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Volumn 62, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 1-83

Latin America & twenty-first century socialism: Inventing to avoid mistakes

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EID: 77955201528     PISSN: 00270520     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: None     Document Type: Review
Times cited : (28)

References (176)
  • 1
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    • London: Zed Books Ltd., et seq.
    • Marta Harnecker, Rebuilding the Left (London: Zed Books Ltd., 2007), 45 et seq.
    • (2007) Rebuilding the Left , pp. 45
    • Harnecker, M.1
  • 2
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    • A broader development of this idea can be found
    • et seq.
    • A broader development of this idea can be found in Rebuilding the Left, 81 et seq.
    • Rebuilding the Left , pp. 81
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    • Santiago de Chile, May 27
    • Xinhua, Santiago de Chile, May 27, 2009.
    • (2009) Xinhua
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    • In 2004, for example, 83 percent of Latin American exports to China were of primary products or of industrial goods based on natural resources; in contrast, 89 percent of imports from China were manufactured goods not based on natural resources. Xinhua, 2009. Ibid.
    • (2009) Xinhua
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    • ALCA is the Spanish acronym for Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas. It is known in English as the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA)
    • ALCA is the Spanish acronym for Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas. It is known in English as the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA).
  • 9
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    • note
    • The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América) or ALBA is a platform for the integration of Latin American and Caribbean countries which, inspired by left doctrines, emphasizes struggle against poverty and social exclusion. In 2009, "Alliance" replaced "Alternative" (the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America) in the organization's name.
  • 10
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    • A free trade treaty with Central America more commonly known as CAFTA (Central America Free Trade Agreement). The Dominican Republic joined negotiations, in 2004, and the agreement was renamed DR-CAFTA
    • A free trade treaty with Central America more commonly known as CAFTA (Central America Free Trade Agreement). The Dominican Republic joined negotiations, in 2004, and the agreement was renamed DR-CAFTA.
  • 12
    • 77955197311 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Siguen las tensiones entre Colombia y Ecuador
    • June 29
    • Hernando Calvo Ospina, Siguen las tensiones entre Colombia y Ecuador (Continuing tension between Colombia and Ecuador), Le Monde Diplomatique Rebelión, June 29, 2009.
    • (2009) Le Monde Diplomatique Rebelión
    • Ospina, H.C.1
  • 13
    • 77955189577 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Página/12, December 16, 2008. The Rio Group was set up in 1986 as a successor to the Contadora Group, which mediated in the civil wars in Central America at the height of the Cold War. Counting Cuba, there are twenty-three members: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Mexico, Ecuador, El Salvador, Haiti, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, Dominican Republic Belize, and other Caricom countries.
  • 17
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    • September 28
    • La Jornada, September 28, 2009.
    • (2009) La Jornada
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    • El banco del sury la arquitectura financiera regional
    • December 12
    • Oscar Ugarteche, "El banco del sury la arquitectura financiera regional" (The Bank of the South and the region's financial architecture"), Alai, December 12, 2007.
    • (2007) Alai
    • Ugarteche, O.1
  • 19
    • 77955201288 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • La crisis hegemónica en América Latina
    • Raúl Jiménez Guillén, Elizabeth Rosa Zamora et al., Mexico
    • Emir Sader, "La crisis hegemónica en América Latina" in Raúl Jiménez Guillén, Elizabeth Rosa Zamora et al., El desarrollo hoy en América latina (Mexico: 2008), 18.
    • (2008) El Desarrollo Hoy en América Latina , pp. 18
    • Sader, E.1
  • 20
    • 77955197573 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Latinobarómetro SeptemberOctober 2008, results released in Chile, November 14, 2009
    • Latinobarómetro SeptemberOctober 2008, results released in Chile, November 14, 2009.
  • 21
    • 77955215803 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Up until June 2009, there were fourteen U.S. military bases in our region. The best known are : the Tres Esquinas base in Colombia, a country that has other bases, as well; Iquitos in Peru; Manta in Ecuador; Palmerola in Honduras; Comalapa in El Salvador, Reina Beatriz in Aruba; and Liberia in Costa Rica. Nevertheless, there is more and more resistance to their existence, such as that shown by the Brazilian and Argentinean peoples to prevent a base being setup in Alcántara, Brazil and one on what is known as the Triple Frontier, the point where Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil all touch. What is more, Rafael Correa has ordered the Unites States to leave the base in Manta, Ecuador. Neither must we forget the heroic and successful struggle waged by the people of Puerto Rico against the U.S. base on the island of Vieques. Now we have to add to that seven new bases established in Colombia in open defiance of the Venezuelan government and two more new ones in Panama.
