Theory as exclusion: Gender and international political economy
Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey Underhill (eds.) New York: St. Martin's Press
See Sandra Whitworth, 'Theory as Exclusion: Gender and International Political Economy', in Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey Underhill (eds.) Political Economy and the Changing Global Order (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994). Other feminist critics of International Studies reinforce this point, such as Jill Steans Gender and International Relations: An Introduction (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1998), particularly ch. 7.
Political Economy and the Changing Global Order
Whitworth, S.1
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, particularly ch. 7
See Sandra Whitworth, 'Theory as Exclusion: Gender and International Political Economy', in Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey Underhill (eds.) Political Economy and the Changing Global Order (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994). Other feminist critics of International Studies reinforce this point, such as Jill Steans Gender and International Relations: An Introduction (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1998), particularly ch. 7.
Gender and International Relations: An Introduction
Steans, J.1
New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press
The essays in Nicolas I. Rizopaulos (ed.) Sea Change (New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1991), speak on this point. In particular, see Susan Strange's 'The Name of the Game'.
Sea Change
Rizopaulos, N.I.1
Rival workers: Bargaining power and justice in global systems
Roger Morgan et al. (eds.) London: Macmillan
Essentially, bargaining is one technique of political encounter among others that include coercion, willing submission, incoherent conflict, and altruistic co-operation. Bargaining is an exacting exchange between agencies that are connected to the same problems, and is touched-off by changes in power or awareness. It is needed in political economy to construct and rearrange social networks. It is the archetype at work in coherent argumentation. I have used bargaining as an organising concept in IPE in previous work. See Michael H. Allen 'Rival Workers: Bargaining Power and Justice in Global Systems', in Roger Morgan et al. (eds.) New Diplomacy in the Post-Cold War World: Essays for Susan Strange (London: Macmillan, 1993).
New Diplomacy in the Post-cold War World: Essays for Susan Strange
Allen, M.H.1
The evolution of international relations theory
Michael Banks (ed.) Sussex, UK: Wheatsheaf
It has been suggested that previous rounds of debate in IR since that between Liberal Internationalism (Idealism) and Realism had been permutations of the latter, until critical questions about agencies other than states were raised. See Michael Banks 'The Evolution of International Relations Theory', in Michael Banks (ed.) Conflict in World Society: A New Perspective on International Relations (Sussex, UK: Wheatsheaf, 1984). Even then, gender was left out as Marilyn Myerson and Susan Stoudinger Northcutt show in 'The Question of Gender: An Examination of Selected Textbooks in International Relations' International Studies Notes, 19:1 (1994), pp. 19-25.
Conflict in World Society: A New Perspective on International Relations
Banks, M.1
The question of gender: An examination of selected textbooks in international relations
It has been suggested that previous rounds of debate in IR since that between Liberal Internationalism (Idealism) and Realism had been permutations of the latter, until critical questions about agencies other than states were raised. See Michael Banks 'The Evolution of International Relations Theory', in Michael Banks (ed.) Conflict in World Society: A New Perspective on International Relations (Sussex, UK: Wheatsheaf, 1984). Even then, gender was left out as Marilyn Myerson and Susan Stoudinger Northcutt show in 'The Question of Gender: An Examination of Selected Textbooks in International Relations' International Studies Notes, 19:1 (1994), pp. 19-25.
International Studies Notes
, vol.19
, Issue.1
, pp. 19-25
Myerson, M.1
Northcutt, S.S.2
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner
An example of the initial stance of IPE scholars is found in Craig Murphy and Roger Tooze (eds.) The New International Political Economy (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1991). The femininst impact is surveyed in Adam Jones 'Does "Gender" Make the World Go Round? Feminist Critiques of International Relations', Review of International Studies, 22:4 (1996). See also Jill Steans Gender and International Relations, 1998 (cited in fn. 1).
The New International Political Economy
Murphy, C.1
Tooze, R.2
Does "gender" make the world go round? Feminist critiques of international relations
An example of the initial stance of IPE scholars is found in Craig Murphy and Roger Tooze (eds.) The New International Political Economy (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1991). The femininst impact is surveyed in Adam Jones 'Does "Gender" Make the World Go Round? Feminist Critiques of International Relations', Review of International Studies, 22:4 (1996). See also Jill Steans Gender and International Relations, 1998 (cited in fn. 1).
Review of International Studies
, vol.22
, Issue.4
Jones, A.1
cited in fn. 1
An example of the initial stance of IPE scholars is found in Craig Murphy and Roger Tooze (eds.) The New International Political Economy (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1991). The femininst impact is surveyed in Adam Jones 'Does "Gender" Make the World Go Round? Feminist Critiques of International Relations', Review of International Studies, 22:4 (1996). See also Jill Steans Gender and International Relations, 1998 (cited in fn. 1).
Gender and International Relations
Steans, J.1
New York: Blackwell
The traditional concerns of IR have been primarily war and peace issues and secondarily wealth and poverty, and how these two axes intersect from the perspectives of states. IPE scholars like Susan Strange have redrawn IR boundaries to include the agencies that create intersecting dynamics of security, production, finance and knowledge. See Strange States and Markets: An Introduction to International Political Economy (New York: Blackwell, 1988). Feminist scholars like Turpin and Lorentzen include ecological issues with military and developmental issues within their purview. See Turpin and Lorentzen (eds.) The Gendered New World Order, 1996.
