The Rough Guide/DFID Rough Guide to a Better World provides an interesting and generally very accessible starting point for the interested reader (Wroe and Doney, 2005) and is downloadable from the DFID website (). Helpful wider academic accounts are to be found in Sylvia Chant and Cathy McIlwaine (2009) Geographies of Development in the 21st Century: an Introduction to the Global South (Chapter 1) and Rob Potter et al.’s (2008) Geographies of Development: an Introduction to Development Studies (Chapter 1). A somewhat more advanced treatment is provided in Chapters 1 and 2 of Rethinking Development Geographies (2003) by Marcus Power
The Rough Guide/DFID Rough Guide to a Better World provides an interesting and generally very accessible starting point for the interested reader (Wroe and Doney, 2005) and is downloadable from the DFID website (http://www.dfid.uk.gov). Helpful wider academic accounts are to be found in Sylvia Chant and Cathy McIlwaine (2009) Geographies of Development in the 21st Century: an Introduction to the Global South (Chapter 1) and Rob Potter et al.’s (2008) Geographies of Development: an Introduction to Development Studies (Chapter 1). A somewhat more advanced treatment is provided in Chapters 1 and 2 of Rethinking Development Geographies (2003) by Marcus Power.
Wider aspects of the assessment and measurement of development are covered in Chapter 1 of Rob Potter et al.’s (2008) textbook, Geographies of Development: an Introduction to Development Studies. Further summary treatments are to be found in Geographies of Development in the 21st Century by Sylvia Chant and Cathy McIlwaine (2009) and Theories and Practices of Development by Katie Willis (2005), in both cases in the introductory Chapter 1. For the view of a development economist on issues of measuring development, a readable account is offered in 'The development gap and the measurement of poverty', Chapter 2 of Tony Thirlwall’s (2006) Growth and Development: with Special Reference to Developing Economies. For the HDI etc., see
Wider aspects of the assessment and measurement of development are covered in Chapter 1 of Rob Potter et al.’s (2008) textbook, Geographies of Development: an Introduction to Development Studies. Further summary treatments are to be found in Geographies of Development in the 21st Century by Sylvia Chant and Cathy McIlwaine (2009) and Theories and Practices of Development by Katie Willis (2005), in both cases in the introductory Chapter 1. For the view of a development economist on issues of measuring development, a readable account is offered in 'The development gap and the measurement of poverty', Chapter 2 of Tony Thirlwall’s (2006) Growth and Development: with Special Reference to Developing Economies. For the HDI etc., see http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/indices/gdi_gem/.
The Global Issues website, 'poverty around the world', offers a useful introductory account to statistics summarizing the major inequalities that characterize the contemporary world: world. Interested readers will also benefit from consulting the Worldmapper website for a wide array of maps showing all too clearly global inequalities. For more academic treatments consult Sylvia Chant and Cathy McIlwaine’s Geographies of Development in the 21st Century: an Introduction to the Global South (2009), where spatial meanings and connotations are covered in the first part of Chapter 1; and Potter et al.’s Geographies of Development (3rd edition), has a section covering ’Spatialising development: the Third World/Developing World/Global South/Poor Countries', in Chapter 1 (pp. 22-32)
The Global Issues website, 'poverty around the world', offers a useful introductory account to statistics summarizing the major inequalities that characterize the contemporary world: http://www.global.issues.org/article/4/poverty-around-the world. Interested readers will also benefit from consulting the Worldmapper website for a wide array of maps showing all too clearly global inequalities. For more academic treatments consult Sylvia Chant and Cathy McIlwaine’s Geographies of Development in the 21st Century: an Introduction to the Global South (2009), where spatial meanings and connotations are covered in the first part of Chapter 1; and Potter et al.’s Geographies of Development (3rd edition), has a section covering ’Spatialising development: the Third World/Developing World/Global South/Poor Countries', in Chapter 1 (pp. 22-32).
