239108 Humoral and cellular immune responses following vaccination with purified recombinant hemagglutinin from influenza A (H3N2) virus. Powers DC, McElhaney JE, Florendo OA, Jr, Manning MC, Upshaw CM, Bentley DW, Wilkinson BE J INFECT DIS 1997 175 2 342-351
239108 Humoral and cellular immune responses following vaccination with purified recombinant hemagglutinin from influenza A (H3N2) virus. Powers DC, McElhaney JE, Florendo OA, Jr, Manning MC, Upshaw CM, Bentley DW, Wilkinson BE J INFECT DIS 1997 175 2 342-351
276006 Evaluation of a recombinant hemagglutinin expressed in insect cells as an influenza vaccine in young and elderly adults. Treanor JJ, Betts RF, Smith GE, Anderson EL, Hackett CS, Wilkinson BE, Belshe RB, Powers DC J INFECT DIS 1996 173 6 1467-1470
276006 Evaluation of a recombinant hemagglutinin expressed in insect cells as an influenza vaccine in young and elderly adults. Treanor JJ, Betts RF, Smith GE, Anderson EL, Hackett CS, Wilkinson BE, Belshe RB, Powers DC J INFECT DIS 1996 173 6 1467-1470
354127 Safety and immunogenicity of low and high doses of trivalent live cold-adapted influenza vaccine administered intranasally as drops or spray to healthy children. King JC Jr, Lagos R, Bernstein DI, Piedra PA, Kotloff K, Bryant M, Cho I, Belshe RB J INFECT DIS 1998 177 5 1394-1397
354127 Safety and immunogenicity of low and high doses of trivalent live cold-adapted influenza vaccine administered intranasally as drops or spray to healthy children. King JC Jr, Lagos R, Bernstein DI, Piedra PA, Kotloff K, Bryant M, Cho I, Belshe RB J INFECT DIS 1998 177 5 1394-1397
358095 Advances in vaccine adjuvants. Singh M, O'Hagan D NAT BIOTECHNOL 1999 17 11 1075-1081
358095 Advances in vaccine adjuvants. Singh M, O'Hagan D NAT BIOTECHNOL 1999 17 11 1075-1081
368186 Chiron receives European approval Fluad. Chiron Corp PRESS RELEASE 2000 May 25
368186 Chiron receives European approval Fluad. Chiron Corp PRESS RELEASE 2000 May 25
416558 Genotypic stability of cold-adapted influenza virus vaccine in an efficacy clinical trial. Cha TA, Kao K, Zhao J, Fast PE, Mendelman PM, Arvin A J CLIN MICROBIOL 2000 38 2 839-845
416558 Genotypic stability of cold-adapted influenza virus vaccine in an efficacy clinical trial. Cha TA, Kao K, Zhao J, Fast PE, Mendelman PM, Arvin A J CLIN MICROBIOL 2000 38 2 839-845
416570 The efficacy of live attenuated, cold-adapted, trivalent, intranasal influenza virus vaccine in children. Belshe RB, Mendelman PM, Treanor J, King J, Gruber WC, Piedra P, Bernstein DI, Hayden FG, Kotloff K, Zangwill K, Iacuzio D et al N ENGL J MED 1998 338 20 1405-1412
416570 The efficacy of live attenuated, cold-adapted, trivalent, intranasal influenza virus vaccine in children. Belshe RB, Mendelman PM, Treanor J, King J, Gruber WC, Piedra P, Bernstein DI, Hayden FG, Kotloff K, Zangwill K, Iacuzio D et al N ENGL J MED 1998 338 20 1405-1412
430706 Protein Sciences regains rights to influenza vaccines. Protein Sciences Corp PRESS RELEASE 2001 November 26
430706 Protein Sciences regains rights to influenza vaccines. Protein Sciences Corp PRESS RELEASE 2001 November 26
517102 Safety and immunogenicity of a recombinant hemagglutinin vaccine for H5 influenza in humans. Treanor JJ, Wilkinson BE, Masseoud F, Hu-Primmer J, Battaglia R, O'Brien D, Wolff M, Rabinovich G, Blackwelder W, Katz JM VACCINE 2001 19 13-14 1732-1737
517102 Safety and immunogenicity of a recombinant hemagglutinin vaccine for H5 influenza in humans. Treanor JJ, Wilkinson BE, Masseoud F, Hu-Primmer J, Battaglia R, O'Brien D, Wolff M, Rabinovich G, Blackwelder W, Katz JM VACCINE 2001 19 13-14 1732-1737
542481 Protection of mice with recombinant influenza virus neuraminidase. Kilbourne ED, Pokorny BA, Johansson B, Brett I, Milev Y, Matthews JT J INFECT DIS 2004 189 3 459-461
542481 Protection of mice with recombinant influenza virus neuraminidase. Kilbourne ED, Pokorny BA, Johansson B, Brett I, Milev Y, Matthews JT J INFECT DIS 2004 189 3 459-461
567544 Protein Sciences gains FDA approval for phase II/III flu trial. Protein Sciences Corp PRESS RELEASE 2004 October 28
567544 Protein Sciences gains FDA approval for phase II/III flu trial. Protein Sciences Corp PRESS RELEASE 2004 October 28
619786 Influenza virus-like particles comprised of the HA, NA, and M1 proteins of H9N2 influenza virus induce protective immune responses in BALB/c mice. Pushko P, Tumpey TM, Bu F, Knell J, Robinson R, Smith G VACCINE 2005 23 50 5751-5759
619786 Influenza virus-like particles comprised of the HA, NA, and M1 proteins of H9N2 influenza virus induce protective immune responses in BALB/c mice. Pushko P, Tumpey TM, Bu F, Knell J, Robinson R, Smith G VACCINE 2005 23 50 5751-5759
