(New York : International Publishers, 1935), p. 83 Manuel Caballero, Latin America and the Comintern, 1919-1943 (Cambridge and New York : Cambridge University Press, 1986), 103-5; Prabhat Patnaik, ‘ Socialism and the Peasantry ’, Social Scientist, 23, p. 23.
V. I. Lenin, Two Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution (New York : International Publishers, 1935), p. 83 Manuel Caballero, Latin America and the Comintern, 1919-1943 (Cambridge and New York : Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 94-6, 103-5; Prabhat Patnaik, ‘ Socialism and the Peasantry ’, Social Scientist, 23 (2009), p. 23.
Two Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution
, pp. 94-96
Lenin, V.I.1
Habla el comandante (Caracas : UCV, )
Agustín Blanco Muñoz, Habla el comandante (Caracas : UCV, 1998), p. 168.
Agustín Blanco Muñoz
, pp. 168
Blanco Muñoz, Habla el comandante, p. 529 Marta Harnecker, (New York : Monthly Review Press, )
Blanco Muñoz, Habla el comandante, p. 529 Marta Harnecker, Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution: Hugo Chávez Talks to Marta Harnecker (New York : Monthly Review Press, 2005), p. 43.
Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution: Hugo Chávez Talks to Marta Harnecker
, pp. 43
Blanco Muñoz, Habla el comandante, p. 611 Mario Sanoja and Iraida Vargas-Arenas, (Caracas : Monte Avila, 2008), p. 296 Freddy J. Melo, Reforma y revolución (Caracas : Ediciones UVB, )
Blanco Muñoz, Habla el comandante, p. 611 Mario Sanoja and Iraida Vargas-Arenas, La revolución bolivariana: historia, cultura y socialismo (Caracas : Monte Avila, 2008), p. 296 Freddy J. Melo, Reforma y revolución (Caracas : Ediciones UVB, 2008), p. 403.
La revolución bolivariana: historia, cultura y socialismo
, pp. 403
Habla el comandante, pp.
Blanco Muñoz, Habla el comandante, pp. 392, 397.
Blanco Muñoz
, vol.392
, pp. 397
(New York : Zed Books, ), paras.
Marta Harnecker, Rebuilding the Left (New York : Zed Books, 2007), paras. 368-71.
Rebuilding the Left
, pp. 368-371
Harnecker, M.1
New Left Review, 1
Perry Anderson, ‘ Renewals ’, New Left Review, 1 (2000), pp. 5-24.
, pp. 5-24
Anderson, P.1
Habla el comandante
Blanco Muñoz, Habla el comandante, p. 209.
Blanco Muñoz
, pp. 209
Brian F. Crisp, Daniel H. Levine and Juan Carlos Rey, in Jennifer McCoy, Andrés Serbin, William C. Smith and Andrés Stambouli (eds.), Venezuelan Democracy under Stress (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, )
Brian F. Crisp, Daniel H. Levine and Juan Carlos Rey, ‘The Legitimacy Problem’, in Jennifer McCoy, Andrés Serbin, William C. Smith and Andrés Stambouli (eds.), Venezuelan Democracy under Stress (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1995), pp. 153-8.
The Legitimacy Problem
, pp. 153-158
minister of the popular economy and future vice-president, Caracas, 27 Jan.
Interview with Elías Jaua, minister of the popular economy and future vice-president, Caracas, 27 Jan. 2006.
Interview with Elías Jaua
Aportes para el debate del socialismo del siglo XXI (Caracas, )
Carlos Lanz Rodríguez, Aportes para el debate del socialismo del siglo XXI (Caracas, 2006), pp. 8-10.
Carlos Lanz Rodríguez
, pp. 8-10
Estado Lara, Venezuela (Caracas : Haciendo Camino al Andar, ), pp.
Marta Harnecker, Transfiriendo poder a la gente: Municipio Torres, Estado Lara, Venezuela (Caracas : Haciendo Camino al Andar, 2008), pp. 37, 76.
Transfiriendo poder a la gente: Municipio Torres
, vol.37
, pp. 76
Harnecker, M.1
in the government heeded the steel workers’ union's call for the nationalisation of the foreign-owned steel company SIDOR in the midst of a violent worker dispute, and in the process invigorated the nation's labour movement.
In another example, in 2008 the government heeded the steel workers’ union's call for the nationalisation of the foreign-owned steel company SIDOR in the midst of a violent worker dispute, and in the process invigorated the nation's labour movement.
another example
(Ministry of Planning and Finance, SISOV), www.sisov.mpd.gob.ve/indicadores/ED0600700000000/.
