The surprising resilience of elected governments
For a review of democracy in Latin America, see Scott Mainwaring's "The Surprising Resilience of Elected Governments" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999) and Michael Shifter's "Tensions and Trade-Offs in Latin America" (Journal of Democracy, April 1997). Jorge Domínguez discusses the region's political parties and other representative institutions in "Latin America's Crisis of Representation" (Foreign Affairs, January/February 1997).
Journal of Democracy
Mainwaring, S.1
Tensions and trade-offs in Latin America
For a review of democracy in Latin America, see Scott Mainwaring's "The Surprising Resilience of Elected Governments" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999) and Michael Shifter's "Tensions and Trade-Offs in Latin America" (Journal of Democracy, April 1997). Jorge Domínguez discusses the region's political parties and other representative institutions in "Latin America's Crisis of Representation" (Foreign Affairs, January/February 1997).
Journal of Democracy
Shifter, M.1
Latin America's crisis of representation
For a review of democracy in Latin America, see Scott Mainwaring's "The Surprising Resilience of Elected Governments" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999) and Michael Shifter's "Tensions and Trade-Offs in Latin America" (Journal of Democracy, April 1997). Jorge Domínguez discusses the region's political parties and other representative institutions in "Latin America's Crisis of Representation" (Foreign Affairs, January/February 1997).
Foreign Affairs
Domínguez, J.1
Washington: Institute for International Economics
The "Washington Consensus" was originally set forth in John Williamson, ed., Latin American Adjustment: How much has happened? (Washington: Institute for International Economics, 1990). A critical view and prediction of its downfall appears in John Cavanagh and Robin Broad's "The Death of the Washington Consensus" (World Policy Journal, Fall 1999). Beyond the Washington Consensus: Institutions Matter (Washington: World Bank, 1998), edited by Shahid Javed Burki and Guillermo Perry, offers a useful look at the failures of Latin America's vital institutions.
Latin American Adjustment: How Much Has Happened?
Williamson, J.1
The death of the Washington consensus
The "Washington Consensus" was originally set forth in John Williamson, ed., Latin American Adjustment: How much has happened? (Washington: Institute for International Economics, 1990). A critical view and prediction of its downfall appears in John Cavanagh and Robin Broad's "The Death of the Washington Consensus" (World Policy Journal, Fall 1999). Beyond the Washington Consensus: Institutions Matter (Washington: World Bank, 1998), edited by Shahid Javed Burki and Guillermo Perry, offers a useful look at the failures of Latin America's vital institutions.
World Policy Journal
Cavanagh, J.1
Broad, R.2
Washington: World Bank
The "Washington Consensus" was originally set forth in John Williamson, ed., Latin American Adjustment: How much has happened? (Washington: Institute for International Economics, 1990). A critical view and prediction of its downfall appears in John Cavanagh and Robin Broad's "The Death of the Washington Consensus" (World Policy Journal, Fall 1999). Beyond the Washington Consensus: Institutions Matter (Washington: World Bank, 1998), edited by Shahid Javed Burki and Guillermo Perry, offers a useful look at the failures of Latin America's vital institutions.
Beyond the Washington Consensus: Institutions Matter
Burki, S.J.1
Perry, G.2
New York: Oxford University Press
Sebastian Edwards' Crisis and Reform in Latin America: From Despair to Hope (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995) and Perry and Burki's The Long March: A Reform Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean in the Next Decade (Washington: World Bank, 1997) provide historical overviews of the economic reform efforts undertaken in the region.
Crisis and Reform in Latin America: From Despair to Hope
Edwards, S.1
The Inter-American Development Bank's annual report on economic and social progress in Latin America for 1998-99, entitled Facing Up to Inequality in Latin America, is a rich source of information and analysis on the vast income and wealth disparities in the region.
Facing Up to Inequality in Latin America
Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
There have been a large number of publications on Mexico's 1995 currency collapse. Among the best are Edwards and Moisés Naím, eds., Mexico 1994: Anatomy of an Emerging-Market Crash (Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1997); and Nora Lustig's Mexico: The Remaking of an Economy, second edition (Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 1998). Useful information on the 1997 Asia crisis and its impact on Latin America can be found on the Web site, What Caused Asia's Economic and Currency Crisis and Its Global Contagion?, by Nouriel Roubini.
Mexico 1994: Anatomy of an Emerging-Market Crash
Naím, M.2
Washington: Brookings Institution Press
There have been a large number of publications on Mexico's 1995 currency collapse. Among the best are Edwards and Moisés Naím, eds., Mexico 1994: Anatomy of an Emerging-Market Crash (Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1997); and Nora Lustig's Mexico: The Remaking of an Economy, second edition (Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 1998). Useful information on the 1997 Asia crisis and its impact on Latin America can be found on the Web site, What Caused Asia's Economic and Currency Crisis and Its Global Contagion?, by Nouriel Roubini.
Mexico: The Remaking of an Economy, Second Edition
Lustig, N.1
There have been a large number of publications on Mexico's 1995 currency collapse. Among the best are Edwards and Moisés Naím, eds., Mexico 1994: Anatomy of an Emerging-Market Crash (Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1997); and Nora Lustig's Mexico: The Remaking of an Economy, second edition (Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 1998). Useful information on the 1997 Asia crisis and its impact on Latin America can be found on the Web site, What Caused Asia's Economic and Currency Crisis and Its Global Contagion?, by Nouriel Roubini.
What Caused Asia's Economic and Currency Crisis and Its Global Contagion?