669735 Vaccines: From bench to bedside, SMi's Third Biannual Conference, London. Turner B IDDB MEETING REPORT 2006 May 22-23
669735 Vaccines: From bench to bedside - SMi's Third Biannual Conference, London. Turner B IDDB MEETING REPORT 2006 May 22-23
686422 UMN gains Japanese rights to PSC's FluBlok. Protein Sciences Corp PRESS RELEASE 2006 August 29
686422 UMN gains Japanese rights to PSC's FluBlok. Protein Sciences Corp PRESS RELEASE 2006 August 29
765911 Dose-related safety and immunogenicity of baculovirus-expressed trivalent influenza vaccine: A double-blind, controlled trial in adult patients with non-Hodgkin B cell lymphoma. Safdar A, Rodriguez MA, Fayad LE, Rodriguez GH, Pro B, Wang M, Romaguera JE, Goy AH, Hagemeister FB, McLaughlin P, Bodey GP et al J INFECT DIS 2006 194 10 1394-1397
765911 Dose-related safety and immunogenicity of baculovirus-expressed trivalent influenza vaccine: A double-blind, controlled trial in adult patients with non-Hodgkin B cell lymphoma. Safdar A, Rodriguez MA, Fayad LE, Rodriguez GH, Pro B, Wang M, Romaguera JE, Goy AH, Hagemeister FB, McLaughlin P, Bodey GP et al J INFECT DIS 2006 194 10 1394-1397
765912 Dose-related safety and immunogenicity of a trivalent baculovirus-expressed influenza-virus hemagglutinin vaccine in elderly adults. Treanor JJ, Schiff GM, Couch RB, Cate TR, Brady RC, Hay CM, Wolff M, She D, Cox MM J INFECT DIS 2006 193 9 1223-1228
765912 Dose-related safety and immunogenicity of a trivalent baculovirus-expressed influenza-virus hemagglutinin vaccine in elderly adults. Treanor JJ, Schiff GM, Couch RB, Cate TR, Brady RC, Hay CM, Wolff M, She D, Cox MM J INFECT DIS 2006 193 9 1223-1228
765913 Expression and purification of an influenza hemagglutinin-one step closer to a recombinant protein-based influenza vaccine. Wang K, Holtz KM, Anderson K, Chubet R, Mahmoud W, Cox MM VACCINE 2006 24 12 2176-2185
765913 Expression and purification of an influenza hemagglutinin-one step closer to a recombinant protein-based influenza vaccine. Wang K, Holtz KM, Anderson K, Chubet R, Mahmoud W, Cox MM VACCINE 2006 24 12 2176-2185
767890 Influenza virus-like particles elicit broader immune responses than whole virion inactivated influenza virus or recombinant hemagglutinin. Bright RA, Carter DM, Daniluk S, Toapanta FR, Ahmad A, Gavrilov V, Massare M, Pushko P, Mytle N, Rowe T, Smith G et al VACCINE 2007 25 19 3871-3878
767890 Influenza virus-like particles elicit broader immune responses than whole virion inactivated influenza virus or recombinant hemagglutinin. Bright RA, Carter DM, Daniluk S, Toapanta FR, Ahmad A, Gavrilov V, Massare M, Pushko P, Mytle N, Rowe T, Smith G et al VACCINE 2007 25 19 3871-3878
804564 Novartis' influenza vaccine gains EU approval. Novartis AG PRESS RELEASE 2007 June 14
804564 Novartis' influenza vaccine gains EU approval. Novartis AG PRESS RELEASE 2007 June 14
817154 Preventing and treating influenza. Stohr K Br Med J 2003 326 7401 1223-1224
817154 Preventing and treating influenza. Stohr K Br Med J 2003 326 7401 1223-1224
817156 Prevention and control of influenza: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices ACIP, Smith NM, Bresee JS, Shay DK, Uyeki TM, Cox NJ, Strikas RA MMWR MORB MORTAL WKLY REP 2006 55 RR10 1-42
817156 Prevention and control of influenza: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Smith NM, Bresee JS, Shay DK, Uyeki TM, Cox NJ, Strikas RA MMWR MORB MORTAL WKLY REP 2006 55 RR10 1-42
817157 The efficacy, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of inactivated influenza virus vaccines. Nichol KL VACCINE 2003 21 16 1769-1775
817157 The efficacy, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of inactivated influenza virus vaccines. Nichol KL VACCINE 2003 21 16 1769-1775
817158 Cost benefit of influenza vaccination in healthy, working adults: An economic analysis based on the results of a clinical trial of trivalent live attenuated influenza virus vaccine. Nichol KL, Mallon KP, Mendelman PM VACCINE 2003 21 17-18 2207-2217
817158 Cost benefit of influenza vaccination in healthy, working adults: An economic analysis based on the results of a clinical trial of trivalent live attenuated influenza virus vaccine. Nichol KL, Mallon KP, Mendelman PM VACCINE 2003 21 17-18 2207-2217
817186 A virus obtained from influenza patients. Smith W, Andrewes CH, Laidlaw PP LANCET 1933 ii 66-68
817186 A virus obtained from influenza patients. Smith W, Andrewes CH, Laidlaw PP LANCET 1933 ii 66-68
817243 Vaccination against influenza. Francis T BULL WHO 1953 8 5-6 725-741
