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Elisa Morgera, CBD COP 10: Towards Post-2010 Implementation, 40 Environmental Policy and Law 281 (2010).
40 Environmental Policy and Law
, pp. 281
Morgera, E.1
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Riccardo Pavoni, Mutual Sup-portiveness as a Principle of Interpretation and Law-Making: A Watershed for the WTO-and-Competing-Regimes Debate?, 21 European Journal of International Law 649, at 662 (2010).
21 European Journal of International Law
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Meinhard Doelle, Linking the Kyoto Protocol and Other Multilateral Environmental Agreements: From Fragmentation to Integration?, 14 Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 75 (2004);
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Elisa Morgera, The 2005 UN World Summit and the Environment: The Proverbial Half-Full Glass, 15 Italian Yearbook of International Law 53 (2006).
15 Italian Yearbook of International Law
, pp. 53
Morgera, E.1
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40 Environmental Policy and Law
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Robin R. Churchill and Geir Ulfstein, Autonomous Institutional Arrangements in Multilateral Environmental Agreements: A Little-Noticed Phenomenon in International Law, 94 The American Journal of International Law 623, at 654-5 (2000).
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Summary of the second meeting of the Ad hoc Open-ended working group on protected areas and the thirteenth meeting of the subsidiary body on scientific
Earth Negotiations Bulletin, at 8
Asheline Appleton, Claudio Chiarolla, Twig Johnson, Harry Jonas, Stefan Jungcurt, and Marie-Annick Moreau, Summary of the second meeting of the Ad hoc Open-ended Working Group on Protected Areas and the thirteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 9:427 Earth Negotiations Bulletin, at 8 (2008).
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The website of the partnership can be found
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9:514 Earth Negotiations Bulletin, at 18
Asheline Appleton, Johannes Gnann, Elisa Morgera, Anne Roemer-Mahler, and Tanya Rosen, Summary of the fourteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice to the Convention on Biological Diversity, 9:514 Earth Negotiations Bulletin, at 18 (2010).
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IUCN, Increasing Legal Capacity and Enhancing Integration in Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation at National and International Levels
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Jungcurtetal, supra note 96,at27. The proposal was included in Draft decision submitted by the Chair of Working Group II: PolicyOptions Concerning Innovative Financial MechanismsUN Doc. UNEP/CBD/COP/10/WG.2/L.46, para. 5, CBD (2010)
Jungcurtetal, supra note 96,at27. The proposal was included in Draft decision submitted by the Chair of Working Group II: PolicyOptions Concerning Innovative Financial MechanismsUN Doc. UNEP/CBD/COP/10/WG.2/L.46, para. 5, CBD (2010) (available at: www.cbd.int/cop10/insession).
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EU and Global Vision and Targets and International ABS Regime
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at 27-28
Elisa Morgera, Kati Kulovesi, and Ambra Gobena (Eds.), Case Studies on Bioenergy Policy and Law: Options for Sustainability, FAO Legislative Study No. 102 at 27-28 (2010).
FAO Legislative Study No. 102
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Gobena, A.3
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Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Non-Compliance Procedures and the Law of Treaties, in Non-compliance Procedures and Mechanisms and the Effectiveness of International Environmental Agreements, 453, at 463-467 (Tullio Treves et al., eds., 2009),
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