BOUSCAYROL, A.-DAVAT, B,-DE FORNEL, B.-FRANÇOIS, B.-HAUTIER, J. P.-MEIBODY-TABAR, F.-MONMASSON, E.-PIETRZAK-DAVID, M.-RAZIK, H.-SEMAIL, E.-BENKHORIS, F.: Control Structures for Multi-Machine Multi-Converter Systems with Upstream Coupling, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 63, Elsevier, 2003, pp. 261-270.
BOUSCAYROL, A.-DAVAT, B,-DE FORNEL, B.-FRANÇOIS, B.-HAUTIER, J. P.-MEIBODY-TABAR, F.-MONMASSON, E.-PIETRZAK-DAVID, M.-RAZIK, H.-SEMAIL, E.-BENKHORIS, F.: Control Structures for Multi-Machine Multi-Converter Systems with Upstream Coupling, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 63, Elsevier, 2003, pp. 261-270.
BOUSCAYROL, A.-DAVAT, B. DE FORNEL, B.-FRANÇOIS, B.-HAUTIER, J. P.-MEIBODY-TABAR, F.-PIETRZAK-DAVID, M.: Multi-Machine Multi-Converter Systems for Drives: Analysis of Couplings by a Global Modelling, in: Proceeding's of the IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting, Rome, October 2000, CD-ROM (common paper of GREEN, L2EP and LEEI, according to the MMS project of GdR-SDSE).
BOUSCAYROL, A.-DAVAT, B. DE FORNEL, B.-FRANÇOIS, B.-HAUTIER, J. P.-MEIBODY-TABAR, F.-PIETRZAK-DAVID, M.: Multi-Machine Multi-Converter Systems for Drives: Analysis of Couplings by a Global Modelling, in: Proceeding's of the IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting, Rome, October 2000, CD-ROM (common paper of GREEN, L2EP and LEEI, according to the MMS project of GdR-SDSE).
BOUSCAYROL, A.-DAVAT, B.-DE FORNEL, B.-FRANÇOIS, B.-HAUTIER, J. P.-MEIBODY-TABAR, F.: Multi-Machine Multiconverter System: Application for the Electromechanical Conversion, EPJ Appl Phys. 10 (2000), 131-147.
BOUSCAYROL, A.-DAVAT, B.-DE FORNEL, B.-FRANÇOIS, B.-HAUTIER, J. P.-MEIBODY-TABAR, F.: Multi-Machine Multiconverter System: Application for the Electromechanical Conversion, EPJ Appl Phys. 10 (2000), 131-147.
MERCIERA, J. C.-VERHILLE, J. N.-BOUSCYROL, A.: Energetic Macroscopic Representation of a Subway Traction System for a Simulation Model, IEEE-ISIE'04, Ajaccio (France), May 2004.
MERCIERA, J. C.-VERHILLE, J. N.-BOUSCYROL, A.: Energetic Macroscopic Representation of a Subway Traction System for a Simulation Model, IEEE-ISIE'04, Ajaccio (France), May 2004.
Monotiring Tire-Road Friction using the Wheel Slip
GUSTAFSSON, F.: Monotiring Tire-Road Friction using the Wheel Slip, IEEE Control Systems Magazines 18 No. 4 (1998), 42-49.
IEEE Control Systems Magazines
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Slip Based Tire-Road Friction Estimation
GUSTAFSSON. F.: Slip Based Tire-Road Friction Estimation, Automatica 33 No. 6 (1997), 1087-1099.
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HORI, Y.-TOYODA. Y.-TSURUOKA, Y.: Traction Control of Electric Vehicule Based on the Estimation of Road Surface Condition. Basic Experimental Results using the Test EV UOT Electric March, IEEE. Trans. on Industry Applications 34 No. 5 (1998), 1131-1138.
