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Volumn 38, Issue 1, 2008, Pages 135-159

The origins and strengths of regional parties

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EID: 36949028158     PISSN: 00071234     EISSN: 14692112     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1017/S0007123408000070     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (180)

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    • Daniel Treisman, 'Defining and Measuring Decentralization: A Global Perspective' (unpublished manuscript, University of California, Los Angeles, 2002). Increasingly, scholars are replacing the term 'federalism' with the term 'decentralization' for various reasons, including the desire to include countries that do not describe themselves as federal, such as Spain or Italy, but which have regional governments with independent decision-making powers.
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    • In Germany the upper house is composed of the prime minister and the cabinet ministers of each of the country's regional (Länder) legislatures. The upper house is, thus, appointed rather than elected because the regional legislatures do not conduct separate elections to determine their representatives in the upper house, although the regional legislatures do elect these ministers in the first place.
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    • For example, in the 2000 Congress of Deputy elections in Spain, regional parties won 29 per cent of the seats in the Canary Islands compared to 35 per cent in Catalonia, and about 8-9 per cent of the seats in Aragon and Madrid, compared to 12 per cent in Galicia.
    • For example, in the 2000 Congress of Deputy elections in Spain, regional parties won 29 per cent of the seats in the Canary Islands compared to 35 per cent in Catalonia, and about 8-9 per cent of the seats in Aragon and Madrid, compared to 12 per cent in Galicia.
  • 46
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    • Countries must hold two democratic elections for there to be an opportunity for a changeover of power.
  • 47
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    • In a separate analysis, I have measured regions according to the geographic regions of a country as a robustness check. No substantively different conclusions can be drawn about the relationship between decentralization and regional parties under this different specification
    • In a separate analysis, I have measured regions according to the geographic regions of a country as a robustness check. No substantively different conclusions can be drawn about the relationship between decentralization and regional parties under this different specification.
  • 48
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    • These countries are: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia, Israel, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Slovakia and Trinidad and Tobago. Portugal is also excluded from the analysis because its official election results (as reported on the National Election Commission's website) lack data on the Azores. Yugoslavia is also excluded because only regional (not national) elections were held in 1989.
    • These countries are: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia, Israel, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Slovakia and Trinidad and Tobago. Portugal is also excluded from the analysis because its official election results (as reported on the National Election Commission's website) lack data on the Azores. Yugoslavia is also excluded because only regional (not national) elections were held in 1989.
  • 49
    • 36949001067 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • I collected this dataset over a two-and-half year period by contacting every democracy in the world (scoring more than 4 on the Polity IV index for at least two consecutive elections) via email, letter, fax, telephone, etc. to get copies of their official election results. I received responses from fifty (out of a total of seventy-five) countries and included the data from all fifty countries in my dataset. I have no reason to expect that the countries for which I was not able to collect data are different from those for which I was able to collect data in a way that will bias the results. Although many of the excluded countries are less developed than those included, the overall level of development of a country should not increase or decrease the strength of regional parties, although regional variation in levels of development may affect the strength of regional parties. To further ensure that case selection is not driving the results, 1 conducted the same analyses on a smaller subs
    • I collected this dataset over a two-and-half year period by contacting every democracy in the world (scoring more than 4 on the Polity IV index for at least two consecutive elections) via email, letter, fax, telephone, etc. to get copies of their official election results. I received responses from fifty (out of a total of seventy-five) countries and included the data from all fifty countries in my dataset. I have no reason to expect that the countries for which I was not able to collect data are different from those for which I was able to collect data in a way that will bias the results. Although many of the excluded countries are less developed than those included, the overall level of development of a country should not increase or decrease the strength of regional parties, although regional variation in levels of development may affect the strength of regional parties. To further ensure that case selection is not driving the results, 1 conducted the same analyses on a smaller subset of the dataset, which produced similar results. I also discarded outliers and inspected the data to determine whether the presence of missing data produces different results, which it does not.