States and Markets: An Introduction to International Political Economy
The traditional concerns of IR have been primarily war and peace issues and secondarily wealth and poverty, and how these two axes intersect from the perspectives of states. IPE scholars like Susan Strange have redrawn IR boundaries to include the agencies that create intersecting dynamics of security, production, finance and knowledge. See Strange States and Markets: An Introduction to International Political Economy (New York: Blackwell, 1988). Feminist scholars like Turpin and Lorentzen include ecological issues with military and developmental issues within their purview. See Turpin and Lorentzen (eds.) The Gendered New World Order, 1996.
The Gendered New World Order
Perspectives and theory: A consumer's guide
Susan Strange (ed.), London: Allen and Unwin
Surveys of debates in IPE speak of a Realist/ Mercantilist, Liberal and Radical spectrum. See Roger Tooze 'Perspectives and Theory: A Consumer's Guide', in Susan Strange (ed.), Paths to International Political Economy (London: Allen and Unwin, 1984); or Geoffrey Underhill 'Introduction; Conceptualizing the Unchanging Global Order', in R. Stubbs and G. Underhill (eds.), Political Economy and the Changing Global Order (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994). The spectrum of perspectives among feminists includes Liberals, Radicals, Essentialists and Standpoint theorists and feminist critical theorists. See ch. 7 of Steans Gender and International Relations (cited in fn. 1).
Paths to International Political Economy
Tooze, R.1
Introduction; conceptualizing the unchanging global order
R. Stubbs and G. Underhill (eds.), New York: St. Martin's Press
Surveys of debates in IPE speak of a Realist/ Mercantilist, Liberal and Radical spectrum. See Roger Tooze 'Perspectives and Theory: A Consumer's Guide', in Susan Strange (ed.), Paths to International Political Economy (London: Allen and Unwin, 1984); or Geoffrey Underhill 'Introduction; Conceptualizing the Unchanging Global Order', in R. Stubbs and G. Underhill (eds.), Political Economy and the Changing Global Order (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994). The spectrum of perspectives among feminists includes Liberals, Radicals, Essentialists and Standpoint theorists and feminist critical theorists. See ch. 7 of Steans Gender and International Relations (cited in fn. 1).
Political Economy and the Changing Global Order
Underhill, G.1
cited in fn. 1
Surveys of debates in IPE speak of a Realist/ Mercantilist, Liberal and Radical spectrum. See Roger Tooze 'Perspectives and Theory: A Consumer's Guide', in Susan Strange (ed.), Paths to International Political Economy (London: Allen and Unwin, 1984); or Geoffrey Underhill 'Introduction; Conceptualizing the Unchanging Global Order', in R. Stubbs and G. Underhill (eds.), Political Economy and the Changing Global Order (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994). The spectrum of perspectives among feminists includes Liberals, Radicals, Essentialists and Standpoint theorists and feminist critical theorists. See ch. 7 of Steans Gender and International Relations (cited in fn. 1).
Gender and International Relations
International relations and the new gramscians
This critical conversation is pursued in articles such as Randall Germain and Michael Kenny 'International Relations and the New Gramscians', Review of International Studies, 24:1 (1998), and Wade L. Huntley 'An Unlikely Match? Kant and Feminism in IR Theory', Millennium Journal of International Studies, 26:2 (1997). Basic questions of IR epistemology are also raised in the Introduction and essays edited by V. Spike Peterson, Gendered States: Feminist (Re) visions of International Relations Theory (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1992).
Review of International Studies
, vol.24
, Issue.1
Germain, R.1
Kenny, M.2
An unlikely match? Kant and feminism in IR theory
This critical conversation is pursued in articles such as Randall Germain and Michael Kenny 'International Relations and the New Gramscians', Review of International Studies, 24:1 (1998), and Wade L. Huntley 'An Unlikely Match? Kant and Feminism in IR Theory', Millennium Journal of International Studies, 26:2 (1997). Basic questions of IR epistemology are also raised in the Introduction and essays edited by V. Spike Peterson, Gendered States: Feminist (Re) visions of International Relations Theory (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1992).
Millennium Journal of International Studies
, vol.26
, Issue.2
Huntley, W.L.1
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner
This critical conversation is pursued in articles such as Randall Germain and Michael Kenny 'International Relations and the New Gramscians', Review of International Studies, 24:1 (1998), and Wade L. Huntley 'An Unlikely Match? Kant and Feminism in IR Theory', Millennium Journal of International Studies, 26:2 (1997). Basic questions of IR epistemology are also raised in the Introduction and essays edited by V. Spike Peterson, Gendered States: Feminist (Re) visions of International Relations Theory (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1992).
Gendered States: Feminist (Re) Visions of International Relations Theory
Peterson, V.S.1
The evolution of international relations theory
Sussex, UK: Wheatsheaf
See again, Michael Banks 'The Evolution of International Relations Theory' in Conflict in World Society (Sussex, UK: Wheatsheaf, 1984).
Conflict in World Society
Banks, M.1
Visions of maturity
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
This refers to the essentialist stance in feminism as advanced in the work of Carol Gilligan such as 'Visions of Maturity', in In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982). See also Virginia Sapiro 'Gender Politics, Gendered Politics: The State of the Field' quoted in Jones, Review of International Studies (October 1996), p. 407.
In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development
Gilligan, C.1
Gender politics, gendered politics: The state of the field
quoted in Jones, October
This refers to the essentialist stance in feminism as advanced in the work of Carol Gilligan such as 'Visions of Maturity', in In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982). See also Virginia Sapiro 'Gender Politics, Gendered Politics: The State of the Field' quoted in Jones, Review of International Studies (October 1996), p. 407.
