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Volumn 18, Issue 4, 1997, Pages 631-658

Three building blocks of a theory of Latin American foreign policy

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EID: 0031429637     PISSN: 01436597     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1080/01436599714687     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (24)

References (243)
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    • note
    • In this paper, the term 'Latin America' refers to the entirety of the Western Hemisphere south of North America. It therefore includes Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean Islands and South America.
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    • Some comparative studies do relate empirical findings to theory. See, for example, Lincoln & Ferris, The Dynamics of Latin American Foreign Policies; Toro Harely, Venezuela; Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, 'The political economy of Colombian-US narcodiplomacy: a case study of Colombian foreign policy decisionmaking, 1978-90', unpublished PhD dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1990; and Hey, Theories of Dependent Foreign Policy and the Case of Ecuador in the 1980s.
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    • Ron Sanders, 'The relevance and function of diplomacy in international politics for small Caribbean states', The Round Table, 312, 1989. pp 413-424; and Francisco Rojas Aravena, & Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera, 'Central America and the United States', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 105-128.
    • (1989) The Round Table , vol.312 , pp. 413-424
    • Sanders, R.1
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    • Central America and the United States
    • Muñoz & Tulchin
    • Ron Sanders, 'The relevance and function of diplomacy in international politics for small Caribbean states', The Round Table, 312, 1989. pp 413-424; and Francisco Rojas Aravena, & Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera, 'Central America and the United States', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 105-128.
    • (1996) Latin American Nations in World Politics , pp. 105-128
    • Aravena, F.R.1    Rivera, L.G.S.2
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    • Jamaican foreign policy in transition: From Manley to Seaga
    • Jorge Heine & Leslie Manigat (eds), New York: Holmes and Meier;
    • Paul Ashley, 'Jamaican foreign policy in transition: from Manley to Seaga', in Jorge Heine & Leslie Manigat (eds), The Caribbean in World Politics: Cross Currents and Cleavages, p 157, New York: Holmes and Meier; and Libby, 'The United States and Jamaica'.
    • The Caribbean in World Politics: Cross Currents and Cleavages , pp. 157
    • Ashley, P.1
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    • Paul Ashley, 'Jamaican foreign policy in transition: from Manley to Seaga', in Jorge Heine & Leslie Manigat (eds), The Caribbean in World Politics: Cross Currents and Cleavages, p 157, New York: Holmes and Meier; and Libby, 'The United States and Jamaica'.
    • The United States and Jamaica
    • Libby1
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    • Marshall Singer, Weak States in a World of Powers: The Dynamics of International Relationships, New York: Free Press, 1972; and Hey, 'Foreign policy options under dependence'.
    • Foreign Policy Options under Dependence
    • Hey1
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    • Mexico's foreign policy: Indeed a foreign policy?
    • Wolf Grabendorff, 'Mexico's foreign policy: indeed a foreign policy?', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 2, 1978, pp 85-91; Olga Pellicer, 'Mexico's position', Foreign Policy, 44, 1981, pp 88-92; Elizabeth Ferris, 'Mexico's foreign policies: a study in contradictions', in Lincoln & Ferris, The Dynamics of Latin American Foreign Policies, pp 213-228; Jorge Castañeda, 'Don't corner Mexico!', Foreign Policy, 61, 1985, pp 75-90; Eschbach, 'Dilemmas of sovereignty'; and Jeanne A K Hey & Lynn Kuzma, 'Anti-US foreign policy of dependent states: Mexican and Costa Rican participation in Central American peace plans', Comparative Political Studies, 26(1), 1993, pp 30-62.
    • (1978) Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs , vol.2 , pp. 85-91
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    • Mexico's position
    • Wolf Grabendorff, 'Mexico's foreign policy: indeed a foreign policy?', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 2, 1978, pp 85-91; Olga Pellicer, 'Mexico's position', Foreign Policy, 44, 1981, pp 88-92; Elizabeth Ferris, 'Mexico's foreign policies: a study in contradictions', in Lincoln & Ferris, The Dynamics of Latin American Foreign Policies, pp 213-228; Jorge Castañeda, 'Don't corner Mexico!', Foreign Policy, 61, 1985, pp 75-90; Eschbach, 'Dilemmas of sovereignty'; and Jeanne A K Hey & Lynn Kuzma, 'Anti-US foreign policy of dependent states: Mexican and Costa Rican participation in Central American peace plans', Comparative Political Studies, 26(1), 1993, pp 30-62.