817243 Vaccination against influenza. Francis T BULL WHO 1953 8 5-6 725-741
817974 Comparisons of serologic and febrile responses in humans to vaccination with influenza A viruses or their hemagglutinins. Davenport FM, Hennessy AV, Brandon FM, Webster RG, Barrett CD, Lease GO J LAB CLIN MED 1964 63 5-13
817974 Comparisons of serologic and febrile responses in humans to vaccination with influenza A viruses or their hemagglutinins. Davenport FM, Hennessy AV, Brandon FM, Webster RG, Barrett CD, Lease GO J LAB CLIN MED 1964 63 5-13
817977 Pilot studies on recombinant cold-adapted live type A and B influenza virus vaccines. Davenport FM, Hennessy AV, Maassab HF, Minuse E, Clark LC, Abrams GD, Mitchell JR J INFECT DIS 1977 136 1 17-25
817977 Pilot studies on recombinant cold-adapted live type A and B influenza virus vaccines. Davenport FM, Hennessy AV, Maassab HF, Minuse E, Clark LC, Abrams GD, Mitchell JR J INFECT DIS 1977 136 1 17-25
817986 Adaptation and growth characteristics of influenza virus at 25 degrees C. Maassab HF NATURE 1967 213 5076 612-614
817986 Adaptation and growth characteristics of influenza virus at 25 degrees C. Maassab HF NATURE 1967 213 5076 612-614
818007 Protective effect of vaccination against induced influenza A. Francis T, Salk JE, Pearson HE, Brown PN J CLIN INVEST 1945 24 4 536-546
818007 Protective effect of vaccination against induced influenza A. Francis T, Salk JE, Pearson HE, Brown PN J CLIN INVEST 1945 24 4 536-546
818086 The total influenza vaccine failure of 1947 revisited: Major intrasubtypic antigenic change can explain failure of vaccine in a post-World War II epidemic. Kilbourne ED, Smith C, Brett I, Pokorny BA, Johansson B, Cox N PROC NATL ACAD SCI USA 2002 99 16 10748-10752
818086 The total influenza vaccine failure of 1947 revisited: Major intrasubtypic antigenic change can explain failure of vaccine in a post-World War II epidemic. Kilbourne ED, Smith C, Brett I, Pokorny BA, Johansson B, Cox N PROC NATL ACAD SCI USA 2002 99 16 10748-10752
818361 Influenza pandemics in perspective. Kilbourne ED J AM MED ASSOC 1977 237 12 1225-1228
818361 Influenza pandemics in perspective. Kilbourne ED J AM MED ASSOC 1977 237 12 1225-1228
818362 The origin of pandemic influenza. Webster RG, Laver WG BULL WHO 1972 47 4 449-452
818362 The origin of pandemic influenza. Webster RG, Laver WG BULL WHO 1972 47 4 449-452
818377 Influenza pandemics of the 20th century. Kilbourne ED EMERG INFECT DIS 2006 12 1 9-14
818377 Influenza pandemics of the 20th century. Kilbourne ED EMERG INFECT DIS 2006 12 1 9-14
818379 Summary of clinical trials of inactivated influenza vaccine, 1978. La Montagne JR, Noble GR, Quinnan GV, Curlin GT, Blackwelder WC, Smith JI, Ennis FA, Bozeman FM REV INFECT DIS 1983 5 4 723-736
818379 Summary of clinical trials of inactivated influenza vaccine - 1978. La Montagne JR, Noble GR, Quinnan GV, Curlin GT, Blackwelder WC, Smith JI, Ennis FA, Bozeman FM REV INFECT DIS 1983 5 4 723-736
818727 The effectiveness of vaccination against influenza in healthy, working adults. Nichol KL, Lind A, Margolis KL, Murdoch M, McFadden R, Hauge M, Magnan S, Drake M N ENGL J MED 1995 333 14 889-893
818727 The effectiveness of vaccination against influenza in healthy, working adults. Nichol KL, Lind A, Margolis KL, Murdoch M, McFadden R, Hauge M, Magnan S, Drake M N ENGL J MED 1995 333 14 889-893
818728 Effectiveness and cost-benefit of influenza vaccination of healthy working adults: A randomized controlled trial. Bridges CB, Thompson WW, Meltzer MI, Reeve GR, Talamonti WJ, Cox NJ, Lilac HA, Hall H, Klimov A, Fukuda K J AM MED ASSOC 2000 284 13 1655-1663
818728 Effectiveness and cost-benefit of influenza vaccination of healthy working adults: A randomized controlled trial. Bridges CB, Thompson WW, Meltzer MI, Reeve GR, Talamonti WJ, Cox NJ, Lilac HA, Hall H, Klimov A, Fukuda K J AM MED ASSOC 2000 284 13 1655-1663
818730 Effectiveness of influenza vaccine in health care professionals: A randomized trial. Wilde JA, McMillan JA, Serwint J, Butta J, O'Riordan MA, Steinhoff MC J AM MED ASSOC 1999 281 10 908-913
818730 Effectiveness of influenza vaccine in health care professionals: A randomized trial. Wilde JA, McMillan JA, Serwint J, Butta J, O'Riordan MA, Steinhoff MC J AM MED ASSOC 1999 281 10 908-913
820176 A cohort study of the effectiveness of influenza vaccine in older people, performed using the United Kingdom general practice research database. Mangtani P, Cumberland P, Hodgson CR, Roberts JA, Cutts FT, Hall AJ J INFECT DIS 2004 190 1 1-10
820176 A cohort study of the effectiveness of influenza vaccine in older people, performed using the United Kingdom general practice research database. Mangtani P, Cumberland P, Hodgson CR, Roberts JA, Cutts FT, Hall AJ J INFECT DIS 2004 190 1 1-10