  • 22
    • 77955218883 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • April 24, 2008, the U.S. Navy announced in a press release that it had redeployed the Fourth Fleet because of the immense importance of maritime security in the southern part of the Western Hemisphere
    • April 24, 2008, the U.S. Navy announced in a press release that it had redeployed the Fourth Fleet because of the immense importance of maritime security in the southern part of the Western Hemisphere.
  • 24
    • 77955188532 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • September
    • Ana Esther Ceceña, September 2009,http://movimientonuestraamerica. wordpress.com/2009/08/15/honduras-y- la-ocupacion-dekontinente-ana-esthercecena.
    • (2009)
    • Ceceña, A.E.1
  • 29
    • 77955180556 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • His statements are based on the following information: "in the early hours of Sunday, June 28 two important State department officials, James Steimberg and Tom Shannon, contacted the U.S. embassy in Tegucigalpa and the U.S. military base in Palmarala to warn them of the coup and to tell them not to offer any kind of support" Nevertheless, the head of the base, who represents the Pentagon, encouraged the coup. This information was given during Venezuelan journalist and ex-Vice President José Vicente Rangel's television program on July 5, 2009.
  • 31
    • 77955197311 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Siguen las tensiones entre Colombia y Ecuador
    • June 29
    • Hernando Calvo Ospina, "Siguen las tensiones entre Colombia y Ecuador," Le Monde Diplomatique Rebelión, June 29, 2009.
    • (2009) Le Monde Diplomatique Rebelión
    • Ospina, H.C.1
  • 32
    • 77955213731 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • A maximum of 800 military and 600 civilian personnel, according to the Defense Co-operation Agreement ("DCA")
    • A maximum of 800 military and 600 civilian personnel, according to the Defense Co-operation Agreement ("DCA").
  • 33
    • 77955183134 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • DCA
    • DCA.
  • 38
    • 77955187217 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • El debate actual: Posliberalismo o anticapitalismo
    • In this article, Stolowicz exposes what lies behind these reforms
    • Beatriz Stolowicz defines them as post-liberal reforms. I recommend her excellent article 'El debate actual: posliberalismo o anticapitalismo," in America latina hoy ¿reforma or revolución?, 65-101. In this article, Stolowicz exposes what lies behind these reforms.
    • America Latina Hoy ¿Reforma or Revolución? , pp. 65-101
  • 41
    • 77955218627 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • March
    • The "pragmatic left" includes President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Evo Morales in Bolivia, and Fidel Castro in Cuba; a multitude of big electoral parties, the main unions and peasant associations in Central and South America; the left electoral parties, the PRD in Mexico, the FMLN in El Salvador, the electoral left and the workers' confederation in Colombia, the Chilean Communist Party, a majority of Húmala, a Peruvian nationalist parliamentary party, some of the leaders of the MST in Brazil, the MAS in Bolivia, the CTA in Argentina, and a minority of the Frente Amplio and the workers' federation in Uruguay. Also included are the great majority of Latin American left-wing intellectuals. This bloc is called "pragmatic because it has not called for the expropriation of capital nor for the rejection of the debt nor for any kind of break in relations with the United States. See James Petras, "Latin America: Four Competing Blocs of Power," March 2007, http://petras.lahaine.org/articulo. php?p=1700.
    • (2007) Latin America: Four Competing Blocs of Power
    • Petras, J.1
  • 42
    • 77955218627 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The "radical left" includes the FARC in Colombia, some factions in the unions, peasant and neighborhood movements in Venezuela; the workers' federation, Conlutas, and some factions of the Landless Movement in Brazil; parts of the Bolivian Workers' Federation, the peasant movements, and the neighborhood organizations in El Alto; parts of the peasant-indigenous movement of the Conaie in Ecuador; the teachers' and indigenous, peasant movements in Oaxaca, Guerrero, and Chiapas, Mexico; factions of the nationalist peasant left in Peru; sectors of the unions and the unemployed in Argentina. It is a heterodox political bloc diverse and fundamentally anti-imperialist which rejects any concessions to neoliberal policies, is against paying the foreign debt and in general supports a socialist or radical, nationalist program. See Petras, "Latin America: Four Competing Blocs of Power."