HORI, Y.-TOYODA. Y.-TSURUOKA, Y.: Traction Control of Electric Vehicule Based on the Estimation of Road Surface Condition. Basic Experimental Results using the Test EV "UOT Electric March", IEEE. Trans. on Industry Applications 34 No. 5 (1998), 1131-1138.
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EHSANI, M.-RAHMAN, K. M.-TOLIYAT. H. A.: Propulsion System Design and Hybrid Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 44 No. 1 (1997), 19-27.
EHSANI, M.-RAHMAN, K. M.-TOLIYAT. H. A.: Propulsion System Design and Hybrid Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 44 No. 1 (1997), 19-27.
Motorisation des véhicules électriques
Article E3996, Paris, Février
MULTON, B.: Motorisation des véhicules électriques. Techniques de l'ingénieur, Article E3996, volume ES, Paris, Février 2001.
Techniques de l'ingénieur
, vol.ES
ARNET, B.-JUFER, M.: Torque Control on Electric Vehicles with Separate Wheel Drives, Proceeding of EPE'97, Trondhein, 4, 1997, pp. 39-40.
ARNET, B.-JUFER, M.: Torque Control on Electric Vehicles with Separate Wheel Drives, Proceeding of EPE'97, Trondhein, vol. 4, 1997, pp. 39-40.
HARTANI, K.-BOURAHLA, M.-MAZARI, B.: New Driving Wheels Control of Electric Vehicle. Journal of Electrical Engineering 5 (2005), 36-43.
HARTANI, K.-BOURAHLA, M.-MAZARI, B.: New Driving Wheels Control of Electric Vehicle. Journal of Electrical Engineering 5 (2005), 36-43.
BOURAHLA, M.-HARTANI, K.: Electric Vehicle Speed Control: An Electronic Differential Based System, ICGST International Journal on Automatic Control and System Engineering 5 No. 4 (2005), 59-66.
BOURAHLA, M.-HARTANI, K.: Electric Vehicle Speed Control: An Electronic Differential Based System, ICGST International Journal on Automatic Control and System Engineering 5 No. 4 (2005), 59-66.
SADO, H.-SAKAI. S.-HORI, Y.: Road Condition Estimation for Traction Control in Electric Vehicle, In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Industrial Electronicq, Solvenia, 1999, 973-978.
SADO, H.-SAKAI. S.-HORI, Y.: Road Condition Estimation for Traction Control in Electric Vehicle, In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Industrial Electronicq, Solvenia, 1999, 973-978.
OKANO, T.-TAI, C.-INDUE, T.-UCHIDA, T.-SAKAI, S.-HORI, Y.: Vehicle Stability Improvement Based on MFC indepedently Installed on 4 Wheels-Basic Experiments using UOT Electric March II, In proc. PCC-Osaka, 2002.
OKANO, T.-TAI, C.-INDUE, T.-UCHIDA, T.-SAKAI, S.-HORI, Y.: Vehicle Stability Improvement Based on MFC indepedently Installed on 4 Wheels-Basic Experiments using "UOT Electric March II", In proc. PCC-Osaka, 2002.
SAKAI, S.-HORI, Y.: Advantage of Electric Motor for Antiskid Control of Electric Vehicle. EPE Journal 1.11 No. 4 (2001), 26-32.
SAKAI, S.-HORI, Y.: Advantage of Electric Motor for Antiskid Control of Electric Vehicle. EPE Journal 1.11 No. 4 (2001), 26-32.
ARNET, B.-JUFER, M.: Motor Short-Circuit on Vehicles with Multiple Drives, Proceeding on CD-ROM, EVS 1998, Brussels (Belgiem). September 1998.
ARNET, B.-JUFER, M.: Motor Short-Circuit on Vehicles with Multiple Drives, Proceeding on CD-ROM, EVS 1998, Brussels (Belgiem). September 1998.
BOUSCAYROL, A.-DELARUE, P.: Simplifications of the Maximum Control Structure of a Wind Energy Conversion System with an Induction Generator, Int. J. Renew Energy Eng. 4 No. 2 (2002), 479-485.