820179 The annual production cycle for influenza vaccine. Gerdil C VACCINE 2003 21 16 1776-1779
820179 The annual production cycle for influenza vaccine. Gerdil C VACCINE 2003 21 16 1776-1779
820183 Avian influenza virus H5N1, A threat to human health. Peiris JS, de Jong MD, Guan Y CLIN MICROBIOL REV 2007 20 2 243-267
820183 Avian influenza virus (H5N1): A threat to human health. Peiris JS, de Jong MD, Guan Y CLIN MICROBIOL REV 2007 20 2 243-267
820187 Updated interim influenza vaccination recommendations, 2004-05 influenza season. MMWR MORB MORTAL WKLY REP 2004 53 50 1183-1184
820187 Updated interim influenza vaccination recommendations - 2004-05 influenza season. MMWR MORB MORTAL WKLY REP 2004 53 50 1183-1184
820190 Future influenza vaccines and the use of genetic recombinants. Kilbourne ED BULL WHO 1969 41 3 643-645
820190 Future influenza vaccines and the use of genetic recombinants. Kilbourne ED BULL WHO 1969 41 3 643-645
820194 Efficacy of inactivated influenza A virus (H3N2) vaccines grown in mammalian cells or embryonated eggs. Katz JM, Webster RG J INFECT DIS 1989 160 2 191-198
820194 Efficacy of inactivated influenza A virus (H3N2) vaccines grown in mammalian cells or embryonated eggs. Katz JM, Webster RG J INFECT DIS 1989 160 2 191-198
820200 Molecular changes associated with adaptation of human influenza A virus in embryonated chicken eggs. Widjaja L, Ilyushina N, Webster RG, Webby RJ VIROLOGY 2006 350 1 137-145
820200 Molecular changes associated with adaptation of human influenza A virus in embryonated chicken eggs. Widjaja L, Ilyushina N, Webster RG, Webby RJ VIROLOGY 2006 350 1 137-145
820206 Single amino acid substitutions in the hemagglutinin of influenza A/Singapore/21/04 (H3N2) increase virus growth in embryonated chicken eggs. Lu B, Zhou H, Chan W, Kemble G, Jin H VACCINE 2006 24 44-46 6691-6693
820206 Single amino acid substitutions in the hemagglutinin of influenza A/Singapore/21/04 (H3N2) increase virus growth in embryonated chicken eggs. Lu B, Zhou H, Chan W, Kemble G, Jin H VACCINE 2006 24 44-46 6691-6693
820213 Improvement of influenza A/Fujian/411/02 (H3N2) virus growth in embryonated chicken eggs by balancing the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase activities, using reverse genetics. Lu B, Zhou H, Ye D, Kemble G, Jin H J VIROL 2005 79 11 6763-6771
820213 Improvement of influenza A/Fujian/411/02 (H3N2) virus growth in embryonated chicken eggs by balancing the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase activities, using reverse genetics. Lu B, Zhou H, Ye D, Kemble G, Jin H J VIROL 2005 79 11 6763-6771
820216 Immunization against influenza A virus: Comparison of conventional inactivated, live-attenuated and recombinant baculovirus produced purified hemagglutinin and neuraminidase vaccines in a murine model system. Brett IC, Johansson BE VIROLOGY 2005 339 2 273-280
820216 Immunization against influenza A virus: Comparison of conventional inactivated, live-attenuated and recombinant baculovirus produced purified hemagglutinin and neuraminidase vaccines in a murine model system. Brett IC, Johansson BE VIROLOGY 2005 339 2 273-280
820231 Effect of yearly vaccinations with live, attenuated, cold-adapted, trivalent, intranasal influenza vaccines on antibody responses in children. Bernstein DI, Yan L, Treanor J, Mendelman PM, Belshe R PEDIATR INFECT DIS J 2003 22 1 28-34
820231 Effect of yearly vaccinations with live, attenuated, cold-adapted, trivalent, intranasal influenza vaccines on antibody responses in children. Bernstein DI, Yan L, Treanor J, Mendelman PM, Belshe R PEDIATR INFECT DIS J 2003 22 1 28-34
820237 Measuring antibody responses to a live attenuated influenza vaccine in children. Lee MS, Mahmood K, Adhikary L, August MJ, Cordova J, Cho I, Kemble G, Reisinger K, Walker RE, Mendelman PM PEDIATR INFECT DIS J 2004 23 9 852-856
820237 Measuring antibody responses to a live attenuated influenza vaccine in children. Lee MS, Mahmood K, Adhikary L, August MJ, Cordova J, Cho I, Kemble G, Reisinger K, Walker RE, Mendelman PM PEDIATR INFECT DIS J 2004 23 9 852-856
820241 Safety, vaccine virus shedding and immunogenicity of trivalent, cold-adapted, live attenuated influenza vaccine administered to human immunodeficiency virus-infected and noninfected children. King JC Jr, Fast PE, Zangwill KM, Weinberg GA, Wolff M, Yan L, Newman F, Belshe RB, Kovacs A, Deville JG, Jelonek M PEDIATR INFECT DIS J 2001 20 12 1124-1131