    • Latin America: Four Competing Blocs of Power
    • Petras1
  • 46
  • 50
    • 77955210252 scopus 로고
    • Nuestro proyecto de nueva sociedad en América Latina: El papel regulador del estado y los problemas de autorregulación del mercado
    • The democratic regimes that aróse after the dictatorships in the Southern Cone and then expanded throughout the subcontinent are what some authors have called "restricted or wardship' democracies. See Franz Hinkelammert "Nuestro proyecto de nueva sociedad en América Latina: el papel regulador del estado y los problemas de autorregulación del mercado' ('Our Project for a New Society in Latin America: the Regulatory Role of the State and the Problems of Market Self-regulation"), PASOS, No. 33 (1991).
    • (1991) PASOS , Issue.33
    • Hinkelammert, F.1
  • 52
    • 77955215802 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See Noam Chomsky, Como nos venden la moto (Barcelona: Icaria Editorial, 1996), 16. The term "the manufacture of consent" was coined by Walter Lippmann in his Public Opinion (London: Allen and Unwin, 1932). Chomsky, with Edward S. Herman, has also published a book with the title Manufacturing Consent.
    • (1996) Como Nos Venden la Moto Barcelona: Icaria Editorial , pp. 16
    • Chomsky, N.1
  • 55
    • 77955184077 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • December 3
    • Valter Pomar, "La línea del Ecuador," December 3,2008, http:/Avww.rebelion. org/noticia.php?id=77280.
    • (2008) La Línea Del Ecuador
    • Pomar, V.1
  • 56
    • 34547280338 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Venezuela: A good example of the bad left
    • June 1, 2009, JulyAugust
    • Michael Lebowitz, "Venezuela: a Good Example of the Bad Left" June 1, 2009, Monthly Review 59, no. 3 (JulyAugust 2007) 38-54.
    • (2007) Monthly Review , vol.59 , Issue.3 , pp. 38-54
    • Lebowitz, M.1
  • 57
    • 77955222293 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • speaking on the program on Channel 7 and Radio Patria Nueva, February 8
    • Alvaro García linera, speaking on the program 'El pueblo es noticia"on Channel 7 and Radio Patria Nueva, February 8,2010.
    • (2010) El Pueblo Es Noticia
    • Linera, A.G.1
  • 58
    • 77955217315 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • February 25
    • "[S]ome have spoken and written a lot about the Third Way, capitalism with a human face, Rhenish capitalism, Martian capitalism, and I don't know how many other kinds, trying to disguise the monster, but whatever mask one puts on the monster is a masks that falls to the ground destroyed by the facts. I myself must confess, there is no need to confess really, everyone knows, especially Venezuelans, I was going through a phase and talking about the third way." (Hugo Chavez, Speech at the Fourth Social Debt Summit February 25,2005).
    • (2005) Fourth Social Debt Summit
    • Chavez, H.1
  • 62
    • 77955208718 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Although in his speech in Caracas' Teresa Carreño Theatre, during the Meeting for Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity, NovemberDecember 2004, he had already mentioned the subject
    • Although in his speech in Caracas' Teresa Carreño Theatre, during the Meeting for Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity, NovemberDecember 2004, he had already mentioned the subject
  • 65
    • 77955200265 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • La Unidad Popular y el futuro
    • Empanadas are a typical Chilean food See Tomás Moulian "La Unidad Popular y el futuro" ("Popular Unity and the Future"), Encuentro XXI 1, no. 3;
    • Encuentro XXI , vol.1 , Issue.3
    • Moulian, T.1
  • 66
    • 77955213089 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Reflexiones sobre el gobierno de Allende, Estudiar el pasado para construir el futuro
    • June 5
    • Marta Harnecker, "Reflexiones sobre el gobierno de Allende, Estudiar el pasado para construir el futuro' ("Reflections on Allende's Government Study the Past to Build the Future"), Utopía, revista teórica del Partido Comunista de España, June 5, 2009,219.