See Sistema Integrado de Indicadores Sociales de Venezuela (Ministry of Planning and Finance, SISOV), www.sisov.mpd.gob.ve/indicadores/ED0600700000000/.
Sistema Integrado de Indicadores Sociales de Venezuela
see Michael A. Lebowitz, Build it Now: Socialism for the Twenty-First Century (New York : Monthly Review Press, )
On the lack of change in ethical values, see Michael A. Lebowitz, Build it Now: Socialism for the Twenty-First Century (New York : Monthly Review Press, 2006), p. 113.
On the lack of change in ethical values
, pp. 113
in Steve Ellner and Miguel Tinker Salas (eds.), Venezuela: Hugo Chávez and the Decline of an ‘Exceptional Democracy’ (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, )
Daniel Hellinger, ‘When “No” Means “Yes to Revolution”: Electoral Politics in Bolivarian Venezuela’, in Steve Ellner and Miguel Tinker Salas (eds.), Venezuela: Hugo Chávez and the Decline of an ‘Exceptional Democracy’ (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007), p. 69.
When “No” Means “Yes to Revolution”: Electoral Politics in Bolivarian Venezuela
, pp. 69
Hellinger, D.1
(Boulder, CO, and London : Lynne Rienner, )
Steve Ellner, Rethinking Venezuelan Politics: Class, Conflict and the Chávez Phenomenon (Boulder, CO, and London : Lynne Rienner, 2008), p. 93.
Rethinking Venezuelan Politics: Class, Conflict and the Chávez Phenomenon
, pp. 93
Ellner, S.1
(London and Ann Arbor, MI : Pluto Press, 2006), pp. 190-1 Alan Woods, La revolución bolivariana: un análisis marxista (Caracas : Fundación El Perro y la Rana, )
D. L. Raby, Democracy and Revolution: Latin America and Socialism Today (London and Ann Arbor, MI : Pluto Press, 2006), pp. 190-1 Alan Woods, La revolución bolivariana: un análisis marxista (Caracas : Fundación El Perro y la Rana, 2006), pp. 62-3.
Democracy and Revolution: Latin America and Socialism Today
, pp. 62-63
Raby, D.L.1
Juan Carlos Monedero, Comuna: pensamiento crítico en la revolución, 1 (July-Sep. )
Juan Carlos Monedero, ‘ La reinvención revolucionaria de Venezuela y los fantasmas del pasado ’, Comuna: pensamiento crítico en la revolución, 1 (July-Sep. 2009), p. 192.
La reinvención revolucionaria de Venezuela y los fantasmas del pasado
, pp. 192
Sujatha Fernandes, (Durham, NC, and London : Duke University Press, )
Sujatha Fernandes, Who Can Stop the Drums? Urban Social Movements in Chávez's Venezuela (Durham, NC, and London : Duke University Press, 2010), pp. 85-6.
Who Can Stop the Drums? Urban Social Movements in Chávez's Venezuela
, pp. 85-86
Monthly Review, 62 : 3 (2010), p. 70 ‘ El Estado debe facilitar y no suplantar al poder popular ’, Comuna: pensamiento crítico en la revolución, 1 (July-Sep. 2009), and ‘Sí necesitamos una nueva izquierda’ (27 Nov. 2009), www.aporrea.org/ideologia/n146141.html. See also Jeffery R. Webber and Susan Spronk, ‘ Venezuela: Voices on the Struggle ’, Against the Current, 148, p. 33.
Marta Harnecker, ‘ Latin America and Twenty-First Century Socialism: Inventing to Avoid Mistakes ’, Monthly Review, 62 : 3 (2010), p. 70 ‘ El Estado debe facilitar y no suplantar al poder popular ’, Comuna: pensamiento crítico en la revolución, 1 (July-Sep. 2009), pp. 148-9 and ‘Sí necesitamos una nueva izquierda’ (27 Nov. 2009), www.aporrea.org/ideologia/n146141.html. See also Jeffery R. Webber and Susan Spronk, ‘ Venezuela: Voices on the Struggle ’, Against the Current, 148 (2010), p. 33.
Latin America and Twenty-First Century Socialism: Inventing to Avoid Mistakes
, pp. 148-149
Harnecker, M.1
mayor of Palmira (Táchira), Palmira, 30 Dec.
Interview with Evaristo Zambrano, mayor of Palmira (Táchira), Palmira, 30 Dec. 2009.