820241 Safety, vaccine virus shedding and immunogenicity of trivalent, cold-adapted, live attenuated influenza vaccine administered to human immunodeficiency virus-infected and noninfected children. King JC Jr, Fast PE, Zangwill KM, Weinberg GA, Wolff M, Yan L, Newman F, Belshe RB, Kovacs A, Deville JG, Jelonek M PEDIATR INFECT DIS J 2001 20 12 1124-1131
820245 Lack of adjuvant effect of A1PO4 on purified influenza virus hemagglutinins in man. Davenport FM, Hennessy AV, Askin FB J IMMUNOL 1968 100 5 1139-1140
820245 Lack of adjuvant effect of A1PO4 on purified influenza virus hemagglutinins in man. Davenport FM, Hennessy AV, Askin FB J IMMUNOL 1968 100 5 1139-1140
820473 Immunogenic structure of the influenza virus hemagglutinin. Green N, Alexander H, Olson A, Alexander S, Shinnick TM, Sutcliffe JG, Lerner RA CELL 1982 28 3 477-487
820473 Immunogenic structure of the influenza virus hemagglutinin. Green N, Alexander H, Olson A, Alexander S, Shinnick TM, Sutcliffe JG, Lerner RA CELL 1982 28 3 477-487
820475 The intersubunit region of the influenza virus haemagglutinin is recognized by antibodies during infection. Nagy Z, Rajnavolgyi E, Hollosi M, Toth GK, Varadi G, Penke B, Toth I, Horvath A, Gergely J, Kurucz I SCAND J IMMUNOL 1994 40 3 281-291
820475 The intersubunit region of the influenza virus haemagglutinin is recognized by antibodies during infection. Nagy Z, Rajnavolgyi E, Hollosi M, Toth GK, Varadi G, Penke B, Toth I, Horvath A, Gergely J, Kurucz I SCAND J IMMUNOL 1994 40 3 281-291
820481 Universal influenza B vaccine based on the maturational cleavage site of the hemagglutinin precursor. Bianchi E, Liang X, Ingallinella P, Finotto M, Chastain MA, Fan J, Fu TM, Song HC, Horton MS, Freed DC, Manger W et al J VIROL 2005 79 12 7380-7388
820481 Universal influenza B vaccine based on the maturational cleavage site of the hemagglutinin precursor. Bianchi E, Liang X, Ingallinella P, Finotto M, Chastain MA, Fan J, Fu TM, Song HC, Horton MS, Freed DC, Manger W et al J VIROL 2005 79 12 7380-7388
820482 Recombinant secreted haemagglutinin protects mice against a lethal challenge of influenza virus. Vanlandschoot P, Maertens G, Jou WM, Fiers W VACCINE 1993 11 12 1185-1187
820482 Recombinant secreted haemagglutinin protects mice against a lethal challenge of influenza virus. Vanlandschoot P, Maertens G, Jou WM, Fiers W VACCINE 1993 11 12 1185-1187
820499 Recombinant neuraminidase vaccine protects against lethal influenza. Deroo T, Jou WM, Fiers W VACCINE 1996 14 6 561-569
820499 Recombinant neuraminidase vaccine protects against lethal influenza. Deroo T, Jou WM, Fiers W VACCINE 1996 14 6 561-569
820503 Immunogenicity of influenza A virus N2 neuraminidase produced in insect larvae by baculovirus recombinants. Johansson BE, Price PM, Kilbourne ED VACCINE 1995 13 9 841-845
820503 Immunogenicity of influenza A virus N2 neuraminidase produced in insect larvae by baculovirus recombinants. Johansson BE, Price PM, Kilbourne ED VACCINE 1995 13 9 841-845
820670 Antibody response in man to influenza virus neuraminidase following influenza. Kilbourne ED, Christenson WN, Sande M J VIROL 1968 2 7 761-762
820670 Antibody response in man to influenza virus neuraminidase following influenza. Kilbourne ED, Christenson WN, Sande M J VIROL 1968 2 7 761-762
820686 Reactions of antibodies with surface antigens of influenza virus. Webster RG, Laver WG, Kilbourne ED J GEN VIROL 1968 3 3 315-326
820686 Reactions of antibodies with surface antigens of influenza virus. Webster RG, Laver WG, Kilbourne ED J GEN VIROL 1968 3 3 315-326
820687 Comparative amino acid analysis of influenza A viral proteins. Erickson AH, Kilbourne ED VIROLOGY 1980 100 1 34-42
820687 Comparative amino acid analysis of influenza A viral proteins. Erickson AH, Kilbourne ED VIROLOGY 1980 100 1 34-42
820688 Comparative efficacy of neuraminidase-specific and conventional influenza virus vaccines in induction of antibody to neuraminidase in humans. Kilbourne ED J INFECT DIS 1976 134 384-394
820688 Comparative efficacy of neuraminidase-specific and conventional influenza virus vaccines in induction of antibody to neuraminidase in humans. Kilbourne ED J INFECT DIS 1976 134 384-394
820692 Changing perspective on immunization against influenza. Johansson BE, Brett IC VACCINE 2007 25 16 3062-3065
820692 Changing perspective on immunization against influenza. Johansson BE, Brett IC VACCINE 2007 25 16 3062-3065
820694 Immunization with influenza A virus hemagglutinin and neuraminidase produced in recombinant baculovirus results in a balanced and broadened immune response superior to conventional vaccine. Johansson BE VACCINE 1999 17 15-16 2073-2080