    • (1981) Foreign Policy , vol.44 , pp. 88-92
    • Pellicer, O.1
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    • Mexico's foreign policies: A study in contradictions
    • Lincoln & Ferris
    • Wolf Grabendorff, 'Mexico's foreign policy: indeed a foreign policy?', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 2, 1978, pp 85-91; Olga Pellicer, 'Mexico's position', Foreign Policy, 44, 1981, pp 88-92; Elizabeth Ferris, 'Mexico's foreign policies: a study in contradictions', in Lincoln & Ferris, The Dynamics of Latin American Foreign Policies, pp 213-228; Jorge Castañeda, 'Don't corner Mexico!', Foreign Policy, 61, 1985, pp 75-90; Eschbach, 'Dilemmas of sovereignty'; and Jeanne A K Hey & Lynn Kuzma, 'Anti-US foreign policy of dependent states: Mexican and Costa Rican participation in Central American peace plans', Comparative Political Studies, 26(1), 1993, pp 30-62.
    • The Dynamics of Latin American Foreign Policies , pp. 213-228
    • Ferris, E.1
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    • Don't corner Mexico!
    • Wolf Grabendorff, 'Mexico's foreign policy: indeed a foreign policy?', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 2, 1978, pp 85-91; Olga Pellicer, 'Mexico's position', Foreign Policy, 44, 1981, pp 88-92; Elizabeth Ferris, 'Mexico's foreign policies: a study in contradictions', in Lincoln & Ferris, The Dynamics of Latin American Foreign Policies, pp 213-228; Jorge Castañeda, 'Don't corner Mexico!', Foreign Policy, 61, 1985, pp 75-90; Eschbach, 'Dilemmas of sovereignty'; and Jeanne A K Hey & Lynn Kuzma, 'Anti-US foreign policy of dependent states: Mexican and Costa Rican participation in Central American peace plans', Comparative Political Studies, 26(1), 1993, pp 30-62.
    • (1985) Foreign Policy , vol.61 , pp. 75-90
    • Castañeda, J.1
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    • Wolf Grabendorff, 'Mexico's foreign policy: indeed a foreign policy?', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 2, 1978, pp 85-91; Olga Pellicer, 'Mexico's position', Foreign Policy, 44, 1981, pp 88-92; Elizabeth Ferris, 'Mexico's foreign policies: a study in contradictions', in Lincoln & Ferris, The Dynamics of Latin American Foreign Policies, pp 213-228; Jorge Castañeda, 'Don't corner Mexico!', Foreign Policy, 61, 1985, pp 75-90; Eschbach, 'Dilemmas of sovereignty'; and Jeanne A K Hey & Lynn Kuzma, 'Anti-US foreign policy of dependent states: Mexican and Costa Rican participation in Central American peace plans', Comparative Political Studies, 26(1), 1993, pp 30-62.
    • Dilemmas of Sovereignty
    • Eschbach1
  • 71
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    • Anti-US foreign policy of dependent states: Mexican and Costa Rican participation in Central American peace plans
    • Wolf Grabendorff, 'Mexico's foreign policy: indeed a foreign policy?', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 2, 1978, pp 85-91; Olga Pellicer, 'Mexico's position', Foreign Policy, 44, 1981, pp 88-92; Elizabeth Ferris, 'Mexico's foreign policies: a study in contradictions', in Lincoln & Ferris, The Dynamics of Latin American Foreign Policies, pp 213-228; Jorge Castañeda, 'Don't corner Mexico!', Foreign Policy, 61, 1985, pp 75-90; Eschbach, 'Dilemmas of sovereignty'; and Jeanne A K Hey & Lynn Kuzma, 'Anti-US foreign policy of dependent states: Mexican and Costa Rican participation in Central American peace plans', Comparative Political Studies, 26(1), 1993, pp 30-62.
    • (1993) Comparative Political Studies , vol.26 , Issue.1 , pp. 30-62
    • Hey, J.A.K.1    Kuzma, L.2
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    • Bagley & Toklatián, 'Colombian foreign policy in the 1980s' p 35; Acosta, 'Consideraciones sobre la política exterior de Venezuela', p 11; Ferrero Costa, 'Peruvian foreign policy', p 56; and Martz, 'The fate of a small state'.
    • Colombian Foreign Policy in the 1980s , pp. 35
    • Bagley1    Toklatián2
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    • Bagley & Toklatián, 'Colombian foreign policy in the 1980s' p 35; Acosta, 'Consideraciones sobre la política exterior de Venezuela', p 11; Ferrero Costa, 'Peruvian foreign policy', p 56; and Martz, 'The fate of a small state'.
    • Peruvian Foreign Policy , pp. 56
    • Costa, F.1
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    • Bagley & Toklatián, 'Colombian foreign policy in the 1980s' p 35; Acosta, 'Consideraciones sobre la política exterior de Venezuela', p 11; Ferrero Costa, 'Peruvian foreign policy', p 56; and Martz, 'The fate of a small state'.
    • The Fate of a Small State
    • Martz1
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    • Nicaragua: Soviet-Cuban pawn or non-aligned country?
    • For example, Jiri Valenta, 'Nicaragua: Soviet-Cuban pawn or non-aligned country?', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 27(3), 1985, p 164.