Howard White’s (2008) essay on 'The measurement of poverty', in Desai and Potter’s Companion to Development Studies (2008) provides a good overview of poverty concepts, measures of poverty and a brief survey of 'dollar a day' estimates of poverty for the regions making up the developing world. Good data are given year by year for regions of the developing world in the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Human Development Reports, which can be downloaded from the UNDP website
Howard White’s (2008) essay on 'The measurement of poverty', in Desai and Potter’s Companion to Development Studies (2008) provides a good overview of poverty concepts, measures of poverty and a brief survey of 'dollar a day' estimates of poverty for the regions making up the developing world. Good data are given year by year for regions of the developing world in the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Human Development Reports, which can be downloaded from the UNDP website (http://www.undp.org).
A collection of sixteen essays edited by Richard Black and Howard White under the title Targeting Development: Critical Perspectives on the Millennium Goals (2004) covers diverse aspects of the MDGs-from the 'new poverty agenda', halving world poverty, clean water and development, to the global challenge of HIV-and, thereby, offers a good starting point for the interested reader. The MDGs and progress in reaching the targets are covered in general texts, including Rob Potter et al.’s Geographies of Development (2008, Chapter 1). A good overview is provided in Jonathan Rigg’s 'The Millennium Development Goals' as Chapter 1.7 in The Companion to Development Studies (2008). The United Nations Development Programme’s website () is an excellent up-to-date source, covering the goals and targets as well as progress at the national and continental levels
A collection of sixteen essays edited by Richard Black and Howard White under the title Targeting Development: Critical Perspectives on the Millennium Goals (2004) covers diverse aspects of the MDGs-from the 'new poverty agenda', halving world poverty, clean water and development, to the global challenge of HIV-and, thereby, offers a good starting point for the interested reader. The MDGs and progress in reaching the targets are covered in general texts, including Rob Potter et al.’s Geographies of Development (2008, Chapter 1). A good overview is provided in Jonathan Rigg’s 'The Millennium Development Goals' as Chapter 1.7 in The Companion to Development Studies (2008). The United Nations Development Programme’s website (http://www.undp.org) is an excellent up-to-date source, covering the goals and targets as well as progress at the national and continental levels.
The argument in favour of the view that 'modernity' continues to be the guiding geo-economic notion shaping the 'development futures' of most Third World or global South societies in the current era of globalization is forcefully presented by Anthony Giddens in The Consequences of Modernity (1990). Globalization and neoliberalism’s many destructive dimensions that accompanied modernity are detailed in Dennis Conway and Nik Heynen’s Globalization’s Contradictions: Geographies of Discipline, Destruction and Transformation (2005). A parallel story on the geo-political transitions that eventually gave rise to an emerging global geo-economic order in contemporary times is detailed in Matthew Sparke’s 'Geopolitical fears, geoeconomic hopes and the responsibilities of geography' (2007)
The argument in favour of the view that 'modernity' continues to be the guiding geo-economic notion shaping the 'development futures' of most Third World or global South societies in the current era of globalization is forcefully presented by Anthony Giddens in The Consequences of Modernity (1990). Globalization and neoliberalism’s many destructive dimensions that accompanied modernity are detailed in Dennis Conway and Nik Heynen’s Globalization’s Contradictions: Geographies of Discipline, Destruction and Transformation (2005). A parallel story on the geo-political transitions that eventually gave rise to an emerging global geo-economic order in contemporary times is detailed in Matthew Sparke’s 'Geopolitical fears, geoeconomic hopes and the responsibilities of geography' (2007).
Chilcote’s Theories of Development and Underdevelopment (1984) effectively situates the various approaches to the 'development of underdevelopment'-structuralism, dependencia, internal colonialism, neo-Marxism, even Trotskyism-as a full set of alternative theoretical perspectives on post-colonial core-periphery relations. Harold Brookfield’s Interdependent Development (1975) provides comprehensive coverage of these 'voices from the Third World'. Walter Stohr and David Taylor’s Development from Above or Below? (1981) is a lucid comparison between the development from above and development from below approaches. John Brohman’s (1996) comprehensive re-think of Popular Development (1981) summarizes the wider critical field in exemplary fashion. Other essential readings are Fritz Schumacher’s Small is Beautiful (1973), Paul Ekins and Manfred Max-Neef’s Real-Life Economics: Understanding Wealth Creation (1992), and Wolfgang Sach’s The Development Dictionary (1992)
Chilcote’s Theories of Development and Underdevelopment (1984) effectively situates the various approaches to the 'development of underdevelopment'-structuralism, dependencia, internal colonialism, neo-Marxism, even Trotskyism-as a full set of alternative theoretical perspectives on post-colonial core-periphery relations. Harold Brookfield’s Interdependent Development (1975) provides comprehensive coverage of these 'voices from the Third World'. Walter Stohr and David Taylor’s Development from Above or Below? (1981) is a lucid comparison between the development from above and development from below approaches. John Brohman’s (1996) comprehensive re-think of Popular Development (1981) summarizes the wider critical field in exemplary fashion. Other essential readings are Fritz Schumacher’s Small is Beautiful (1973), Paul Ekins and Manfred Max-Neef’s Real-Life Economics: Understanding Wealth Creation (1992), and Wolfgang Sach’s The Development Dictionary (1992).
