LHCb collaboration. R. Antunes-Nobrega et al. LHCb reoptimized detector design and performance. CERN-LHCC-2003-030. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/630827.
LHCb collaboration. R. Antunes-Nobrega et al. LHCb reoptimized detector design and performance. CERN-LHCC-2003-030. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/630827.
Note LHCb-2007-025
M. Needham and T. Ruf. Estimation of the material budget of the LHCb detector. Note LHCb-2007-025. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1023537.
J. Christiansen. Test. time alignment. calibration and monitoring in the LHCb front-end electronics. EDMS document https://edms.cern.ch/document/ 692583.
G. Corti and G. von Holtey. Study of beampipe induced background in the LHCb detector for the optimization of the vacuum chamber design. Note LHCb-2003-085.
J.R. Knaster. The vacuum chamber in the interaction region of particle colliders: a historical study and developments implemented in the LHCb experiment at CERN. Ph.D. Thesis. CERN-ETSII. Geneva Switzerland (2004).
D. Ramos. Design of the fixed beampipe supports inside the acceptance region of the LHCb experiment. CERN Vacuum Tech. Note. EDMS document https://edms.cern.ch/document/882924.
P. Koppenburg. Simulation of the vertex trigger preprocessor:effects of noise on L1 performance. Note LHCb-1999-003. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/691699.
D. Petrie. C. Parkes and S. Viret. Study of the impact of VELO misalignments on the LHCb tracking and L1 trigger performance. Note LHCb-2005-056. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/899299.
N. Van Bakel et al. Wake fields in the LHCb vertex detector: alternative design for the wake fields suppressor. Note LHCb-99-044. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/691599.
LHCb VELO GROUP collaboration. Review of the planned replacement ofn-on-n with n-on-p detectors for LHCb-Velo. EDMS document https://edms.cern.ch/document/883223.
A. Bates et. al. A facility for long term evaluation and quality assurance of LHCb vertex detector modules. Note LHCb-2007-102. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1061056.
D. Breton and D. Charlet. SPECS: the Serial Protocol for the Experiment Control System of LHCb. Note LHCb-2003-004. http://cdsweb.cern. ch/record/681284.
LHCb ST and VELO GROUP collaborations. G. Haefeli and A. Gong. LHCb VELO and ST clusterization on TELL1 EDMS document https://edms.cern.ch/document/690585.
LHCb ST and VELO GROUP collaborations. G. Haefeli and A. Gong. LHCb VELO and ST clusterization on TELL1 EDMS document https://edms.cern.ch/document/690585.
LHCb VELO GROUP. D. Eckstein. VELO raw data format and strip numbering. EDMS document https://edms.cern.ch/document/637676.
LHCb VELO GROUP. D. Eckstein. VELO raw data format and strip numbering. EDMS document https://edms.cern.ch/document/637676.
LHCb VELO GROUP collaboration. M. Ferro-Luzzi. VELO hardware interlocks. EDMS document https://edms.cern.ch/document/706629.
LHCb VELO GROUP collaboration. M. Ferro-Luzzi. VELO hardware interlocks. EDMS document https://edms.cern.ch/document/706629.
Study of the spatial resolution achievable with the BTeV pixel sensors
hep-ex/00 070 54
M. Artuso and J.C. Wang. Study of the spatial resolution achievable with the BTeV pixel sensors. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A465(2000) 115 [hep-ex/00 070 54].
V. Blobel and C. Kleinwort. A new method for the high-precision alignment of track detectors. Contribution to the Conference on Advanced Statistical Techniques in Particle Physics PHYSTAT2002. Durham U.K. hep-ex/0208021.
T.W. Versloot. Position reconstruction and charge distribution in LHCb VELO silicon sensors. Note LHCb-2007-119. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/ 1073483.
J. Gassner. M. Needham and O. Steinkamp. Layout and expected performance of the LHCb TT station. Note LHCb-2003-140. http://cdsweb.cern. ch/record/728548.
J. Gassner. F. Lehner and S. Steiner. The mechanical design of the LHCb silicon trigger tracker. Note LHCb-2004-110. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/858499.
