The text of Jack Straw's column, originally published in Lancashire Telegraph, is available at: http://politics.guardian.co.uk/homeaffairs/ story/0,,1889231,00.html.
The text of Jack Straw's column, originally published in Lancashire Telegraph, is available at: http://politics.guardian.co.uk/homeaffairs/ story/0,,1889231,00.html.
BBC Online News, 'No discrimination in veil row', 19 October 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/england/bradford/ 6066726.stm. Aishah Azmi lost her appeal in the Employment Appeal Tribunal in March 2007, Appeal no. UKEAT/0009/07/MAA.
BBC Online News, '"No discrimination" in veil row', 19 October 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/england/bradford/ 6066726.stm. Aishah Azmi lost her appeal in the Employment Appeal Tribunal in March 2007, Appeal no. UKEAT/0009/07/MAA.
Should the veil be banned in schools?
20 March, available at
BBC Online News,'Should the veil be banned in schools?', 20 March 2007, available at: http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/.
BBC Online News
Throughout the article, the terms 'Islamic dress','hijab'and 'Muslim' or 'Islamic dress codes' are used interchangeably and refer to a wide range of clothes. This is not to erase differences between them, but to emphasise the common themes running through the jurisprudence and public debate.
Throughout the article, the terms 'Islamic dress','hijab'and 'Muslim' or 'Islamic dress codes' are used interchangeably and refer to a wide range of clothes. This is not to erase differences between them, but to emphasise the common themes running through the jurisprudence and public debate.
The ECHR was incorporated into UK law by the Human Rights Act 1998, 1998 Ch 42.
The ECHR was incorporated into UK law by the Human Rights Act 1998, 1998 Ch 42.
74 DR 93
(1993) 74 DR 93.
The applicant also relied on Article 14, ECHR, which prohibits discrimination in the exercise of substantive ECHR rights on a number of grounds, alleging that she had been discriminated against on the grounds of nationality. This complaint was dismissed due to non-exhaustion of domestic remedies, according to Article 26, ECHR (now Article 35(1), ECHR).
The applicant also relied on Article 14, ECHR, which prohibits discrimination in the exercise of substantive ECHR rights on a number of grounds, alleging that she had been discriminated against on the grounds of nationality. This complaint was dismissed due to non-exhaustion of domestic remedies, according to Article 26, ECHR (now Article 35(1), ECHR).
Supra n. 6 at 100 ('La Commission a déjà décidé que l'article 9...de la Convention ne garantit pas toujours le droit de se comporter dans le domaine public d'une manière dictée par cette conviction. Notamment, le terme pratiques, au sens de l'article 9 par. 1..., ne désigne pas n'importe quel acte motivé ou inspiré par une religion ou une conviction.').
Supra n. 6 at 100 ('La Commission a déjà décidé que l'article 9...de la Convention ne garantit pas toujours le droit de se comporter dans le domaine public d'une manière dictée par cette conviction. Notamment, le terme "pratiques", au sens de l'article 9 par. 1..., ne désigne pas n'importe quel acte motivé ou inspiré par une religion ou une conviction.').
Ibid. at 101 ('La Commission considère que le statut d'étudiant dans une université laïque implique, par nature, la soumission à certaines règles de conduite établies afin d'assurer le respect des droits et libertés d'autrui.').
Ibid. at 101 ('La Commission considère que le statut d'étudiant dans une université laïque implique, par nature, la soumission à certaines règles de conduite établies afin d'assurer le respect des droits et libertés d'autrui.').
Ibid. ('certains courants fondamentalistes religieux').
Ibid. ('certains courants fondamentalistes religieux').
2001-V 447
2001-V 447.
Ibid. at 452.
Ibid. at 463.
44 EHRR 5
(2007) 44 EHRR 5.
UKHL 15; [2007] 1 AC 100.
[2006] UKHL 15; [2007] 1 AC 100.
A shalwar kameeze consists of trousers and a tunic
A shalwar kameeze consists of trousers and a tunic.
To borrow the phrase from Motha, 'Veiled Women and the Affect of Religion in Democracy', (2007) 34 Journal of Law and Society 139 at 143.
To borrow the phrase from Motha, 'Veiled Women and the Affect of Religion in Democracy', (2007) 34 Journal of Law and Society 139 at 143.
Including finding a balance between the hijab-wearers' right to religious freedom and the rights of those who either do not wish to wear such clothes or are in some way offended by them
Including finding a balance between the hijab-wearers' right to religious freedom and the rights of those who either do not wish to wear such clothes or are in some way offended by them.
For example, Davies, 'Banning the Jilbab: Reflections on Restricting Religious Clothing in the Light of the Court of Appeal in SB v Denbigh High School, (2005) 1 European Constitutional Law Review 511;
For example, Davies, 'Banning the Jilbab: Reflections on Restricting Religious Clothing in the Light of the Court of Appeal in SB v Denbigh High School, (2005) 1 European Constitutional Law Review 511;
Davies, 'The House of Lords and Religious Clothing in Begum v Headteacher and Governors of Denbigh High School, (2007) 13 European Public Law 423;
Davies, 'The House of Lords and Religious Clothing in Begum v Headteacher and Governors of Denbigh High School, (2007) 13 European Public Law 423;
Religious Symbols in the School: Freedom of Religion
Minorities and Education
Knights, 'Religious Symbols in the School: Freedom of Religion, Minorities and Education', [2005] European Human Rights Law Review 499;
European Human Rights Law Review
, vol.499
Marshall, 'Freedom of Religious Expression and Gender Equality: Sahin v Turkey', (2006) 69 Modern Law Review 452;
Marshall, 'Freedom of Religious Expression and Gender Equality: Sahin v Turkey', (2006) 69 Modern Law Review 452;
A Dedicated Follower of (Religious) Fashion?
and Scolnicov, 'A Dedicated Follower of (Religious) Fashion?', (2005) 64 Cambridge Law Journal 527.