    • (2009) Utopía, Revista Teórica Del Partido Comunista de España , pp. 219
    • Harnecker, M.1
  • 67
    • 77955215183 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Speech on unity
    • Caracas, December 15, Caracas, January 2007
    • Hugo Chavez, "Speech on Unity," Caracas, December 15, 2006, Ediciones Socialismo del Siglo XXI, no. 1, Caracas, January 2007,41.
    • (2006) Ediciones Socialismo Del Siglo XXI , Issue.1 , pp. 41
    • Chavez, H.1
  • 68
    • 77955211254 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The prophet Isaiah and many other prophets preached a message of equality that had a clearly socialist spirit See Chavez's "Speech on Unity";
    • Speech on Unity
    • Chavez1
  • 69
    • 77955211254 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • quotes from the version of the Sermon on the Mount that appears in Saint Luke's Gospel
    • Chavez quotes from the version of the Sermon on the Mount that appears in Saint Luke's Gospel, Speech on Unityibid., 42-43
    • Speech on Unity , pp. 42-43
    • Chavez1
  • 70
    • 77955211254 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Simón Rodriguez was Simón Bolivar's teacher and friend. The latter referred to the former as Robinson, hence the term Robinsonian; Chavez, Speech on Unity, Ibid., 51.
    • Speech on Unity , pp. 51
    • Chavez1
  • 73
    • 77955182641 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • García Linera identifies four civilizing regimes in Bolivia. The first is the modern, mercantile, industrial regime. The second involves economy and culture organized around simple domestic-type mercantile activity, either craft or peasant (these activities account for 68 percent of urban employment). The third is communal civilization, and the fourth is Amazonian civilization, which is identified by the itinerant character of its productive activity, technology based on individual knowledge and industriousness, and the absence of a state. Altogether, two-thirds of the countries' inhabitants are in the last three "civilizing or societal bands,'46-47.
    • Civilizing or Societal Bands , pp. 46-47
  • 76
    • 77955179574 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • TTjhat party betrayed its nature and ended up being an antidemocratic party. And that the wonderful slogan, 'All power to the Soviets!' in the end became, in fact a completely different slogan: 'All power to the party! That regime turned into an elite regime which could not build socialism. That explains why, when socialism fell, the workers did not go out to defend it" Chavez, 'Speech on Unity."
  • 79
    • 77955204239 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The two following paragraphs are drawn from my paper How Lenin saw socialism in the USSR,' given at a seminar sponsored by the journal América Libre, Sao Paulo, Brazil, December 2000. We found texts and proposals that are not very well known and that demonstrate that Lenin had no illusions about the difficulties of building socialism in the conditions in the USSR at that time
    • The two following paragraphs are drawn from my paper "How Lenin saw socialism in the USSR,' given at a seminar sponsored by the journal América Libre, Sao Paulo, Brazil, December 2000. We found texts and proposals that are not very well known and that demonstrate that Lenin had no illusions about the difficulties of building socialism in the conditions in the USSR at that time.
  • 84
    • 77955184326 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Lenin, Our Revolution, http:// marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1923/ jan/16.htm.
    • Our Revolution
    • Lenin1
  • 87
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    • Third all-russia congress of soviets of workers,' soldiers' and peasants' deputies
    • Moscow: Progress Publishers
    • V.I. Lenin, Third All-Russia Congress of Soviets of Workers,' Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies," Collected Works, Vol. 26 (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972), 453-82.
    • (1972) Collected Works , vol.26 , pp. 453-482
    • Lenin, V.I.1
  • 88
    • 77955218626 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • I use this word in its strict sense. It is usually understood to mean that body (which can be composed of a president or prime minister and a variable number of ministers) that the constitution or the fundamental rules of a state awards executive duties or powers and that exercises political power over a society (definition taken from Wikipedia).
  • 89
    • 77955190650 scopus 로고
    • La lucha de un pueblo sin armas
    • Marta Harnecker, "La lucha de un pueblo sin armas' (The Struggle of a People without Arms"), Encuentro XXI, 1995, http://rebelion.org/docs/ 95161. pdf.
    • (1995) Encuentro , vol.21
    • Harnecker, M.1
  • 93
    • 0039507405 scopus 로고
    • First draft of the immediate tasks of soviet power
    • Moscow: Progress Publishers
    • V. I. Lenin, first draft of The Immediate Tasks of Soviet Power," Collected Works, Vol. 27 (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972), 235-77.