    • (1985) Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs , vol.27 , Issue.3 , pp. 164
    • Valenta, J.1
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    • Eschbach, 'Dilemmas of sovereignty', p 389; and Hey & Kuzma, 'Anti-US foreign policy of dependent states', pp 46-49.
    • Dilemmas of Sovereignty , pp. 389
    • Eschbach1
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    • Continuity and change in Argentine foreign policy
    • Muñoz & Tulchin
    • Joseph S Tulchin, 'Continuity and change in Argentine foreign policy', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 165-196.
    • (1996) Latin American Nations in World Politics , pp. 165-196
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    • Dependent development and foreign policy: The case of Jamaica
    • William Jesse Biddle & John D Stephens, 'Dependent development and foreign policy: the case of Jamaica', International Studies Quarterly, 33, 1989, pp 411-434.
    • (1989) International Studies Quarterly , vol.33 , pp. 411-434
    • Biddle, W.J.1    Stephens, J.D.2
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    • Characteristics of contemporary Latin American international relations
    • James D Cochrane, 'Characteristics of contemporary Latin American international relations', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 20(4), 1978, p 456; Vanderlaan, Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua, pp 9, 15; Heraldo Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in the study of Latin America's foreign relations', World Affairs, 150(2), 1987, p 133; and Jorge G Castañeda, 'Latin America and the end of the Cold War', World Policy Journal, 7(3), 1990, p 471.
    • (1978) Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs , vol.20 , Issue.4 , pp. 456
    • Cochrane, J.D.1
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    • James D Cochrane, 'Characteristics of contemporary Latin American international relations', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 20(4), 1978, p 456; Vanderlaan, Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua, pp 9, 15; Heraldo Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in the study of Latin America's foreign relations', World Affairs, 150(2), 1987, p 133; and Jorge G Castañeda, 'Latin America and the end of the Cold War', World Policy Journal, 7(3), 1990, p 471.
    • Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua , pp. 9
    • Vanderlaan1
  • 96
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    • The dominant themes in the study of Latin America's foreign relations
    • James D Cochrane, 'Characteristics of contemporary Latin American international relations', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 20(4), 1978, p 456; Vanderlaan, Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua, pp 9, 15; Heraldo Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in the study of Latin America's foreign relations', World Affairs, 150(2), 1987, p 133; and Jorge G Castañeda, 'Latin America and the end of the Cold War', World Policy Journal, 7(3), 1990, p 471.
    • (1987) World Affairs , vol.150 , Issue.2 , pp. 133
    • Muñoz, H.1
  • 97
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    • Latin America and the end of the Cold War
    • James D Cochrane, 'Characteristics of contemporary Latin American international relations', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 20(4), 1978, p 456; Vanderlaan, Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua, pp 9, 15; Heraldo Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in the study of Latin America's foreign relations', World Affairs, 150(2), 1987, p 133; and Jorge G Castañeda, 'Latin America and the end of the Cold War', World Policy Journal, 7(3), 1990, p 471.
    • (1990) World Policy Journal , vol.7 , Issue.3 , pp. 471
    • Castañeda, J.G.1
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    • The defiant state: Chile in the post-coup era
    • Abraham F Lowenthal & J Samuel Fitch (eds), New York: Holmes and Meier
    • David Pion-Berlin, 'The defiant state: Chile in the post-coup era', in Abraham F Lowenthal & J Samuel Fitch (eds), Armies and Politics in Latin America, p 330, New York: Holmes and Meier.
    • Armies and Politics in Latin America , pp. 330
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    • New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books
    • John D Martz, Politics and Petroleum in Ecuador, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1987, pp 329-330: and Catherine M Conaghan, Restructuring Domination: Industrialists and the State in Ecuador, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1988, p 127.
    • (1987) Politics and Petroleum in Ecuador , pp. 329-330
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    • Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press
    • John D Martz, Politics and Petroleum in Ecuador, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1987, pp 329-330: and Catherine M Conaghan, Restructuring Domination: Industrialists and the State in Ecuador, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1988, p 127.
    • (1988) Restructuring Domination: Industrialists and the State in Ecuador , pp. 127
    • Conaghan, C.M.1
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    • Colombian foreign policy in the 1980s
    • and David
    • Bagley & Tokatlián, 'Colombian foreign policy in the 1980s', and David, Choosing Sides.
    • Choosing Sides
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    • Hey, 'Compliance, consensus and counterdependence'; and Jeanne A K Hey, 'Ecuadoran foreign policy since 1979: ideological cycles or a trend towards neoliberalism?', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 37(4) 1995, pp 57-88.
    • Compliance, Consensus and Counterdependence
    • Hey1
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    • Ecuadoran foreign policy since 1979: Ideological cycles or a trend towards neoliberalism?
