Beginning of the modern state
(1906), in Acton, ed. William H. McNeill (Chicago)
Lord Acton, "Beginning of the Modern State" (1906), in Acton, Essays in the Liberal Interpretation of History: Selected Papers, ed. William H. McNeill (Chicago, 1967), 419.
Essays in the Liberal Interpretation of History: Selected Papers
, pp. 419
Acton, L.1
Princeton, N.J.
Two influential examples of this view: "By 1300," Joseph Strayer wrote, "it was evident that the dominant political form in western Europe was going to be the sovereign state." Strayer, On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State (Princeton, N.J., 1970), 57.
On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State
, pp. 57
All evolution from primitive pre-state methods has been inexorably towards the establishment and consolidation of the state
"All evolution from primitive pre-state methods has been inexorably towards the establishment and consolidation of the state." F. H. Hinsley, Sovereignty, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, 1986), 219.
Sovereignty, 2nd Ed.
, pp. 219
Hinsley, F.H.1
Society, economy, and the state effect
George Steinmetz, ed., (Ithaca, N.Y.)
For a critique of the concept of the state, see Timothy Mitchell, "Society, Economy, and the State Effect," in George Steinmetz, ed., State/Culture: State Formation after the Cultural Turn (Ithaca, N.Y., 1999), 76-97.
State/Culture: State Formation after the Cultural Turn
, pp. 76-97
Mitchell, T.1
Princeton, N.J.
remains the best introduction to the problem. I am also indebted to the work of my colleague Steven Krasner, especially Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy (Princeton, N.J., 1999). I am not convinced that "hypocrisy" is quite the right word to use, but the tension I see between sovereign theory and practice is obviously related to Krasner's argument, which, unlike mine, concentrates on the international dimensions of sovereign claims.
Especially Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy
Krasner, S.1
Meaning and understanding in the history of ideas
Quentin Skinner, "Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas," History and Theory 8 (1969): 11.
History and Theory
, vol.8
, pp. 11
Skinner, Q.1
Sovereignty, international relations, and the westphalian myth
A good example of what I mean by reification is the role played by "Westphalian Sovereignty" in the study of international relations. See Andreas Osiander, "Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Westphalian Myth," International Organization 55 (2001): 251-287.
International Organization
, vol.55
, pp. 251-287
Osiander, A.1
Who killed sovereignty? Or: Changing norms concerning sovereignty in international law
Quoted by Antonio Perez, "Who Killed Sovereignty? Or: Changing Norms Concerning Sovereignty in International Law," Wisconsin International Law Journal 20 (1996): 467.
Wisconsin International Law Journal
, vol.20
, pp. 467
Perez, A.1
Tilly, ed., (Princeton, N.J.
Charles Tilly points out that only a couple dozen of the five hundred entities present in 1500 survived into the twentieth century. Tilly, ed., The Formation of National States in Western Europe (Princeton, N.J., 1975), 24.
The Formation of National States in Western Europe
, pp. 24
Berkeley, Calif.
Weber's definition can be found in several places in this work: for example, Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology (Berkeley, Calif., 1978), 904. By using words such as "successfully," Weber introduced into his definition the same sort of limitation that I try to capture with the notion of "claim." For Weber, being sovereign is not a condition but the ability to do something. Every sovereign claim need not succeed, but if enough claims fail, then sovereignty is lost or at least fatally compromised.
Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology
, pp. 904
The concept of sovereignty did not exist in the ancient world, Georg Jellinek argued, "because it lacked what is necessary to make this concept manifest, the conflict between political power and other forces. "Allgemeine Staatslehre, 3rd ed. (Berlin, 1922), 440.
Allgemeine Staatslehre, 3rd Ed.
, pp. 440
The divisions of the Pope: The catholic revival and Europe's transition to democracy
Austen Ivereigh, ed., London
See Margaret Lavinia Anderson, "The Divisions of the Pope: The Catholic Revival and Europe's Transition to Democracy," in Austen Ivereigh, ed., The Politics of Religion in an Age of Revival: Studies in Nineteenth-Century Europe and Latin America (London, 2000), 22-42.
