ed, New York: Teachers College Press, This work will be cited as HAA in the text for all subsequent references
Kenneth A. Sirotnik, ed., Holding Accountability Accountable: What Ought to Matter in Public Education (New York: Teachers College Press, 2004). This work will be cited as HAA in the text for all subsequent references.
Holding Accountability Accountable: What Ought to Matter in Public Education
and, eds, New York: Routledge Falmer, This work will be cited as NA in the text for all subsequent references
Martin Carnoy, Richard Elmore, and Leslie Santee Siskin, eds., The New Accountability: High Schools and High-Stakes Testing (New York: Routledge Falmer, 2003). This work will be cited as NA in the text for all subsequent references.
The New Accountability: High Schools and High-Stakes Testing
and, eds, New York: Routledge Falmer, This work will be cited as EEA in the text for all subsequent references
Linda Skrla and James J. Scheurich, eds., Educational Equity and Accountability: Paradigms, Policies, and Politics (New York: Routledge Falmer, 2004). This work will be cited as EEA in the text for all subsequent references.
Educational Equity and Accountability: Paradigms, Policies, and Politics
Linda Skrla, James J. Scheurich, and Joseph F. Johnson, Equity-Driven Achievement-Focused School Districts: A Report on Systemic School Success in Four Texas School Districts Serving Diverse Student Populations (Austin: Charles A. Dana Center, The University of Texas, 2000), http://www.utdanacenter. org/downloads/products/equitydistricts.pdf. This work will be cited as EDAF in the text for all subsequent references.
Linda Skrla, James J. Scheurich, and Joseph F. Johnson, Equity-Driven Achievement-Focused School Districts: A Report on Systemic School Success in Four Texas School Districts Serving Diverse Student Populations (Austin: Charles A. Dana Center, The University of Texas, 2000), http://www.utdanacenter. org/downloads/products/equitydistricts.pdf. This work will be cited as EDAF in the text for all subsequent references.
Two popular examples are Alfie Kohn, The Case Against Standardized Testing: Raising the Scores, Ruining the Schools (Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann, 2000);
Two popular examples are Alfie Kohn, The Case Against Standardized Testing: Raising the Scores, Ruining the Schools (Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann, 2000);
and Mary Lee Smith, with Linda Miller-Kahn, Walter Heinecke, and Patricia Jarvis, Political Spectacle and the Fate of American Schools (New York: Routledge Falmer, 2004).
and Mary Lee Smith, with Linda Miller-Kahn, Walter Heinecke, and Patricia Jarvis, Political Spectacle and the Fate of American Schools (New York: Routledge Falmer, 2004).
Education, Accountability, and the Ethical Demand: Can the Democratic Potential of Accountability Be Regained?
See especially
See especially Gert J.J. Biesta, "Education, Accountability, and the Ethical Demand: Can the Democratic Potential of Accountability Be Regained?" Educational Theory, 54, no. 3 (2004): 233-250.
Educational Theory
, vol.54
, Issue.3
, pp. 233-250
Biesta, G.J.J.1
Other examples include Frank Pignatelli, Mapping the Terrain of a Foucauldian Ethics: A Response to the Surveillance of Schooling, Studies in Philosophy and Education 21, no. 2 (2002): 157-180;
Other examples include Frank Pignatelli, "Mapping the Terrain of a Foucauldian Ethics: A Response to the Surveillance of Schooling," Studies in Philosophy and Education 21, no. 2 (2002): 157-180;
Interrogating 'Teacher Identity': Emotion, Resistance, and Self-Formation
and Michalinos Zembylas, "Interrogating 'Teacher Identity': Emotion, Resistance, and Self-Formation," Educational Theory 53, no. 1 (2003): 107-127.
Educational Theory
, vol.53
, Issue.1
, pp. 107-127
Zembylas, M.1
See the work of Robert Linn, such as Robert L. Linn, Assessments and Accountability, Educational Researcher 29, no. 2 (2000): 4-16;
See the work of Robert Linn, such as Robert L. Linn, "Assessments and Accountability," Educational Researcher 29, no. 2 (2000): 4-16;
Stability of School-Building Accountability Scores and Gains
and Robert L. Linn and Carolyn Haug, "Stability of School-Building Accountability Scores and Gains," Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 24, no. 1 (2002): 29-36.