Cambridge Law Journal
, vol.64
, pp. 527
For an incisive critique of the Western secular democracy as a quasi-theological formation, see Motha, supra n. 17. For a more general critique of the discourse of secularism see Asad, Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2003).
For an incisive critique of the Western secular democracy as a quasi-theological formation, see Motha, supra n. 17. For a more general critique of the discourse of secularism see Asad, Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2003).
Brown, 'Suffering Rights as Paradoxes, (2000) 7 Constellations 230, reprinted as 'Suffering the Paradoxes of Rights', in Brown and Halley (eds), Left Legalism/Left Critique (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002) 420.
Brown, 'Suffering Rights as Paradoxes, (2000) 7 Constellations 230, reprinted as 'Suffering the Paradoxes of Rights', in Brown and Halley (eds), Left Legalism/Left Critique (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002) 420.
Brown, 'Symptoms: Moralism as Anti-Politics', in Brown, Politics Out of History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001) 18 at 43, elaborating on Merleau-Ponty's call of 'defusing the trap of the event' (Merleau-Ponty, 'Sartre, Merleau-Ponty: Les lettres dune rupture', (1994) 230 Magazine Littéraire 76).
Brown, 'Symptoms: Moralism as Anti-Politics', in Brown, Politics Out of History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001) 18 at 43, elaborating on Merleau-Ponty's call of 'defusing the trap of the event' (Merleau-Ponty, 'Sartre, Merleau-Ponty: Les lettres dune rupture', (1994) 230 Magazine Littéraire 76).
R (on the application of SB) v Headteacher and Governors of Denbigh High School [2005] EWCA Civ 199;
R (on the application of SB) v Headteacher and Governors of Denbigh High School [2005] EWCA Civ 199;
2 All ER 396
[2005] 2 All ER 396.
Of Headscarves and Heresies: The Denbigh High School Case and Public Authority Decision Making Under the Human Rights Act
Poole, 'Of Headscarves and Heresies: The Denbigh High School Case and Public Authority Decision Making Under the Human Rights Act', [2005] Public Law 685 at 695.
Public Law
, vol.685
, pp. 695
Supra n. 15 at para. 30
Supra n. 15 at para. 30,
quoting Davies, 'Banning the Jilbab, supra n. 19 at 517.
quoting Davies, 'Banning the Jilbab, supra n. 19 at 517.
Ibid. This point is also strongly emphasised in Davies, '(Not Yet) Taking Rights Seriously: The House of Lords in Begum v Headteacher and Governors of Denbigh High School', Human Rights and Human Welfare Online Working Paper No. 37, available at: http://www.du.edu/gsis/hrhw/ working; or: http://www.ssrn.com.
Ibid. This point is also strongly emphasised in Davies, '(Not Yet) Taking Rights Seriously: The House of Lords in Begum v Headteacher and Governors of Denbigh High School', Human Rights and Human Welfare Online Working Paper No. 37, available at: http://www.du.edu/gsis/hrhw/ working; or: http://www.ssrn.com.
I am grateful to Anna Carline for her thoughts expressed at the Gender, Sexuality and Law stream of the Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference 2006, which helped me to develop this argument.
I am grateful to Anna Carline for her thoughts expressed at the Gender, Sexuality and Law stream of the Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference 2006, which helped me to develop this argument.
Supra n. 14 at para. 99
Supra n. 14 at para. 99.
Supra n. 15 at para. 20
Supra n. 15 at para. 20,
citing Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead in R (Williamson) v Secretary of State for Education and Employment [2005] UKHL 15;
citing Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead in R (Williamson) v Secretary of State for Education and Employment [2005] UKHL 15;
2 AC 246 at para. 16. On this point see also Pimor, 'The Interpretation and Protection of Article 9 ECHR: Overview of the Denbigh High School (UK) Case', (2006) 28 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 323. For a summary of applicable Article 9 standards,
[2005] 2 AC 246 at para. 16. On this point see also Pimor, 'The Interpretation and Protection of Article 9 ECHR: Overview of the Denbigh High School (UK) Case', (2006) 28 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 323. For a summary of applicable Article 9 standards,
see McGoldrick, Human Rights and Religion: The Islamic Headscarf Debate in Europe (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2006) at Chapters 5 and 9.
see McGoldrick, Human Rights and Religion: The Islamic Headscarf Debate in Europe (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2006) at Chapters 5 and 9.
Supra n. 14 at para. 115
Supra n. 14 at para. 115,
referring to para. 109, Sahin v Turkey, Chamber judgment of 29 June 2004, Application no. 44774/98.
referring to para. 109, Sahin v Turkey, Chamber judgment of 29 June 2004, Application no. 44774/98.