  • 50
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    • The following countries have democratically elected sub-national legislatures with the authority to raise their own taxes, but do not have authority over political issues, or any other fiscal issues, and are considered centralized in this study: Bolivia (tax authority post-1994, Botswana, Colombia, Costa Rica, Estonia, Greece (elected only, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland (elected only, Latvia, Lithuania, Niger, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden and Turkey. In this study, there are four countries in which sub-national legislatures are not elected and do not have the authority to levy taxes: Bermuda, Mauritius, Spain (1977-79, the United Kingdom 1974-97
    • The following countries have democratically elected sub-national legislatures with the authority to raise their own taxes, but do not have authority over political issues, or any other fiscal issues, and are considered centralized in this study: Bolivia (tax authority post-1994), Botswana, Colombia, Costa Rica, Estonia, Greece (elected only), Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland (elected only), Latvia, Lithuania, Niger, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden and Turkey. In this study, there are four countries in which sub-national legislatures are not elected and do not have the authority to levy taxes: Bermuda, Mauritius, Spain (1977-79), the United Kingdom (1974-97).
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    • Centripetal Democratic Governance: A Theory and Global Inquiry
    • John Gerring, Strom C. Thacker and Carola Moreno, 'Centripetal Democratic Governance: A Theory and Global Inquiry', American Political Science Review, 99 (2005), 567-81.
    • (2005) American Political Science Review , vol.99 , pp. 567-581
    • Gerring, J.1    Thacker, S.C.2    Moreno, C.3
  • 53
    • 36949039880 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The seventeen countries are: Argentina, Australia, Belgium (since 1978), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Finland, Germany, India, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, Spain (since 1980), Switzerland, the United Kingdom (1945-74; 1998-2000), the United States and Venezuela.
    • The seventeen countries are: Argentina, Australia, Belgium (since 1978), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Finland, Germany, India, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, Spain (since 1980), Switzerland, the United Kingdom (1945-74; 1998-2000), the United States and Venezuela.
  • 54
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    • More detailed summary statistics are available from the author upon request
    • More detailed summary statistics are available from the author upon request.
  • 55
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    • In an election where there are four parties competing and only one is a regional party, the value of the first measure is 25 per cent. If this party wins 10,000 votes out of a possible 40,000 votes and ten out of a possible forty seats, the values of the second and third measures are also 25 per cent
    • In an election where there are four parties competing and only one is a regional party, the value of the first measure is 25 per cent. If this party wins 10,000 votes out of a possible 40,000 votes and ten out of a possible forty seats, the values of the second and third measures are also 25 per cent.
  • 56
    • 36949015757 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • I have also defined regional parties as parties that compete in more than one region of a country, but not in every region, and I have measured regional parties according to these same three measures. Decentralization has the same substantive effect on regional party strength, in these models. However, since my argument is more consistent with an understanding of regional parties as parties competing in only one region of a country, 1 do not rely on this definition or measurement of regional parties in this article.
    • I have also defined regional parties as parties that compete in more than one region of a country, but not in every region, and I have measured regional parties according to these same three measures. Decentralization has the same substantive effect on regional party strength, in these models. However, since my argument is more consistent with an understanding of regional parties as parties competing in only one region of a country, 1 do not rely on this definition or measurement of regional parties in this article.
  • 57
    • 84858482164 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • i = the number of votes won by a party in a district (or constituency)/total number of votes won by the party in a district (or constituency) and ND is the number of districts (or constituencies) in a country.
    • i = the number of votes won by a party in a district (or constituency)/total number of votes won by the party in a district (or constituency) and ND is the number of districts (or constituencies) in a country.
  • 58
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    • 2, where p, represents the vote share of a party participating in an election (Rein Taagepera and Matthew Soberg Shugart, Seats and Votes: Effects and Determinants of Electoral Systems (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1989)).
    • 2, where p, represents the vote share of a party participating in an election (Rein Taagepera and Matthew Soberg Shugart, Seats and Votes: Effects and Determinants of Electoral Systems (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1989)).
  • 59
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    • Ethno-linguistic heterogeneity, however, is only one of the types of regional cleavages that may affect the strength of regional parties in countries. Other regional cleavages may be religious or economic in nature. See James D. Fearon and Pieter van Houten, 'The Politicization of Cultural and Economic Difference' (unpublished manuscript, Department of Political Science, Stanford University, no date). Unfortunately, cross-national data on these particular cleavages are not available. Ethno-linguistic heterogeneity is nonetheless one of the most important, if not the most important, cleavage associated in the literature with regional parties.