A more advanced account is provided in Dennis Conway and Nik Heynen’s collection Globalization’s Contradictions: Geographies of Discipline, Destruction and Transformation (2005), which charts neoliberalism’s ascendency in Chapter 2, and comprehensively examines how the many dimensions of globalization have come about. The last two chapters of the book, entitled 'Globalization from below' and 'Towards "fair globalization"' are especially helpful
A more advanced account is provided in Dennis Conway and Nik Heynen’s collection Globalization’s Contradictions: Geographies of Discipline, Destruction and Transformation (2005), which charts neoliberalism’s ascendency in Chapter 2, and comprehensively examines how the many dimensions of globalization have come about. The last two chapters of the book, entitled 'Globalization from below' and 'Towards "fair globalization"' are especially helpful.
Several of the authorities referenced in this chapter deserve reading for the detail they provide, both on the destructive excesses wrought by the 'Washington Consensus', by neoliberal structural adjustment policies, and by mismanaged, misdirected and oft-times corrupt development bank practices. Kevin Danaher’s 50 Years is Enough (1994), Graham Hancock’s Lords of Poverty (1989), Susan George’s A Fate Worse than Debt (1988) as well as her The Debt Boomerang (1992), collectively detail the IFI excesses on behalf of neoliberal capitalism and transnational corporate accumulation-particularly at the expense of the poor majority, but also harming 'all of us'. The World Social Forum also deserves attention, and William Fisher and Thomas Ponniah’s work, Another World is Possible (2003) details that alternative global forum’s activism and creativity
Several of the authorities referenced in this chapter deserve reading for the detail they provide, both on the destructive excesses wrought by the 'Washington Consensus', by neoliberal structural adjustment policies, and by mismanaged, misdirected and oft-times corrupt development bank practices. Kevin Danaher’s 50 Years is Enough (1994), Graham Hancock’s Lords of Poverty (1989), Susan George’s A Fate Worse than Debt (1988) as well as her The Debt Boomerang (1992), collectively detail the IFI excesses on behalf of neoliberal capitalism and transnational corporate accumulation-particularly at the expense of the poor majority, but also harming 'all of us'. The World Social Forum also deserves attention, and William Fisher and Thomas Ponniah’s work, Another World is Possible (2003) details that alternative global forum’s activism and creativity.
Two complementary texts, Jennifer Elliott’s An Introduction to Sustainable Development (2006) and Peter Rogers et al.’s An Introduction to Sustainable Development (2008), provide much more complete coverage of sustainable development’s many challenges-in which the significance of place, difference and cultural diversity are given considerable emphasis. For example, concerns for sustainable urbanism and sustainable rural livelihoods in an increasingly diverse global South require dramatically different development solutions. George Monbiot’s Manifesto for a New World Order (2004), and Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning (2007), are equally challenging 'blueprints' that contain detailed arguments around how our unsustainable ways must be stopped and how a sustainable future might be possible if the world acts sooner rather than later-or most pressingly, right now
Two complementary texts, Jennifer Elliott’s An Introduction to Sustainable Development (2006) and Peter Rogers et al.’s An Introduction to Sustainable Development (2008), provide much more complete coverage of sustainable development’s many challenges-in which the significance of place, difference and cultural diversity are given considerable emphasis. For example, concerns for sustainable urbanism and sustainable rural livelihoods in an increasingly diverse global South require dramatically different development solutions. George Monbiot’s Manifesto for a New World Order (2004), and Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning (2007), are equally challenging 'blueprints' that contain detailed arguments around how our unsustainable ways must be stopped and how a sustainable future might be possible if the world acts sooner rather than later-or most pressingly, right now.