Review of International Studies
, pp. 407
Sapiro, V.1
Global environmental politics
See Charlotte Bretherton, 'Global Environmental Politics' in Review of International Studies, 24:1 (1998), p. 85.
Review of International Studies
, vol.24
, Issue.1
, pp. 85
Bretherton, C.1
ch. 6
Steans, Gender and International Relations, ch. 6. See also Bina Agarwal A Field of One's Own: Gender and Land Rights in South Asia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994).
Gender and International Relations
Balancing acts: Gender at the turn of the century
I am sceptical of standpoint epistemologies. Not all women or men in a given social context think alike and it is difficult to distill several lived experiences to authenticate a single epistemology. I prefer Henrietta Moore's suggestion that different cultures negotiate different arrangements of men's and women's gender roles. See her 'Balancing Acts: Gender at the Turn of the Century', LSE Magazine, 8:1 (1996), pp. 10, 11.
LSE Magazine
, vol.8
, Issue.1
, pp. 10
A useful distinction can be made between 'Realism' and 'realism'. The first. Realism, is a recognized tradition in IR concerned with the problem of order among states. The second, realism, is an outlook on social change that sees politics in terms of competition or conflict among self-interested agents. Hence Realism is the realism of states and Liberalism is the realism of markets, Marxism the realism of classes and so on.
Critical perspectives on imperialism and social class in the third world
ch. 1
Petras, for example demonstrates that given states change in outlook and motivation, depending on the configuration of social forces that support their incumbency. See James Petras, Critical Perspectives on Imperialism and Social Class in the Third World, Monthly Review, NY (1978), ch. 1. See also Robert Cox 'Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory', in Robert O. Keohane (ed.), Neorealism and its Critics (New York: Columbia University Press, 1986).
Monthly Review, NY
Petras, J.1
Social forces, states and world orders: Beyond international relations theory
Robert O. Keohane (ed.), New York: Columbia University Press
Petras, for example demonstrates that given states change in outlook and motivation, depending on the configuration of social forces that support their incumbency. See James Petras, Critical Perspectives on Imperialism and Social Class in the Third World, Monthly Review, NY (1978), ch. 1. See also Robert Cox 'Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory', in Robert O. Keohane (ed.), Neorealism and its Critics (New York: Columbia University Press, 1986).
Neorealism and Its Critics
Cox, R.1
Gender and international relations
Steans, Gender and International Relations; Whitworth 'Theory as Exclusion'; J. Ann Tickner 'On the Fringes of the World Economy: A Feminist Perspective', in Murphy and Tooze (eds.), The New International_Political Economy, 1991.
Theory as Exclusion
On the fringes of the world economy: A feminist perspective
Murphy and Tooze (eds.)
Steans, Gender and International Relations; Whitworth 'Theory as Exclusion'; J. Ann Tickner 'On the Fringes of the World Economy: A Feminist Perspective', in Murphy and Tooze (eds.), The New International_Political Economy, 1991.
The New International_Political Economy
Tickner, J.A.1
Primacy of gender in race and class
J. Edward Greene (ed.), Mona, Jamaica: Institute of Social and Economic Research
Rhoda Reddock, 'Primacy of Gender in Race and Class', in J. Edward Greene (ed.), Race, Class and Gender in the Future of the Caribbean (Mona, Jamaica: Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1993).
Race, Class and Gender in the Future of the Caribbean
Reddock, R.1
Hans Morganthau's principles of political realism: A feminist reformulation
Ann Tickner, 'Hans Morganthau's Principles of Political Realism: A Feminist Reformulation', Millennium, 17:3, 1988; also Tickner, 'On the Fringes of the World Economy'. The World Human Rights Guide, 3rd edn (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), compiled by Charles Humana, notes that even in Scandinavian countries and the English-speaking democracies, women are under-represented in government, earn less than men, and are less powerful in households (pp. 8-9). Figures from the Human Development Reports 1997, United Nations Development Programme (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997) support this. See Table 11, pp. 172-3.
, vol.17
, Issue.3
Tickner, A.1
On the fringes of the world economy
New York: Oxford University Press
Ann Tickner, 'Hans Morganthau's Principles of Political Realism: A Feminist Reformulation', Millennium, 17:3, 1988; also Tickner, 'On the Fringes of the World Economy'. The World Human Rights Guide, 3rd edn (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), compiled by Charles Humana, notes that even in Scandinavian countries and the English-speaking democracies, women are under-represented in government, earn less than men, and are less powerful in households (pp. 8-9). Figures from the Human Development Reports 1997, United Nations Development Programme (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997) support this. See Table 11, pp. 172-3.
The World Human Rights Guide, 3rd Edn
United Nations Development Programme New York: Oxford University Press, support this. See Table 11
Ann Tickner, 'Hans Morganthau's Principles of Political Realism: A Feminist Reformulation', Millennium, 17:3, 1988; also Tickner, 'On the Fringes of the World Economy'. The World Human Rights Guide, 3rd edn (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), compiled by Charles Humana, notes that even in Scandinavian countries and the English-speaking democracies, women are under-represented in government, earn less than men, and are less powerful in households (pp. 8-9). Figures from the Human Development Reports 1997, United Nations Development Programme (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997) support this. See Table 11, pp. 172-3.
Human Development Reports 1997
, pp. 172-173
Humana, C.1
New York: Basic Books
See S. M. Okin, Justice, Gender and the Family (New York: Basic Books, 1989); also Diane Elson 'Gender-Aware Analysis and Development Economics', Journal of International Development, 5:2, 1993.
