while wearing the hijab. In an individual opinion, Wedgewood commented that states may be permitted to restrict forms of dress that 'directly interfere with effective pedagogy' and noted that the 'covering of a student's face would present 'a different set of facts
n 101 above, para
n 101 above, para 7
Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: France 18/04/ UN Doc CERD/C/FRA/CO/16
Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: France 18/04/ UN Doc CERD/C/FRA/CO/162005
CEDAW Committee Concluding Observations: France, Sixth Periodic Report UN Doc CEDAW/C/FRA/CO/6, paragraphs 21-22. The Committee also expressed concern in relation to Turkey's ban on the Islamic headscarf in schools and universities, and has recommended that the State monitor the impact of the ban, and compile information on the number of women and girls who have been excluded because of its implementation. CEDAW Committee, Concluding Observations: Turkey Combined Fourth and Fifth Periodic Reports, UN Doc A/60/38 part I
CEDAW Committee Concluding Observations: France, Sixth Periodic Report UN Doc CEDAW/C/FRA/CO/6, paragraphs 21-22. The Committee also expressed concern in relation to Turkey's ban on the Islamic headscarf in schools and universities, and has recommended that the State monitor the impact of the ban, and compile information on the number of women and girls who have been excluded because of its implementation. CEDAW Committee, Concluding Observations: Turkey Combined Fourth and Fifth Periodic Reports, UN Doc A/60/38 part I2005
For a recent discussion of France's position on the collection of data relating to ethnicity, see: Le Comité pour la mesure et l'évaluation de la diversité et des discriminations (Comedd), Final Report (5 February 2010) at (last visited 16 October
For a recent discussion of France's position on the collection of data relating to ethnicity, see: Le Comité pour la mesure et l'évaluation de la diversité et des discriminations (Comedd), Final Report (5 February 2010) at (last visited 16 October 2010
UN Human Rights Committee, General Comment No 28, Equality of rights between men and women (article 3) CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.10 (2000) para 13 at (last visited 16 October
UN Human Rights Committee, General Comment No 28, Equality of rights between men and women (article 3) CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.10 (2000) para 13 at (last visited 16 October 2010
Diversity and Self-determination in International Law (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press,) 358. It is this aspect of cultural rights that also informed the Committee's findings in Lovelace v Canada Communication No 24/77, formerly Communication No R.6/24, GAOR 36th session, Supplement No 40, UN Doc A/36/40(1981) 166, a case that goes beyond the sometimes too easy invocation of exit, as the solution to feminism/multiculturalism disputes. In Lovelace the Committee highlighted Lovelace's right to enjoy her culture in community with others, without being subject to discriminatory laws of exclusion, that required her to choose between exit or cultural membership
K. Knop, Diversity and Self-determination in International Law (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press,) 358. It is this aspect of cultural rights that also informed the Committee's findings in Lovelace v Canada Communication No 24/77, formerly Communication No R.6/24, GAOR 36th session, Supplement No 40, UN Doc A/36/40(1981) 166, a case that goes beyond the sometimes too easy invocation of exit, as the solution to feminism/multiculturalism disputes. In Lovelace the Committee highlighted Lovelace's right to enjoy her culture in community with others, without being subject to discriminatory laws of exclusion, that required her to choose between exit or cultural membership2002
Knop, K.1
Report submitted by Asma Jahangir, Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Mission to France, (18 to 29 September) UN Doc E/CN.4/2006/5/Add.4, para
Report submitted by Asma Jahangir, Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Mission to France, (18 to 29 September) UN Doc E/CN.4/2006/5/Add.4, para 672005
, pp. 67
See: Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: France, UN Doc A/HRC/8/47 3 June para 21 and para
See: Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: France, UN Doc A/HRC/8/47 3 June para 21 and para 382008
, pp. 38
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: FRANCE - Addendum, Response of France to the recommendations made during the Universal Periodic Review on 14 May 2008, UN Doc A/HRC/8/47/Add.1 25 August, para
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: FRANCE - Addendum, Response of France to the recommendations made during the Universal Periodic Review on 14 May 2008, UN Doc A/HRC/8/47/Add.1 25 Augustk, para 752008
, pp. 75
This term is borrowed from M. Malik, Muslim Legal Norms and the Integration of European Muslims RSCAS 2009/29, EUI Working Paper at (last visited 18 October
This term is borrowed from M. Malik, Muslim Legal Norms and the Integration of European Muslims RSCAS 2009/29, EUI Working Paper at (last visited 18 October 2010
On 30 June 2009, a Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights declared inadmissible six applications lodged against France concerning the expulsion of pupils from school for wearing conspicuous symbols of religious affiliation: see Aktas v France Application No 43563/08; Gamaleddyn v France Application No 18527/08; Baurak v France Application No 14308/08; Ghazal v France Application No 29134/08; J. Singh v France Application No 25463/08; and R. Singh v France Application No 27561/08. El Morsli v France Application No 15585/06, Decision of 4 March, concerned a refusal to remove a veil so that identity could be verified at a French consulate in Marrakesh. The applicant's article 9 complaint was held to be manifestly ill-founded