McGoldrick, supra n. 29 at 168, deriving this position from Murphy v Ireland 2003-IX 1: (2004) 38 EHRR 13. Compare the dissenting opinion of Judge Tulkens in Sahin (supra n. 14 at para. 10)
McGoldrick, supra n. 29 at 168, deriving this position from Murphy v Ireland 2003-IX 1: (2004) 38 EHRR 13. Compare the dissenting opinion of Judge Tulkens in Sahin (supra n. 14 at para. 10)
and that of Ruth Wedgwood in Hudoyberganova v Uzbekistan (931/00), CCPR/C/82/C/931/2000 (2005);
and that of Ruth Wedgwood in Hudoyberganova v Uzbekistan (931/00), CCPR/C/82/C/931/2000 (2005);
12 IHRR 345 (2005) at paras 3-4, which criticise the majority of the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR in Sahin for not exploring the link.
12 IHRR 345 (2005) at paras 3-4, which criticise the majority of the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR in Sahin for not exploring the link.
The Headscarf as a Symbolic Enemy of the European Court of Human Rights' Democratic Jurisprudence: Viewing Islam Through a European Legal Prism in Light of the Sahin Judgment
See also
See also Belelieu, 'The Headscarf as a Symbolic Enemy of the European Court of Human Rights' Democratic Jurisprudence: Viewing Islam Through a European Legal Prism in Light of the Sahin Judgment', (2006) 12 Columbia Journal of European Law 573.
Columbia Journal of European Law
, vol.12
, pp. 573
Smith and Grady v United Kingdom 1999-VI 45; (1999) 29 EHRR 493 at para. 89.
Smith and Grady v United Kingdom 1999-VI 45; (1999) 29 EHRR 493 at para. 89.
What Not to Wear: Religious Rights, the European Court and the Margin of Appreciation
See also, 395 at
See also Lewis, 'What Not to Wear: Religious Rights, the European Court and the Margin of Appreciation, (2007) 56 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 395 at 398:
International and Comparative Law Quarterly
, vol.56
, pp. 398
'The width of the margin afforded depends very much on the subject-matter of the right in question: The margin granted to States when restricting political or journalistic 'public interest' expression (under Article 10) or consensual homosexual conduct in private (under Article 8) has been much narrower (and hence the intensity of scrutiny and level of protection afforded by the Court has been higher) than in cases involving religious manifestation and expression (under both Articles 9 and 10).'
'The width of the margin afforded depends very much on the subject-matter of the right in question: The margin granted to States when restricting political or journalistic 'public interest' expression (under Article 10) or consensual homosexual conduct in private (under Article 8) has been much narrower (and hence the intensity of scrutiny and level of protection afforded by the Court has been higher) than in cases involving religious manifestation and expression (under both Articles 9 and 10).'
Lord Hope, R v Director of Public Prosecution, ex parte Kebilene [2000] 2 AC 326 at 380-81.
Lord Hope, R v Director of Public Prosecution, ex parte Kebilene [2000] 2 AC 326 at 380-81.
Lord Bingham, supra n. 15 at para. 64 [emphasis added]. Note that, in respect of the veiled teaching assistant's case, the Leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron, was reported as saying that 'in cases like Mrs Azmi's, it should be up to the school and local authority to make their own judgment], BBC Online News, 'Cameron voices veils debate fear', 20 October 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/ uk_politics/6068320.stm
Lord Bingham, supra n. 15 at para. 64 [emphasis added]. Note that, in respect of the veiled teaching assistant's case, the Leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron, was reported as saying that 'in cases like Mrs Azmi's, it should be up to the school and local authority to make their own judgment], BBC Online News, 'Cameron voices veils debate fear', 20 October 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/ uk_politics/6068320.stm
Supra n. 15 at para. 34
Supra n. 15 at para. 34.
points out that the teacher's own Muslim background could be a reason for scepticism about the 'inclusiveness' of a uniform policy acceptable to 'mainstream Muslims' just as much as it is evidence of its 'tolerance and wisdom
Davies, 'The House of Lords, supra n. 19, points out that the teacher's own Muslim background could be a reason for scepticism about the 'inclusiveness' of a uniform policy acceptable to 'mainstream Muslims' just as much as it is evidence of its 'tolerance and wisdom'.
The House of Lords, supra
, Issue.19
Supra n. 15 at para. 34
Supra n. 15 at para. 34.
Davies, supra n. 26 at 32.
Davies, supra n. 26 at 32.
For a supporting argument see Scolnicov, supra n. 19 at 528.
For a supporting argument see Scolnicov, supra n. 19 at 528.
On deference to teachers see Monk, '(Re)constructing the Headteacher: Legal Narratives and the Politics of School Exclusions', (2005) 32 Law and Society 399.
On deference to teachers see Monk, '(Re)constructing the Headteacher: Legal Narratives and the Politics of School Exclusions', (2005) 32 Law and Society 399.
Supra n. 15 at para. 65 [emphasis added
Supra n. 15 at para. 65 [emphasis added].
See also Lord Bingham: 'according to the appelants, a number of Muslim girls at the school have said that they do not wish to wear the jilbab and fear they will be pressured into wearing it' (ibid. at para. 18).
See also Lord Bingham: 'according to the appelants, a number of Muslim girls at the school have said that they do not wish to wear the jilbab and fear they will be pressured into wearing it' (ibid. at para. 18).
Knights, supra n. 19;
Knights, supra n. 19;
and Scolnicov, supra n. 19.
and Scolnicov, supra n. 19.
Davies, supra n. 26 at 21.
Davies, supra n. 26 at 21.
See Lewis, supra n. 32 at 408.
See Lewis, supra n. 32 at 408.
Skach, 'Sahin v. Turkey. App. No. 44774/98; Teacher Headscarf. Case no. 2BvR 1436/02', (2006) 100 American Journal of International Law 186 at 194.