    • Hey, 'Compliance, consensus and counterdependence'; and Jeanne A K Hey, 'Ecuadoran foreign policy since 1979: ideological cycles or a trend towards neoliberalism?', Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, 37(4) 1995, pp 57-88.
    • (1995) Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs , vol.37 , Issue.4 , pp. 57-88
    • Hey, J.A.K.1
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    • Determinants of Latin American foreign policies: Bureaucratic organizations and development strategies
    • Ferris & Lincoln
    • Kenneth M Coleman & Luis Quiros-Varela, 'Determinants of Latin American foreign policies: bureaucratic organizations and development strategies', in Ferris & Lincoln, Latin American Foreign Policy: Global and Regional Dimensions, pp 39-59; and Michael Ty Snarr, 'Latin American foreign policy towards the United States from 1948-1978: exploring the salience of development strategies', unpublished PhD dissertation, Ohio State University, 1995.
    • Latin American Foreign Policy: Global and Regional Dimensions
    • Coleman, K.M.1    Quiros-Varela, L.2
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    • Richardson & Kegley, 'Trade dependence and foreign policy compliance'; Neil R Richardson, 'Economic dependence and foreign policy compliance: bringing measurement closer to conception', in Kegley & McGowan, The Political Economy of Foreign Policy Behavior, pp 87-110; Moon, 'The foreign policy of the dependent state'; Bruce Moon, 'Consensus or compliance? Foreign policy change and external dependence', International Organization, 39, 1985, pp 297-329; and Hey, 'Compliance, consensus and counterdependence'.
    • Rade Dependence and Foreign Policy Compliance
    • Richardson1    Kegley2
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    • Economic dependence and foreign policy compliance: Bringing measurement closer to conception
    • Kegley & McGowan
    • Richardson & Kegley, 'Trade dependence and foreign policy compliance'; Neil R Richardson, 'Economic dependence and foreign policy compliance: bringing measurement closer to conception', in Kegley & McGowan, The Political Economy of Foreign Policy Behavior, pp 87-110; Moon, 'The foreign policy of the dependent state'; Bruce Moon, 'Consensus or compliance? Foreign policy change and external dependence', International Organization, 39, 1985, pp 297-329; and Hey, 'Compliance, consensus and counterdependence'.
    • The Political Economy of Foreign Policy Behavior , pp. 87-110
    • Richardson, N.R.1
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    • Richardson & Kegley, 'Trade dependence and foreign policy compliance'; Neil R Richardson, 'Economic dependence and foreign policy compliance: bringing measurement closer to conception', in Kegley & McGowan, The Political Economy of Foreign Policy Behavior, pp 87-110; Moon, 'The foreign policy of the dependent state'; Bruce Moon, 'Consensus or compliance? Foreign policy change and external dependence', International Organization, 39, 1985, pp 297-329; and Hey, 'Compliance, consensus and counterdependence'.
    • The Foreign Policy of the Dependent State
    • Moon1
  • 118
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    • Consensus or compliance? Foreign policy change and external dependence
    • Richardson & Kegley, 'Trade dependence and foreign policy compliance'; Neil R Richardson, 'Economic dependence and foreign policy compliance: bringing measurement closer to conception', in Kegley & McGowan, The Political Economy of Foreign Policy Behavior, pp 87-110; Moon, 'The foreign policy of the dependent state'; Bruce Moon, 'Consensus or compliance? Foreign policy change and external dependence', International Organization, 39, 1985, pp 297-329; and Hey, 'Compliance, consensus and counterdependence'.
    • (1985) International Organization , vol.39 , pp. 297-329
    • Moon, B.1
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    • Richardson & Kegley, 'Trade dependence and foreign policy compliance'; Neil R Richardson, 'Economic dependence and foreign policy compliance: bringing measurement closer to conception', in Kegley & McGowan, The Political Economy of Foreign Policy Behavior, pp 87-110; Moon, 'The foreign policy of the dependent state'; Bruce Moon, 'Consensus or compliance? Foreign policy change and external dependence', International Organization, 39, 1985, pp 297-329; and Hey, 'Compliance, consensus and counterdependence'.
    • Compliance, Consensus and Counterdependence
    • Hey1
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    • Latin America's emerging non-proliferation consensus
    • John R Redick, 'Latin America's emerging non-proliferation consensus', Arms Control Today, 24(2) 1994, p 5.
    • (1994) Arms Control Today , vol.24 , Issue.2 , pp. 5
    • Redick, J.R.1
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    • Political manipulation of foreign policy in the Durán Ballén presidency
    • Jeanne A K Hey, 'Political manipulation of foreign policy in the Durán Ballén presidency', Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 21(42), 1997.
