Decision on the Confirmation of Charges
(ICC-01/04-01/07), Pre-Trial Chamber I, 30 September 2008 ('Katanga and Chui')
Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, Prosecutor v. Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui (ICC-01/04-01/07), Pre-Trial Chamber I, 30 September 2008 ('Katanga and Chui').
Prosecutor v. Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui
Decision on the Confirmation of Charges
(ICC-01/04-01/06), Pre-Trial Chamber I, 29 January 2007 ('Lubanga'), §§ 328 et seq., 332, 333
Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo (ICC-01/04-01/06), Pre-Trial Chamber I, 29 January 2007 ('Lubanga'), §§ 328 et seq., 332, 333.
Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo
The prosecutor charged the defendants, in the alternative, as accessories under Art. 25(3)(b) ICCSt. for 'ordering' the crimes committed by the militia members. The Chamber decided that accessorial liability was 'rendered moot' by a finding of liability as principals under Art. 25(3)(a) and hence did not further pursue the alternative of accessorial liability.
The Chamber thus sidestepped the question whether it is permissible for the prosecutor to present alternative charges although Reg. 52(c) of the ICC Regulations requires '[a] legal characterization of the facts to accord both with the crimes under articles 6,7 or 8 and the precise form of participation under articles 25 and 28'.
Straftaten im Rahmen organisatorischer Machtapparate
At 193; for an (abridged) translation of Roxin's article see infra, in this issue of the Journal. A similar concept was proposed almost contemporaneously by F.C. Schroeder, Der Täter hinter dem Täter (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1965)
C. Roxin, 'Straftaten im Rahmen organisatorischer Machtapparate', Goltdammer's Archiv fur Strafrecht (1963), at 193; for an (abridged) translation of Roxin's article see infra, in this issue of the Journal. A similar concept was proposed almost contemporaneously by F.C. Schroeder, Der Täter hinter dem T̈ater (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1965).
Goltdammer's Archiv fur Strafrecht
Roxin, C.1
(Federal Court of Appeals), judgment of 26 July 1994, at 236 et seq. For an (abridged) translation of the judgment see infra, in this issue of the Journal
Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Appeals), judgment of 26 July 1994, in 40 Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen (1995) 218-240, at 236 et seq. For an (abridged) translation of the judgment see infra, in this issue of the Journal.
Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen
, vol.40
, pp. 218-240
Since, under German law, aiders and abettors are to be punished less severely than perpetrators, it is necessary for the courts to distinguish between these two forms of participating in a criminal act.
Reichsgericht (Imperial Court), judgment of 7 January 1881, at 182-183. In the famous 'bathtub case'decided by the Imperial Court, a woman had given birth to a child out of wedlock. The woman asked her sister (S) to drown the baby in the bathtub, and S did so. The Imperial Court reversed the conviction of S for murder and suggested that she should be convicted of aiding and abetting infanticide because she wanted only to help her sister and had no personal interest in having the baby killed; see Reichsgericht, judgment of 19 February 1940, in 74 Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Strafsachen (1940) 84
Reichsgericht (Imperial Court), judgment of 7 January 1881 in 3 Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Strafsachen (1881) 181-183, at 182-183. In the famous 'bathtub case'decided by the Imperial Court, a woman had given birth to a child out of wedlock. The woman asked her sister (S) to drown the baby in the bathtub, and S did so. The Imperial Court reversed the conviction of S for murder and suggested that she should be convicted of aiding and abetting infanticide because she wanted only to help her sister and had no personal interest in having the baby killed; see Reichsgericht, judgment of 19 February 1940, in 74 Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Strafsachen (1940) 84.
Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Strafsachen
, vol.3
, pp. 181-183
(43rd edn., Berlin: de Gruyter & Co, 1961), § 47, note I.5.B. For a modern analysis
See e.g. E. Kohlrausch and R. Lange, Strafgesetzbuch (43rd edn., Berlin: de Gruyter & Co, 1961), § 47, note I.5.B. For a modern analysis.