Skach, 'Sahin v. Turkey. App. No. 44774/98; "Teacher Headscarf." Case no. 2BvR 1436/02', (2006) 100 American Journal of International Law 186 at 194.
Case No 2BvR 1436/02, judgment of 24 September 2003.
Case No 2BvR 1436/02, judgment of 24 September 2003.
66, as quoted in Skach
Ibid. at para. 66, as quoted in Skach,
at para2
supra n. 45 at 190.
supra n. 45 at 190.
For a stimulating application of Butler's theories of performativity and excitability to ceSahin and Denbigh High School, see Carline, 'The Right to Manifest Religious Belief: Queer Issues of Race, Ethnicity and Gender', paper for the Critical Legal Conference 2005 (Unpublished, University of Kent, September 2005).
For a stimulating application of Butler's theories of performativity and excitability to ceSahin and Denbigh High School, see Carline, 'The Right to Manifest Religious Belief: Queer Issues of Race, Ethnicity and Gender', paper for the Critical Legal Conference 2005 (Unpublished, University of Kent, September 2005).
'For two years before September 2002, the respondent wore the shalwar kameeze happily and without complaint' (Lord Bingham, supra n. 15 at para. 9).
'For two years before September 2002, the respondent wore the shalwar kameeze happily and without complaint' (Lord Bingham, supra n. 15 at para. 9).
Lord Scott, ibid. at para. 80.
Lord Scott, ibid. at para. 80.
For an argument that the men's human rights talk could in fact be seen as disarming conformity with Western legal ideology, see Gies, 'What Not to Wear: Islamic Dress and School Uniforms. R (on the application of SB) v. Governors of Denbigh High School [2006] U.K.H.L. 15', (2006) 14 Feminist Legal Studies 377.
For an argument that the men's human rights talk could in fact be seen as disarming conformity with Western legal ideology, see Gies, 'What Not to Wear: Islamic Dress and School Uniforms. R (on the application of SB) v. Governors of Denbigh High School [2006] U.K.H.L. 15', (2006) 14 Feminist Legal Studies 377.
On the House of Lords' construction of Shabina Begum's assertive behaviour as problematic, see
On the House of Lords' construction of Shabina Begum's assertive behaviour as problematic, see Davies, 'The House of Lords, supra n. 19.
The House of Lords, supra
, Issue.19
The Other Side of the Veil-North African Muslim Women in France Respond to the Headscarf Affair
Regarding the rights ideology, see
Regarding the rights ideology, see Killian, 'The Other Side of the Veil-North African Muslim Women in France Respond to the Headscarf Affair', (2003) 17 Gender and Society 567.
Gender and Society
, vol.17
, pp. 567
Supra n. 15 at para. 80. Lord Scott also considered it 'extraordinary' that Shabina did not regard the shalwar kameeze as sufficient for the purposes of her religion (ibid. at para. 83).
Supra n. 15 at para. 80. Lord Scott also considered it 'extraordinary' that Shabina did not regard the shalwar kameeze as sufficient for the purposes of her religion (ibid. at para. 83).
'It was of course open to the respondent, as she grew older, to modify her beliefs, but she did so against a background of free and informed consent by her and her family' (Lord Bingham, ibid. at para. 25 [emphasis added]).
'It was of course open to the respondent, as she grew older, to modify her beliefs, but she did so against a background of free and informed consent by her and her family' (Lord Bingham, ibid. at para. 25 [emphasis added]).
Compare the decision by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women in Kayhan v Turkey (8/05), CEDAW/C/34/D/8/2005 (2006) at para. 32, in which a teacher who had permanently lost her status as a civil servant because of wearing a headscarf claimed that 'the act of forcing her to make a choice between working and uncovering her head violates her fundamental rights that are protected in international conventions'. The communication was considered inadmissible due to non-exhaustion of domestic remedies.
Compare the decision by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women in Kayhan v Turkey (8/05), CEDAW/C/34/D/8/2005 (2006) at para. 32, in which a teacher who had permanently lost her status as a civil servant because of wearing a headscarf claimed that 'the act of forcing her to make a choice between working and uncovering her head violates her fundamental rights that are protected in international conventions'. The communication was considered inadmissible due to non-exhaustion of domestic remedies.
Supra n. 15 at para. 54
Supra n. 15 at para. 54.
Ibid. at para. 23.
Ibid. at para. 23.
Supra n. 6 at 100
Supra n. 6 at 100.
Supra n. 15 at para. 25
Supra n. 15 at para. 25.
Gies, supra n. 52 at 385-86.
Gies, supra n. 52 at 385-86.
Davies, supra n. 26 at 11.
Davies, supra n. 26 at 11.
Supra n. 15 at para. 94
Supra n. 15 at para. 94.
Gies, supra n. 52 at 384.
Gies, supra n. 52 at 384.
In a somewhat different direction, Davies, 'The House of Lords', supra n. 19, argues that a Christian or Jewish child whose parents force her to wear conservative clothes would hardly have an arguable case under Article 9, ECHR.
In a somewhat different direction, Davies, 'The House of Lords', supra n. 19, argues that a Christian or Jewish child whose parents force her to wear conservative clothes would hardly have an arguable case under Article 9, ECHR.
What Not to Wear and Other Stories: Addressing Religious Diversity in Schools
See also
See also Blair and Apps, 'What Not to Wear and Other Stories: Addressing Religious Diversity in Schools', (2005) 17 Education and the Law 1.
Education and the Law
, vol.17
, pp. 1
Secularism, Hermeneutics, and Empire: The Politics of Islamic Reformation
323 at
Mahmood, 'Secularism, Hermeneutics, and Empire: The Politics of Islamic Reformation, (2006) 18 Public Culture 323 at 344.