    • Ethno-linguistic heterogeneity, however, is only one of the types of regional cleavages that may affect the strength of regional parties in countries. Other regional cleavages may be religious or economic in nature. See James D. Fearon and Pieter van Houten, 'The Politicization of Cultural and Economic Difference' (unpublished manuscript, Department of Political Science, Stanford University, no date). Unfortunately, cross-national data on these particular cleavages are not available. Ethno-linguistic heterogeneity is nonetheless one of the most important, if not the most important, cleavage associated in the literature with regional parties.
  • 61
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    • I have compared the Roeder data (available from Professor Roeder, University of California, San Diego) to census data I have collected. The level of fractionalization is similar in both datasets. I, therefore, rely on the Roeder dataset because it contains data for more countries
    • I have compared the Roeder data (available from Professor Roeder, University of California, San Diego) to census data I have collected. The level of fractionalization is similar in both datasets. I, therefore, rely on the Roeder dataset because it contains data for more countries.
  • 62
    • 84858485874 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The MAR dataset only includes 'at risk' groups, however. At-risk groups are 'all non-state communal groups that collectively suffer or benefit from systematic discriminatory treatment vis-à-vis other groups, and/or groups that collectively mobilize in defense or promotion of their self-defined interests.' Cleavages may be stronger or weaker in countries, depending on the presence of 'non-risk' groups in a country. See Minorities at Risk Project (MAR), .
    • The MAR dataset only includes 'at risk' groups, however. At-risk groups are 'all non-state communal groups that collectively suffer or benefit from systematic discriminatory treatment vis-à-vis other groups, and/or groups that collectively mobilize in defense or promotion of their self-defined interests.' Cleavages may be stronger or weaker in countries, depending on the presence of 'non-risk' groups in a country. See Minorities at Risk Project (MAR), .
  • 63
    • 0141797473 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Electoral Institutions, Ethnopolitical Cleavages, and Party Systems in Africa's Emerging Democracies
    • See, It was not possible to create a weighted index because of insufficient data on a group's proportion of a country's total population
    • See Shaheen Mozaffar, James R. Scarrit and Glen Galaich, 'Electoral Institutions, Ethnopolitical Cleavages, and Party Systems in Africa's Emerging Democracies', American Political Science Review, 97 (2003), 379-90. It was not possible to create a weighted index because of insufficient data on a group's proportion of a country's total population.
    • (2003) American Political Science Review , vol.97 , pp. 379-390
    • Mozaffar, S.1    Scarrit, J.R.2    Galaich, G.3
  • 64
    • 36949018130 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • I do not include a control for upper houses because I do not have data on upper house elections that are either elected or appointed by regional legislatures in this study
    • I do not include a control for upper houses because I do not have data on upper house elections that are either elected or appointed by regional legislatures in this study.
  • 65
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    • The correlation coefficients between political decentralization and all four measures of fiscal decentralization in this article are less than 0.5
    • The correlation coefficients between political decentralization and all four measures of fiscal decentralization in this article are less than 0.5.
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    • Party Aggregation and the Number of Parties in India and the United States'; Chhibber and Kollman
    • Chhibber and Kollman, 'Party Aggregation and the Number of Parties in India and the United States'; Chhibber and Kollman, The Formation of National Party Systems.
    • The Formation of National Party Systems
    • Chhibber1    Kollman2
  • 68
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    • In addition to total sub-national expenditure (as a percentage of GDP, Chhibber and Kollman use several qualitative indicators of fiscal decentralization in their book-long treatment of the subject The Formation of National Party Systems, which include the proportion of public sector employees at the sub-national level of government and the degree of autonomy granted to sub-national governments for social welfare policies and the establishment of public corporations
    • In addition to total sub-national expenditure (as a percentage of GDP), Chhibber and Kollman use several qualitative indicators of fiscal decentralization in their book-long treatment of the subject (The Formation of National Party Systems), which include the proportion of public sector employees at the sub-national level of government and the degree of autonomy granted to sub-national governments for social welfare policies and the establishment of public corporations.
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    • Presidential Coattails: A Study in Myth and Methodology
    • Warren F. Miller, 'Presidential Coattails: A Study in Myth and Methodology', Public Opinion Quarterly, 19 (1955/56), 353-68.