820694 Immunization with influenza A virus hemagglutinin and neuraminidase produced in recombinant baculovirus results in a balanced and broadened immune response superior to conventional vaccine. Johansson BE VACCINE 1999 17 15-16 2073-2080
820696 A universal influenza A vaccine based on the extracellular domain of the M2 protein. Neirynck S, Deroo T, Saelens X, Vanlandschoot P, Jou WM, Fiers W NAT MED 1999 5 10 1157-1163
820696 A universal influenza A vaccine based on the extracellular domain of the M2 protein. Neirynck S, Deroo T, Saelens X, Vanlandschoot P, Jou WM, Fiers W NAT MED 1999 5 10 1157-1163
820697 Soluble recombinant influenza vaccines. Fiers W, Neirynck S, Deroo T, Saelens X, Jou WM PHILOS TRANS R SOC LOND B-BIOL SCI 2001 356 1416 1961-1963
820697 Soluble recombinant influenza vaccines. Fiers W, Neirynck S, Deroo T, Saelens X, Jou WM PHILOS TRANS R SOC LOND B-BIOL SCI 2001 356 1416 1961-1963
820699 Influenza A virus M2 protein: Monoclonal antibody restriction of virus growth and detection of M2 in virions. Zebedee SL, Lamb RA J VIROL 1988 62 8 2762-2772
820699 Influenza A virus M2 protein: Monoclonal antibody restriction of virus growth and detection of M2 in virions. Zebedee SL, Lamb RA J VIROL 1988 62 8 2762-2772
820700 Influenza virus M2 protein is an integral membrane protein expressed on the infected-cell surface. Lamb RA, Zebedee SL, Richardson CD CELL 1985 40 3 627-633
820700 Influenza virus M2 protein is an integral membrane protein expressed on the infected-cell surface. Lamb RA, Zebedee SL, Richardson CD CELL 1985 40 3 627-633
820701 Antibody response to the M2 protein of influenza A virus expressed in insect cells. Black RA, Rota PA, Gorodkova N, Klenk HD, Kendal AP J GEN VIROL 1993 74 1 143-146
820701 Antibody response to the M2 protein of influenza A virus expressed in insect cells. Black RA, Rota PA, Gorodkova N, Klenk HD, Kendal AP J GEN VIROL 1993 74 1 143-146
820702 Influenza A vaccine based on the extracellular domain of M2: Weak protection mediated via antibody-dependent NK cell activity. Jegerlehner A, Schmitz N, Storni T, Bachmann MF J IMMUNOL 2004 172 9 5598-5605
820702 Influenza A vaccine based on the extracellular domain of M2: Weak protection mediated via antibody-dependent NK cell activity. Jegerlehner A, Schmitz N, Storni T, Bachmann MF J IMMUNOL 2004 172 9 5598-5605
820703 Preclinical study of influenza virus A M2 peptide conjugate vaccines in mice, ferrets, and rhesus monkeys. Fan J, Liang X, Horton MS, Perry HC, Citron MP, Heidecker GJ, Fu TM, Joyce J, Przysiecki CT, Keller PM, Garsky VM et al VACCINE 2004 22 23-24 2993-3003
820703 Preclinical study of influenza virus A M2 peptide conjugate vaccines in mice, ferrets, and rhesus monkeys. Fan J, Liang X, Horton MS, Perry HC, Citron MP, Heidecker GJ, Fu TM, Joyce J, Przysiecki CT, Keller PM, Garsky VM et al VACCINE 2004 22 23-24 2993-3003
820710 Formation of wild-type and chimeric influenza virus-like particles following simultaneous expression of only four structural proteins. Latham T, Galarza JM J VIROL 2001 75 13 6154-6165
820710 Formation of wild-type and chimeric influenza virus-like particles following simultaneous expression of only four structural proteins. Latham T, Galarza JM J VIROL 2001 75 13 6154-6165
820711 Evaluation of influenza virus-like particles and Novasome adjuvant as candidate vaccine for avian influenza. Pushko P, Tumpey TM, Van HN, Belser JA, Robinson R, Nathan M, Smith G, Wright DC, Bright RA VACCINE 2007 25 21 4283-4290
820711 Evaluation of influenza virus-like particles and Novasome adjuvant as candidate vaccine for avian influenza. Pushko P, Tumpey TM, Van HN, Belser JA, Robinson R, Nathan M, Smith G, Wright DC, Bright RA VACCINE 2007 25 21 4283-4290
820713 Influenza A virus vaccines containing purified recombinant H3 hemagglutinin are well tolerated and induce protective immune responses in healthy adults. Powers DC, Smith GE, Anderson EL, Kennedy DJ, Hackett CS, Wilkinson BE, Volvovitz F, Belshe RB, Treanor JJ J INFECT DIS 1995 171 6 1595-1599
820713 Influenza A virus vaccines containing purified recombinant H3 hemagglutinin are well tolerated and induce protective immune responses in healthy adults. Powers DC, Smith GE, Anderson EL, Kennedy DJ, Hackett CS, Wilkinson BE, Volvovitz F, Belshe RB, Treanor JJ J INFECT DIS 1995 171 6 1595-1599
820716 Recombinant baculovirus influenza A hemagglutinin vaccines are well tolerated and immunogenic in healthy adults. Lakey DL, Treanor JJ, Betts RF, Smith GE, Thompson J, Sannella E, Reed G, Wilkinson BE, Wright PF J INFECT DIS 1996 174 4 838-841