Roubini, N.1
Washington: Inter-American Development Bank
For a good introduction to the alarming level of criminal violence in Latin America, see the Inter-American Development Bank's recent book, Too Close to Home: Domestic Violence in the Americas (Washington: Inter-American Development Bank, 1999).
Too Close to Home: Domestic Violence in the Americas
published by PROMPERU
The best cross-country surveys of public opinion in Latin America are presented in the annual publication, Latinobarómetro, published by PROMPERU.
Washington: Inter-American Dialogue, April
For a thorough review of the troubled state of education in Latin America and what it will take to improve it, see The Future at Stake (Washington: Inter-American Dialogue, April 1998).
The Future at Stake
Colombia on the brink
Some good recent assessments of the politics and economics of individual Latin American countries include Shifter's "Colombia on the Brink" (Foreign Affairs, July/August 1999); Ken Maxwell's "The Two Brazils" (Wilson Quarterly, Winter 1999); Amaury da Souza's "Cardoso and the Struggle for Reform in Brazil" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999); Steven Levitsky's "Fujimori and Post-Party Politics in Peru" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999); Mark Falcoff's "Argentina: An Electoral Turning Point" (Latin American Outlook, October 1999); and M. Delal Baer's "Misreading Mexico" (FOREIGN POLICY, Fall 1997).
Foreign Affairs
The two Brazils
Some good recent assessments of the politics and economics of individual Latin American countries include Shifter's "Colombia on the Brink" (Foreign Affairs, July/August 1999); Ken Maxwell's "The Two Brazils" (Wilson Quarterly, Winter 1999); Amaury da Souza's "Cardoso and the Struggle for Reform in Brazil" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999); Steven Levitsky's "Fujimori and Post-Party Politics in Peru" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999); Mark Falcoff's "Argentina: An Electoral Turning Point" (Latin American Outlook, October 1999); and M. Delal Baer's "Misreading Mexico" (FOREIGN POLICY, Fall 1997).
Wilson Quarterly
Maxwell, K.1
Cardoso and the struggle for reform in Brazil
Some good recent assessments of the politics and economics of individual Latin American countries include Shifter's "Colombia on the Brink" (Foreign Affairs, July/August 1999); Ken Maxwell's "The Two Brazils" (Wilson Quarterly, Winter 1999); Amaury da Souza's "Cardoso and the Struggle for Reform in Brazil" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999); Steven Levitsky's "Fujimori and Post-Party Politics in Peru" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999); Mark Falcoff's "Argentina: An Electoral Turning Point" (Latin American Outlook, October 1999); and M. Delal Baer's "Misreading Mexico" (FOREIGN POLICY, Fall 1997).
Journal of Democracy
Da Souza, A.1
Fujimori and post-party politics in Peru
Some good recent assessments of the politics and economics of individual Latin American countries include Shifter's "Colombia on the Brink" (Foreign Affairs, July/August 1999); Ken Maxwell's "The Two Brazils" (Wilson Quarterly, Winter 1999); Amaury da Souza's "Cardoso and the Struggle for Reform in Brazil" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999); Steven Levitsky's "Fujimori and Post-Party Politics in Peru" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999); Mark Falcoff's "Argentina: An Electoral Turning Point" (Latin American Outlook, October 1999); and M. Delal Baer's "Misreading Mexico" (FOREIGN POLICY, Fall 1997).
Journal of Democracy
Levitsky, S.1
Argentina: An electoral turning point
Some good recent assessments of the politics and economics of individual Latin American countries include Shifter's "Colombia on the Brink" (Foreign Affairs, July/August 1999); Ken Maxwell's "The Two Brazils" (Wilson Quarterly, Winter 1999); Amaury da Souza's "Cardoso and the Struggle for Reform in Brazil" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999); Steven Levitsky's "Fujimori and Post-Party Politics in Peru" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999); Mark Falcoff's "Argentina: An Electoral Turning Point" (Latin American Outlook, October 1999); and M. Delal Baer's "Misreading Mexico" (FOREIGN POLICY, Fall 1997).
Latin American Outlook
Falcoff, M.1
Some good recent assessments of the politics and economics of individual Latin American countries include Shifter's "Colombia on the Brink" (Foreign Affairs, July/August 1999); Ken Maxwell's "The Two Brazils" (Wilson Quarterly, Winter 1999); Amaury da Souza's "Cardoso and the Struggle for Reform in Brazil" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999); Steven Levitsky's "Fujimori and Post-Party Politics in Peru" (Journal of Democracy, July 1999); Mark Falcoff's "Argentina: An Electoral Turning Point" (Latin American Outlook, October 1999); and M. Delal Baer's "Misreading Mexico" (FOREIGN POLICY, Fall 1997).
Misreading Mexico
Delal Baer, M.1
For an early optimistic view of the potential for cooperation in the Western Hemisphere, see the Inter-American Dialogue's 1993 report, Convergence and Community. Abraham Lowenthal offers a more cautious assessment in "Latin America: Ready for Partnership?" (Foreign Affairs, 1993).
Convergence and Community
Latin America: Ready for partnership?
For an early optimistic view of the potential for cooperation in the Western Hemisphere, see the Inter-American Dialogue's 1993 report, Convergence and Community. Abraham Lowenthal offers a more cautious assessment in "Latin America: Ready for Partnership?" (Foreign Affairs, 1993).
Foreign Affairs
Lowenthal, A.1
For links to relevant Web sites, as well as a comprehensive index of related FOREIGN POLICY articles, access www.foreignpolicy.com.