Interview with Evaristo Zambrano
NACLA: Report on the Americas, 42 : 3, p. 14 Harnecker, Transfiriendo poder a la gente
Steve Ellner, ‘ A New Model with Rough Edges: Venezuela's Community Councils ’, NACLA: Report on the Americas, 42 : 3 (2009), p. 14 Harnecker, Transfiriendo poder a la gente, p. 98.
A New Model with Rough Edges: Venezuela's Community Councils
, pp. 98
Ellner, S.1
Carlos Martínez, Michael Fox and JoJo Farrell, (Oakland, CA : PM Press, )
Carlos Martínez, Michael Fox and JoJo Farrell, Venezuela Speaks! Voices from the Grassroots (Oakland, CA : PM Press, 2009), p. 135.
Venezuela Speaks! Voices from the Grassroots
, pp. 135
which replace class struggle as the main locus of conflict, are used by writers such as Antonio Negri and inspired by postmodern and anti-statist thinking, as well as by those in Venezuela who adhere to the radical position on the state.
The concepts of ‘constituent power’ and ‘constituted power’, which replace class struggle as the main locus of conflict, are used by writers such as Antonio Negri and inspired by postmodern and anti-statist thinking, as well as by those in Venezuela who adhere to the radical position on the state.
The concepts of ‘constituent power’ and ‘constituted power’
p. 34. See also George Ciccariello-Maher, ‘ Dual Power in the Venezuelan Revolution ’, Monthly Review, 59 : 4
Harnecker, ‘Latin America and Twenty-First Century Socialism’, p. 34. See also George Ciccariello-Maher, ‘ Dual Power in the Venezuelan Revolution ’, Monthly Review, 59 : 4 (2007), pp. 54-5.
Latin America and Twenty-First Century Socialism
, pp. 54-55
in Margarita López Maya (ed.), Ideas para debatir el socialismo del siglo XXI, (Caracas: Editorial Alfa, )
Roberto López Sánchez, ‘Autonomía sindical y soberanía popular’, in Margarita López Maya (ed.), Ideas para debatir el socialismo del siglo XXI, vol. 2 (Caracas: Editorial Alfa, 2009), p. 134.
Autonomía sindical y soberanía popular
, vol.2
, pp. 134
López Sánchez, R.1
(interviewed by Raul Zelik), Z Magazine, 16 : 10 (Oct. 2003) Denis, ‘ Venezuela: The Popular Movements and the Government ’, International Socialist Review, 110
Roland Denis (interviewed by Raul Zelik), ‘ Venezuela and the Popular Movement ’, Z Magazine, 16 : 10 (Oct. 2003) Denis, ‘ Venezuela: The Popular Movements and the Government ’, International Socialist Review, 110 (2006), pp. 29-35.
Venezuela and the Popular Movement
, pp. 29-35
Denis, R.1
pp. 219, 151; Marta Harnecker, Haciendo posible lo imposible: la izquierda en el umbral del siglo XXI (Mexico and Madrid : Siglo Veintiuno, 1999), p. 65. For a discussion of Dieterich's views, see Javier Biardeau, ‘El proceso de transición hacia el nuevo socialismo del siglo XXI? Un debate que apenas comienza’, in Mario Ayala and Pablo Quintero (eds.), Diez años de revolución en Venezuela: historia, balance y perspectivas (-2009) (Buenos Aires: Editorial Maipue, 2009), pp. 371-5. See also Rodolfo Sanz, Hugo Chávez y el desafío socialista (2nd edition, Caracas : Editorial Nuevo Pensamiento Crítico, 2007), p. 168 and Sara C. Motta, ‘Venezuela: Reinventing Social Democracy from Below’, in Geraldine Lievesley and Steve Ludlam (eds.), Reclaiming Latin America: Experiments in Radical Social Democracy (London and New York: Zed Books, 2008)
Bilbao, Venezuela en revolución, pp. 219, 151; Marta Harnecker, Haciendo posible lo imposible: la izquierda en el umbral del siglo XXI (Mexico and Madrid : Siglo Veintiuno, 1999), p. 65. For a discussion of Dieterich's views, see Javier Biardeau, ‘El proceso de transición hacia el nuevo socialismo del siglo XXI? Un debate que apenas comienza’, in Mario Ayala and Pablo Quintero (eds.), Diez años de revolución en Venezuela: historia, balance y perspectivas (1999-2009) (Buenos Aires: Editorial Maipue, 2009), pp. 371-5. See also Rodolfo Sanz, Hugo Chávez y el desafío socialista (2nd edition, Caracas : Editorial Nuevo Pensamiento Crítico, 2007), p. 168 and Sara C. Motta, ‘Venezuela: Reinventing Social Democracy from Below’, in Geraldine Lievesley and Steve Ludlam (eds.), Reclaiming Latin America: Experiments in Radical Social Democracy (London and New York: Zed Books, 2008), pp. 86-8.