J.-L. Agram et al. The silicon sensors for the Compact Muon Solenoid tracker - design and qualification procedure. Note CMS-2003-015. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/687875.
J.-L. Agram et al. The silicon sensors for the Compact Muon Solenoid tracker - design and qualification procedure. Note CMS-2003-015. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/687875.
Note LHCb-2005-061
A. Bay et al. Hybrid design. procurement and testing for the LHCb silicon tracker. Note LHCb-2005-061. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/885752.
V. Bobillier. J. Christiansen and R. Frei. Grounding. shielding and power distribution in LHCb. Note LHCb-2004-039. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/738180.
D. Esperante and A. Vollhardt. Design and development of the control board for the LHCb silicon tracker. Note LHCb-2007-153. http://cdsweb.cern. ch/record/1082457.
M. Agari et al. Test beam results of multi-geometry prototype sensors for the LHCb inner tracker. Note LHCb-2002-058. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/684437.
M. Agari et al. Test-beam measurements on prototype ladders for the LHCb TT station and Inner Tracker. Note LHCb-2003-082. http://cdsweb.cern. ch/record/722699.
S. Köstner and U. Straumann. Noise considerations for the beetle amplifier used with long silicon strip detectors. Note LHCb-2005-029. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/837194.
A. Perrin and K. Vervink. The inner tracker detector description and its implementation in the XML database. Note LHCb-2006-018. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/962061.
An amplifier-shaper-discriminator with baseline restoration for the ATLAS transition radiation tracker
R. Bevensee et al. An amplifier-shaper-discriminator with baseline restoration for the ATLAS transition radiation tracker. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 43(1996) 1725.
G.W. van Apeldoorn et al. Beam tests of final modules and electronics of the LHCb outer tracker in 2005. Note LHCb-2005-076. http://cdsweb.cern. ch/record/896901.
M. Adamus. A. Nawrot and M. Szczekowski. Alignment system for the outer tracker detector in LHCb experiment. Note LHCb-2001-006. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/691623;
PhD Thesis. Ceské vysoké ucení technické v Praze. Prague Czech Republic
M. Laub. Development of opto-mechanical tools and procedures for a new generation of RICH-detectors at CERN. PhD Thesis. Ceské vysoké ucení technické v Praze. Prague Czech Republic (2001).
PhD Thesis. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Barcelona Spain
L. Fernàndez Hernando. New automatic techniques to test optical components of the next generation of RICH detectors at CERN. PhD Thesis. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Barcelona Spain (2001).
PhD Thesis. Università degli Studi di Palermo Palermo Italy
G. Aglieri-Rinella. Development of the photon detection. acquisition and optical systems of modern ring imaging Cherenkov detectors. PhD Thesis. Università degli Studi di Palermo Palermo Italy (2006).
C. D'Ambrosio et al. The optical systems of LHCb RICHes: a study on the mirror walls and mirrors specifications. Note LHCb-2000-071. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/691486.
M. Alemi et al. First operation of a hybrid photon detector prototype with electrostatic cross-focussing and integrated silicon pixel readout. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 449 (2000) 48.
P. Moreira et al. A radiation tolerant gigabit serializer for LHC data transmission. Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments. CERN-LHCC-2001-034. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/588665.
C. Arnaboldi et al. The high voltage distribution system for the hybrid photodetector arrays of RICH 1 and RICH 2 at LHCb. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Rec. 1 (2005) 413.
C. Gaspar and M. Dönszelmann. DIM: a distributed information management system for the DELPHI experiment at CERN. presented at IEEE Conference REAL TIME '93. Vancouver Canada (1993). http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/254799.
S. Barsuk et al. Design and construction of the electromagnetic calorimeter for the LHCb experiment. Note LHCb-2000-043. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/691508.
R. Djeliadine. O. Iouchtchenko and V.F. Obraztsov. LHCb hadron trigger and HCAL cell size and length optimisation. Note LHCb-1999-035. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/691688.
B. Delcourt. J. Lefrancois. Investigation of widening of the no mass peak with electronic defects. Note LHCb-2000-029. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/691719.