Section 3, on rural development, in Desai and Potter’s Companion to Development Studies (2008) provides a good introduction to many of the concepts explored in this chapter. Robert Chambers' book Whose Reality Counts? (1997) explores the conceptual and practical applications of participatory development, while Jonathan Rigg offers a critical discussion of rural poverty and livelihood transitions in the twenty-first century in An Everyday Geography of the Global South (2007). Further explorations into the gendering of rural livelihoods are provided by Nalia Kabeer’s text Reversed Realities (1994) and the FAO’s, The State of Food and Agriculture Report (2010), which provides a comprehensive review of the gender gap in rural development (available to download from)
Section 3, on rural development, in Desai and Potter’s Companion to Development Studies (2008) provides a good introduction to many of the concepts explored in this chapter. Robert Chambers' book Whose Reality Counts? (1997) explores the conceptual and practical applications of participatory development, while Jonathan Rigg offers a critical discussion of rural poverty and livelihood transitions in the twenty-first century in An Everyday Geography of the Global South (2007). Further explorations into the gendering of rural livelihoods are provided by Nalia Kabeer’s text Reversed Realities (1994) and the FAO’s, The State of Food and Agriculture Report (2010), which provides a comprehensive review of the gender gap in rural development (available to download from http://www.fao.org/publications).
Good introductions on the impacts of the NIDL on the global South are provided by Williams et al. (2009) Geographies of Developing Areas (Chapter 4) and Mackinnon and Cumbers' An Introduction to Economic Geography, Globalization, Uneven Development and Place (2007). A more theoretical analysis of the gendering of export-oriented production is given by Afshar and Barrientos in Women, Globalization and Fragmentation in the Developing World (1999), while more recent research can be found in Oxfam’s 2004 report, Trading away our rights: women working in global supply chains (download available from) and Nalia Kabeer’s (2008a) essay in the IPC’s Poverty in Focus, Issue 13, on 'Gender Equality'. Ruth Pearson’s (2007) article in Third World Quarterly provides critical reflection on gender and CSR
Good introductions on the impacts of the NIDL on the global South are provided by Williams et al. (2009) Geographies of Developing Areas (Chapter 4) and Mackinnon and Cumbers' An Introduction to Economic Geography, Globalization, Uneven Development and Place (2007). A more theoretical analysis of the gendering of export-oriented production is given by Afshar and Barrientos in Women, Globalization and Fragmentation in the Developing World (1999), while more recent research can be found in Oxfam’s 2004 report, Trading away our rights: women working in global supply chains (download available from http://www.oxfam.org.uk) and Nalia Kabeer’s (2008a) essay in the IPC’s Poverty in Focus, Issue 13, on 'Gender Equality'. Ruth Pearson’s (2007) article in Third World Quarterly provides critical reflection on gender and CSR.
A good starting point is Sylvia Chant’s essay, 'The informal sector and employment' (2008), in Desai and Potter’s Companion to Development Studies, which provides an overview of recent trends and policy initiatives. A more in-depth analysis of past and present concepts of the informal sector is provided by Lloyd-Evans' article, 'Geographies of the contemporary informal sector: gender, employment and social protection' (2008) in Geography Compass. An extensive collection of recent academic articles and policy research on the gendering of the informal economy, including work by Martha Chen, can be downloaded from WIEGO: Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing
A good starting point is Sylvia Chant’s essay, 'The informal sector and employment' (2008), in Desai and Potter’s Companion to Development Studies, which provides an overview of recent trends and policy initiatives. A more in-depth analysis of past and present concepts of the informal sector is provided by Lloyd-Evans' article, 'Geographies of the contemporary informal sector: gender, employment and social protection' (2008) in Geography Compass. An extensive collection of recent academic articles and policy research on the gendering of the informal economy, including work by Martha Chen, can be downloaded from WIEGO: Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (http://www.wiego.org).