    • (1997) Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies , vol.21 , Issue.42
    • Hey, J.A.K.1
  • 139
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    • Cochrane, 'Characteristics of contemporary Latin American international relations', p 456; Vanderlaan, Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua, pp 9, 15; Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in the study of Latin America's foreign relations', p 133; Heraldo Muñoz, The dominant themes in Latin American foreign relations: an introduction', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 1-16; Castañecla, 'Latin America and the end of the Cold War'; Louis Balthazar, 'Changes in the world system and US relations with the Americas', in Gordon Mace & Jean-Philippe Thérien (eds), Foreign Policy and Regionalism in the Americas, pp 19-38, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1996; and Monica Hirst, 'The foreign policy of Brazil: from the democratic transition to its consolidation', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 197-223.
    • Characteristics of Contemporary Latin American International Relations , pp. 456
    • Cochrane1
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    • Cochrane, 'Characteristics of contemporary Latin American international relations', p 456; Vanderlaan, Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua, pp 9, 15; Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in the study of Latin America's foreign relations', p 133; Heraldo Muñoz, The dominant themes in Latin American foreign relations: an introduction', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 1-16; Castañecla, 'Latin America and the end of the Cold War'; Louis Balthazar, 'Changes in the world system and US relations with the Americas', in Gordon Mace & Jean-Philippe Thérien (eds), Foreign Policy and Regionalism in the Americas, pp 19-38, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1996; and Monica Hirst, 'The foreign policy of Brazil: from the democratic transition to its consolidation', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 197-223.
    • Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua , pp. 9
    • Vanderlaan1
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    • Cochrane, 'Characteristics of contemporary Latin American international relations', p 456; Vanderlaan, Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua, pp 9, 15; Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in the study of Latin America's foreign relations', p 133; Heraldo Muñoz, The dominant themes in Latin American foreign relations: an introduction', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 1-16; Castañecla, 'Latin America and the end of the Cold War'; Louis Balthazar, 'Changes in the world system and US relations with the Americas', in Gordon Mace & Jean-Philippe Thérien (eds), Foreign Policy and Regionalism in the Americas, pp 19-38, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1996; and Monica Hirst, 'The foreign policy of Brazil: from the democratic transition to its consolidation', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 197-223.
    • The Dominant Themes in the Study of Latin America's Foreign Relations , pp. 133
    • Muñoz1
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    • The dominant themes in Latin American foreign relations: An introduction
    • Muñoz & Tulchin
    • Cochrane, 'Characteristics of contemporary Latin American international relations', p 456; Vanderlaan, Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua, pp 9, 15; Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in the study of Latin America's foreign relations', p 133; Heraldo Muñoz, The dominant themes in Latin American foreign relations: an introduction', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 1-16; Castañecla, 'Latin America and the end of the Cold War'; Louis Balthazar, 'Changes in the world system and US relations with the Americas', in Gordon Mace & Jean-Philippe Thérien (eds), Foreign Policy and Regionalism in the Americas, pp 19-38, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1996; and Monica Hirst, 'The foreign policy of Brazil: from the democratic transition to its consolidation', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 197-223.
    • (1996) Latin American Nations in World Politics , pp. 1-16
    • Muñoz, H.1
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    • Cochrane, 'Characteristics of contemporary Latin American international relations', p 456; Vanderlaan, Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua, pp 9, 15; Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in the study of Latin America's foreign relations', p 133; Heraldo Muñoz, The dominant themes in Latin American foreign relations: an introduction', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 1-16; Castañecla, 'Latin America and the end of the Cold War'; Louis Balthazar, 'Changes in the world system and US relations with the Americas', in Gordon Mace & Jean-Philippe Thérien (eds), Foreign Policy and Regionalism in the Americas, pp 19-38, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1996; and Monica Hirst, 'The foreign policy of Brazil: from the democratic transition to its consolidation', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 197-223.
    • Latin America and the End of the Cold War
    • Castañecla1
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    • Changes in the world system and US relations with the Americas
    • Gordon Mace & Jean-Philippe Thérien (eds), Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner
    • Cochrane, 'Characteristics of contemporary Latin American international relations', p 456; Vanderlaan, Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua, pp 9, 15; Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in the study of Latin America's foreign relations', p 133; Heraldo Muñoz, The dominant themes in Latin American foreign relations: an introduction', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 1-16; Castañecla, 'Latin America and the end of the Cold War'; Louis Balthazar, 'Changes in the world system and US relations with the Americas', in Gordon Mace & Jean-Philippe Thérien (eds), Foreign Policy and Regionalism in the Americas, pp 19-38, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1996; and Monica Hirst, 'The foreign policy of Brazil: from the democratic transition to its consolidation', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 197-223.