Justice, Gender and the Family
Okin, S.M.1
Gender-aware analysis and development economics
See S. M. Okin, Justice, Gender and the Family (New York: Basic Books, 1989); also Diane Elson 'Gender-Aware Analysis and Development Economics', Journal of International Development, 5:2, 1993.
Journal of International Development
, vol.5
, Issue.2
Elson, D.1
ch. 3
Human Development Report 1997, ch. 3; Maria de los Angeles Crummett 'The "Women's Movement"', in K. P. Jameson and C. K. Wilbur (eds.) The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment (New York: McGraw Hill, 1996); I. Palmer, Gender and Population in the Adjustment of African Economies: Planning for Change (Geneva: International Labor Organization, 1991).
Human Development Report 1997
The "women's movement"
K. P. Jameson and C. K. Wilbur New York: McGraw Hill
Human Development Report 1997, ch. 3; Maria de los Angeles Crummett 'The "Women's Movement"', in K. P. Jameson and C. K. Wilbur (eds.) The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment (New York: McGraw Hill, 1996); I. Palmer, Gender and Population in the Adjustment of African Economies: Planning for Change (Geneva: International Labor Organization, 1991).
The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment
Crummett, M.D.L.A.1
Geneva: International Labor Organization
Human Development Report 1997, ch. 3; Maria de los Angeles Crummett 'The "Women's Movement"', in K. P. Jameson and C. K. Wilbur (eds.) The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment (New York: McGraw Hill, 1996); I. Palmer, Gender and Population in the Adjustment of African Economies: Planning for Change (Geneva: International Labor Organization, 1991).
Gender and Population in the Adjustment of African Economies: Planning for Change
Palmer, I.1
Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press
Joan Smith and Immanuel Wallerstein, Creating and Transforming Households: the Constraints of the World-economy (Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992); June Nash and Helen Safa, Women and Change in Latin America (South Hadley, Massachusetts: Bergin and Garvey Publishers, 1986); and Nash and Maria P. Fernandez-Kelly (eds.) Women and the International Division of Labor (Albany: States University of New York Press, 1983).
Creating and Transforming Households: the Constraints of the World-economy
Smith, J.1
Wallerstein, I.2
South Hadley, Massachusetts: Bergin and Garvey Publishers
Joan Smith and Immanuel Wallerstein, Creating and Transforming Households: the Constraints of the World-economy (Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992); June Nash and Helen Safa, Women and Change in Latin America (South Hadley, Massachusetts: Bergin and Garvey Publishers, 1986); and Nash and Maria P. Fernandez-Kelly (eds.) Women and the International Division of Labor (Albany: States University of New York Press, 1983).
Women and Change in Latin America
Nash, J.1
Safa, H.2
Albany: States University of New York Press
Joan Smith and Immanuel Wallerstein, Creating and Transforming Households: the Constraints of the World-economy (Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992); June Nash and Helen Safa, Women and Change in Latin America (South Hadley, Massachusetts: Bergin and Garvey Publishers, 1986); and Nash and Maria P. Fernandez-Kelly (eds.) Women and the International Division of Labor (Albany: States University of New York Press, 1983).
Women and the International Division of Labor
Fernandez-Kelly, M.P.2
"Bargaining" and gender relations: Within and beyond the household
For an example of the impact of religion on household and market power in South Asia, see Bina Agarwal '"Bargaining" and Gender Relations: Within and Beyond the Household', Feminist Economics, 3:1, 1997.
Feminist Economics
, vol.3
, Issue.1
Agarwal, B.1
Nash and Safa, Women and Change in Latin America; Bina Agarwal (ed.), Structures of Patriarchy: State, Community and Household in Modernizing Asia (London: Zed Books, 1988).
Women and Change in Latin America
London: Zed Books
Maria Mies, Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale (London: Zed Books, 1986); Heidi Hartman, 'Capitalism, Patriarchy and Job Segregation by Sex', in M. Blaxall and B. Reagan (eds.) Women and the Workplace: The Implications of Occupational Segregation (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976).
Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale
Mies, M.1
Capitalism, patriarchy and job segregation by sex
M. Blaxall and B. Reagan (eds.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Maria Mies, Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale (London: Zed Books, 1986); Heidi Hartman, 'Capitalism, Patriarchy and Job Segregation by Sex', in M. Blaxall and B. Reagan (eds.) Women and the Workplace: The Implications of Occupational Segregation (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976).
Women and the Workplace: The Implications of Occupational Segregation
Hartman, H.1
Politics of global industries: Toward new images of world politics and world society
Providence, RI, November
My critique of Realism and essential realism is contained in 'Politics of Global Industries: Toward New Images of World Politics and World Society', paper to the Northeastern Political Science Association meeting, Providence, RI, November 1988.
Northeastern Political Science Association Meeting
Strange, States and Markets; R. W. Cox, Production, Power and World Order: Social Forces in the Making of History (New York: Columbia University Press, 1987); S. Gill and D. Law, The Global Political Economy: Perspectives, Problems and Policies (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988).
Strange, States and Markets
New York: Columbia University Press
Strange, States and Markets; R. W. Cox, Production, Power and World Order: Social Forces in the Making of History (New York: Columbia University Press, 1987); S. Gill and D. Law, The Global Political Economy: Perspectives, Problems and Policies (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988).