The Politics of Religion in an Age of Revival: Studies in Nineteenth-century Europe and Latin America
, pp. 22-42
Anderson, M.L.1
Roman law concept of dominium and the idea of absolute ownership
On dominium, see Peter Birks, "Roman Law Concept of Dominium and the Idea of Absolute Ownership," Acta Juridica 7 (1985): 1-37.
Acta Juridica
, vol.7
, pp. 1-37
Birks, P.1
Of system, boundaries, and territoriality: An inquiry into the formation of the state system
Although the Romans recognized that their public authority (imperium) had a spatial dimension, this authority was marked by frontiers rather than boundaries. The Roman limes measured how far Rome's power reached, not where another's power began. See Friedrich Kratochwil, "Of System, Boundaries, and Territoriality: An Inquiry into the Formation of the State System," World Politics 29 (1986): 36,
World Politics
, vol.29
, pp. 36
Kratochwil, F.1
Frontiers and boundaries: The evolution of the modern state
New Delhi
Ainslie Embree, "Frontiers and Boundaries: The Evolution of the Modern State," in Imagining India: Essays in Indian History (New Delhi, 1989), 67-84;
Imagining India: Essays in Indian History
, pp. 67-84
Embree, A.1
Frontiere: The word and the concept
Febvre, ed, Peter Burke (London)
Lucien Febvre, "Frontiere: The Word and the Concept," in Febvre, A New Kind of History: From the Writings of Lucien Febvre, ed, Peter Burke (London, 1973), 208-218;
A New Kind of History: from the Writings of Lucien Febvre
, pp. 208-218
Febvre, L.1
Princeton, N.J.
As Hendrik Spruyt has persuasively argued, the most important reason why the territorial state prevailed over alternative forms of political organization was its superior ability to use violence. Spruyt, The Sovereign State and Its Competitors: An Analysis of Systems Change (Princeton, N.J., 1994).
The Sovereign State and its Competitors: An Analysis of Systems Change
edited by M. J. Tooley (Oxford)
There is a convenient edition of Bodin's Six Books of the Commonwealth, edited by M. J. Tooley (Oxford, 1955).
Bodin's Six Books of the Commonwealth
(Cambridge), 222ff.
Donald Kelley examines the movement toward codification in the context of his rich and subtle history of legal thought in modern Europe: The Human Measure: Social Thought in the Western Legal Tradition (Cambridge, 1990), 222ff.
The Human Measure: Social Thought in the Western Legal Tradition
The classic formulation of law and legitimacy is Weber, Economy, 904ff.
Europa und der föderalismus: Zur begriffsgeschichte politischer ordnungsmodelle
See the important account of Imperial Germany's divided sovereignty in Siegfried Weichlein, "Europa und der Föderalismus: Zur Begriffsgeschichte politischer Ordnungsmodelle," Historisches Jahrbuch 125 (2005): 133-152.
Historisches Jahrbuch
, vol.125
, pp. 133-152
Weichlein, S.1
Consigning the twentieth century to history: Alternative narratives for the modern era
For a provocative analysis of the role of territoriality in the formation of the modern state, see Charles Maier, "Consigning the Twentieth Century to History: Alternative Narratives for the Modern Era,"AHR 105, no. 3 (June 2000): 807-831.
AHR 105, No. 3
, vol.3
, pp. 807-831
Maier, C.1
Permanent crisis of a divided mankind: 'Contemporary crisis of the nation' in historical perspective
For a theoretically alert and historically rich account of the relationship between state and nation, see Istvan Hont, "Permanent Crisis of a Divided Mankind: 'Contemporary Crisis of the Nation' in Historical Perspective," Political Studies 42 (1994): 166-231.
Political Studies
, vol.42
, pp. 166-231
Hont, I.1
(Manchester), remains the best book on the subject
In my opinion, John Breuilly, Nationalism and the State, 2nd ed. (Manchester, 1993), remains the best book on the subject.