Diane Perron’s book, Globalization and Social Change: People and Places in a Divided World (2004), provides a detailed discussion of the impact of the new ICT economy on communities in the global South, while Pippa Norris offers a more detailed analysis of poverty and the digital divide in Digital Divide: Civic Engagement, Information Poverty and the Internet (2001). A special issue of the journal Studies in Comparative International Development (2005, 40, Summer) examines the impact of the digital divide on development in the global South and recent case studies on a range of ICT and development-related issues, including mobile phones and telecentres, can be found by accessing the online Development Informatics Working Group Papers, edited by Richard Heeks, at the Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester (download available from)
Diane Perron’s book, Globalization and Social Change: People and Places in a Divided World (2004), provides a detailed discussion of the impact of the new ICT economy on communities in the global South, while Pippa Norris offers a more detailed analysis of poverty and the digital divide in Digital Divide: Civic Engagement, Information Poverty and the Internet (2001). A special issue of the journal Studies in Comparative International Development (2005, 40, Summer) examines the impact of the digital divide on development in the global South and recent case studies on a range of ICT and development-related issues, including mobile phones and telecentres, can be found by accessing the online Development Informatics Working Group Papers, edited by Richard Heeks, at the Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester (download available from http://www.sed.manchester.ac.uk/idpm/research/publications/wp/di/).
Sound introductions to trade and aid can be found in Desai and Potter’s Companion to Development Studies (2008), particularly Burnell’s chapter on 'Foreign aid in a changing world' (Chapter 10.1) and Gwynne’s discussion of 'Free trade and fair trade' in Chapter 4.4. A more detailed critique of the local impacts of economic globalization and free trade on the global South is provided by Chapter 4 in Warwick Murray’s excellent text on Geographies of Globalization (2006), while detailed evidence on the impact of trade liberalization on employment is presented in War on Want’s (2009) report, Trading Away Our Jobs: How free trade threatens employment around the world (download available from. Accessed 29.05.11). Further information on the relationship between fair trade and development can be found in Stiglitz and Charlton’s, Fair Trade for All: How Trade Can Promote Development (2005)
Sound introductions to trade and aid can be found in Desai and Potter’s Companion to Development Studies (2008), particularly Burnell’s chapter on 'Foreign aid in a changing world' (Chapter 10.1) and Gwynne’s discussion of 'Free trade and fair trade' in Chapter 4.4. A more detailed critique of the local impacts of economic globalization and free trade on the global South is provided by Chapter 4 in Warwick Murray’s excellent text on Geographies of Globalization (2006), while detailed evidence on the impact of trade liberalization on employment is presented in War on Want’s (2009) report, Trading Away Our Jobs: How free trade threatens employment around the world (download available from http://www.waronwant.org/campaigns/trade-justice/more/inform/16486-trading-away-our-jobs. Accessed 29.05.11). Further information on the relationship between fair trade and development can be found in Stiglitz and Charlton’s, Fair Trade for All: How Trade Can Promote Development (2005).
Momsen’s second edition of Gender and Development (2004) and Varley’s essay, 'Gender, families and households', in Desai and Potter’s second edition of The Companion to Development Studies (2008) provide helpful introductions to gender, households and development in the global South. Part 2 of Visvanathan et al.’s The Women, Gender and Development Reader (1997), focuses on 'Households and Families'. Chapters 5 and 10 of Kabeer’s Reversed Realities: Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought (1994) provide in-depth discussion of gender and household economics and the social relations approach. McIlwaine and Datta’s article, 'From feminising to engendering development' (2003) in Gender, Place and Culture provides a good overview of changing approaches to gender within development policy and planning, while Cornwall et al.’s Feminisms in Development: Contradictions, Contestations and Challenges (2007) contains feminist analyses of a range of contemporary development issues and concerns
Momsen’s second edition of Gender and Development (2004) and Varley’s essay, 'Gender, families and households', in Desai and Potter’s second edition of The Companion to Development Studies (2008) provide helpful introductions to gender, households and development in the global South. Part 2 of Visvanathan et al.’s The Women, Gender and Development Reader (1997), focuses on 'Households and Families'. Chapters 5 and 10 of Kabeer’s Reversed Realities: Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought (1994) provide in-depth discussion of gender and household economics and the social relations approach. McIlwaine and Datta’s article, 'From feminising to engendering development' (2003) in Gender, Place and Culture provides a good overview of changing approaches to gender within development policy and planning, while Cornwall et al.’s Feminisms in Development: Contradictions, Contestations and Challenges (2007) contains feminist analyses of a range of contemporary development issues and concerns.