Public Culture
, vol.18
, pp. 344
Mahmood's study highlights how the construction of such a subject is secured through 'secular hermeneutics'. See also Mahmood, Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005).
Mahmood's study highlights how the construction of such a subject is secured through 'secular hermeneutics'. See also Mahmood, Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005).
Supra n. 15 at para. 94
Supra n. 15 at para. 94.
Ibid. at para. 98,
Ibid. at para. 98,
quoting Raday, 'Culture, Religion and Gender', (2003) 1 International Journal of Constitutional Law 663 at 709.
quoting Raday, 'Culture, Religion and Gender', (2003) 1 International Journal of Constitutional Law 663 at 709.
Ibid. at para. 97.
Ibid. at para. 97.
Western Feminism, Eastern Veiling, and the Question of Agency
345 at
Hirschmann, 'Western Feminism, Eastern Veiling, and the Question of Agency', (1998) 5 Constellations 345 at 349.
, vol.5
, pp. 349
Gies, supra n. 52 at 384, contrasting this with Hale's more relaxed approach to hypothetical Sikh and Jewish men.
Gies, supra n. 52 at 384, contrasting this with Hale's more relaxed approach to hypothetical Sikh and Jewish men.
Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses
61 at
Mohanty, 'Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses', (1988) 30 Feminist Review 61 at 74.
Feminist Review
, vol.30
, pp. 74
The "Sharia Law Debate" in Ontario: The Modernity/Premodernity Distinction in Legal Efforts to Protect Women from Culture
See also, writing in the context of the debate around the introduction of Islamic arbitration in Canada
See also Razack, 'The "Sharia Law Debate" in Ontario: The Modernity/Premodernity Distinction in Legal Efforts to Protect Women from Culture', (2007) 15 Feminist Legal Studies 3, writing in the context of the debate around the introduction of Islamic arbitration in Canada.
Feminist Legal Studies
, vol.15
, pp. 3
Brown, 'Tolerance as/in Civilizational Discourse, in Brown, Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006) 176 at 189.
Brown, 'Tolerance as/in Civilizational Discourse, in Brown, Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006) 176 at 189.
Supra n. 15 at para. 94
Supra n. 15 at para. 94,
For example, Lyon and Spini, 'Unveiling the Headscarf Debate', (2004) 12 Feminist Legal Studies 333 at 344: The 'new veil' is the most conspicuous sign of Islamic feminism. Women choose to wear it, and will not remove it in any circumstance, including in women-only gatherings or in foreign countries. This is a way of freeing themselves from a male-imposed feminine model that allows them to remove the veil in private settings, since its main function is to conceal women from men who are not their relatives. By retaining the veil, they show that it is not imposed by men but chosen by them.
For example, Lyon and Spini, 'Unveiling the Headscarf Debate', (2004) 12 Feminist Legal Studies 333 at 344: The 'new veil' is the most conspicuous sign of Islamic feminism. Women choose to wear it, and will not remove it in any circumstance, including in women-only gatherings or in foreign countries. This is a way of freeing themselves from a male-imposed feminine model that allows them to remove the veil in private settings, since its main function is to conceal women from men who are not their relatives. By retaining the veil, they show that it is not imposed by men but chosen by them.
Arguably, this is true even of the quotation of Parekh, which purports to unpack the complex agentic choices of Muslim girls, in para. 94 of Baroness Hales judgment, supra n. 15:
Arguably, this is true even of the quotation of Parekh, which purports to unpack the complex agentic choices of Muslim girls, in para. 94 of Baroness Hales judgment, supra n. 15:
several Muslim girls freely wore the hijab ... [to indicate] to white boys how they wished to be treated' (Parekh, 'A Varied Moral World: A Response to Susan Okin's Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?', [1997] Boston Review, [emphasis added]).
several Muslim girls freely wore the hijab ... [to indicate] to white boys how they wished to be treated' (Parekh, 'A Varied Moral World: A Response to Susan Okin's "Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?"', [1997] Boston Review, [emphasis added]).
Motha, supra n. 17 at 153, citing Mahmood, Politics of Piety, supra n. 64.
Motha, supra n. 17 at 153, citing Mahmood, Politics of Piety, supra n. 64.
Mahmood, ibid.;
Mahmood, ibid.;
and Mahmood, 'Secularism, Hermeneutics, and Empire', supra n. 64.
and Mahmood, 'Secularism, Hermeneutics, and Empire', supra n. 64.
Motha, supra n. 17 at 150.
Motha, supra n. 17 at 150.
Although Article 9, ECHR was not the primary legal basis, religion was central to the case as it was decided by an employment tribunal under the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003
Although Article 9, ECHR was not the primary legal basis, religion was central to the case as it was decided by an employment tribunal under the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003.
Veil Teacher Was Obeying a Fatwa
29 October
Taher, 'Veil Teacher Was Obeying a Fatwa', Sunday Times, 29 October 2006.
Sunday Times
Cabales and Balkandali v United Kingdom A 94
Abdulaziz, Cabales and Balkandali v United Kingdom A 94 (1985); (1985) 7 EHRR 471 at para. 78.
EHRR 471 at para
, vol.7
See also Şahin, supra n. 14 at para. 115.
See also Şahin, supra n. 14 at para. 115.
Supra n. 11 at 463
Supra n. 11 at 463.
See, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, on how tolerance discourse always excludes certain 'practices and beliefs, and even political regimes, from the definition of the tolerable
See Brown, Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006), on how tolerance discourse always excludes certain 'practices and beliefs, and even political regimes, from the definition of the tolerable.
Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire
The ECtHR considered that the measure 'was not directed against her as a member of the female sex' and that the law 'could also be applied to a man who, in similar circumstances, wore clothing that clearly identified him as a member of a different faith' (supra n. 11 at 464). Interestingly, the abstract 'clearly identifiable' male 'member of a different faith' was chosen despite Dahlab's suggestion of a Muslim man as the appropriate comparator. The ECtHR did not explain its choice or the meaning of this descriptor. On religious discrimination under Article 14 see Knights, supra n. 19 at 512.
The ECtHR considered that the measure 'was not directed against her as a member of the female sex' and that the law 'could also be applied to a man who, in similar circumstances, wore clothing that clearly identified him as a member of a different faith' (supra n. 11 at 464). Interestingly, the abstract 'clearly identifiable' male 'member of a different faith' was chosen despite Dahlab's suggestion of a Muslim man as the appropriate comparator. The ECtHR did not explain its choice or the meaning of this descriptor. On religious discrimination under Article 14 see Knights, supra n. 19 at 512.
Supra n. 14 at paras 112-23. Unlike Dahlab, Şahin did not attempt to plead gender discrimination under Article 14, claiming that she had been discriminated against on the basis of her religion only. This claim was rejected as 'the regulations on the Islamic headscarf were not directed against the applicant's religious affiliation' (at para. 165) - which is again in line with the generally underdeveloped nature of Article 14 jurisprudence.
Supra n. 14 at paras 112-23. Unlike Dahlab, Şahin did not attempt to plead gender discrimination under Article 14, claiming that she had been discriminated against on the basis of her religion only. This claim was rejected as 'the regulations on the Islamic headscarf were not directed against the applicant's religious affiliation' (at para. 165) - which is again in line with the generally underdeveloped nature of Article 14 jurisprudence.
Ibid. at para. 111.
Ibid. at para. 111.
Paras 2 and 6, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1464 (2005), 4 October 2005 [emphasis added].
Paras 2 and 6, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1464 (2005), 4 October 2005 [emphasis added].
Note, however, the dissenting opinion of Judge Tulkens in Şahin 'In a democratic society, I believe that it is necessary to seek to harmonise the principles of secularism, equality and liberty, not to weigh one against the other' (at para. 5).
Note, however, the dissenting opinion of Judge Tulkens in Şahin 'In a democratic society, I believe that it is necessary to seek to harmonise the principles of secularism, equality and liberty, not to weigh one against the other' (at para. 5).
Baroness Hale, supra n. 15 at para. 98,
Baroness Hale, supra n. 15 at para. 98,
quoting Raday, supra n. 66 at 709 [emphasis added].
quoting Raday, supra n. 66 at 709 [emphasis added].
Post-Colonial Feminism and the Veil: Considering the Differences
See also, 1527 at, Unless I engaged in intellectual elitism and accused those women of false consciousness and of not knowing their own good, there was no way that I could point to instances of the disempowerment of the veil. What it all sounds like so far is a hopeless clash of normative visions
See also Abu-Odeh, 'Post-Colonial Feminism and the Veil: Considering the Differences', (1992) 26 New England Law Review 1527 at 1532: 'Unless I engaged in intellectual elitism and accused those women of false consciousness and of not knowing their own good, there was no way that I could point to instances of the disempowerment of the veil. What it all sounds like so far is a hopeless clash of normative visions'.
New England Law Review
, vol.26
, pp. 1532
Brown, 'Tolerance as Museum Object: The Simon Wiesenthal Center Museum of Tolerance', in Brown, Regulating Aversion, supra n. 84, 107.
Brown, 'Tolerance as Museum Object: The Simon Wiesenthal Center Museum of Tolerance', in Brown, Regulating Aversion, supra n. 84, 107.
Brown, 'Tolerance as a Discourse of Power', in Brown, Regulating Aversion, ibid., 25 at 42.
Brown, 'Tolerance as a Discourse of Power', in Brown, Regulating Aversion, ibid., 25 at 42.
Baroness Hale, supra n. 15 at para. 98.
Baroness Hale, supra n. 15 at para. 98.
According to Motha, supra n. 17 at 144, this means 'the elevation of the unity of the community - the commonality and cohesion produced by the school', which dresses up 'the exigencies of sustaining a particular formation of the political - the cohesive multicultural state ... as a defence of individual autonomy, or the protection of vulnerable girls'.
According to Motha, supra n. 17 at 144, this means 'the elevation of the unity of the community - the commonality and cohesion produced by the school', which dresses up 'the exigencies of sustaining a particular formation of the political - the cohesive multicultural state ... as a defence of individual autonomy, or the protection of vulnerable girls'.
Proponents of this orthodoxy are too many to name and include much of mainstream feminist scholarship. Brown, supra n. 71
Proponents of this orthodoxy are too many to name and include much of mainstream feminist scholarship. Brown, supra n. 71
forcefully dissects Okin, Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999) as one of the most forthright examples.
forcefully dissects Okin, Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999) as one of the most forthright examples.
Brown, supra n. 71 at 193.
Brown, supra n. 71 at 193.
Most prominently, Brown, 'Liberalism's Family Values', in Brown, States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995) 135.
Most prominently, Brown, 'Liberalism's Family Values', in Brown, States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995) 135.