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
, vol.24
, Issue.1
, pp. 29-36
Linn, R.L.1
Haug, C.2
Getting Back on Course: Standards-Based Reform and Accountability
For a comprehensive vision for a standardsbased accountability system, For analysis of this problem, see, Spring
For analysis of this problem, see Lauren Resnick and Chris Zurawsky, "Getting Back on Course: Standards-Based Reform and Accountability," American Educator 29 (Spring 2005), http://www.aft.org/ pubs-reports/American-educator/issues/spring05/resnick.htm. For a comprehensive vision for a standardsbased accountability system,
American Educator
, vol.29
Resnick, L.1
Zurawsky, C.2
Framework for an Effective Assessment and Accountability Program: The Philadelphia Example
see Andrew C. Porter, Mitchell D. Chester, and Michael D. Schlesinger, "Framework for an Effective Assessment and Accountability Program: The Philadelphia Example," Teachers College Record 106, no. 6 (2004): 1358-1400.
Teachers College Record
, vol.106
, Issue.6
, pp. 1358-1400
Porter, A.C.1
Chester, M.D.2
Schlesinger, M.D.3
Left Behind Act of 2001, Public Law 107-110 (HR1)
January 8, 2002
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Public Law 107-110 (HR1), 107th Congress (January 8, 2002), http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/index. html.
107th Congress
Child, N.1
The Effects of State Decisions About NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress Targets
For analysis of technical components of state systems, see
For analysis of technical components of state systems, see Andrew C. Porter, Robert L. Linn, and C. Scott Trimble, "The Effects of State Decisions About NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress Targets," Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 24, no. 4 (2005): 32-39.
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice
, vol.24
, Issue.4
, pp. 32-39
Porter, A.C.1
Linn, R.L.2
Scott Trimble, C.3
The Authentic Standards Movement and Its Evil Twin
Scott Thompson, "The Authentic Standards Movement and Its Evil Twin," Phi Delta Kappan 82, no. 5 (2001): 358-362.
Phi Delta Kappan
, vol.82
, Issue.5
, pp. 358-362
Thompson, S.1
The editors credit the original use of the concept to a report by, Philadelphia: Consortium for Policy Research in Education
The editors credit the original use of the concept to a report by Charles Abelmann and Richard F. Elmore, When Accountability Knocks, Will Anyone Answer? (Philadelphia: Consortium for Policy Research in Education, 1999), http://www.cpre.org/index.php?option1/4com-content&task1/4view&id1/4 167&Itemid1/4122.
When Accountability Knocks, Will Anyone Answer
Abelmann, C.1
Elmore, R.F.2
Education, Accountability, and the Ethical Demand"; Pignatelli, "Mapping the Terrain of a Foucauldian
Biesta, "Education, Accountability, and the Ethical Demand"; Pignatelli, "Mapping the Terrain of a Foucauldian Ethics";
A Political Sociology of Educational Reform; Vinson and Ross
Popkewitz, A Political Sociology of Educational Reform; Vinson and Ross, Image and Education;
Image and Education
trans. Steven Rendell Berkeley: University of California Press
Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, trans. Steven Rendell (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984).
The Practice of Everyday Life
Michel de Certeau1
Constraining Elementary Teachers' Work: Dilemmas and Paradoxes Created by State Mandated Testing
Sandra Mathison and Melissa Freeman, "Constraining Elementary Teachers' Work: Dilemmas and Paradoxes Created by State Mandated Testing," Educational Policy Analysis Archives 11, no. 34 (2003), http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/ v11n34/;
Educational Policy Analysis Archives
, vol.11
, Issue.34
Mathison, S.1
Freeman, M.2
ed. Sandra Mathison Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
and Patricia J. Rogers, "Accountability," in Encyclopedia of Evaluation, ed. Sandra Mathison (Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, 2005), 2-4.
Encyclopedia of Evaluation
, pp. 2-4
Rogers, P.J.1
Holding Accountability Accountable: What Ought to Matter in Public Education
Susan Ohanian, "Holding Accountability Accountable: What Ought to Matter in Public Education," Teachers College Record 107, no. 2 (2005): 307-311.
Teachers College Record
, vol.107
, Issue.2
, pp. 307-311
Ohanian, S.1
Israel Scheffler, Reason and Teaching (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1989); John Dewey, Experience and Education (New York: Collier, 1938);
Israel Scheffler, Reason and Teaching (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1989); John Dewey, Experience and Education (New York: Collier, 1938);