Nationalism and the State, 2nd Ed.
Breuilly, J.1
Len Scales and Oliver Zimmer, eds., Cambridge
Nations and national consciousness certainly have a long history. I remain convinced, however, that the blend of nationality and sovereignty that appeared at the end of the eighteenth century created two distinctively modern products, nationalism and the nation-state. For the latest on the controversy surrounding the chronology of nationalism, see the essays in Len Scales and Oliver Zimmer, eds., Power and the Nation in European History (Cambridge, 2005).
Power and the Nation in European History
There is a useful summary of this situation in Krasner, Sovereignty.
Hannah arendt's critical realism: Power, justice, and responsibility
Anthony Lang and John Williams, eds., (New York)
On Arendt's enduring relevance, see Douglas Klusmeyer, "Hannah Arendt's Critical Realism: Power, Justice, and Responsibility," in Anthony Lang and John Williams, eds., Hannah Arendt and International Relations: Readings across the Lines (New York, 2005), 113-178.
Hannah Arendt and International Relations: Readings Across the Lines
, pp. 113-178
Klusmeyer, D.1
War-past, present, and future
Jesse D. Clarkson and Thomas C. Cochran, eds., (New York)
Bronislaw Malinowski, "War-Past, Present, and Future," in Jesse D. Clarkson and Thomas C. Cochran, eds., War as a Social Institution: The Historian's Perspective (New York, 1941), 30;
War as a Social Institution: The Historian's Perspective
, pp. 30
Malinowski, B.1
The depersonalization of the concept of sovereignty
Heinz Eulau, "The Depersonalization of the Concept of Sovereignty," Journal of Politics 4 (1942): 4.
Journal of Politics
, vol.4
, pp. 4
Eulau, H.1
Statehood at the end of the 20th century: The model of the 'open state' - A german perspective
Stephan Hobe, "Statehood at the End of the 20th Century: The Model of the 'Open State' - A German Perspective," Austrian Review of International and European Law 2 (1997): 127-154.
Austrian Review of International and European Law
, vol.2
, pp. 127-154
Hobe, S.1
Wie souverän ist die Bundesrepublik?
W. Benz, ed., Munich
For a summary of the limitations on German sovereignty before 1991, see Ludolf Herbst, "Wie souverän ist die Bundesrepublik?" in W. Benz, ed., Sieben Fragen an die Bundesrepublik: Vorträge aus dem Institut für Zeitgeschichte (Munich, 1989), 72-90.
Sieben Fragen an die Bundesrepublik: Vorträge aus dem Institut für Zeitgeschichte
, pp. 72-90
Herbst, L.1
Rescue or retreat? The nation state in Western Europe, 1945-1993
For a recent summary of the debate, see William Wallace, "Rescue or Retreat? The Nation State in Western Europe, 1945-1993," Political Studies 42 (1994): 57-76,
Political Studies
, vol.42
, pp. 57-76
Wallace, W.1
T. V. Paul, G. John Ikenberry, and John A. Hall, eds., (Princeton, N.J.)
and the essays in T. V. Paul, G. John Ikenberry, and John A. Hall, eds., The Nation-State in Question (Princeton, N.J., 2005).
The Nation-state in Question
On the changing meaning of territoriality, see Maier, "Consigning." In "Statehood at the End of the 20th Century," Hobe argues that "the closed state model in the sense of closed borders, a population restricted to nationals and a concept of government in the sense of suprema potestas is no longer an adequate definition of statehood."
Statehood at the End of the 20th Century
Anne Marie Slaughter, Alec Stone Sweet, and Joseph Weiler, eds., (Evanston)
See the essays in Anne Marie Slaughter, Alec Stone Sweet, and Joseph Weiler, eds., The European Court and National Courts: Doctrine and Jurisprudence (Evanston, 111., 1998).
The European Court and National Courts: Doctrine and Jurisprudence
, vol.111