On a slightly different, but related point, Motha, supra n. 17 at 147, problematises 'the [mainstream feminist] sense that one is either inside or outside a cultural and political group, and on the dominant side of such a binary opposition is a hegemonic capacity (of the feminists of the majority culture) to engineer political consensus about what is beneficial to oppressed women'.
On a slightly different, but related point, Motha, supra n. 17 at 147, problematises 'the [mainstream feminist] sense that one is either inside or outside a cultural and political group, and on the dominant side of such a binary opposition is a hegemonic capacity (of the feminists of the majority culture) to engineer political consensus about what is beneficial to oppressed women'.
It is illustrative that Islamic dress in this jurisprudence is seen as a (problematic) symbol of cultural/religious diversity rather than as heralding women's quest for equality, as much Islamic feminism insists it should be seen (see supra n. 74).
It is illustrative that Islamic dress in this jurisprudence is seen as a (problematic) symbol of cultural/religious diversity rather than as heralding women's quest for equality, as much Islamic feminism insists it should be seen (see supra n. 74).
For an argument that impositions of other people's imaginary upon women are utterly detrimental to gender equality, see, New York: Routledge
For an argument that impositions of other people's imaginary upon women are utterly detrimental to gender equality, see Cornell, The Imaginary Domain: Abortion, Pornography and Sexual Harassment (New York: Routledge, 1995).
The Imaginary Domain: Abortion, Pornography and Sexual Harassment
Brown, 'Introduction: Freedom and the Plastic Cage', in Brown, supra n. 97, 3 at 27.
Brown, 'Introduction: Freedom and the Plastic Cage', in Brown, supra n. 97, 3 at 27.
Halley, Split Decisions: How and Why to Take a Break from Feminism (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006) at 191, speaks of a related, but analytically different phenomenon of the 'moralised mandate to converge' of much of contemporary feminism, for which 'racism and sexism are seamless, interlocking, synthesized, and integrated systems that intersect, converge, and reinforce one another; that produce conditions of existence and of consciousness of those subordinated by them that both are and must be understood as unified in the form of identity; that give the subordinated unique epistemic purchase on their oppression; and that are reinscribed and reinforced whenever their seamlessness becomes unapparent or, worse, whenever it is denied [emphasis added].
Halley, Split Decisions: How and Why to Take a Break from Feminism (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006) at 191, speaks of a related, but analytically different phenomenon of the 'moralised mandate to converge' of much of contemporary feminism, for which 'racism and sexism are seamless, interlocking, synthesized, and integrated systems that intersect, converge, and reinforce one another; that produce conditions of existence and of consciousness of those subordinated by them that both are and must be understood as unified in the form of identity; that give the subordinated unique epistemic purchase on their oppression; and that are reinscribed and reinforced whenever their seamlessness becomes unapparent or, worse, whenever it is denied [emphasis added].
Or of a psychic economy 'trapped in the narrow oscillation between the desire to punish and the desire to be punished in which guilt is the conduit that switches the one into the other, while freedom, as a wish or a practice, is nowhere to be found' (Brown, 'Desire: The Desire to Be Punished: Freud's A Child is Being Beaten', in Brown, Politics Out of History, supra n. 102, 45 at 61).
Or of a psychic economy 'trapped in the narrow oscillation between the desire to punish and the desire to be punished in which guilt is the conduit that switches the one into the other, while freedom, as a wish or a practice, is nowhere to be found' (Brown, 'Desire: The Desire to Be Punished: Freud's "A Child is Being Beaten"', in Brown, Politics Out of History, supra n. 102, 45 at 61).
On the interaction of the universal discourse of rights with identity see, in particular, Brown, 'Rights and Losses', in Brown, States of Injury, supra n. 102, 96.
On the interaction of the universal discourse of rights with identity see, in particular, Brown, 'Rights and Losses', in Brown, States of Injury, supra n. 102, 96.
Hasan and Chaush v Bulgaria 2000-XI 117; (2002) 34 EHRR 55 at para. 78.
Hasan and Chaush v Bulgaria 2000-XI 117; (2002) 34 EHRR 55 at para. 78.
See also 260 A (, ) 17 EHRR 397;
See also Kokkinakis v Greece 260 A (1993); (1994) 17 EHRR 397;
Kokkinakis v Greece
and Valsamis v Greece 1996-VI 2312; (1997) 24 EHRR 294.
and Valsamis v Greece 1996-VI 2312; (1997) 24 EHRR 294.
The euphemism coined by Brooke LJ in the Court of Appeal judgment in Denbigh High School, supra n. 23.
The euphemism coined by Brooke LJ in the Court of Appeal judgment in Denbigh High School, supra n. 23.
A similar point is made by Poole, supra n. 24 at 687.
A similar point is made by Poole, supra n. 24 at 687.
Supra n. 23 at para. 48
Supra n. 23 at para. 48.
See Carline, supra n. 48;
See Carline, supra n. 48;
and Gies, supra n. 52 on the construction of 'very strict Muslims 'as a problematic minority in Denbigh High School.
and Gies, supra n. 52 on the construction of 'very strict Muslims 'as a problematic minority in Denbigh High School.
Supra n. 11 at 452
Supra n. 11 at 452.
Ibid. The vision of Islamic clothes as a 'powerful religious symbol' imposed by the Koran is also evident in both the Karaduman and Şahin cases.
Ibid. The vision of Islamic clothes as a 'powerful religious symbol' imposed by the Koran is also evident in both the Karaduman and Şahin cases.