Kohlrausch, E.1
Lange, R.2
Die"Tatherrschaft kraft organisatorischer Machtapparate
und der BGH', at 413
see R. Zaczyk,'Die"Tatherrschaft kraft organisatorischer Machtapparate" und der BGH', Goltdammer's Archiv fur Strafrecht (2006) 411, at 413.
Goltdammer's Archiv fur Strafrecht
, vol.411
Zaczyk, R.1
The seminal work was C. Roxin, Täterschaft und Tatherrschaft (8th edn., Berlin: de Gruyter Verlag), For a more recent summary of Roxin's views on this topic.
The seminal work was C. Roxin, Täterschaft und Tatherrschaft (8th edn., Berlin: de Gruyter Verlag, 2006). The first edition of this monograph was published in 1963. For a more recent summary of Roxin's views on this topic.
The first edition of this monograph was published in 1963
(Munich: C.H. Beck), at 46 et seq
see C. Roxin, Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil, Vol. 2 (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2003), at 46 et seq.
Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil
, vol.2
Roxin, C.1
Cf. § 25 German Penal Code: '(1) Whoever commits the offence himself or through another person shall be punished as a perpetrator. (2) If several persons jointly commit the offence, each of them shall be punished as a perpetrator (co-perpetrator).' Instigation as well as aiding and abetting are defined separately in the following paragraphs. Although the Code's terse formulation leaves many questions open to interpretation, it seems clear that the Code does not espouse a purely subjective approach: under § 25(1), a person who'commits the offence' himself cannot be treated as a mere accessory, even if his subjective wish is only to help others to commit the offence.
Die moderne Entwicklung der Begriffe Täterschaft und Teilnähme im Strafrecht
For a more recent version, For an early statement of this view
For an early statement of this view, see W. Gallas, 'Die moderne Entwicklung der Begriffe Täterschaft und Teilnähme im Strafrecht', in Sonderheft (special issue) Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft (1957) 3; for a more recent version.
Sonderheft (special issue) Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft
, vol.3
Gallas, W.1
Mittelbare Taterschaft und Anstiftung in formalen Organisationen
K. Amelung (ed.), (Sinzheim: Pro Universitate Verlag) 33, at 43
see R.D. Herzberg, 'Mittelbare Taterschaft und Anstiftung in formalen Organisationen', in K. Amelung (ed.), Individuelle Verantwortung und Beteiligungsverhältnisse bei Straftaten in bürokratischen Organisationen des Staates, der Wirtschaft und der Gesellschaft (Sinzheim: Pro Universitate Verlag, 2000) 33, at 43.
Individuelle Verantwortung und Beteiligungsverhältnisse bei Straftaten in bürokratischen Organisationen des Staates, der Wirtschaft und der Gesellschaft
Herzberg, R.D.1
Grenzen der Taterschaft bei fremdhandiger Tatausfuhrung
At 437 et seq
see also, R. Bloy, 'Grenzen der Taterschaft bei fremdhandiger Tatausfuhrung', Goltdammer's Archiv fur Strafrecht (1996) 424, at 437 et seq.
Goltdammer's Archiv fur Strafrecht
, pp. 424
Bloy, R.1
H.W. Laufhütte, R. Rissing-van Saan, and K. Tiedemann (eds), For a good overview, (12th edn., Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Verlag,), at § 25, notes
For a good overview, see B. Schünemann, in H.W. Laufhütte, R. Rissing-van Saan, and K. Tiedemann (eds), Strafgesetzbuch. Leipziger Kommentar (12th edn., Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 2007), at § 25, notes 62-64.
Strafgesetzbuch. Leipziger Kommentar
, pp. 62-64
Schünemann, B.1
Organisationsherrschaft und Tatentschlossenheit
For a recent statement of this view, (visited 1 December 2010)
For a recent statement of this view, see C. Roxin, 'Organisationsherrschaft und Tatentschlossenheit', Zeitschrift für internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik (2006) 293, available online at www.zis-online.com (visited 1 December 2010).
Zeitschrift für internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik
, pp. 293
Roxin, C.1
Argues that the victim would not benefit if one member of the organization refused to carry out the order to commit the crime because 'as a rule' the criminal act would then be carried out by another member. Roxin obviously has in mind tight-knit large organizations such as the SS or the GDR's People's Army.