Production, Power and World Order: Social Forces in the Making of History
Cox, R.W.1
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press
Strange, States and Markets; R. W. Cox, Production, Power and World Order: Social Forces in the Making of History (New York: Columbia University Press, 1987); S. Gill and D. Law, The Global Political Economy: Perspectives, Problems and Policies (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988).
The Global Political Economy: Perspectives, Problems and Policies
Gill, S.1
Law, D.2
Murphy and Tooze, The New International Political Economy (see note 6); Stubbs and Underhill, Political Economy and the Changing Global Order, Roger Morgan et al., New Diplomacy.
New Diplomacy
Morgan, R.1
Stubbs and Underhill (eds. )
On the interdependence of the knowledge and security structures respectively, with other structures, see essays by Steven Gill and Barry Buzan in Stubbs and Underhill (eds. ), Political Economy.
Political Economy
Gill, S.1
Buzan, B.2
Buzan in Stubbs and Underhill and other work by the same author
Buzan in Stubbs and Underhill and other work by the same author.
The decay of GATT: Does multilateralism have a future?
Roger Morgan et al. (eds.), London: Macmillan
On the political framing of trade bargains see Victoria Curzon Price. 'The Decay of GATT: Does Multilateralism have a Future?' in Roger Morgan et al. (eds.), New Diplomacy in the Post-Cold War World (London: Macmillan, 1993). See also Miroslava Filipovic, 'A Global Private Regime for Capital Flows', paper presented to British International Studies Association, York, December 1994; and Susan Strange, 'Transnational Financial System of the 1990s', paper for the International Studies Association, Vancouver, 1991. See also Orson Watson, 'The Soros Proposal: Credit Risk Insurance as Global Governance', paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, March 1998.
New Diplomacy in the Post-cold War World
Price, V.C.1
A global private regime for capital flows
York, December
On the political framing of trade bargains see Victoria Curzon Price. 'The Decay of GATT: Does Multilateralism have a Future?' in Roger Morgan et al. (eds.), New Diplomacy in the Post-Cold War World (London: Macmillan, 1993). See also Miroslava Filipovic, 'A Global Private Regime for Capital Flows', paper presented to British International Studies Association, York, December 1994; and Susan Strange, 'Transnational Financial System of the 1990s', paper for the International Studies Association, Vancouver, 1991. See also Orson Watson, 'The Soros Proposal: Credit Risk Insurance as Global Governance', paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, March 1998.
British International Studies Association
Filipovic, M.1
Transnational financial system of the 1990s
On the political framing of trade bargains see Victoria Curzon Price. 'The Decay of GATT: Does Multilateralism have a Future?' in Roger Morgan et al. (eds.), New Diplomacy in the Post-Cold War World (London: Macmillan, 1993). See also Miroslava Filipovic, 'A Global Private Regime for Capital Flows', paper presented to British International Studies Association, York, December 1994; and Susan Strange, 'Transnational Financial System of the 1990s', paper for the International Studies Association, Vancouver, 1991. See also Orson Watson, 'The Soros Proposal: Credit Risk Insurance as Global Governance', paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, March 1998.
International Studies Association
Strange, S.1
The Soros proposal: Credit risk insurance as global governance
Minneapolis, March
On the political framing of trade bargains see Victoria Curzon Price. 'The Decay of GATT: Does Multilateralism have a Future?' in Roger Morgan et al. (eds.), New Diplomacy in the Post-Cold War World (London: Macmillan, 1993). See also Miroslava Filipovic, 'A Global Private Regime for Capital Flows', paper presented to British International Studies Association, York, December 1994; and Susan Strange, 'Transnational Financial System of the 1990s', paper for the International Studies Association, Vancouver, 1991. See also Orson Watson, 'The Soros Proposal: Credit Risk Insurance as Global Governance', paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, March 1998.
International Studies Association Annual Conference
Watson, O.1
Cox, Production, Power and World Order. See also R. W. Cox, 'Social Forces, States and World Order: Beyond International Relations Theory', in R. O. Keohane (ed.), Neorealism and its Critics (New York: Columbia University Press, 1986).
Production, Power and World Order
Social forces, states and world order: Beyond international relations theory
R. O. Keohane (ed.), New York: Columbia University Press
Cox, Production, Power and World Order. See also R. W. Cox, 'Social Forces, States and World Order: Beyond International Relations Theory', in R. O. Keohane (ed.), Neorealism and its Critics (New York: Columbia University Press, 1986).
Neorealism and Its Critics
Cox, R.W.1
Gill and Law, The Global Political Economy; also Stephen Gill, 'Global Macro-economics and the Internationalization of the State: Regulating the Power of Capital'. Paper presented at the British International Studies Association Annual Conference, Warwick, England, 1991.
The Global Political Economy
Global macro-economics and the internationalization of the state: Regulating the power of capital
Warwick, England
Gill and Law, The Global Political Economy; also Stephen Gill, 'Global Macro-economics and the Internationalization of the State: Regulating the Power of Capital'. Paper presented at the British International Studies Association Annual Conference, Warwick, England, 1991.
British International Studies Association Annual Conference
Gill, S.1
see fn. 9
This is reflected in renewed interest in the thought of Gramsci and of Kant. See Randall Germain and Michael Kenny, 'International Relations and the New Gramscians', and Wade L. Huntley, 'An Unlikely Match? Kant and Feminism in IR Theory' (see fn. 9).
An Unlikely Match? Kant and Feminism in IR Theory
Huntley, W.L.1
Gender-aware analysis and development economics
Diane Elson, 'Gender-Aware Analysis and Development Economics', Journal of International Development, 5:2, 1993.