Ansell’s Children, Youth and Development (2005) and Wells' Childhood in a Global Perspective (2009) provide detailed discussions of global constructions of childhood and youth in relation to development, including children’s rights, work, education, youth transitions and participation. Bourdillon’s (2004) article in Progress in Development Studies gives a good introduction to children’s participation in development, while Aitken’s (2001) article in Area reflects on the historically and geographically contingent nature of childhood and youth. Panelli et al.’s edited collection, Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth (2007), provides helpful discussions of young people’s lives in rural environments. Lloyd-Evans' chapter on 'Child labour' (2008b) in Desai and Potter’s The Companion to Development Studies provides a good overview of definitions and debates regarding working children. Katz’s Growing Up Global: Economic Restructuring and Children’s Everyday Lives (2004), provides a rich ethnographic account of children’s everyday lives in Sudan and New York linked to wider global processes, while Evans' Geography Compass article (2010) provides a useful review of research on children’s caring roles in Africa
Ansell’s Children, Youth and Development (2005) and Wells' Childhood in a Global Perspective (2009) provide detailed discussions of global constructions of childhood and youth in relation to development, including children’s rights, work, education, youth transitions and participation. Bourdillon’s (2004) article in Progress in Development Studies gives a good introduction to children’s participation in development, while Aitken’s (2001) article in Area reflects on the historically and geographically contingent nature of childhood and youth. Panelli et al.’s edited collection, Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth (2007), provides helpful discussions of young people’s lives in rural environments. Lloyd-Evans' chapter on 'Child labour' (2008b) in Desai and Potter’s The Companion to Development Studies provides a good overview of definitions and debates regarding working children. Katz’s Growing Up Global: Economic Restructuring and Children’s Everyday Lives (2004), provides a rich ethnographic account of children’s everyday lives in Sudan and New York linked to wider global processes, while Evans' Geography Compass article (2010) provides a useful review of research on children’s caring roles in Africa.
McEwan and Butler’s (2007) article in Geography Compass provides a good overview of the relationship between disability and development. Yeo and Moore’s (2003) article in World Development discusses the connections between disability and poverty and the representation of disabled people in development institutions, while Mwendwa et al.’s (2009) article in the Journal of International Development discusses the challenges of mainstreaming the rights of disabled persons in national development frameworks. Tony Evans' article, 'A human right to health?' (2002), in Third World Quarterly, provides a useful human rights perspective on health within the context of globalization and Jones' (2004) article in Third World Quarterly offers a post-colonial perspective on donor discourses surrounding access to HIV treatment in Africa. For further reading on HIV in Africa, see Kalipeni et al.’s (2004) book, HIV and AIDS in Africa: Beyond Epidemiology, Baylies and Bujra’s (2000) book, AIDS, Sexuality and Gender in Africa and Thornton’s Unimagined Community (2008)
McEwan and Butler’s (2007) article in Geography Compass provides a good overview of the relationship between disability and development. Yeo and Moore’s (2003) article in World Development discusses the connections between disability and poverty and the representation of disabled people in development institutions, while Mwendwa et al.’s (2009) article in the Journal of International Development discusses the challenges of mainstreaming the rights of disabled persons in national development frameworks. Tony Evans' article, 'A human right to health?' (2002), in Third World Quarterly, provides a useful human rights perspective on health within the context of globalization and Jones' (2004) article in Third World Quarterly offers a post-colonial perspective on donor discourses surrounding access to HIV treatment in Africa. For further reading on HIV in Africa, see Kalipeni et al.’s (2004) book, HIV and AIDS in Africa: Beyond Epidemiology, Baylies and Bujra’s (2000) book, AIDS, Sexuality and Gender in Africa and Thornton’s Unimagined Community (2008).