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    • 36949005566 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Breusch-Pagan and White Tests indicate that heteroscedasticity is not a problem in the analysis. I have also explored fixed-effects for regions of the world. Models including fixed-effects for regions of the world produce the same substantive conclusions regarding decentralization as those without world region fixed-effects. I also cluster the data according to country. The size of the coefficient for decentralization is the same in these models and significant at the 0.1 level or better. I also estimate the relationship between decentralization and regional party vote using Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS, which allows variance to vary across countries, and Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) analysis, which allows mean and variance to vary across countries. In FGLS models allowing for panel heteroscedasticity, the effect of decentralization is still positive and significant, but about half the size of that in the OLS models. In the SUR models, the effect of decentralizatio
    • Breusch-Pagan and White Tests indicate that heteroscedasticity is not a problem in the analysis. I have also explored fixed-effects for regions of the world. Models including fixed-effects for regions of the world produce the same substantive conclusions regarding decentralization as those without world region fixed-effects. I also cluster the data according to country. The size of the coefficient for decentralization is the same in these models and significant at the 0.1 level or better. I also estimate the relationship between decentralization and regional party vote using Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS), which allows variance to vary across countries, and Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) analysis, which allows mean and variance to vary across countries. In FGLS models allowing for panel heteroscedasticity, the effect of decentralization is still positive and significant, but about half the size of that in the OLS models. In the SUR models, the effect of decentralization on regional party vote is positive, significant and about the same size as in the OLS models. The robustness tests are available from the author upon request. Note that it is not possible to use country fixed-effects in this analysis since the main variables of interest do not vary across time.
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    • There are fewer observations in Model 2 than in Model 1 because I was unable to determine the concurrency of a number of elections in Venezuela.
    • There are fewer observations in Model 2 than in Model 1 because I was unable to determine the concurrency of a number of elections in Venezuela.
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    • Unfortunately, there is no alternative source of data for fiscal decentralization that separates out transfers from all other sources of funding for these countries
    • Unfortunately, there is no alternative source of data for fiscal decentralization that separates out transfers from all other sources of funding for these countries.
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    • The ELF index lacks data for Bermuda, Finland, Indonesia and Sweden. The exclusion of these countries from the analysis does not change the conclusions of this study about decentralization. Excluding these countries from Models 1-2 does not change the substantive or statistical effect of any of the variables in the models.
    • The ELF index lacks data for Bermuda, Finland, Indonesia and Sweden. The exclusion of these countries from the analysis does not change the conclusions of this study about decentralization. Excluding these countries from Models 1-2 does not change the substantive or statistical effect of any of the variables in the models.
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    • Model 1 and Model 2 do not have 296 observations because the population measure only covers the period 1950-2002.
    • Model 1 and Model 2 do not have 296 observations because the population measure only covers the period 1950-2002.
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    • I exclude decade fixed-effects from these models
    • I exclude decade fixed-effects from these models.
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    • To ensure the validity of these conclusions, I replicate all of the models in the tables (except Model 3 because of the small number of observations in these analyses), excluding decade-fixed effects from the models. I then replace decentralization with the aforementioned instrumental variables. I compare the models with instrumental variables to models without instrumental variables using Hausman specification tests. None of the models with instrumental variables are statistically different from the models without instrumental variables, indicating that the relationship between decentralization and regional parties and the relationship between decentralization and denationalization are not endogenous.
    • To ensure the validity of these conclusions, I replicate all of the models in the tables (except Model 3 because of the small number of observations in these analyses), excluding decade-fixed effects from the models. I then replace decentralization with the aforementioned instrumental variables. I compare the models with instrumental variables to models without instrumental variables using Hausman specification tests. None of the models with instrumental variables are statistically different from the models without instrumental variables, indicating that the relationship between decentralization and regional parties and the relationship between decentralization and denationalization are not endogenous.
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    • 33750208342 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Decentralisation: Fueling the Fire or Dampening the Flames of Ethnic Conflict and Secessionism
    • Dawn Brancati, 'Decentralisation: Fueling the Fire or Dampening the Flames of Ethnic Conflict and Secessionism,' International Organization, 60 (2006), 651-85;
    • (2006) International Organization , vol.60 , pp. 651-685
    • Brancati, D.1
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    • 1942423432 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ugo M. Arnoretti and Nancy Bermeo, eds, Baltimore, Md, John Hopkins University Press
    • Ugo M. Arnoretti and Nancy Bermeo, eds, Federalism and Territorial Cleavages (Baltimore, Md.: John Hopkins University Press, 2004);
    • (2004) Federalism and Territorial Cleavages

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