In order to make his concept applicable to the GDR regime ç which evidently did not operate 'outside the law' in most aspects of life ç Roxin claims that it is sufficient that an organization has distanced itself from the law in those areas where the crimes in question are being committed.
For an analysis and extensive documentation of the jurisprudence
see W. Joecks, in B. von Heintschel-Heinegg (ed.), (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2003), comments on § 25, notes 15-29
For an analysis and extensive documentation of the jurisprudence, see W. Joecks, in B. von Heintschel-Heinegg (ed.), Münchener Kommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch, Vol. 1 (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2003), comments on § 25, notes 15-29.
Münchener Kommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch
, vol.1
Die Abgrenzung von Täterschaft und Teilnahme in der höchstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung
C. Roxin and G. Widmaier (eds), (Munich: C.H. Beck), at 177
C. Roxin, 'Die Abgrenzung von Täterschaft und Teilnahme in der höchstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung', in C. Roxin and G. Widmaier (eds), 50 Jahre Bundesgerichtshof-Festgabe aus der Wissenschaft, Vol. 4 (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2000), at 177.
Jahre Bundesgerichtshof-Festgabe aus der Wissenschaft
, vol.50
, Issue.4
Roxin, C.1
The presiding judge of the Court's panel who coined this phrase later revealed that the Court intentionally used this formulation in order to extend the notion of perpetration through an organization to business enterprises.
Mittelbare Täterschaft durch Ausnutzung regelhafter Abläufe
At 343-344
see A. Nack, 'Mittelbare Täterschaft durch Ausnutzung regelhafter Abläufe', Goltdammer's Archiv fur Strafrecht (2006) 342, at 343-344.
Goltdammer's Archiv fur Strafrecht
, pp. 342
Nack, A.1
Judgment of 13 September 1994, at 268-272
See e.g. Bundesgerichtshof, judgment of 13 September 1994, in 40 Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen (1995) 257, at 268-272.
Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen
, vol.40
, pp. 257
Judgment of 11 December 1997
Bundesgerichtshof, judgment of 11 December 1997, in Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht (1998) 568.
Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht
, pp. 568
Judgment of 2 November 2007
Bundesgerichtshof, judgment of 2 November 2007, in Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht (2008) 89.
Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht
, pp. 89
Tatherrschaft durch Willensherrschaft kraft organisatorischer Machtapparate
See e.g. K. Ambos, 'Tatherrschaft durch Willensherrschaft kraft organisatorischer Machtapparate', Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht (1998) 226, at 239-240.
Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht
, pp. 226
Ambos, K.1
Willensherrschaft kraft organisatorischer Machtapparate im Rahmen "Nichtrechtsgelöster" Organisationen?
B. Schünemann et al. (eds), (Munich: de Gruyter Verlag), at 623
F. Muñoz Conde, 'Willensherrschaft kraft organisatorischer Machtapparate im Rahmen "Nichtrechtsgelöster" Organisationen?' in B. Schünemann et al. (eds), Festschrift für Claus Roxin zum 70. Geburtstag am 15. Mai 2001 (Munich: de Gruyter Verlag, 2001) 609, at 623.
Festschrift für Claus Roxin zum 70. Geburtstag am 15. Mai 2001
, pp. 609
Muñoz Conde, F.1
Die Rechtsfigur des "Täters hinter dem Täter", und das Prinzip der Tatherrschaftsstufen
A. Hoyer, H.E. Müller, M. Pawlik and J. Wolter (eds). Geburtstag (Munich: C.F. Müller), at 413
B. Schünemann, 'Die Rechtsfigur des "Täters hinter dem Täter" und das Prinzip der Tatherrschaftsstufen', in A. Hoyer, H.E. Müller, M. Pawlik and J. Wolter (eds), Festschrift fur Friedrich-Christian Schroeder zum 70. Geburtstag (Munich: C.F. Müller, 2006) 401, at 413.