    • (1972) Collected Works , vol.27 , pp. 235-277
    • Lenin, V.I.1
  • 95
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    • Sur la dialectique historique (Quelques remarques critiques a propos de Lire le capital)
    • Paris: Maspero, This article implies a radical change in the author's ideas about the problem of transition in comparison with those expressed in Lire Le capital' (Paris: Maspero, 1965)
    • E. Balibar, "Sur la dialectique historique (Quelques remarques critiques a propos de Lire le capital)" in Cinq études sur le materialismo historique (Paris: Maspero, 1974), 243. This article implies a radical change in the author's ideas about the problem of transition in comparison with those expressed in Lire "Le capital' (Paris: Maspero, 1965).
    • (1974) Cinq Études sur le Materialismo Historique , pp. 243
    • Balibar, E.1
  • 97
    • 77955221760 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This approach runs through all of Michael Lebowitz's work, and thanks to his influence, I have incorporated it into my work
    • This approach runs through all of Michael Lebowitz's work, and thanks to his influence, I have incorporated it into my work.
  • 99
    • 77955215539 scopus 로고
    • P. Kropotkin to V. I. Lenin, March 4
    • Kropotkin goes on to say, "At present it is the party committees, not the soviets, who rule in Russia. And their organization suffers from the defects of bureaucratic organization. To move away from the current disorder, Russia must return to the creative genius of local forces" (a letter from P. Kropotkin to V. I. Lenin, March 4, 1920, http://dwardmac. pitzer.edu/Anarchist-archives/kropotkin/ kropotlenindec203.html).
    • (1920)
  • 100
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    • Chapter IV: Political Rights and Popular Referenda, Section One: Political Rights
    • Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Chapter IV: Political Rights and Popular Referenda, Section One: Political Rights, http:// vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=6831.
    • Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  • 104
    • 77955201763 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In Venezuela, the municipalities are divided into parishes
    • In Venezuela, the municipalities are divided into parishes.
  • 106
    • 77955184605 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Aló, Presidente
    • Hugo Chavez on his radio and television program, June 11
    • Hugo Chavez on his radio and television program, "Aló, Presidente" Teorico, June 11, 2009.
    • (2009) Teorico
  • 108
    • 0346845325 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Karl Marx, The Civil War in France, http://marxists.org/archive/marx/ works/1871/civil.war.france/ch05.htm. This concept was also applied in the soviets that existed in Russia in 1905 and again during the October Revolution, and became the base of the Soviet state in the early years of its existence. However, it became bureaucratized and lost all its original creativity; Socialist Yugoslavia managed to formalize a delegate system in its 1974 constitution.
    • The Civil War in France
    • Marx, K.1
  • 109
    • 84947743897 scopus 로고
    • Cuba, in its Constitution, established a political system where state power is exercised directly or through delegates to the assemblies of People's Power and other state organs that are under them
    • See Zecevic, The Delegate System. Cuba, in its 1976 Constitution, established a political system where state power is exercised directly or through delegates to the assemblies of People's Power and other state organs that are under them.
    • (1976) The Delegate System
    • Zecevic1
  • 111
    • 0347488338 scopus 로고
    • London: Penguin Books
    • Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. I (London: Penguin Books, 1990), 638.
    • (1990) Capital , vol.1 , pp. 638
    • Marx, K.1
  • 112
    • 77955195812 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Productivism is defined as the tendency to think that the solution to everything is to increase production of material goods without being concerned about the effects that certain production processes can have on nature
    • "Productivism" is defined as the tendency to think that the solution to everything is to increase production of material goods without being concerned about the effects that certain production processes can have on nature.
  • 113
    • 77955185357 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • On this subject we recommend Enrique Left, Ecología y capital: Racionalidad ambiental, democracia participativa y desarrollo sustentable (Mexico and Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1998). He argues: "Environmentalism is a radical critique of the needs imposed by the expansion of capital and over consumption which exhausts resources at an exponential rate. The concept of quality of life redefines human needs and repostulates the bases of the production process to satisfy these needs in a new social rationality," 284.
  • 114
    • 34247185277 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • New wings for socialism
    • April
    • Michael Lebowitz, 'New Wings for Socialism," Monthly Review 11, vol. 58 (April 2007).