Andrea Cornwall, Sonia Corrêa and Susie Jolly’s book Development with a Body: Sexuality, Human Rights and Development (2008) represents a key text for exploring recent work on sexualities, human rights and development in a global context. Similarly, Peter Aggleton’s and Richard Parker’s (2010) Routledge Handbook of Sexuality, Health and Rights and Richard Parker and Peter Aggleton’s (2007) Culture, Society and Sexuality are both interesting, comprehensive collections of theoretical and empirical work on gender and sexuality from a global perspective. Jolly’s article '"Queering" Development: Exploring the Links between Same-Sex Sexualities' (2000) in Gender and Developmentexamines the links between development and sexual minorities. In Geography Compass, Gavin Brown et al.’s (2010) article provides a useful review of literature on sexualities in/of the global South, while Phil Hubbard’s article 'Here, there, everywhere: the ubiquitous geographies of heteronormativity' (2008) provides an accessible introduction to recent literature on heteronormativity
Andrea Cornwall, Sonia Corrêa and Susie Jolly’s book Development with a Body: Sexuality, Human Rights and Development (2008) represents a key text for exploring recent work on sexualities, human rights and development in a global context. Similarly, Peter Aggleton’s and Richard Parker’s (2010) Routledge Handbook of Sexuality, Health and Rights and Richard Parker and Peter Aggleton’s (2007) Culture, Society and Sexuality are both interesting, comprehensive collections of theoretical and empirical work on gender and sexuality from a global perspective. Jolly’s article '"Queering" Development: Exploring the Links between Same-Sex Sexualities' (2000) in Gender and Developmentexamines the links between development and sexual minorities. In Geography Compass, Gavin Brown et al.’s (2010) article provides a useful review of literature on sexualities in/of the global South, while Phil Hubbard’s article 'Here, there, everywhere: the ubiquitous geographies of heteronormativity' (2008) provides an accessible introduction to recent literature on heteronormativity.
The collection edited by Peter Lloyd-Sherlock Living Longer: Ageing, Development and Social Protection (2004) provides a comprehensive introduction to debates on ageing and development, with chapters covering a wide range of country contexts, including Brazil, China, South Africa, Ghana, Argentina, Mexico and Thailand. Isabella Aboderin’s short essay in Desai and Potter’s The Companion to Development Studies (2008) provides a useful overview of ageing and development debates. Jason Powell’s 2010 article in Ageing International discusses the phenomenon of global ageing and the social and economic processes influencing this from a regional perspective. Hopkins and Pain’s 2007 article in Area provides a helpful discussion about relational approaches to age and the life-course
The collection edited by Peter Lloyd-Sherlock Living Longer: Ageing, Development and Social Protection (2004) provides a comprehensive introduction to debates on ageing and development, with chapters covering a wide range of country contexts, including Brazil, China, South Africa, Ghana, Argentina, Mexico and Thailand. Isabella Aboderin’s short essay in Desai and Potter’s The Companion to Development Studies (2008) provides a useful overview of ageing and development debates. Jason Powell’s 2010 article in Ageing International discusses the phenomenon of global ageing and the social and economic processes influencing this from a regional perspective. Hopkins and Pain’s 2007 article in Area provides a helpful discussion about relational approaches to age and the life-course.
Schech and Haggis' Culture and Development (2000) provides a critical introduction to the relationship between culture, development and human rights, drawing on useful case studies to illustrate the arguments. Similarly, Radcliffe’s edited book, Culture and Development in a Globalizing World (2006b) gives a helpful overview of recent approaches to culture and development from a range of global contexts. Schech and Haggis' collection, Development: a Cultural Studies Reader (2002), contains extracts from classic texts relating to culture and development by post-colonial and post-development theorists, such as Edward Said, Stuart Hall and Arturo Escobar. Tsikata’s chapter in Cornwall et al.’s Feminisms in Development (2007) provides a helpful overview of rights-based approaches to development and the tensions and challenges from a feminist perspective. Manzo’s (2003) article in Geoforum and Tomalin’s (2006) article in Progress in Development Studies give useful insights into the potential and tensions of rights-based development
Schech and Haggis' Culture and Development (2000) provides a critical introduction to the relationship between culture, development and human rights, drawing on useful case studies to illustrate the arguments. Similarly, Radcliffe’s edited book, Culture and Development in a Globalizing World (2006b) gives a helpful overview of recent approaches to culture and development from a range of global contexts. Schech and Haggis' collection, Development: a Cultural Studies Reader (2002), contains extracts from classic texts relating to culture and development by post-colonial and post-development theorists, such as Edward Said, Stuart Hall and Arturo Escobar. Tsikata’s chapter in Cornwall et al.’s Feminisms in Development (2007) provides a helpful overview of rights-based approaches to development and the tensions and challenges from a feminist perspective. Manzo’s (2003) article in Geoforum and Tomalin’s (2006) article in Progress in Development Studies give useful insights into the potential and tensions of rights-based development.