Festschrift fur Friedrich-Christian Schroeder zum
, vol.70
, pp. 401
Schünemann, B.1
Tatherrschaft in Unternehmen vor kriminologischer Perspektive
But see the defence of the approach of the Federal Court of Appeals by R. Hefendehl, at 578 et seq.
But see the defence of the approach of the Federal Court of Appeals by R. Hefendehl, 'Tatherrschaft in Unternehmen vor kriminologischer Perspektive', Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht (2004) 575 at 578 et seq.
Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht
, pp. 575
Hefendehl, R.1
(Berlin: Duncker & Humblot), at 151-155
J. Schlösser, Soziale Tatherrschaft (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2004), at 151-155.
Soziale Tatherrschaft
Schlösser, J.1
Täterschaft kraft Organisatorischen Machtapparates
At 755-756
H. Otto, ' Täterschaft kraft Organisatorischen Machtapparates', Jura (2001) 753, at 755-756.
, pp. 753
Otto, H.1
Anmerkung zu BGH Urt. v. 3.7.2003, 2004
At 249
T. Rotsch, 'Anmerkung zu BGH Urt. v. 3.7.2003, 2004', Juristische Rundschau (2004) 248, at 249.
Juristische Rundschau
, vol.248
Rotsch, T.1
For an alternative explanation of dominance through social organizations.
Neues zur Organisationsherrschaft
At 16. Roxin emphasizes the fact that the result (Erfolg) is certain when the perpetrator makes use of an organization under his command, neglecting the question of how exactly that result comes about.
T. Rotsch, 'Neues zur Organisationsherrschaft', Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht (2005) 13, at 16. Roxin emphasizes the fact that the result (Erfolg) is certain when the perpetrator makes use of an organization under his command, neglecting the question of how exactly that result comes about.
Neue Zeitschrift für Strafrecht
, pp. 13
Rotsch, T.1
(Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck), at 326-331
T. Rotsch, 'Einheitstäterschaft' statt Tatherrschaft (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009), at 326-331.
Statt Tatherrschaft
Rotsch, T.1
Mittelbare Täterschaft kraft Organisationsherrschaft im nationalen und internationalen Strafrecht
At 354-355
H. Radtke,'Mittelbare Täterschaft kraft Organisationsherrschaft im nationalen und internationalen Strafrecht', Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht (2006) 350, at 354-355.
Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht
, pp. 350
Radtke, H.1
Täterschaft und Teilnahme in staatlichen Machtapparaten
For a useful analysis
For a useful analysis, see G. Heine, 'Täterschaft und Teilnahme in staatlichen Machtapparaten', 55 Juristenzeitung (2000) 920.
, vol.55
, pp. 920
Heine, G.1
Beteiligung an schwerem systematischen Unrecht
K. Lüderssen (ed.), (Baden-Baden: No mos), at 234-235
K. Marxen, 'Beteiligung an schwerem systematischen Unrecht', in K. Lüderssen (ed.), Aufgeklärte Kriminalpolitik oder Kampf gegen das Böse?, Vol. 3 (Baden-Baden: No mos, 1998) 220, at 234-235.
Aufgeklärte Kriminalpolitik oder Kampf gegen das Böse?
, vol.3
, pp. 220
Marxen, K.1
(2nd edn., Berlin: de Gruyter Verlag), note 21/103
G. Jakobs, Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil (2nd edn., Berlin: de Gruyter Verlag, 1991), note 21/103.
Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil
Jakobs, G.1
Would convict the leader of the organization not as an instigator but as a co-perpetrator of the crimes carried out by his subordinate.
Individuelle Verantwortlichkeit im Völkerstrafrecht
At 427 (claiming that the introduction of a 'perpetrator behind the perpetrator' only leads to fruitless discussions about distinguishing between instigation and perpetration)
Cf. J. Vogel, 'Individuelle Verantwortlichkeit im Völkerstrafrecht', 114 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft (2002) 403, at 427 (claiming that the introduction of a 'perpetrator behind the perpetrator' only leads to fruitless discussions about distinguishing between instigation and perpetration).
Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft
, vol.114
, pp. 403
Vogel, J.1
Nor is any particular form of participation listed among the mitigating and aggravating circumstances in Rule 145(2) of the ICC RPE.
Judgment, Kupreškić (IT-95-16-T), Trial Chamber, 23 October 2001, § 852. For a thorough documentation of ICTY and ICTR jurisprudence in this regard.
(Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag), at 383, 389-392 (the fact that the Appeals Chamber deemed the defendant guilty of a different form of responsibility sometimes led to an increase or reduction of the sentence)
see B. Burghardt, Die Vorgesetztenverantwortlichkeit im völkerrechtlichen Straftatsystem (Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2008), at 383, 389-392 (the fact that the Appeals Chamber deemed the defendant guilty of a different form of responsibility sometimes led to an increase or reduction of the sentence).
Die Vorgesetztenverantwortlichkeit im völkerrechtlichen Straftatsystem
Burghardt, B.1
The Responsibility of Accomplices in the Case-Law of the ad hoc Tribunals
At 419
Cf. F. Zorzi Giustiniani, 'The Responsibility of Accomplices in the Case-Law of the ad hoc Tribunals', 20 Criminal Law Forum (2009) 417, at 419.
Criminal Law Forum
, vol.20
, pp. 417
Zorzi Giustiniani, F.1
Claus Roxins Lehre von der Organisationsherrschaft und das Völkerstrafrecht
At 308 (claiming a need in international criminal law to express a person's 'main responsibility' on the level of conviction rather than sentencing)
see also C. Kreβ, 'Claus Roxins Lehre von der Organisationsherrschaft und das Völkerstrafrecht', Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht (2006) 304, at 308 (claiming a need in international criminal law to express a person's 'main responsibility' on the level of conviction rather than sentencing).
Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht
, pp. 304
Kreβ, C.1
Die mittelbare Mittäterschaft -Fortentwicklung deutscher Strafrechtsdogmatik im Völkerstrafrecht?
R. Bloy et al. (eds). Festschrift für Manfred Maiwald zum 75. Geburtstag (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot), at 852
G. Werle and B. Burghardt, 'Die mittelbare Mittäterschaft -Fortentwicklung deutscher Strafrechtsdogmatik im Völkerstrafrecht?' in R. Bloy et al. (eds), Gerechte Strafe und legitimes Strafrecht. Festschrift für Manfred Maiwald zum 75. Geburtstag (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2010) 849, at 852.
Gerechte Strafe und legitimes Strafrecht
, pp. 849
Werle, G.1
Burghardt, B.2
The question arises whether (and if so, why) the person performing the criminal act as a member of an organization can be held criminally responsible. Olásolo's suggestion raises the question why a person should be held responsible on the basis of a mere illusion of being an autonomous agent ç we would certainly not convict an insane man who claims to be totally normal and wishes to accept responsibility for what he did.
Bewältigung von Systemkriminalität
C. Roxin and G. Widmaier (eds), (Munich: C. H. Beck), at 426
K. Rogall, 'Bewältigung von Systemkriminalität', in C. Roxin and G. Widmaier (eds), 50 Jahre Bundesgerichtshof. Festgabe aus der Wissenschaft, Vol. 4 (Munich: C. H. Beck, 2000) 383, at 426.
Jahre Bundesgerichtshof. Festgabe aus der Wissenschaft
, vol.50
, Issue.4
, pp. 383
Rogall, K.1
For a borderline German case, see Bundesgerichtshof, judgment of 15 September 1988, i n 35 Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Strafsachen (1989) 347-356: A couple (A and B) made their very gullible friend F believe that their enemy X needed to be killed in order to satisfy the evil 'cat king' (a devilish demon invented by A and B) who would otherwise kill millions of people. F eventually tried to kill X with a knife, believing that he was justified in killing one person in order to save millions of others. The Federal Court of Appeals held F responsible for attempted murder because his honest mistake of law could have been avoided. The Court nevertheless convicted A and B as perpetrators of attempted murder, arguing that they had made F totally dependent and had thus induced him to commit the act. The Court rejected a strict application of the 'autonomy principle' - which would have precluded the Court from convicting A and B as principals - and declared that the distinction between perpetration and mere instigation in cases such as the one before the Court depended on the kind and intensity of the actor's mistake as well as the intensity of the influence exerted by the person in the background .
pointing out that Art. 25(3)(a) through (d) ICCSt. contains a model of participation that distinguishes by degrees of responsibility.