    • (2007) Monthly Review 11 , vol.58
    • Michael, L.1
  • 115
    • 34247185277 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ibid. Michael Lebowitz, 'New Wings for Socialism," Monthly Review 11, vol. 58 (April 2007)
    • (2007) Monthly Review 11 , vol.58
    • Michael, L.1
  • 117
    • 0039507405 scopus 로고
    • The immediate tasks of the soviet government
    • Lenin thought that big industry needed the existence of a strict and absolute unity of will' to direct common work and that the task of the party should be to 'guide' the masses 'along the path of coordinating the task of arguing at mass meetings about the conditions of work with the task of unquestioningly obeying the will of the Soviet leader, of the dictator, while at work. He stressed that democracy in public meetings should be combined with iron discipline during working hours.' See Moscow: Progress Publishers
    • Lenin thought that big industry needed the existence of "a strict and absolute unity of will' to direct common work and that the task of the party should be to 'guide' the masses 'along the path of coordinating the task of arguing at mass meetings about the conditions of work with the task of unquestioningly obeying the will of the Soviet leader, of the dictator, while at work." He stressed that democracy in public meetings should be combined "with iron discipline during working hours.' See V.I. Lenin, The Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government" Collected Works, Vol. 27 (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972), 235-77.
    • (1972) Collected Works , vol.27 , pp. 235-277
    • Lenin, V.I.1
  • 121
    • 77955177773 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • I have taken the main ideas I develop here from Michael Lebowitz, Chapter 7
    • I have taken the main ideas I develop here from Michael Lebowitz, The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development, Chapter 7.
    • The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development
  • 122
    • 77955209731 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Seven difficult questions
    • analysis of the experience of co-management in Yugoslavia in the chapter entitled
    • See Michael Lebowitz's analysis of the experience of co-management in Yugoslavia in the chapter entitled "Seven Difficult Questions" in his Build it Now.
    • Build It Now.
    • Lebowitz'S, M.1
  • 123
    • 77955182119 scopus 로고
    • The civil war in France
    • [U]nited co-operative societies are to regulate national production upon a common plan, thus taking it under their own control, and putting an end to the constant anarchy and periodical convulsions which are the fatality of capitalist production, in the Appendix to 1903 edition of Belfort Bax, Twentieth Century Press
    • 11"[U]nited co-operative societies are to regulate national production upon a common plan, thus taking it under their own control, and putting an end to the constant anarchy and periodical convulsions which are the fatality of capitalist production," Karl Marx, The Civil War in France, in the Appendix to 1903 edition of Belfort Bax, A History of the Paris Commune (Twentieth Century Press: 1895).
    • (1895) A History of the Paris Commune
    • Marx, K.1
  • 125
    • 77955207012 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Noel López and I have written two documents on this subject: and Planificación participative en la municipalidad, currently undergoing final revision
    • Noel López and I have written two documents on this subject: "Planificación participativa en la comunidad," http:// rebelión.org; and "Planificación participative en la municipalidad," currently undergoing final revision.
    • Planificación Participativa en la Comunidad
  • 127
    • 0004219644 scopus 로고
    • New York: Monthly Review Press
    • István Mészáros, Beyond Capital (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1995), 906.
    • (1995) Beyond Capital , pp. 906
    • Mészáros, I.1
  • 128
    • 77955190390 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • On Lenin, Mészáros argues: "The main themes of The State and Revolution receded further and further in his thought Positive reference to the experience of the Paris Commune (as the direct involvement of 'all the poor, exploited sections of the population' in the exercise of power) disappeared from his speeches and writings and the accent was laid on 'the need for a central authority." Further on, he says: The ideal of autonomous working-class action had been replaced by the advocacy of 'the greatest possible centralization," (903-06).
  • 129
    • 77955181876 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ibid
    • Ibid.
  • 130
    • 84911963512 scopus 로고
    • 10th congress of the RCP(B)
    • Moscow: Progress Publishers
    • V.I. Lenin, "10th Congress of the RCP(B)," Collected Works, Vol. 32 (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1965), 165-271.
    • (1965) Collected Works , vol.32 , pp. 165-271
    • Lenin, V.I.1
  • 131
    • 84945886891 scopus 로고
    • How should we reorganize the workers' and peasants' inspection
    • Moscow: Progress Publishers
    • V.I. Lenin, "How Should We Reorganize the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection," Collected Works, Vol. 33 (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1965), 481-86.