    • (1996) Foreign Policy and Regionalism in the Americas , pp. 19-38
    • Balthazar, L.1
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    • The foreign policy of Brazil: From the democratic transition to its consolidation
    • Muñoz & Tulchin
    • Cochrane, 'Characteristics of contemporary Latin American international relations', p 456; Vanderlaan, Revolution and Foreign Policy in Nicaragua, pp 9, 15; Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in the study of Latin America's foreign relations', p 133; Heraldo Muñoz, The dominant themes in Latin American foreign relations: an introduction', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 1-16; Castañecla, 'Latin America and the end of the Cold War'; Louis Balthazar, 'Changes in the world system and US relations with the Americas', in Gordon Mace & Jean-Philippe Thérien (eds), Foreign Policy and Regionalism in the Americas, pp 19-38, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1996; and Monica Hirst, 'The foreign policy of Brazil: from the democratic transition to its consolidation', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 197-223.
    • (1996) Latin American Nations in World Politics , pp. 197-223
    • Hirst, M.1
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    • Brazil: The quest for South American leadership
    • Myers (ed), Boulder, CO: Westview Press
    • David J Myers, 'Brazil: the quest for South American leadership', in Myers (ed), Regional Hegemons: Threat Perception and Strategic Response, p 234 Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
    • Regional Hegemons: Threat Perception and Strategic Response , pp. 234
    • Myers, D.J.1
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    • Latin America in the international arena
    • James D Cochrane, 'Latin America in the international arena', Latin American Research Review, 26(3) 1991, p 25.
    • (1991) Latin American Research Review , vol.26 , Issue.3 , pp. 25
    • Cochrane, J.D.1
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    • The political consequences of economic dependence
    • Adrienne Armstrong, 'The political consequences of economic dependence', Journal of Conflict Resolution, 25, 1981, pp 401-428.
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    • London: Institute for the Study of Conflict
    • Peter Calvert, Boundary Disputes in Latin America, London: Institute for the Study of Conflict, 1983; Jack Child Geopolitics and Conflict in South
    • (1983) Boundary Disputes in Latin America
    • Calvert, P.1
  • 173
    • 0003902798 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • New York: Praeger
    • Peter Calvert, Boundary Disputes in Latin America, London: Institute for the Study of Conflict, 1983; Jack Child Geopolitics and Conflict in South America: Quarrels among Neighbors, New York: Praeger, 1985; and Harry D Train, 'An analysis of the Falkland/Malvinas Islands campaign'. Naval War College Review, 41(1), 1988, pp 33-50.
    • (1985) Geopolitics and Conflict in South America: Quarrels among Neighbors
    • Child, J.1
  • 174
    • 6244255516 scopus 로고
    • An analysis of the Falkland/Malvinas Islands campaign
    • Peter Calvert, Boundary Disputes in Latin America, London: Institute for the Study of Conflict, 1983; Jack Child Geopolitics and Conflict in South America: Quarrels among Neighbors, New York: Praeger, 1985; and Harry D Train, 'An analysis of the Falkland/Malvinas Islands campaign'. Naval War College Review, 41(1), 1988, pp 33-50.
    • (1988) Naval War College Review , vol.41 , Issue.1 , pp. 33-50
    • Train, H.D.1
  • 175
    • 6244294844 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Milenky, Argentina's Foreign Relations; Calvert, Boundary Disputes in Latin America; and Child, Geopolities and Conflict in South America.
    • Argentina's Foreign Relations
    • Milenky1
  • 178
    • 6244307986 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ferris & Lincoln, Latin American Foreign Policies; Dominguez, 'The foreign policies of Latin American states in the 1980s'; and Hey, 'Ecuadoran foreign policy since 1979'.
    • Latin American Foreign Policies
    • Ferris1    Lincoln2
  • 180
    • 6244296517 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ferris & Lincoln, Latin American Foreign Policies; Dominguez, 'The foreign policies of Latin American states in the 1980s'; and Hey, 'Ecuadoran foreign policy since 1979'.
    • Ecuadoran Foreign Policy since 1979
    • Hey1
  • 190
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    • Quito: FLACSO
    • Francisco Thoumi & Merilee Grindle, La Político de la Economia del Ajuste: La Actual Experiencia Ecuatoriana, Quito: FLACSO, 1992; Hey, 'Ecuadoran foreign policy since 1979; and Jeanne A K Hey & Thomas Klak, 'From protectionism to neoliberalism: tracing the transition in Ecuador 1982-1994', paper presented at the Conference of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC, 27-30 September 1995.
    • (1992) La Político de la Economia del Ajuste: La Actual Experiencia Ecuatoriana
    • Thoumi, F.1    Grindle, M.2
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    • Francisco Thoumi & Merilee Grindle, La Político de la Economia del Ajuste: La Actual Experiencia Ecuatoriana, Quito: FLACSO, 1992; Hey, 'Ecuadoran foreign policy since 1979; and Jeanne A K Hey & Thomas Klak, 'From protectionism to neoliberalism: tracing the transition in Ecuador 1982-1994', paper presented at the Conference of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC, 27-30 September 1995.