820716 Recombinant baculovirus influenza A hemagglutinin vaccines are well tolerated and immunogenic in healthy adults. Lakey DL, Treanor JJ, Betts RF, Smith GE, Thompson J, Sannella E, Reed G, Wilkinson BE, Wright PF J INFECT DIS 1996 174 4 838-841
820717 Human IL-10 is produced by both type 1 helper (Th1) and type 2 helper (Th2) T cell clones and inhibits their antigen-specific proliferation and cytokine production. Del De CM, Almerigogna F, Giudizi MG, Biagiotti R, Romagnani S J IMMUNOL 1993 150 2 353-360
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820718 IL-12-induced IL-10 production by human T cells as a negative feedback for IL-12-induced immune responses. Meyaard L, Hovenkamp E, Otto SA, Miedema F J IMMUNOL 1996 156 8 2776-2782
820732 Safety and immunogenicity of a baculovirus-expressed hemagglutinin influenza vaccine: A randomized controlled trial. Treanor JJ, Schiff GM, Hayden FG, Brady RC, Hay CM, Meyer AL, Holden-Wiltse J, Liang H, Gilbert A, Cox M J AM MED ASSOC 2007 297 14 1577-1582
820732 Safety and immunogenicity of a baculovirus-expressed hemagglutinin influenza vaccine: A randomized controlled trial. Treanor JJ, Schiff GM, Hayden FG, Brady RC, Hay CM, Meyer AL, Holden-Wiltse J, Liang H, Gilbert A, Cox M J AM MED ASSOC 2007 297 14 1577-1582
820733 Cross-reactive neuraminidase antibodies afford partial protection against H5N1 in mice and are present in unexposed humans. Sandbulte MR, Jimenez GS, Boon AC, Smith LR, Treanor JJ, Webby RJ PLOS MED 2007 4 2 e59
820733 Cross-reactive neuraminidase antibodies afford partial protection against H5N1 in mice and are present in unexposed humans. Sandbulte MR, Jimenez GS, Boon AC, Smith LR, Treanor JJ, Webby RJ PLOS MED 2007 4 2 e59
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820190 Future influenza vaccines and the use of genetic recombinants. Kilbourne ED BUL WHO 1969 41 3 643-645
837635 Rescue of influenza B virus from eight plasmids. Hoffmann E, Mahmood K, Yang CF, Webster RG, Greenberg HB, Kemble G PROC NATL ACAD SCI USA 2002 99 17 11411-11416
837635 Rescue of influenza B virus from eight plasmids. Hoffmann E, Mahmood K, Yang CF, Webster RG, Greenberg HB, Kemble G PROC NATL ACAD SCI USA 2002 99 17 11411-11416
837636 Clinical features and rapid viral diagnosis of human disease associated with avian influenza A H5N1 virus. Yuen KY, Chan PK, Peiris M, Tsang DN, Que TL, Shortridge KF, Cheung PT, To WK, Ho ET, Sung R, Cheng AF LANCET 1998 351 9101 467-471
837636 Clinical features and rapid viral diagnosis of human disease associated with avian influenza A H5N1 virus. Yuen KY, Chan PK, Peiris M, Tsang DN, Que TL, Shortridge KF, Cheung PT, To WK, Ho ET, Sung R, Cheng AF LANCET 1998 351 9101 467-471
837637 Characterization of an avian influenza A (H5N1) virus isolated from a child with a fatal respiratory illness. Subbarao K, Klimov A, Katz J, Regnery H, Lim W, Hall H, Perdue M, Swayne D, Bender C, Huang J, Hemphill M et al SCIENCE 1998 279 5349 393-396
837637 Characterization of an avian influenza A (H5N1) virus isolated from a child with a fatal respiratory illness. Subbarao K, Klimov A, Katz J, Regnery H, Lim W, Hall H, Perdue M, Swayne D, Bender C, Huang J, Hemphill M et al SCIENCE 1998 279 5349 393-396
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837787 Production of a novel influenza vaccine using insect cells: Protection against drifted strains. Cox MJ, Anderson DK INFLUENZA 2007 1 35-40
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854748 A controlled double-blind comparison of reactogenicity, immunogenicity, and protective efficacy of whole-virus and split-product influenza vaccines in children. Gross PA, Ennis FA, Gaerlan PF, Denson LJ, Denning CR, Schiffman D J INFECT DIS 1977 136 5 623-632
854748 A controlled double-blind comparison of reactogenicity, immunogenicity, and protective efficacy of whole-virus and split-product influenza vaccines in children. Gross PA, Ennis FA, Gaerlan PF, Denson LJ, Denning CR, Schiffman D J INFECT DIS 1977 136 5 623-632
854750 Safety and immunogenicity of a trivalent, inactivated, mammalian cell culture-derived influenza vaccine in healthy adults, seniors, and children. Halperin SA, Smith B, Mabrouk T, Germain M, Trepanier P, Hassell T, Treanor J, Gauthier R, Mills EL VACCINE 2002 20 7-8 1240-1247
854750 Safety and immunogenicity of a trivalent, inactivated, mammalian cell culture-derived influenza vaccine in healthy adults, seniors, and children. Halperin SA, Smith B, Mabrouk T, Germain M, Trepanier P, Hassell T, Treanor J, Gauthier R, Mills EL VACCINE 2002 20 7-8 1240-1247
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855836 NCT00395174: Comparison of the immunogenicity, safety and reactogenicity of FluBlok, to a licensed vaccine in elderly adults. CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 March 26