    • (1965) Collected Works , vol.33 , pp. 481-486
    • Lenin, V.I.1
  • 133
    • 84890920768 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On the role and functions of the trade unions in the new economic policy
    • V.I. Lenin, 'On the Role and Functions of the Trade Unions in the New Economic Policy," Collected Works, Vol. 33, 188-96.
    • Collected Works , vol.33 , pp. 188-196
    • Lenin, V.I.1
  • 134
    • 77955206496 scopus 로고
    • Most of what follows has been taken from the introduction to Marta Harnecker, Mexico: Siglo XXI
    • Most of what follows has been taken from the introduction to Marta Harnecker, Cuba ¿Dictadura o Democracia? (Mexico: Siglo XXI, 1979).
    • (1979) Cuba ¿Dictadura O Democracia?
  • 140
    • 77955188277 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Articles 16, 157, 1581, 85, and 269, Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
    • Articles 16, 157, 1581, 85, and 269, Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, http://venezuelanalysis.com/ Constitution.
  • 142
    • 77955215181 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • A company created as a state enterprise in the 1960s, then sold to foreign capital in 1997, and renationalized in April 2008 after an almost two-month strike by its 15, 000 workers
    • A company created as a state enterprise in the 1960s, then sold to foreign capital in 1997, and renationalized in April 2008 after an almost two-month strike by its 15, 000 workers.
  • 143
    • 77955183816 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Most of the ideas I set out below are developed more thoroughly in that paper
    • Lebowitz, Building New Productive Relations Now. Most of the ideas I set out below are developed more thoroughly in that paper.
    • Building New Productive Relations Now.
    • Lebowitz1
  • 144
    • 77955206495 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • When those who govern Bolivia, Ecuador, and Venezuela came to power, they promoted constituent processes. The new constitutions these assemblies drafted were then passed by a vote in a referendum. The Bolivarian Constitution of Venezuela became law in December 1999, the Ecuadorian Constitution, on September 28,2008, and the Bolivian in February 2009. The Honduran president Manuel Zelaya also wanted to convene a constituent assembly but was overthrown by a military-institutional coup.
  • 146
    • 77955217838 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Director General of the Venezuelan National Assembly's Department of Legislative Research and Development Marta Harnecker, Caracas This book is an edited transcript of a workshop on this subject held at the Centro Internacional Miranda, September 23-24 2008
    • Director General of the Venezuelan National Assembly's Department of Legislative Research and Development Marta Harnecker, La descentralizació n ¿fortalece o debilita el estado nacional? (Caracas 2009), http://rebelion.org/ docs/97088pd f. This book is an edited transcript of a workshop on this subject held at the Centro Internacional Miranda, September 23-24 2008.
    • (2009) La Descentralización ¿Fortalece O Debilita El Estado Nacional?
  • 147
    • 77955223021 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • It is not well known that the only high level coup-supporting officers who actually had troops under their command were Chief of the General Staff, General Ramírez Prez, and the Commander of the Army, General Vásquez Velasco. Backing the coup were several retired generals and about two hundred officers who in- duded generals, admirals, colonels, lieutenant colonels, and noncommissioned officers. Official statistics say the armed forces have 8000 officers. Eighty percent of serving officers backed the plan to rescue Chavez. The number may, in fact be even higher because communications were very difficult at that time.
  • 150
    • 77955208717 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This can be corroborated by the biographies of the generals and officers interviewed in my book mentioned in the previous note
    • This can be corroborated by the biographies of the generals and officers interviewed in my book mentioned in the previous note.
  • 152
    • 77955219424 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Indigenous, rainbow colored flag
    • Indigenous, rainbow colored flag.
  • 154
    • 77955177773 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • We have talked about two states here-one, the state that workers captured at the outset and that initiates despotic inroads upon capital, that is, the old state; and, two, the emerging new state based upon workers' councils and neighborhood councils as its cells. The starting point of course, is with the old state, and the becoming of socialism as an organic system is a process of transition from the old state to the new. But this means that the two must coexist and interact throughout this process of becoming. See Several of the ideas that I use below have been taken from this book
    • "We have talked about two states here-one, the state that workers captured at the outset and that initiates despotic inroads upon capital, that is, the old state; and, two, the emerging new state based upon workers' councils and neighborhood councils as its cells. The starting point of course, is with the old state, and the becoming of socialism as an organic system is a process of transition from the old state to the new. But this means that the two must coexist and interact throughout this process of becoming." See Lebowitz, The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development. Several of the ideas that I use below have been taken from this book.