On 30 June 2009, a Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights declared inadmissible six applications lodged against France concerning the expulsion of pupils from school for wearing conspicuous symbols of religious affiliation: see Aktas v France Application No 43563/08; Gamaleddyn v France Application No 18527/08; Baurak v France Application No 14308/08; Ghazal v France Application No 29134/08; J. Singh v France Application No 25463/08; and R. Singh v France Application No 27561/08. El Morsli v France Application No 15585/06, Decision of 4 March, concerned a refusal to remove a veil so that identity could be verified at a French consulate in Marrakesh. The applicant's article 9 complaint was held to be manifestly ill-founded2008
Dogru v France App 27058/05 [2008] ECHR 1579 (4 December
Dogru v France App 27058/05 [2008] ECHR 1579 (4 December 2008
ibid at citing paragraph 106 of Sahin judgment n 30 above
ibid at citing paragraph 106 of Sahin judgment n 30 above62
ibid at citing paragraph 107 of the Sahin judgment62
The Court refused to assess the severity of the penalty applied to the pupils, noting that it did not wish 'to substitute its own vision for that of the disciplinary authorities' which were best placed to 'evaluate local needs and conditions'ibid at [76]. The Court also held that no separate question arose under the right to education (Protocol 1, Article 2), as the circumstances were the same as those arising under Article 9 (freedom of religion)
The Court refused to assess the severity of the penalty applied to the pupils, noting that it did not wish 'to substitute its own vision for that of the disciplinary authorities' which were best placed to 'evaluate local needs and conditions'ibid at [76]. The Court also held that no separate question arose under the right to education (Protocol 1, Article 2), as the circumstances were the same as those arising under Article 9 (freedom of religion)
R (Begum) v Head Teacher and Governors of Denbigh High School 1 AC 100
R (Begum) v Head Teacher and Governors of Denbigh High School 1 AC 1002007
'The European Convention on Human Rights and church-state relations:n 30 above, at See further: pluralism vs. pluralism (200809) 30(6) Cardozo Law Review 2575
F. Tulkens, 'The European Convention on Human Rights and church-state relations:n 30 above, at See further: pluralism vs. pluralism (200809) 30(6) Cardozo Law Review 2575122
Tulkens, F.1
n 30 above, Dissenting opinion of Judge Tulkens at
n 30 above, Dissenting opinion of Judge Tulkens at 5
ibid Dissenting Opinion of Justice Tulkens, at
ibid Dissenting Opinion of Justice Tulkens, at 3
'Human Rights, Religion and Democracy.
the Refah Partisi case' (2004) 1 Essex Human Rights Review 1, cited in D. McGoldrick n 50 above.
K. Boyle, 'Human Rights, Religion and Democracy: the Refah Partisi case' (2004) 1 Essex Human Rights Review 1, cited in D. McGoldrick n 50 above, 612
Boyle, K.1
Application no 41135/98 date of judgment 23 Feb 2010. See also Lautsi v Italy, Application no. 30814/06, 1 March
Application no 41135/98 date of judgment 23 Feb 2010. See also Lautsi v Italy, Application no. 30814/06, 1 March 2010
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S. Benhabib, The Rights of Others: Aliens, Residents and Citizens (Cambridge: John Robert Seeley lectures, Cambridge University Press,2004142
, pp. 142
Benhabib, S.1
See: Common Basic Principles (CBP) for Immigrant Integration Policy in the European Union, adopted by at the Justice and Home Affairs Council Meeting 2618m 14614/04, 19 November 2004; Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social committee and the Committee of the Regions -A Common Agenda for Integration-Framework for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals in the European Union (COM/2005/0389 final); Council Conclusions on the Strengthening of Integration Policies in the EU by promoting unity in diversity, adopted at the 2807th Justice and Home Affairs Council Meeting, Luxembourg, 12-13 June
See: Common Basic Principles (CBP) for Immigrant Integration Policy in the European Union, adopted by at the Justice and Home Affairs Council Meeting 2618m 14614/04, 19 November 2004; Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social committee and the Committee of the Regions -A Common Agenda for Integration-Framework for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals in the European Union (COM/2005/0389 final); Council Conclusions on the Strengthening of Integration Policies in the EU by promoting unity in diversity, adopted at the 2807th Justice and Home Affairs Council Meeting, Luxembourg, 12-13 June 2007
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See M. Beaujeau, n 16 above
See M. Beaujeau, n 16 above
n 16 above, discussed in S. Carrera, n 16 above. See also P. Weil, n 82 above
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Article 7.2 of the Council Directive on the Right to Family Reunification /86 permits Member States to require third country nationals to comply with integration measures. As Carrera notes, the term measures is distinct from conditions, suggesting that Member States would not be justified in imposing mandatory integration requirements to limit access to EU rights and guarantees provided by the Directive. See S. Carrera, ibid
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