Journal of International Development
, vol.5
, Issue.2
Elson, D.1
Global feminization through flexible labor
Guy Standing, 'Global Feminization Through Flexible Labor', World Development, 17:7, 1989.
World Development
, vol.17
, Issue.7
Standing, G.1
Bargaining dynamics of post-apartheid state: Market, class and ethnic dimensions
London: Macmillan
Political economy in South Africa demonstrates this mix, as I argue in 'Bargaining Dynamics of Post-Apartheid State: Market, Class and Ethnic Dimensions', in Paul B. Rich (ed.), The Dynamics of Change in Southern Africa (London: Macmillan, 1994).
The Dynamics of Change in Southern Africa
Rich, P.B.1
Table 3
The UNDP Human Development Report 1997 shows in its gender empowerment measure that women's roles in administration and management, professional and technical occupations and shares of earned income are still well behind those of men in all categories of countries. Table 3, pp. 152-4.
The UNDP Human Development Report 1997
, pp. 152-154
The worldwide rise of religious nationalism
While legal scholarship and jurisprudence are clearly part of the knowledge structure, rules and the everyday practices that operationalize them are as distinct from legal scholarship as shopping is from economic theory. Rules both shape and reflect what is acceptable behaviour in markets and institutions of authority. In most complex social formations, the relations of authoritative decision-making are as distinct as those of production, finance or advanced knowledge. The relations of meaning and identity-construction (religion) are also usefully seen as distinct. In premodern times these shaped the relations of production, finance, knowledge and authoritative decision-making more than they do now. With the perceived failure of modernity in many parts of the world there are revised attempts to make religion the basis of political-economic coherence, many times, at the expense of women. See Mark Jürgensmeyer, 'The Worldwide Rise of Religious Nationalism' in Journal of International Affairs, 50:1, Summer, 1996. See also N. J. Demerath III and Karen S. Straight, 'Religion, Politics and the State: Cross-Cultural Observations', in Cross Currents, 47:1, Spring 1997.
Journal of International Affairs
, vol.50
, Issue.1
Jürgensmeyer, M.1
Religion, politics and the state: Cross-cultural observations
While legal scholarship and jurisprudence are clearly part of the knowledge structure, rules and the everyday practices that operationalize them are as distinct from legal scholarship as shopping is from economic theory. Rules both shape and reflect what is acceptable behaviour in markets and institutions of authority. In most complex social formations, the relations of authoritative decision-making are as distinct as those of production, finance or advanced knowledge. The relations of meaning and identity-construction (religion) are also usefully seen as distinct. In premodern times these shaped the relations of production, finance, knowledge and authoritative decision-making more than they do now. With the perceived failure of modernity in many parts of the world there are revised attempts to make religion the basis of political-economic coherence, many times, at the expense of women. See Mark Jürgensmeyer, 'The Worldwide Rise of Religious Nationalism' in Journal of International Affairs, 50:1, Summer, 1996. See also N. J. Demerath III and Karen S. Straight, 'Religion, Politics and the State: Cross-Cultural Observations', in Cross Currents, 47:1, Spring 1997.
Cross Currents
, vol.47
, Issue.1
Demerath N.J. III1
Straight, K.S.2
I place law and order in distinct domains because in any social context, those who hold legitimate decision-making status are not necessarily also the ones who can assure order. People in countries with powerful counter-elites like drug barons or corrupt soldiers know this well. Those whose power to coerce must be taken into account, despite the rules, are part of the security structure. At the level of households, if laws against spouse abuse are absent or not enforced, the victim partners have both a security and a nominative problem.
Senior Thesis, Bryn Mawr College, April
The Swedish state has attempted to do much of this with mixed results. See Anna Nelson 'Sweden: Equality and Difference in the Labor Market and in Family Policy', Senior Thesis, Bryn Mawr College, April 1996. See also Maud L. Eduards, 'Toward a Third Way: Women's Politics and Welfare Policies in Sweden', Social Research, 58:3, 1991.
Sweden: Equality and Difference in the Labor Market and in Family Policy
Nelson, A.1
Toward a third way: Women's politics and welfare policies in Sweden
The Swedish state has attempted to do much of this with mixed results. See Anna Nelson 'Sweden: Equality and Difference in the Labor Market and in Family Policy', Senior Thesis, Bryn Mawr College, April 1996. See also Maud L. Eduards, 'Toward a Third Way: Women's Politics and Welfare Policies in Sweden', Social Research, 58:3, 1991.
Social Research
, vol.58
, Issue.3
Eduards, M.L.1
Poverty reduction and structural adjustment discussed at IMF seminar
June 14
It is true enough that IMF functionaries are aware of these connections as evidenced in their publications, such as: Paul Gleason, 'Poverty Reduction and Structural Adjustment discussed at IMF Seminar', pp. 178-82, IMF Survey, 22:12, June 14, 1993, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC. However, the practical effects of IMF-imposed adjustment requirements, specifically for women in developing countries, remain in tension with the spirit of such publications. On these practical effects, see Mary J. Osirim, 'The Dilemmas of Modern Development: Structural Adjustment and Women Micro-entrepreneurs in Nigeria and Zimbabwe' in Turpin and Lorentzen (eds. ), The Gendered New World Order.