Z. Ajaltouni et al. Study ofmultianode photomultipliers for the electromagnetic calorimeter preshower read out of the LHCb experiment. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 504(2003) 9;
HERA-B collaboration. HERA-B: an experiment to study CP violation in the B system using an internal target at the HERA proton ring. Proposal. DESY-PRC-94-002;
A. Arefiev et al. Design. construction. quality control and performance study with cosmic rays ofmodules for the LHCb electromagnetic calorimeter. Note LHCb-2007-148. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1080559.
N. Dumont-Dayot. The preprocessor FPGA for the ECAUHCAL and PS/SPD detectors. LAPP EDMS 1-008689 https://edms.in2p3.fr/file/I-008689/l/pp-fpga- firmware.pdf.
N. Dumont-Dayot. The preprocessor FPGA for the ECAUHCAL and PS/SPD detectors. LAPP EDMS 1-008689 https://edms.in2p3.fr/file/I-008689/l/pp-fpga- firmware.pdf.
EDMS 527942
D. Böget et al. The readout of the LHCb calorimeters. EDMS 527942 http://edms.cern.ch/document/527942.
G. Avoni et al. The HERA-B ECAL electronics and monitoring. in Proceedings of International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics. CALOR 2000. Annecy France (2000).
R. Santacesaria and A. Satta. A new calculation of the low energy background in the muon system. Note LHCb-2003-057. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/684464.
B. Bochin et al. Beam tests of WPC-7 prototype of wire pad chambers for the LHCb muon system. Note LHCb-2000-102. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/ 691718.
B. Bochin et al. Test results of a full size prototype of the muon chambers for region M2/R4 of the LHCb muon system. Note LHCb-2002-025. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/681216.
B. Maréchal et al. Construction and test of the prototype chamber for region 1 of the LHCb muon station 2. Note LHCb-2002-034. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/691482.
A. Kachtchouk et al. Performance study of a MWPC prototype for the LHCb muon system with the ASDQ chip. Note LHCb-2000-062. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/681340.
W. Riegler. Detector physics and performance: simulation of the MWPCs for the full LHCb muon system. Note LHCb-2000-060. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/681186.
M. Anelli et al. Extensive ageing test of two prototypes of four-gap MWPC for the LHCb muon system. Note LHCb-2004-029. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/733605.
Advances in fast multi-GEM-based detector operation for high-rate charged-particle triggering
M. Alfonsi et al. Advances in fast multi-GEM-based detector operation for high-rate charged-particle triggering. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 51 (2004) 2135.
W. Bonivento. D. Marras and G. Auriemma. Production of the front-end boards of the LHCb muon system. Note LHCb-2007-150. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/1079951.
CARIOCA 0.25 fi m CMOS fast binary front-end for sensor interface using a novel current-mode feedback technique
D. Moraes et al., CARIOCA 0.25 fi m CMOS fast binary front-end for sensor interface using a novel current-mode feedback technique. IEEE Proc. Int. Symp. Circuits Syst. 1 (2001) 360.
th workshop on electronics for LHC experiments. Stockholm Sweden (2001). http://lhc-electronics-workshop.web.cern.ch/LHC-electronics- workshop/2001/muon/moraesboniv.pdf.
The services boards system for the LHCb muon detector (equalization. timing and monitoring of the 120k front end channels in the LHCb muon detector)
V. Bocci et al. The services boards system for the LHCb muon detector (equalization. timing and monitoring of the 120k front end channels in the LHCb muon detector). IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Rec. 3(2007) 2134.
th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments. Stockholm Sweden (2001). http://lhc-electronics-workshop. web.cern.ch/LHC-electronics-workshop/2001/opto/Moreira.pdf.
G. Sabatino et al. Cluster size measurements for the LHCb muon system M5R4 MWPCs using cosmic rays. Note LHCb-2006-011. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/939097.
S. de Capua et al. Study of gas gain uniformity for the LHCb muon system MWPCs using cosmic rays. Note LHCb-2006-010. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/ record/939085.
J.R.T. de Mello Neto and M. Gandelman. Muon ID performance with the reoptimized LHCb detector. Note LHCb-2003-089. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/ 691744;
V. Breton. N. Brun and P. Perret. A clustering algorithm for the LHCb electromagnetic calorimeter using cellular automaton. Note LHCb-2001-123. http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/681262.