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Volumn 128, Issue 51, 2006, Pages 17033-17042

Reduction of O2 to superoxide anion (O2.-) in water by heteropolytungstate cluster-anions

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EID: 33845941436     PISSN: 00027863     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1021/ja064244g     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (70)

References (83)
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    • Hill, C. L. Nature 1999, 401, 436-437.
    • (1999) Nature , vol.401 , pp. 436-437
    • Hill, C.L.1
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    • Efforts to clarify the mechanism of this reaction are complicated by the presence in solutions of H5PV2Mo 10O40 of (1) positional isomers (5 relative positions of the two V ions, 2) structural isomers (α and β, 3) small equilibrium concentrations of the mono- and trivanadium anions, H 4-PVMo11O40 and H6PV 3Mo9O40, and (4) equilibria between bound and dissociated vanadyl, VIV=O2, ions see refs 26 and 27
    • 2+, ions (see refs 26 and 27).
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    • An example of this is Mars-van Krevelen-type oxo-transfer chemistry documented by Neumann, Khenkin, and co-workers in ref 29
    • An example of this is Mars-van Krevelen-type oxo-transfer chemistry documented by Neumann, Khenkin, and co-workers in ref 29.
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    • In the reported free-energy relationship, the Gibbs free energy (ΔG°) was calculated using the reduction potential, E1/2, of the O2/HO2. couple, consistent with the formation of HO2, protonation by solvent, see ref 32) in the transition state. Indeed, the Marcus cross relation has been applied successfully to proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) reactions (refs 33-34, Here, however, Fe11W12O 407, the most reactive of the four anions studied) was not only reduced by two electrons but, at pH 1, is also partially-protonated (i.e, present as the conjugate-acid, while PW12O40 4, included in the same plot) is not. In such cases it is necessary to differentiate simultaneous electron and proton transfer from situations in which the pH dependence arises from the distribution between acid and base forms and not from
    • .- by protons associated with reduced POMs. This would be analogous to reactions described in refs 36-37. While intriguing, the data reported by Darwent highlight the need, when studying reactions of POM salts, to fully define the nature and concentrations of dynamic ion pairs present in solution.
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    • Studies at lower pH values that fully take into account the protonation states of all reduced and fully oxidized Keggin anions involved are in progress
    • Studies at lower pH values that fully take into account the protonation states of all reduced and fully oxidized Keggin anions involved are in progress.
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    • This value was found at, a site maintained by U.S. Peroxide, 2006
    • This value was found at www.h2o2.com, a site maintained by U.S. Peroxide, 2006.
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    • Even after extensive efforts to obtain Cu-free solutions. Cu ions are still present at 1 to 2 μM concentrations (see ret 53).
    • Even after extensive efforts to obtain Cu-free solutions. Cu ions are still present at 1 to 2 μM concentrations (see ret 53).
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    • See refs 16 and 43 for recent aqueous-solution studies of 1 and for references to analogous data on 2 and 3.
    • See refs 16 and 43 for recent aqueous-solution studies of 1 and for references to analogous data on 2 and 3.
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    • i from the Cu-catalyzed pathway, which is not entirely eliminated even in the presence of DTPA.
    • i from the Cu-catalyzed pathway, which is not entirely eliminated even in the presence of DTPA.
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    • In some cases involving tunneling, the kinetic isotopes effect (KIEs, kH/kD) may be small. Together, however, the absence of a solvent KIE and independence of observed rate constants on [H, rule out a PCET mechanism. For more discussion of this see ref 34
    • +] rule out a PCET mechanism. For more discussion of this see ref 34.
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    • For this, K6, k6/k -6, HO2., H, O2, HO2, K6[H1I[O 2, and [O2, K 12[1red][O2, 1ox, constant
    • ox] = constant.
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    • For 3red at pH 2, the estimated rate constant for electron transfer to HO2, kET is 5 × 107 M-1 s-1, so that the ratio in eq 11 becomes relectron transfer/r disproportionation, 60 × 1 mM/[HO2, For 2red, it was first necessary to estimate k 11 for electron self-exchange at the prevalent ionic strength (see Discussion section for details, As described in the Supporting Information, the Marcus cross relation then gave kET, 2 × 10 8 M-1 s-1, so that the ratio in eq 11 (relectron transfer/rdisproportionation) is equal to 240 × 1 mM/[HO2, The relatively small variation in calculated rate constants, kET, reflects variation in λ values of the Keggin
    • ET, reflects variation in λ values of the Keggin anions, as well as in donor-anion charge, and the effect of the latter on corrected free energies used in the Marcus cross relation.
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    • The k22 values that, when used in the Marcus cross relation, bring calculated rate constants, k12(calcd, fully into line with (identical to) observed k12 values are 3.1, 0.17. and 0.40 kcal mol-1, respectively, for reactions of 1red, 2red, and 3red. These specific k22 values are of questionable utility. This is because, while the small k22 value (2 M-1 mol -1) used in Figure 4 compensates for the difference in size (radii) between reacting species, this size difference is the same for all three Keggin-anion/O2 combinations. Therefore, k22 should, in principal, be the same for all three reactions. That this is not the case likely points to uncertainty in the effective radius of O 2 used to calculate the work terms, wij, in eq 16
    • ij, in eq 16.
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    • Studies designed to better understand this are in progress. A key prerequisite (and challenge) is to fully define and control the protonation states of highly charged cluster anions at low pH values in water
    • Studies designed to better understand this are in progress. A key prerequisite (and challenge) is to fully define and control the protonation states of highly charged cluster anions at low pH values in water.
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    • While the W12O36 shells of 1, 2, and 3, are isostructural, Xn+-μ4-O and μ4-O-W bond distances vary slightly with heteroatom size and electronegativity. This accounts for the variation in λ values. See Sundaram, K. M, Neiwert, W. A, Hill, C. L, Weinstock, I. A. Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45, 958-960
    • 4-O-W bond distances vary slightly with heteroatom size and electronegativity. This accounts for the variation in λ values. See Sundaram, K. M.; Neiwert, W. A.; Hill, C. L.; Weinstock, I. A. Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45, 958-960.
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    • -1.
    • -1.
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    • As noted above, the increase in λ values also contributes to the leveling of k12 values. For example, estimates indicate that if λ for a self-exchange between 1red and 1 oz were equal to that associated with exchange between reduced and oxidized forms of 3 (i.e, 25.2 kcal mol-1, the observed rate constant, k12, for reaction of 1 red with O2 would increase by an amount similar to that obtained by setting w21, 0 in Figure 6. However, the effect of variation in charge is much more significant: (1) it provides support for the ET-PT mechanism, 2) it is generally applicable to all outersphere reactions of charged donors with O2, and (3) it is rarely observed, let alone quantified. In this regard, it bears noting that all values in Figure 6 are calculated using experimental k11 values, and therefore, the
    • 11 values, and therefore, the results are entirely independent of the underlying variation in λ values.
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    • +] values varied by nearly 0.5 M). That work is reviewed in ref 14.
    • +] values varied by nearly 0.5 M). That work is reviewed in ref 14.
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    • 2- anion and 0.74 Å for 6-coordinate W(VI): from Huheey, J. E. Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity, 2nd ed.; Harper and Row: New York, 1978.
    • 2- anion and 0.74 Å for 6-coordinate W(VI): from Huheey, J. E. Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity, 2nd ed.; Harper and Row: New York, 1978.

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