IMF Survey
, vol.22
, Issue.12
, pp. 178-182
Gleason, P.1
The dilemmas of modern development: Structural adjustment and women micro-entrepreneurs in Nigeria and Zimbabwe
Turpin and Lorentzen (eds. )
It is true enough that IMF functionaries are aware of these connections as evidenced in their publications, such as: Paul Gleason, 'Poverty Reduction and Structural Adjustment discussed at IMF Seminar', pp. 178-82, IMF Survey, 22:12, June 14, 1993, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC. However, the practical effects of IMF-imposed adjustment requirements, specifically for women in developing countries, remain in tension with the spirit of such publications. On these practical effects, see Mary J. Osirim, 'The Dilemmas of Modern Development: Structural Adjustment and Women Micro-entrepreneurs in Nigeria and Zimbabwe' in Turpin and Lorentzen (eds. ), The Gendered New World Order.
The Gendered New World Order
Osirim, M.J.1
see fn. 39 above
I demonstrate this point in Bargaining and Change (see fn. 39 above).
Bargaining and Change
An inquiry into the political economy of world order
This dialectical understanding of law or authoritative decision-making in the context of real political-economy is well demonstrated in the work of Richard Falk in International Law. See Richard Falk, 'An Inquiry into the Political Economy of World Order' in New Political Economy, 1:1, 1996.
New Political Economy
, vol.1
, Issue.1
Falk, R.1
London and Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Zed Books
Nahid Toubia (ed.), Women of the Arab World (London and Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Zed Books, 1988).
Women of the Arab World
Toubia, N.1
Speaking of faith: Global perspectives on women
Philadelphia: New Society Publishers
See Diana L. Eck and Devaki Jain (eds.), Speaking of Faith: Global Perspectives on Women, Religion and Social Change (Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1987).
Religion and Social Change
Eck, D.L.1
Jain, D.2
(Princeton: Princeton University Press), Part I
I draw this understanding of law from the work of Richard Falk, as in The Status of Law in International Society (Princeton: Princeton University Press), 1970, Part I. As he and others who take a Social Science approach to International Law point out, law is not always relevant, since those whom legal logic and juridical standing favour are not always the ones who have coercive power to deliver or disrupt order. This points to the usefulness of regarding the security and authoritative-decision-making structures as distinct in world politics.
The Status of Law in International Society
Falk, R.1
The real new world order
There is an emerging discourse on new forms of authority in international political economy. On transgovernmental trends see Anne-Marie Slaughter, 'The Real New World Order', Foreign Affairs, September/October 1997; on transnational forms of authority see Susan Strange, The Retreat of the State: the diffusion of power in the World-economy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996). On nascent supranationalism, see again Gill, 'Global Macroeconomics . . .' (see fn. 42 above).
Foreign Affairs
Slaughter, A.-M.1
New York: Cambridge University Press
There is an emerging discourse on new forms of authority in international political economy. On transgovernmental trends see Anne-Marie Slaughter, 'The Real New World Order', Foreign Affairs, September/October 1997; on transnational forms of authority see Susan Strange, The Retreat of the State: the diffusion of power in the World-economy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996). On nascent supranationalism, see again Gill, 'Global Macroeconomics . . .' (see fn. 42 above).
The Retreat of the State: The Diffusion of Power in the World-economy
Strange, S.1
see fn. 42 above
There is an emerging discourse on new forms of authority in international political economy. On transgovernmental trends see Anne-Marie Slaughter, 'The Real New World Order', Foreign Affairs, September/October 1997; on transnational forms of authority see Susan Strange, The Retreat of the State: the diffusion of power in the World-economy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996). On nascent supranationalism, see again Gill, 'Global Macroeconomics . . .' (see fn. 42 above).
Global Macroeconomics . . .
It is helpful to remember that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 was supported by a wide cross-section of states from all regions and religions of the world, albeit after much caution and equivocation on the part of some delegations. This contrasts with some nationalist protests since then, that universal minimal standards are impossible, or are necessarily expressions of Western hegemony.
For example the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which speaks of 'the equal rights of men and women' dates back to 1948; the 'Convention on the Political Rights of Women, 1953' entered into force in July 1954; and the 'Declaration on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, 1967' was adopted unanimously by the UN General Assembly in November 1967.
See again Turpin and Lorentzen, The Gendered New World Order, see also Johann Galtung, Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilizations (Oslo: International Press, Research Institute, 1996).
The Gendered New World Order
"Bargaining" and gender relations: Within and beyond the household
See again Agarwal '"Bargaining" and Gender Relations: Within and Beyond the Household', Feminist Economics, 3:1, 1997.
Feminist Economics
, vol.3
, Issue.1
The Clinton administration in the United States has strongly advocated family leave and other legislation that reflects awareness of the connections between household economies and the market economy.
Conference addresses major issues relating to global poverty
February 8
See for example David Cheney, 'Conference Addresses Major Issues Relating to Global Poverty', IMF Survey, 22:3, February 8, 1993.
IMF Survey
, vol.22
, Issue.3
Cheney, D.1
New York: Capricorn Books
This is the thrust of Eric Williams' thesis in Capitalism and Slavery (New York: Capricorn Books, 1966).
Capitalism and Slavery
Williams, E.1
see fn. 39
An example of this is found in the case of aluminum. See Allen, Bargaining and Change (see fn. 39).
Bargaining and Change
Cambridge: MIT Press
This was a major argument of the two Brandt Commission reports: North-South: A Program for Survival (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1980) and Common Crisis, North-South Co-operation for World Recovery (London: Pan Books, 1983).
North-south: A Program for Survival
London: Pan Books
This was a major argument of the two Brandt Commission reports: North-South: A Program for Survival (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1980) and Common Crisis, North-South Co-operation for World Recovery (London: Pan Books, 1983).
