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Londons Charitie inlarged. Stilling The Orphans Cry. By The Liberality of the Parliament, in granting two Houses by Act, and giving a thousand pound towards the work for the imployment of the Poor, and education of poor children, who many of them are destroyed in their youth for want of being under a good Government and education, whereby they may be made servicable for God, and the Commonwealth, Also This good work is much encouraged by the liberall Contributions of many well-affected Citizens of London, for the better carrying it on for the glory of God, the honor of the Nation, and comfort of the helples Poor. With A Platform, how many Ofcers needfull to govern 100 children in a Work-house, with Laws and Orders for the Schoolmaster to read to the children once a day for a time, afterwards twice a month, whereby they may be kept under a godly and civill Government, to the great joy of good peopl.With other Observations worthy the reading.
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Consuetudo, Vel Lex Mercatoria, or The Ancient Law-Merchant. Divided into three Parts: According to the Essentiall Parts of Trafcke.Necessarie for all Statesmen, Judges, Magistrates, Temporall and Civile Lawyers, Mint-men, Merchants, Marriners, and all others negotiating in all places of the World.
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The Maintenance of Free Trade, According to the Three Essentiall Parts ofTrafque; Namely, Commodities, Moneys, and Exchanges of Moneys, by Bills of Exchanges for other Countries.Or, An answer to a Treatise of Free Trade, or the meanes to make Trade >ourish, lately Published.
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A Treatise on the Canker of Englands Common Wealth. Divided into three parts:Wherein the Author imitating the rule of good Phisitions, First, declareth the disease. Secondarily, sheweth the efcient cause thereof. Lastly, a remedy for the same.
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Usury at Six per Cent examined, and Found unjustly charged by Sir Thomas Culpepper, and J.C. with many Crimes and Oppressions, whereof ‘tis altogether innocent. Wherein is shewed, The necessity of retrenching our Luxury, and vain consumption of Forraign Commodities, imported by English Money: Also The reducing the Wages of Servants, Labourers, and Workmen of all sorts, which raiseth the value of our Manufactures, 15. or 20. per Cent. dearer than our Neighbours do afford them, by reason of their cheap wages:Wherein likewise is hinted, Some of the many mischiefs that will ensue upon retrenching Usury; Humbly Presented to the High Court of Parliament Now Sitting.
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The Customers Apology. That is to say, A generall Answere to Informers of all sortes, and their injurious complaints, against the honest reputation of the Collectors of her Majesties Custome specially in the Out-Portes of this Realme.Written onely For Understanding Readers and Wise in highest Authoritie, to Reade and disceren by. Alwaies provided, In reading Reade all, or nothing at all.
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The Customers Replie. or Second Apologie. That is to say, An Aunswer to a confused Treatise of Publicke Commerce, printed and dispersed at Midlebourghe and London, in favour of the private Society of Merchants-Adventurers. By a more serious Discourse of Exchange in Merchandise, and Merchandising Exchange. Written for understandingReaders onely, in favour of all loyall Merchants, and for the advancing of Trafck in England.
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The Circle Of Commerce. Or The Ballance Of Trade, in defence of free Trade: Opposed To Malynes Little Fish and his Great Whale, and poized against them in the Scale. Wherein also, Exchanges in generall are considered: And therein the whole Trade of this Kingdome with forraine Countries, is digested into a Ballance of Trade, for the benete of the Publique. Necessary for the present and future times.
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