Venezuela en revolución
, pp. 86-88
Toby Valderrama and Alejandro Mena, (Barcelona, Venezuela : Misión Ribas, ), p. 69 Sanz, Hugo Chávez y el desafío socialista, Bilbao, Venezuela en revolución, pp.
Toby Valderrama and Alejandro Mena, Rumbo al socialismo (Barcelona, Venezuela : Misión Ribas, 2005), p. 69 Sanz, Hugo Chávez y el desafío socialista, pp. 162-4; Bilbao, Venezuela en revolución, pp. 178, 219.
Rumbo al socialismo
, vol.178
, pp. 162-164
director of Caracas’ Office of Citizen Attention, Caracas, 11 Dec.
Interview with Naike Infantino, director of Caracas’ Office of Citizen Attention, Caracas, 11 Dec. 2008.
Interview with Naike Infantino
www.aporrea.org/ideologia/n146379.html Harnecker, Rebuilding the Left, paras.
‘Entrevista a Alberto Müller Rojas’, www.aporrea.org/ideologia/n146379.html Harnecker, Rebuilding the Left, paras. 137-9.
Entrevista a Alberto Müller Rojas
, pp. 137-139
Interview with Jorge Giordani,Caracas, 23 Jan. 2010; interview with Irán Aguilera, president of the state legislature of Anzoátegui, Barcelona, Venezuela, 25 Nov.
Interview with Jorge Giordani, minister of economy and finance, Caracas, 23 Jan. 2010; interview with Irán Aguilera, president of the state legislature of Anzoátegui, Barcelona, Venezuela, 25 Nov. 2009.
minister of economy and finance
This type of determinism was upheld, for instance, by leading members of the US Communist Party beginning in the 1930s, as discussed by Maurice Isserman in Which Side Were You On? (Middletown, CT : Wesleyan University Press, )
This type of determinism was upheld, for instance, by leading members of the US Communist Party beginning in the 1930s, as discussed by Maurice Isserman in Which Side Were You On? The American Communist Party during the Second World War (Middletown, CT : Wesleyan University Press, 1982), pp. 48-9.
The American Communist Party during the Second World War
, pp. 48-49
Jorge G. Castañeda and Marco A. Morales, in Castañeda and Morales (eds.), Leftovers: Tales of the Latin American Left (New York and London: Routledge, 2008), p. 16; Nelly Arenas and Luis Gómez Calcaño, Populismo autoritario: Venezuela,-2005 (Caracas : Cendes, 2006)
Jorge G. Castañeda and Marco A. Morales, ‘The Current State of the Utopia’, in Castañeda and Morales (eds.), Leftovers: Tales of the Latin American Left (New York and London: Routledge, 2008), p. 16; Nelly Arenas and Luis Gómez Calcaño, Populismo autoritario: Venezuela, 1999-2005 (Caracas : Cendes, 2006), pp. 129-56.
The Current State of the Utopia
, pp. 129
(Durham, NC : Duke University Press, ).
Daniel James, Doña María's Story: Life History, Memory, and Political Identity (Durham, NC : Duke University Press, 2000).
Doña María's Story: Life History, Memory, and Political Identity
James, D.1
Comparative Politics, 38 : 2 (2007), p. 144 Kurt Weyland, The Politics of Market Reform in Fragile Democracies: Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela (Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2002), pp. 247-9. See also Steve Ellner, ‘ The Contrasting Variants of the Populism of Hugo Chávez and Alberto Fujimori ’, Journal of Latin American Studies, 35 : 1
Kenneth M. Roberts, ‘ Populism, Political Conflict, and Grass Roots Organization in Latin America ’, Comparative Politics, 38 : 2 (2007), p. 144 Kurt Weyland, The Politics of Market Reform in Fragile Democracies: Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela (Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2002), pp. 247-9. See also Steve Ellner, ‘ The Contrasting Variants of the Populism of Hugo Chávez and Alberto Fujimori ’, Journal of Latin American Studies, 35 : 1 (2003), pp. 154-5.
Populism, Political Conflict, and Grass Roots Organization in Latin America
, pp. 154-155
Roberts, K.M.1
Interview with Leandro Rodríguez, adviser to the National Assembly's Commission of Citizen Participation, Caracas, 29 July
Interview with Leandro Rodríguez, adviser to the National Assembly's Commission of Citizen Participation, Decentralisation and Regional Development, Caracas, 29 July 2010.
Decentralisation and Regional Development