    • The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development
    • Lebowitz1
  • 158
    • 77955194340 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Let us remember what Marx wrote In Chapter 31 of Volume I of Capital; The discovery of gold and silver in America, the extirpation, enslavement and entombment in mines of the aboriginal population, the beginning of the conquest and looting of the East Indies, the turning of Africa into a warren for the commercial hunting of black-skins, signalized the rosy dawn of the era of capitalist production
    • Let us remember what Marx wrote In Chapter 31 of Volume I of Capital; The discovery of gold and silver in America, the extirpation, enslavement and entombment in mines of the aboriginal population, the beginning of the conquest and looting of the East Indies, the turning of Africa into a warren for the commercial hunting of black-skins, signalized the rosy dawn of the era of capitalist production."
  • 163
    • 77955219961 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Caracas: Editorial Pentagráfica
    • Farruco Sesto, ¡Que viva el debate! (Caracas: Editorial Pentagráfica, 2009), 10-11.
    • (2009) ¡Que Viva El Debate , pp. 10-11
    • Sesto, F.1
  • 164
    • 77955219961 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This statement by Alexandra Kollontai is along similar lines: Fear of criticism and of freedom of thought by combining together with bureaucracy, often produce ridiculous results. There can be no self-activity without freedom of thought and opinion, for self-activity manifests itself not only in initiative, action and work, but in independent thought as well
    • Ibid., Farruco Sesto, ¡Que Viva El Debate 27-28. This statement by Alexandra Kollontai is along similar lines: "Fear of criticism and of freedom of thought by combining together with bureaucracy, often produce ridiculous results. There can be no self-activity without freedom of thought and opinion, for self-activity manifests itself not only in initiative, action and work, but in independent thought as well."
    • ¡Que Viva El Debate , pp. 27-28
    • Sesto, F.1
  • 165
    • 77955183132 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See Alexander Kollontai, The Workers' Opposition (1921), http://marxists.org/archive/ kollonta/1921/workers-opposition/ch03. htm.
    • (1921) The Workers' Opposition
    • Kollontai, A.1
  • 166
    • 77955181621 scopus 로고
    • Etica y revolución
    • April This reference and the one that follows are taken from Rebuilding the Left, 98 et seq
    • Octavio Alberola, 'Etica y revolución' ("Ethics and Revolution"), El Viejo Topo, no. 19, (April 1978): 35. This reference and the one that follows are taken from Rebuilding the Left, 98 et seq.
    • (1978) El Viejo Topo , Issue.19 , pp. 35
    • Alberola, O.1
  • 167
    • 84862693522 scopus 로고
    • Nicaragua: University of Managua Sociology Department
    • O. Nún̄ez, La insurrección de la conciencia (Nicaragua: University of Managua Sociology Department 1988), 29;
    • (1988) La Insurrección de la Conciencia , pp. 29
    • Núnez, O.1
  • 169
    • 79954971501 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Socialism and man in Cuba
    • in David Deutschmann, ed., New York: Ocean Press
    • Ernesto Che Guevara, "Socialism and Man in Cuba," in David Deutschmann, ed., The Che Guevara Reader (New York: Ocean Press, 2003).
    • (2003) The Che Guevara Reader
    • Guevara, E.C.1
  • 173
    • 77955183132 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • An internal current in the Bolshevik Party that advocated greater internal party democracy; Kollontai, The Workers' Opposition, http://marxists.org/archive/ kollonta/1921/workers-opposition/ch03. htm.
    • The Workers' Opposition
  • 174
    • 77955187215 scopus 로고
    • April 24
    • Mao Zedong, On Coalition Government, April 24, 1945, http:// marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/ selected-works/volume-3/mswv3-25.htm.
    • (1945) On Coalition Government
    • Zedong, M.1
  • 175
    • 77955195334 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • (La Habana: Publication Office of the Council of State)
    • Ignacio Ramonet Cien Horas con Fidel (La Habana: Publication Office of the Council of State), 677.
    • Cien Horas Con Fidel , pp. 677
    • Ramonet, I.1

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