FISH; Flow cytometry; Fluorescence in situ hybridization; Locked nucleic acid; Microfluidics; MicroRNA; Multiplexing; Rolling circle amplification; Single cell resolution
FISHing with locked nucleic acids (LNA): Evaluation of different LNA/DNA mixmers
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Locked nucleic acid and flow cytometry-fluorescence in situ hybridization for the detection of bacterial small noncoding RNAs
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Rapid in situ codetection of non coding RNAs and proteins in cells and formalin- fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections without protease treatment
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Microfluidically-unified cell culture, sample preparation, imaging and flow cytometry for measurement of cell signaling pathways with single cell resolution
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Single cell profiling of circulating tumor cells: Transcriptional heterogeneity and diversity from breast cancer cell lines
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