For example, Reefat Drabu, the chair of social and family affairs at the Muslim Council of Britain (see BBC Online News, 'MP tells veil woman let it go', 20 October 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/uk_politics/6069012.stm). As explained earlier, Article 9, ECHR was not the primary legal basis, but religion was central to the case as it was decided by an employment tribunal under the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003.
For example, Reefat Drabu, the chair of social and family affairs at the Muslim Council of Britain (see BBC Online News, 'MP tells veil woman "let it go"', 20 October 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/uk_politics/6069012.stm). As explained earlier, Article 9, ECHR was not the primary legal basis, but religion was central to the case as it was decided by an employment tribunal under the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003.
The woman at centre of veil case
19 October, available at
BBC Online News,'The woman at centre of veil case, 19 October 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/uk/6068408.stm.
BBC Online News
Brown, 'Freedom's Silences, in Brown, Edgework, supra n. 102, 83 at 91.
Brown, 'Freedom's Silences, in Brown, Edgework, supra n. 102, 83 at 91.
BBC Online News, supra n. 112.
BBC Online News, supra n. 112.
Equality chief backs veil ruling
22 October, available at
BBC Online News, 'Equality chief backs veil ruling', 22 October 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/england/bradford/6074484.stm.
BBC Online News
Veil controversy
22 October, available at
BBC Online News,'Veil controversy', 22 October 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/programmes/sunday_am/6074684.stm.
BBC Online News
BBC Online News, supra n. 112 [emphasis added].
BBC Online News, supra n. 112 [emphasis added].
See BBC Online News, anger, 5 October, available at
See BBC Online News, 'Straw's veil comments spark anger', 5 October 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/uk.politics/5410472.stm.
Straw's veil comments spark
Brown, supra n. 22 at 29.
Brown, supra n. 22 at 29.
Postmodern Exposures, Feminist Hesitations, in Brown
See Brown, 'Postmodern Exposures, Feminist Hesitations, in Brown, States of Injury, supra n. 102, 30;
States of Injury, supra
, Issue.102
, pp. 30
and Brown, 'Introduction: Politics Out of History', in Brown, Politics Out of History, supra n. 102, 3.
and Brown, 'Introduction: Politics Out of History', in Brown, Politics Out of History, supra n. 102, 3.
Brown, supra n. 22 at 38.
Brown, supra n. 22 at 38.
The position of a British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is that it is the Muslims' (rather than the government's) task to proactively prevent terrorism by 'taking on the extremists within their communities' (see, for example, BBC Online News, 'Anti-extremist moves too slow', 4 July 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/uk/5146002.stm).
The position of a British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is that it is the Muslims' (rather than the government's) task to proactively prevent terrorism by 'taking on the extremists within their communities' (see, for example, BBC Online News, 'Anti-extremist moves too slow', 4 July 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/uk/5146002.stm).
Brown, supra n. 22 at 35 and 40.
Brown, supra n. 22 at 35 and 40.
On depoliticisation, see Brown, 'Tolerance as a Discourse of Depoliticization', in Brown, Regulating Aversion, supra n. 84, 1.
On depoliticisation, see Brown, 'Tolerance as a Discourse of Depoliticization', in Brown, Regulating Aversion, supra n. 84, 1.
Brown, 'Untimeless and Punctuality: Critical Theory in Dark Times, in Brown, Edgework, supra n. 102, 1 at 1-3, uses this example alongside the 2003 Geneva Accords, which set out an unofficial framework for peace settlement between Palestinians and Israeli Jews, and Ralph Nader's candidacy during the 2004 US presidential campaign, which supposedly jeopardised the unity of the Democratic Party.
Brown, 'Untimeless and Punctuality: Critical Theory in Dark Times, in Brown, Edgework, supra n. 102, 1 at 1-3, uses this example alongside the 2003 Geneva Accords, which set out an unofficial framework for peace settlement between Palestinians and Israeli Jews, and Ralph Nader's candidacy during the 2004 US presidential campaign, which supposedly jeopardised the unity of the Democratic Party.
Ibid. at 3. The ensuing anecdote delivers the point compellingly: 'It is therefore hardly surprising that when a threesome unsuccessfully sought a marriage license from San Francisco city officials, they were jeered by their fellow queers: You Qre ruining it for all of us: yelled the wedding-besotted crowd as the triplet of sexual deviants walked away from the courthouse' (ibid. at 4). Note the implication that the 'deviants' have a responsibility 'for all of us'.
Ibid. at 3. The ensuing anecdote delivers the point compellingly: 'It is therefore hardly surprising that when a threesome unsuccessfully sought a marriage license from San Francisco city officials, they were jeered by their fellow queers: "You Qre ruining it for all of us:" yelled the wedding-besotted crowd as the triplet of sexual deviants walked away from the courthouse' (ibid. at 4). Note the implication that the 'deviants' have a responsibility 'for all of us'.
at, and
Ibid. at 4-5 and 16.
Najeeba Durrani, aged 40. BBC Online News, 'UK Muslim panel on the veil row: Four British Muslims from across the country share their thoughts on the row over Muslim veils', 6 October 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/talking_print/5413352.stm.
Najeeba Durrani, aged 40. BBC Online News, 'UK Muslim panel on the veil row: Four British Muslims from across the country share their thoughts on the row over Muslim veils', 6 October 2006, available at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/talking_print/5413352.stm.
Deregulating Women: The Trials of Freedom Under a Thousand Points of Light
Brown, 'Deregulating Women: The Trials of Freedom Under a Thousand Points of Light'. [1991] Sub/versions 1 at 3.
, vol.1
, pp. 3