855836 NCT00395174: Comparison of the immunogenicity, safety and reactogenicity of FluBlok, to a licensed vaccine in elderly adults. CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 March 26
855884 Clinical and serologic responses after immunization with recombinant influenza hemagglutinin vaccine (rHA) or trivalent inactivated vaccine (TIV) in persons > 65 years old. Treanor JJ, El Sahly HM, Baker JS, Meyer AI, Patriarca PA, Cox MMJ ANN MEET INFECT DIS SOC AMERICA 2007 45 Abs 845
855884 Clinical and serologic responses after immunization with recombinant influenza hemagglutinin vaccine (rHA) or trivalent inactivated vaccine (TIV) in persons > 65 years old. Treanor JJ, El Sahly HM, Baker JS, Meyer AI, Patriarca PA, Cox MMJ ANN MEET INFECT DIS SOC AMERICA 2007 45 Abs 845
855913 NCT00336453: Safety and immunogenicity of FluBlok in pediatrics. CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 March 26
855913 NCT00336453: Safety and immunogenicity of FluBlok in pediatrics. CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 March 26
855917 NCT00539981: Immunogenicity, safety, reactogenicity, efficacy, effectiveness and lot consistency of FluBlok. CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 October 04
855917 NCT00539981: Immunogenicity, safety, reactogenicity, efficacy, effectiveness and lot consistency of FluBlok. CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 October 04
855919 NCT00240903: Revaccination with subunit influenza A/Vietnam/1203/2004 (H5N1) vaccine. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 November 20
855919 NCT00240903: Revaccination with subunit influenza A/Vietnam/1203/2004 (H5N1) vaccine. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 November 20
857935 Statement before the Committee on Government Reform, United States House of Representatives. The Food and Drug Administration COMPANY COMMUNICATION 2004 November 17
857935 Statement before the Committee on Government Reform, United States House of Representatives. The Food and Drug Administration COMPANY COMMUNICATION 2004 November 17
858432 NCT00539864: Safety and reactogenicity of FluBlok and comparison of immunogenicity, efficacy and effectiveness against TIV. Protein Sciences Corp CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 October 04
858432 NCT00539864: Safety and reactogenicity of FluBlok and comparison of immunogenicity, efficacy and effectiveness against TIV. Protein Sciences Corp CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 October 04
859665 Prevention of antigenically drifted influenza by inactivated and live attenuated vaccines. Ohmit SE, Victor JC, Rotthoff JR, Teich ER, Truscon RK, Baum LL, Rangarajan B, Newton DW, Boulton ML, Monto AS N ENGL J MED 2006 355 24 2513-22
859665 Prevention of antigenically drifted influenza by inactivated and live attenuated vaccines. Ohmit SE, Victor JC, Rotthoff JR, Teich ER, Truscon RK, Baum LL, Rangarajan B, Newton DW, Boulton ML, Monto AS N ENGL J MED 2006 355 24 2513-22
860226 Influenza virus hemagglutinin cleavage into HA1, HA2: No laughing matter. Taubenberger JK PROC NATL ACAD SCI USA 1998 95 17 9713-9715
860226 Influenza virus hemagglutinin cleavage into HA1, HA2: No laughing matter. Taubenberger JK PROC NATL ACAD SCI USA 1998 95 17 9713-9715
860229 Characterization of a novel influenza A virus hemagglutinin subtype (H16) obtained from black-headed gulls. Fouchier RA, Munster V, Wallensten A, Bestebroer TM, Herfst S, Smith D, Rimmelzwaan GF, Olsen B, Osterhaus AD J VIROL 2005 79 5 2814-2822
860229 Characterization of a novel influenza A virus hemagglutinin subtype (H16) obtained from black-headed gulls. Fouchier RA, Munster V, Wallensten A, Bestebroer TM, Herfst S, Smith D, Rimmelzwaan GF, Olsen B, Osterhaus AD J VIROL 2005 79 5 2814-2822
860233 Influenza B virus in seals. Osterhaus AD, Rimmelzwaan GF, Martina BE, Bestebroer TM, Fouchier RA SCIENCE 2000 288 5468 1051-1053
860233 Influenza B virus in seals. Osterhaus AD, Rimmelzwaan GF, Martina BE, Bestebroer TM, Fouchier RA SCIENCE 2000 288 5468 1051-1053
860235 An outbreak of type C influenza in a children's home. Katagiri S, Ohizumi A, Homma M J INFECT DIS 1983 148 1 51-56
860235 An outbreak of type C influenza in a children's home. Katagiri S, Ohizumi A, Homma M J INFECT DIS 1983 148 1 51-56
860238 Th1 cells control themselves by producing interleukin-10. O'Garra A, Vieira P NAT REV IMMUNOL 2007 7 6 425-428
860238 Th1 cells control themselves by producing interleukin-10. O'Garra A, Vieira P NAT REV IMMUNOL 2007 7 6 425-428