Has correctly observed, the Pre-Trial Chamber has not adopted Roxin's requirement that the organization must operate outside the law.
See e. g. Judgment, Stakić (IT-97-24-A), Appeals Chamber, 22 March 2006, §62 (discussing status of indirect perpetration in international criminal law and rejecting a combination of indirect perpetration and co-perpetration as suggested by the Trial Chamber in the same case). Another attempt of Judge Schomburg to introduce indirect perpetration as a concept of international criminal law failed in Judgment, Simić (IT-95-9-A), Appeals Chamber, 28 November 2006 (Dissenting Opinion of Judge Schomburg, §§ 18-21). This is not the place to discuss the merits of the JCE doctrine, which has dominated the jurisprudence of ICTY and ICTR; for a recent thorough discussion.
(Berlin: Duncker & Humblot). It seems clear that Pre-Trial Chamber I of the ICC intends to distance itself from the JCE doctrine
see V. Haan, Joint Criminal Enterprise (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2008). It seems clear that Pre-Trial Chamber I of the ICC intends to distance itself from the JCE doctrine.
Joint Criminal Enterprise
Haan, V.1
The Continuous Quest for Proper Modes of Criminal Responsibility
For a more benevolent interpretation of the Trial Chamber's adaptation of Roxin's concept, see H.G. van der Wilt, 'Such a flexible approach, geared to the specific circumstances, may prove the versatility of the concept and its resilience against the wear and tear of time.'
For a more benevolent interpretation of the Trial Chamber's adaptation of Roxin's concept, see H.G. van der Wilt, 'The Continuous Quest for Proper Modes of Criminal Responsibility', 7 Journal of International Criminal Justice (2009) 307, at 312: 'Such a flexible approach, geared to the specific circumstances, may prove the versatility of the concept and its resilience against the wear and tear of time.'.
Journal of International Criminal Justice
, vol.7
, pp. 307
The Pre-Trial Chamber abandoned the 'loose' approach taken in Lubanga and instead required the organization to have certain specific features as suggested by Roxin.
Judgment, (IT-94-1-A), Appeals Chamber, 15 July 1999, §190
Judgment, Tadić (IT-94-1-A), Appeals Chamber, 15 July 1999, §190.
(IT-98-30/1-A), 28 February 2005, § 81
Judgment, Kvočka et al. (IT-98-30/1-A), Appeals Chamber, 28 February 2005, § 81.
Appeals Chamber
Joint Criminal Enterprise and its Extended Form
At 277. For various problems posed by the formulation of Art. 25(3)(d) ICCSt.
Cf. H. Olásolo,'Joint Criminal Enterprise and its Extended Form', 20 Criminal Law Forum (2009) 263, at 277. For various problems posed by the formulation of Art. 25(3)(d) ICCSt.
Criminal Law Forum
, vol.20
, pp. 263
Olásolo, H.1
Joint Criminal Confusion
see J.D. Ohlin,'Joint Criminal Confusion', 12 New Criminal Law Review (2009) 406.
New Criminal Law Review
, vol.12
, pp. 406
Ohlin, J.D.1
Judgment, (IT-97-24-T), 31 July 2003, § 741. The Appeals Chamber rejected the Trial Chamber's approach in favour of JCE
Judgment, Stakic (IT-97-24-T),Trial Chamber, 31 July 2003, § 741. The Appeals Chamber rejected the Trial Chamber's approach in favour of JCE.
Trial Chamber
Decision, Prosecution's Application for a Warrant of Arrest against Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir, Prosecutor v. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir (ICC-02/05-01/09), Pre-Trial Chamber I, 4 March 2009, §§ 213-216.