There is a substantial literature on the issues raised in this chapter but sound introductions to the interrelated concepts of participation, social capital and civil society can be found in Desai and Potter’s Companion to Development Studies (2008): Giles Mohan on participatory development (Chapter 1.10); Anthony Bebbington on social capital (Chapter 2.15); and Vandana Desai on NGOs (Chapter 10.6). Anthony Bebbington offers further critique of the concept of social capital in a series of reports for Progress in Development Studies, while Cathy McIlwaine (2007) provides a comprehensive and illuminating review of local and global civil society in Geography Compass, 1 (16) and Cheryl McEwan (2005) explores the gendering of new spaces of citizenship in Political Geography, 24 (8)
There is a substantial literature on the issues raised in this chapter but sound introductions to the interrelated concepts of participation, social capital and civil society can be found in Desai and Potter’s Companion to Development Studies (2008): Giles Mohan on participatory development (Chapter 1.10); Anthony Bebbington on social capital (Chapter 2.15); and Vandana Desai on NGOs (Chapter 10.6). Anthony Bebbington offers further critique of the concept of social capital in a series of reports for Progress in Development Studies, while Cathy McIlwaine (2007) provides a comprehensive and illuminating review of local and global civil society in Geography Compass, 1 (16) and Cheryl McEwan (2005) explores the gendering of new spaces of citizenship in Political Geography, 24 (8).
Peter Stalker’s Workers without Frontiers (2000) is a very readable assessment of the new era of international migration that has accompanied globalization. Stephen Castles and Mark Miller’s The Age of Migration (2009) has more comprehensive global coverage and is also a worthwhile read. Steven Vertovec’s Transnationalism (2009) is the most concise and thorough explanation of the multidisciplinary nature of transnational migration experiences and practices. For remittances, Kathleen Newland’s 'A new surge of interest in migration and development' (2007), on the Migration Information Source website, is a most accessible and readable article
Peter Stalker’s Workers without Frontiers (2000) is a very readable assessment of the new era of international migration that has accompanied globalization. Stephen Castles and Mark Miller’s The Age of Migration (2009) has more comprehensive global coverage and is also a worthwhile read. Steven Vertovec’s Transnationalism (2009) is the most concise and thorough explanation of the multidisciplinary nature of transnational migration experiences and practices. For remittances, Kathleen Newland’s 'A new surge of interest in migration and development' (2007), on the Migration Information Source website, is a most accessible and readable article.
One of the most accessible summaries of the Tobin tax and the wider work of James Tobin is provided in David Simon’s biographical essay on James Tobin, which appeared in the same author’s edited collection under the title, Fifty Key Thinkers on Development (2006). An overview of the tax is to be found in Chapter 4 of Rob Potter et al.’s text Geographies of Development (2008). The War on Want 'It’s time for Tobin' campaign aimed at introducing the Tobin tax is to be found on the website (), from which you can download the 23-page booklet under the title, The Currency Transaction Tax: Rate and Revenue Estimates, published by the United Nations University, War on Want and the North-South Institute (2008)
One of the most accessible summaries of the Tobin tax and the wider work of James Tobin is provided in David Simon’s biographical essay on James Tobin, which appeared in the same author’s edited collection under the title, Fifty Key Thinkers on Development (2006). An overview of the tax is to be found in Chapter 4 of Rob Potter et al.’s text Geographies of Development (2008). The War on Want 'It’s time for Tobin' campaign aimed at introducing the Tobin tax is to be found on the website (http://www.waronwant.org/past-campaigns/tobin-tax), from which you can download the 23-page booklet under the title, The Currency Transaction Tax: Rate and Revenue Estimates, published by the United Nations University, War on Want and the North-South Institute (2008).
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