BOUSCAYROL, A.-DELARUE, P.: Simplifications of the Maximum Control Structure of a Wind Energy Conversion System with an Induction Generator, Int. J. Renew Energy Eng. 4 No. 2 (2002), 479-485.
PIERQUIN, J.-BOUSCAYROL, A.-HAUTIER, J. P.: Commando optimisée d'un ensemble multimoteur dans une application do traction électrique, JDA'99, Nancy, Actes 1999, 245-248.
PIERQUIN, J.-BOUSCAYROL, A.-HAUTIER, J. P.: Commando optimisée d'un ensemble multimoteur dans une application do traction électrique, JDA'99, Nancy, Actes 1999, 245-248.
PIERQUIN, J.: Commande d'un systeme multimachinc asynchrone dans une application de traction électrique. Rapport de collaboration entre L2EP Lille et le LEEI Toulouse dans le cadre du projet SMM du GdR-SDSE, Janvier 2000.
PIERQUIN, J.: Commande d'un systeme multimachinc asynchrone dans une application de traction électrique. Rapport de collaboration entre L2EP Lille et le LEEI Toulouse dans le cadre du projet SMM du GdR-SDSE, Janvier 2000.
HAUTIER, J. P.-GARON, J. P.: Systemes automatiques, Tome 2, Commande de processus, Edition Ellipses, Paris, 1997.
HAUTIER, J. P.-GARON, J. P.: Systemes automatiques, Tome 2, Commande de processus, Edition Ellipses, Paris, 1997.
VULTURESCU, B.-BOUSCAYROL, A.-HAUTIER, J. P.-GUILLAUD. X.-IONESCU, F.: Behaviour Model Control of a DC Machine, ICEM2000, Conference Espoo (Finland). August 2000.
VULTURESCU, B.-BOUSCAYROL, A.-HAUTIER, J. P.-GUILLAUD. X.-IONESCU, F.: Behaviour Model Control of a DC Machine, ICEM2000, Conference Espoo (Finland). August 2000.
PIERQUIN, J.-ESCANE, P.-BOUSCAYROL, A.-PIETRZAK-DAVID, M.-HAUTIER, J. P.-DE FORNEL, B.: Behaviour Model Control of a High Speed Traction System, EPE-PEMC 2000 Conference, Košice (Slovak Republic), September 2000.
PIERQUIN, J.-ESCANE, P.-BOUSCAYROL, A.-PIETRZAK-DAVID, M.-HAUTIER, J. P.-DE FORNEL, B.: Behaviour Model Control of a High Speed Traction System, EPE-PEMC 2000 Conference, Košice (Slovak Republic), September 2000.
VULTURESCU, B.-BOUSCAYROL, A.-IONESCU, F.-HAUTIER, J. P.: Behaviour Model Control for Cascaded Processes: Application to an Electrical Drive, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 30, Elsevier, 2004, pp. 509-526.
VULTURESCU, B.-BOUSCAYROL, A.-IONESCU, F.-HAUTIER, J. P.: Behaviour Model Control for Cascaded Processes: Application to an Electrical Drive, Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 30, Elsevier, 2004, pp. 509-526.
HAUTIER, J. P.-GARON, J. P.: Convertisseurs statiques: méthodologie causale de modélisation et de commande, Edition Technip, Paris, 1999.
HAUTIER, J. P.-GARON, J. P.: Convertisseurs statiques: méthodologie causale de modélisation et de commande, Edition Technip, Paris, 1999.
LOCHOT. C.: Modélisation et caractérisation des phénomenes couplés dans une chane de traction ferroviaire asynchrone, These de doctorat de l'INP Toulouse, 1999.
LOCHOT. C.: Modélisation et caractérisation des phénomenes couplés dans une chane de traction ferroviaire asynchrone, These de doctorat de l'INP Toulouse, 1999.