Common Crisis, North-south Co-operation for World Recovery
London: Pan Books
Undersea and atmospheric tests of nuclear warheads could be systematically banned between 1963 and 1974 largely because the major nuclear states had, by then, invented underground testing. France, which lagged behind in this technology was slower to stop than the US and USSR. A useful backgrounder remains Common Security: A Programme for Disarmament , Olaf Palme and others (London: Pan Books, 1982).
Common Security: A Programme for Disarmament
Palme, O.1
See again S. Mitter (see fn. 30)
See again S. Mitter (see fn. 30).
edited by the International Commission of Jurists Geneva and London: Search Press in conjunction with Rovan Press, Johannesburg
The example of Beyers Naude comes to mind. See The Trial of Beyers Naude: Christian Witness and the Rule of Law edited by the International Commission of Jurists (Geneva and London: Search Press in conjunction with Rovan Press, Johannesburg, 1975).
The Trial of Beyers Naude: Christian Witness and the Rule of Law
Naude, B.1
Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson Centre Press, Distributed by Johns Hopkins University Press
See Mitchell Reiss and Robert Litwak (eds.), Nuclear Proliferation After the Cold War (Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson Centre Press, Distributed by Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994), particularly the chapter on South Africa by David Fischer.
Nuclear Proliferation after the Cold War
Reiss, M.1
Litwak, R.2
theory of Transformation
I raise this point as a question of critical reaction to Manfred Halpern's theory of Transformation in 'Politics of Global Industries'.
Politics of Global Industries
Halpern's, M.1
New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
A helpful interpretation is offered in the chapter on Max Weber in Lewis A. Coser, Masters of Sociological Thought (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977).
Masters of Sociological Thought
Weber, M.1
Coser, L.A.2
Is robust globalism a mistake?
This refers, of course, to two contrasting figures in South African history, with Mandela seeming to have gone against the grain of immediate self-interest for the sake of social justice. Realism and idealism are not dichotomous, but dialectical. For a sceptical view, see Roger D. Spegele, 'Is robust globalism a mistake?', Review of International Studies, 23:2, 1997.
Review of International Studies
, vol.23
, Issue.2
Spegele, R.D.1
New York: William Morrow
Studies in both developed and developing areas have shown that women's negotiating authority within households increases with their independent earnings. See Philip Blumstein and Pepper Schwartz, American Couples: Money, Work, Sex (New York: William Morrow, 1983), esp. pp. 53, 77 and 164;
American Couples: Money, Work, Sex
, pp. 53
Blumstein, P.1
Schwartz, P.2
Women in Africa's development: Overcoming obstacles, pushing for progress
United Nations Department of Public Information: Briefing Paper no. 11, April
Micro-lending on the Grameen Bank model has proven useful in empowering poor women in different regions of the world. Both state and non-governmental sources of funds have been vital catalysts. See for example 'Women in Africa's Development: Overcoming Obstacles, Pushing for Progress', Africa Recovery, (United Nations Department of Public Information: Briefing Paper no. 11, April 1998).
Africa Recovery
The price to be paid may include ostracism or excommunication in the religious structure or promotion, tenure and research grants denied in the knowledge structure.
I have argued that despite the loss of state power in relation to capital, access to state power is critical to bargaining power for workers in 'Rival Worker' (see fn. 4).
UNDP, Table 3
See Human Development Report, UNDP, 1997, Table 3, p. 152.
Human Development Report
, pp. 152
One is reminded of the utopian speeches coming from revolutionary movements and governments in the Non-Aligned Movement and UN General Assembly in the 1970s, or from radical social movements of the 1960s.
Vehicles for change and empowerment: Urban women's organizations in Nigeria and Zimbabwe
Huairou, The People's Republic of China, August 30 to September 8
See Mary J. Osirim, 'Vehicles for Change and Empowerment: Urban Women's Organizations in Nigeria and Zimbabwe', paper presented to the NGO Forum on Women '95, Huairou, The People's Republic of China, August 30 to September 8, 1995.
NGO Forum on Women '95
Osirim, M.J.1
It seems ironic that what women need to do in order to advance in the market place, with all the benefits to society that that implies, may require more time out of households and thus, more time by other women in those same households. The commoditisation of nurture displaces still other women of a different class from nurture in their own families, and marginal compensation does not always match marginal effort or social cost.
Gender, feminism and attitude toward international conflict: Exploring relationships with survey data from the middle east
This points to the idea of different feminisms in a different way, that is, varieties bound by class and ethnicity. In any case, contrary to Essentialist expectations, gender does not predict pacifism and solidarity for women. See Mark Tessler and Ina Warriner, 'Gender, Feminism and Attitude Toward International Conflict: Exploring Relationships with Survey Data from the Middle East', World Politics, 49 (January 1997), pp. 250-81.
World Politics
, vol.49
, pp. 250-281
Tessler, M.1
Warriner, I.2
This seems to be what the Liberal feminist push for women in the US military is about
This seems to be what the Liberal feminist push for women in the US military is about.
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications
Such a project would be based on assumptions of: difference in values, wants, knowledges and economic goals among peoples within and outside of global capitalism; freedom of choice of modes of production and culture to live in; complementary technologies, infrastructures and resource environments; and compatibility of authoritative decision-making procedures. See Nelson W. Keith, Reframing International Development: Globalism, Postmodernity and Difference (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1997).
Reframing International Development: Globalism, Postmodernity and Difference
Keith, N.W.1