    • Ecuadoran Foreign Policy since 1979
    • Hey1
  • 194
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    • From protectionism to neoliberalism: Tracing the transition in Ecuador 1982-1994
    • paper presented, Washington, DC, 27-30 September
    • Francisco Thoumi & Merilee Grindle, La Político de la Economia del Ajuste: La Actual Experiencia Ecuatoriana, Quito: FLACSO, 1992; Hey, 'Ecuadoran foreign policy since 1979; and Jeanne A K Hey & Thomas Klak, 'From protectionism to neoliberalism: tracing the transition in Ecuador 1982-1994', paper presented at the Conference of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC, 27-30 September 1995.
    • (1995) Conference of the Latin American Studies Association
    • Hey, J.A.K.1    Klak, T.2
  • 196
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    • Mexican foreign policy in the 1990s: Learning to live with interdependence
    • Muñoz & Tulchin
    • Jorge Chabat, 'Mexican foreign policy in the 1990s: learning to live with interdependence', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 149-163.
    • (1996) Latin American Nations in World Politics , pp. 149-163
    • Chabat, J.1
  • 197
    • 6244296506 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Bagley & Tokatlián, 'Colombian foreign policy in the 1980s', p 45; Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in Latin America's foreign relations', p 135; and Cochrane, 'Latin America in the international arena', p 225.
    • Colombian Foreign Policy in the 1980s , pp. 45
    • Bagley1    Tokatlián2
  • 199
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    • Bagley & Tokatlián, 'Colombian foreign policy in the 1980s', p 45; Muñoz, 'The dominant themes in Latin America's foreign relations', p 135; and Cochrane, 'Latin America in the international arena', p 225.
    • Latin America in the International Arena , pp. 225
    • Cochrane1
  • 200
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    • Democracy and the "Washington consensus"
    • Osvaldo Hurtado, personal interview, Quito, 30 May 1994
    • John Williamson, 'Democracy and the "Washington consensus"', World Development, 21(8), 1993, pp 1329-1336; Osvaldo Hurtado, personal interview, Quito, 30 May 1994; and Hey & Klah, 'From protectionism to neoliberalism'.
    • (1993) World Development , vol.21 , Issue.8 , pp. 1329-1336
    • Williamson, J.1
  • 201
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    • John Williamson, 'Democracy and the "Washington consensus"', World Development, 21(8), 1993, pp 1329-1336; Osvaldo Hurtado, personal interview, Quito, 30 May 1994; and Hey & Klah, 'From protectionism to neoliberalism'.
    • From Protectionism to Neoliberalism
    • Hey1    Klah2
  • 202
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    • Ferrero Costa, 'Peruvian foreign policy', p 56; and Biddle & Stephens, 'Dependent development and foreign policy'.
    • Peruvian Foreign Policy , pp. 56
    • Costa, F.1
  • 212
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    • New York: Praeger
    • Robert H Dix, The Politics of Colombia, New York: Praeger, 1987, p 194; and Ashley, 'Jamaican foreign policy in transition'.
    • (1987) The Politics of Colombia , pp. 194
    • Dix, R.H.1
  • 215
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    • Bagley & Tokatlián, 'Colombian foreign policy in the 1980s', pp 45-48; Tokatlián, 'The political economy of Colombian-US narcodiplomacy', p 223; and St John, The Foreign Policy of Peru, p 213.
    • Colombian Foreign Policy in the 1980s , pp. 45-48
    • Bagley1    Tokatlián2
  • 217
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    • Bagley & Tokatlián, 'Colombian foreign policy in the 1980s', pp 45-48; Tokatlián, 'The political economy of Colombian-US narcodiplomacy', p 223; and St John, The Foreign Policy of Peru, p 213.
    • The Foreign Policy of Peru , pp. 213
    • St John1
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    • "Covering" Latin America: The exclusive discourse of the Summit of the Americas
    • as viewed through the New York Times'
    • Walter Vanderbush & Thomas Klak, ' "Covering" Latin America: the exclusive discourse of The Summit of the Americas (as viewed through the New York Times)', Third World Quarterly, 17(3), 1996, pp 573-56.
    • (1996) Third World Quarterly , vol.17 , Issue.3 , pp. 573-656
    • Vanderbush, W.1    Klak, T.2
  • 220
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    • Mares, 'Mexico's foreign policy as a middle power', pp 98-99; Eschbach, 'Dilemmas of foreign policy', p 397; and Hey & Kuzma, 'Anti-US foreign policy of dependent states'.
    • Mexico's Foreign Policy As a middle Power , pp. 98-99
    • Mares1
  • 221
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    • Mares, 'Mexico's foreign policy as a middle power', pp 98-99; Eschbach, 'Dilemmas of foreign policy', p 397; and Hey & Kuzma, 'Anti-US foreign policy of dependent states'.
    • Dilemmas of Foreign Policy , pp. 397
    • Eschbach1
  • 223
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    • Grabendorff, 'Mexico's foreign policy'; Pellicer, 'Mexico's position'; Ferris, 'Mexico's foreign policies'; and Castañeda, 'Don't corner Mexico!'.
