MEIC evaluation of acute systemic toxicity. Part I. Methodology of 68 in-vitro toxicity assays used to test the first 30 reference chemicals
, vol.24
, pp. 249-272
Clemedson, C.1
McFarlane-Abdulla, E.2
Andersson, M.3
Barile, F.A.4
Calleja, M.C.5
Chesne, C.6
Clothier, R.7
Cottin, M.8
Curren, R.9
Daniel-Szolgay, E.10
Dierickx, P.11
Ferro, M.12
Fiskesjo, G.13
Garza-Ocanas, L.14
Gomez-Lechon, M.J.15
Gulden, M.16
Isomaa, B.17
Janus, J.18
Judge, P.19
Kahru, A.20
Kemp, R.B.21
Kerszman, G.22
Kristen, U.23
Kunimoto, M.24
Karenlampi, S.25
Lavrijsen, K.26
Lewan, L.27
Lilius, H.28
Ohno, T.29
Persoone, G.30
Roguet, R.31
Romert, L.32
Sawyer, T.W.33
Seibert, H.34
Shrivastava, R.35
Stammati, A.36
Tanaka, N.37
Torres-Alanis, O.38
Voss, J.39
Wakuri, S.40
Walum, E.41
Wang, X.42
Zucco, F.43
Ekwall, B.44
MEIC evaluation of acute systemic toxicity. Part II. In vitro results from 68 toxicity assays used to test the first 30 reference chemicals and a comparative cytotoxicity analysis
, vol.24
, pp. 273-311
Clemedson, C.1
McFarlane-Abdulla, E.2
Andersson, M.3
Barile, F.A.4
Calleja, M.C.5
Chesne, C.6
Clothier, R.7
Cottin, M.8
Curren, R.9
Dierickx, P.10
Ferro, M.11
Fiskesjo, G.12
Garza-Ocanas, L.13
Gomez-Lechon, M.J.14
Gulden, M.15
Isomaa, B.16
Janus, J.17
Judge, P.18
Kahru, A.19
Kemp, R.B.20
Kerszman, G.21
Kristen, U.22
Kunimoto, M.23
Karenlampi, S.24
Lavrijsen, K.25
Lewan, L.26
Lilius, H.27
Malmsten, A.28
Ohno, T.29
Persoone, G.30
Pettersson, R.31
Roguet, R.32
Sandberg, M.33
Sawyer, T.W.34
Seibert, H.35
Shrivastava, R.36
Sjostrom, M.37
Stammati, A.38
Tanaka, N.39
Torres-Alanis, O.40
Voss, J.41
Wakuri, S.42
Walum, E.43
Wang, X.44
Zucco, F.45
Ekwall, B.46
MEIC evaluation of acute systemic toxicity. Part III. In vitro results from 16 additional methods used to test the first 30 reference chemicals and a comparative cytotoxicity analysis
, vol.26
, pp. 93-129
Clemedson, C.1
Barile, F.A.2
Ekwall, B.3
Gomez-Lechon, M.J.4
Hall, T.5
Imai, K.6
Kahru, A.7
Logemann, P.8
Monaco, F.9
Ohno, T.10
Segner, H.11
Sjostrom, M.12
Valentino, M.13
Walum, E.14
Wang, X.15
Ekwall, B.16
MEIC evaluation of acute systemic toxicity. Part IV. In vitro results from toxicity assays used to test reference chemicals 31-50 and a comparative cytotoxicity analysis
, vol.26
, pp. 131-183
Clemedson, C.1
Andersson, M.2
Aoki, Y.3
Barile, F.A.4
Bassi, A.M.5
Calleja, M.C.6
Castano, A.7
Clothier, R.8
Dierickx, P.9
Ekwall, B.10
Ferro, M.11
Fiskesjo, G.12
Garza-Ocanas, L.13
Gomez-Lechon, M.J.14
Gulden, M.15
Hall, T.16
Imai, K.17
Isomaa, B.18
Kahru, A.19
Kerszman, G.20
Kjellstrand, P.21
Kristen, U.22
Kunimoto, M.23
Karenlampi, S.24
Lewan, L.25
Lilius, H.26
Loukianov, A.27
Monaco, F.28
Ohno, T.29
Persoone, G.30
Romert, L.31
Sawyer, T.W.32
Segner, H.33
Seibert, H.34
Shrivastava, R.35
Sjostrom, M.36
Stammati, A.37
Tanaka, N.38
Thuvander, A.39
Torres-Alanis, O.40
Valentino, M.41
Wakuri, S.42
Walum, E.43
Wang, X.44
Wieslander, A.45
Zucco, F.46
Ekwall, B.47
MEIC evaluation of acute systemic toxicity. Part VII. Prediction of human toxicity by results from testing of the first 30 reference chemicals with 27 further in-vitro assays
, vol.28
, pp. 161-200
Clemedson, C.1
Barile, F.A.2
Chesne, C.3
Cottin, M.4
Curren, R.5
Ekwall, B.6
Ferro, M.7
Gomez-Lechon, M.J.8
Imai, K.9
Janus, J.10
Kemp, R.11
Kjellstrand, P.13
Lavrijsen, K.14
Logemann, P.15
McFarlane-Abdulla, E.16
Roguet, R.17
Segner, H.18
Thuvander, A.19
Walum, E.20
Ekwall, B.21
MEIC evaluation of acute systemic toxicity. Part VI. The prediction of human toxicity by rodent LD50 values and results from 61 in-vitro methods
, vol.26
, pp. 617-658
Ekwall, B.1
Barile, F.A.2
Castano, A.3
Clemedson, C.4
Clothier, R.5
Dierickx, P.6
Ekwall, B.7
Ferro, M.8
Fiskesjo, G.9
Garza-Ocanas, L.10
Gomez-Lechon, M.J.11
Gulden, M.12
Hall, T.13
Isomaa, B.14
Kahru, A.15
Kerszman, G.16
Kristen, U.17
Kunimoto, M.18
Karenlampi, S.19
Lewan, L.20
Loukianov, A.21
Ohno, T.22
Persoone, G.23
Romert, L.24
Sawyer, T.W.25
Segner, H.26
Shrivastava, R.27
Stammati, A.28
Tanaka, N.29
Valentino, M.30
Walum, E.31
Zucco, F.32
MEIC evaluation of acute systemic toxicity. Part VIII. Multivariate partial least squares evaluation, including the selection of a battery of cell line tests with a good prediction of human acute lethal peak blood concentrations for 50 chemicals
, vol.28
, pp. 201-234
Ekwall, B.1
Ekwall, B.2
Sjostrom, M.3