    • Mexico's Foreign Policy
    • Grabendorff1
  • 224
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    • Grabendorff, 'Mexico's foreign policy'; Pellicer, 'Mexico's position'; Ferris, 'Mexico's foreign policies'; and Castañeda, 'Don't corner Mexico!'.
    • Mexico's Position
    • Pellicer1
  • 225
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    • Grabendorff, 'Mexico's foreign policy'; Pellicer, 'Mexico's position'; Ferris, 'Mexico's foreign policies'; and Castañeda, 'Don't corner Mexico!'.
    • Mexico's Foreign Policies
    • Ferris1
  • 226
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    • Grabendorff, 'Mexico's foreign policy'; Pellicer, 'Mexico's position'; Ferris, 'Mexico's foreign policies'; and Castañeda, 'Don't corner Mexico!'.
    • Don't Corner Mexico!
    • Castañeda1
  • 228
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    • Milenky, Argentina's Foreign Policies, pp9-16; Acosta, 'Consideraciones sobre la política exterior de Venezuela'; p 11; Martż, 'The fate of a small state'; Roland H Ebel, Raymond Taras & James D Cochrane, Political Culture and Foreign Policy in Latin America: Case Studies from the Circum-Caribbean, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1991; and Bustamente, 'Ecuador'.
    • Argentina's Foreign Policies , pp. 9-16
    • Milenky1
  • 229
    • 6244294846 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Milenky, Argentina's Foreign Policies, pp9-16; Acosta, 'Consideraciones sobre la política exterior de Venezuela'; p 11; Martż, 'The fate of a small state'; Roland H Ebel, Raymond Taras & James D Cochrane, Political Culture and Foreign Policy in Latin America: Case Studies from the Circum-Caribbean, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1991; and Bustamente, 'Ecuador'.
    • Consideraciones sobre la Política Exterior de Venezuela , pp. 11
    • Acosta1
  • 230
    • 6244252266 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Milenky, Argentina's Foreign Policies, pp9-16; Acosta, 'Consideraciones sobre la política exterior de Venezuela'; p 11; Martż, 'The fate of a small state'; Roland H Ebel, Raymond Taras & James D Cochrane, Political Culture and Foreign Policy in Latin America: Case Studies from the Circum-Caribbean, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1991; and Bustamente, 'Ecuador'.
    • The Fate of a Small State
    • Martz1
  • 232
    • 6244235809 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Milenky, Argentina's Foreign Policies, pp9-16; Acosta, 'Consideraciones sobre la política exterior de Venezuela'; p 11; Martż, 'The fate of a small state'; Roland H Ebel, Raymond Taras & James D Cochrane, Political Culture and Foreign Policy in Latin America: Case Studies from the Circum-Caribbean, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1991; and Bustamente, 'Ecuador'.
    • Ecuador
    • Bustamente1
  • 235
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    • Myers, 'Brazil', p 234. See also Daniel Zirker, 'Brazilian foreign policy and subimperialism during the political transition of the 1980s: a review and reapplication of Marini's theory', Latin American Perspectives, 21(1), 1994, pp 115-1131.
    • Brazil , pp. 234
    • Myers1
  • 236
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    • Brazilian foreign policy and subimperialism during the political transition of the 1980s: A review and reapplication of Marini's theory
    • Myers, 'Brazil', p 234. See also Daniel Zirker, 'Brazilian foreign policy and subimperialism during the political transition of the 1980s: a review and reapplication of Marini's theory', Latin American Perspectives, 21(1), 1994, pp 115-1131.
    • (1994) Latin American Perspectives , vol.21 , Issue.1 , pp. 115-1131
    • Zirker, D.1
  • 237
    • 0040742312 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Calvert, Boundary Disputes in Latin America; Hirst, 'The foreign policy of Brazil'; and Manfred Wilhemy, 'Politics, bureaucracy, and foreign policy in Chile', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 61-79.
    • Boundary Disputes in Latin America
    • Calvert1
  • 238
    • 6244242005 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Calvert, Boundary Disputes in Latin America; Hirst, 'The foreign policy of Brazil'; and Manfred Wilhemy, 'Politics, bureaucracy, and foreign policy in Chile', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 61-79.
    • The Foreign Policy of Brazil
    • Hirst1
  • 239
    • 6244294843 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Politics, bureaucracy, and foreign policy in Chile
    • Muñoz & Tulchin
    • Calvert, Boundary Disputes in Latin America; Hirst, 'The foreign policy of Brazil'; and Manfred Wilhemy, 'Politics, bureaucracy, and foreign policy in Chile', in Muñoz & Tulchin, Latin American Nations in World Politics, 1996, pp 61-79.
    • (1996) Latin American Nations in World Politics , pp. 61-79
    • Wilhemy, M.1

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