Prosecutor v. Tihomir Blaskic, Judgment, Case No. IT-95-14-T, 3 March 2000 (hereinafter: the 'Blaskic
Prosecutor v. Tihomir Blaskic, Judgment, Case No. IT-95-14-T, 3 March 2000 (hereinafter: the 'Blaskic Judgment’).
Second Amended Indictment, IT-95-14, 16 March
Blaskic, Second Amended Indictment, IT-95-14, 16 March 1999, p. 2.
, pp. 2
Human Rights in the World At the time of the commission of the crimes Blaskic held the rank of Colonel
Human Rights in the World At the time of the commission of the crimes Blaskic held the rank of Colonel.
sealed off’. Artillery fire opened the attack and assault and search forces organised into groups of five to ten soldiers then “cleansed
See Blaskic Judgment, pp. 4–6. According to the Trial Chamber '[t]he Croatian forces, both the HVO and independent units, plundered and burned to the ground the houses and stables, killed the civilian regardless of age or gender, slaughtered the livestock and destroyed or damaged the mosques. Furthermore, they arrested some civilians and transferred them to detention centres where the living conditions were appalling and forced them to dig trenches, sometimes also using them as hostages or human shields. The accused himself stated that twenty or so villages were attacked according to a pattern which never changed. The village was firstly, para. 750.
See Blaskic Judgment, pp. 4–6. According to the Trial Chamber '[t]he Croatian forces, both the HVO and independent units, plundered and burned to the ground the houses and stables, killed the civilian regardless of age or gender, slaughtered the livestock and destroyed or damaged the mosques. Furthermore, they arrested some civilians and transferred them to detention centres where the living conditions were appalling and forced them to dig trenches, sometimes also using them as hostages or human shields. The accused himself stated that twenty or so villages were attacked according to a pattern which never changed. The village was firstly “sealed off’. Artillery fire opened the attack and assault and search forces organised into groups of five to ten soldiers then “cleansed” the village. The same scenario was repeated in the municipality of Kiseljak several days later. The Croatian forces acted in perfect co-ordination. The scale and uniformity of the crimes committed against the Muslim population over such a short period of time has enabled the conclusion that the operation was, beyond all reasonable doubt, planned and that its objective was to make the Muslim population take flight.’ Human Rights in the World, pp. 245–246, para. 750.
the village. The same scenario was repeated in the municipality of Kiseljak several days later. The Croatian forces acted in perfect co-ordination. The scale and uniformity of the crimes committed against the Muslim population over such a short period of time has enabled the conclusion that the operation was, beyond all reasonable doubt, planned and that its objective was to make the Muslim population take flight.’ Human Rights in the World
, pp. 245-246
7. Blaskic
Summary of the Prosecutor's Final Trial Brief, 29 July, p. 22, para. 5.4., Judgment, p. 6, para. 18.
Summary of the Prosecutor's Final Trial Brief, 29 July 1999, p. 22, para. 5.4.7. Blaskic Judgment, p. 6, para. 18.
It was argued that he had been on several occasions cut off certain key areas, and unable to control a generalised violence during a particularly critical period. It was also argued that the HVO was essentially a collection of poorly-trained village militia with little discipline, who often would disregard his orders. In addition, it was maintained that in cases such as Ahmici, the crimes committed were for the most part the work of units not falling under his chain of command
It was argued that he had been on several occasions cut off certain key areas, and unable to control a generalised violence during a particularly critical period. It was also argued that the HVO was essentially a collection of poorly-trained village militia with little discipline, who often would disregard his orders. In addition, it was maintained that in cases such as Ahmici, the crimes committed were for the most part the work of units not falling under his chain of command.
Defence's Final Trial Brief
22 July
Defence's Final Trial Brief, 22 July 1999, p. 25.
, pp. 25
Judgment, para. 19.
Blaskic Judgment, p. 7, para. 19.
Judgment, para. 778.
Blaskic Judgment, p. 255, para. 778.
For example, in comparing BlaSkid's dominant personality with General Kordic's, a British military officer described Blaskic as a 'straightforward military man with a strong character’ for whom he had 'considerable respect for as a professional soldier’. Author's notes from hearing of
4 August 1999 in the trial against General Kordid.
For example, in comparing BlaSkid's dominant personality with General Kordic's, a British military officer described Blaskic as a 'straightforward military man with a strong character’ for whom he had 'considerable respect for as a professional soldier’. Author's notes from hearing of 4 August 1999 in the trial against General Kordid.
Judgment, para. 780.
Blaskic Judgment, p. 255, para. 780.
In that sense the, Trial Chamber noted that 'several witnesses attested to the professionalism of the accused and his organisational skills. He is a man of duty. He is also a man of authority who barely tolerated non-compliance with his orders’. Human Rights in the World
In that sense the Blaskic Trial Chamber noted that 'several witnesses attested to the professionalism of the accused and his organisational skills. He is a man of duty. He is also a man of authority who barely tolerated non-compliance with his orders’. Human Rights in the World
Blaskic Judgment, p. 260, para. 791. 16. Blaskic Judgment, p. 259, fn. 1716, quoting the Eichmann case, 29 May 1962,36ILR
Blaskic Judgment, p. 260, para. 791. 16. Blaskic Judgment, p. 259, fn. 1716, quoting the Eichmann case, 29 May 1962,36ILR (1968) p. 237.
Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World, para. 789.
Prosecutor v. Delalic., Judgment, Case No. IT-96-21-T, 16 November 1998, para. 319 (hereinafter: the 'Celebici Judgment’). Art. 7 (1) of the ICTY Statute reads: 'A person who planned, instigated, ordered, committed or otherwise aided and betted in the planning, preparation or execution of a crimes referred to in articles 2 to 5 of the present statute, shall be individually criminally responsible for the crime.’ Statute of the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, adopted 25 May 1993, amended 13 May 1998, Basic Documents of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 (United Nations 1998) p. 9 (hereinafter: 4Basic Documents’)
Human Rights in the World 19.
Human Rights in the World 19. Prosecutor v. Delalic Judgment, Case No. IT-96-21-T, 16 November 1998, para. 319 (hereinafter: the 'Celebici Judgment’). Art. 7 (1) of the ICTY Statute reads: 'A person who planned, instigated, ordered, committed or otherwise aided and betted in the planning, preparation or execution of a crimes referred to in articles 2 to 5 of the present statute, shall be individually criminally responsible for the crime.’ Statute of the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, adopted 25 May 1993, amended 13 May 1998, Basic Documents of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 (United Nations 1998) p. 9 (hereinafter: 4Basic Documents’).
Human Rights in the World, para. 321, Judgment, para. 264.
Human Rights in the World, para. 321, Blaskic Judgment, para. 264.
Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, Judgment, Case No. IT-94- 1-T, 7 May 1997, para. 669 (hereinafter; the 'Tadic Judgment’), Celebici Judgment, para. 321,Blaskic
See, Judgment, para. 264.
See Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, Judgment, Case No. IT-94- 1-T, 7 May 1997, para. 669 (hereinafter; the 'Tadic Judgment’), Celebici Judgment, para. 321,Blaskic Judgment, para. 264.
of the ICTY Statute states: 'The official position of any accused person, whether as Head of State or Government or as a responsible Government official, shall not relieve such person of criminal responsibility nor mitigate punishment
In this respect note also that Art.
In this respect note also that Art. 7 (2) of the ICTY Statute states: 'The official position of any accused person, whether as Head of State or Government or as a responsible Government official, shall not relieve such person of criminal responsibility nor mitigate punishment’, Basic Documents, p. 9.
Basic Documents
, vol.7
, Issue.2
, pp. 9
of the ICTY Statute reads: 'The fact that any of the acts referred to in articles 2 to 5 of the present Statute was committed by a subordinate does not relieve his superior of criminal responsibility if he knew or had reason to know that the subordinate was about to commit such acts or had done so and the superior failed to take the necessary and reasonable measures to prevent such acts or to punish the perpetrators thereof.’ Human Rights in the World
Art. 7 (3) of the ICTY Statute reads: 'The fact that any of the acts referred to in articles 2 to 5 of the present Statute was committed by a subordinate does not relieve his superior of criminal responsibility if he knew or had reason to know that the subordinate was about to commit such acts or had done so and the superior failed to take the necessary and reasonable measures to prevent such acts or to punish the perpetrators thereof.’ Human Rights in the World
, vol.7
, Issue.3
’ (emphasis added). I. Bantekas, 'Contemporary Law of Superior Responsibility
Despite the commendable efforts of the Celebici Trial Chamber in stating the law concerning the doctrine of command responsibility, it also made such a wrong assumption. See Celebici Judgment, paras. 333 and 334. The same assumption is made by Bantekas, when refenring to command responsibility stricto sensu: 'This liability should be differentiated from liability that accrues from positive and direct participation in the crime, e.g. through ordering or inciting others, as in the case with ICTY Statute Article
Despite the commendable efforts of the Celebici Trial Chamber in stating the law concerning the doctrine of command responsibility, it also made such a wrong assumption. See Celebici Judgment, paras. 333 and 334. The same assumption is made by Bantekas, when refenring to command responsibility stricto sensu: 'This liability should be differentiated from liability that accrues from positive and direct participation in the crime, e.g. through ordering or inciting others, as in the case with ICTY Statute Article 7 (1)’ (emphasis added). I. Bantekas, 'Contemporary Law of Superior Responsibility’, 93 AJIL (1999) p. 577.
, vol.7
, Issue.1
, pp. 577
Blaskic Judgment, para. 280. 26. Human Rights in the World, para. 284. Supporting its view with Tadie Judgment, para. 686; Celebici Judgment, para. 842; Prosecutor v. Jean PaulAkayesu, Judgment, Case No. ICTR-94-4-T, 2 September 1998, para. 705 (hereinafter: ' Akayesu
Blaskic Judgment, para. 280. 26. Human Rights in the World, para. 284. Supporting its view with Tadie Judgment, para. 686; Celebici Judgment, para. 842; Prosecutor v. Jean PaulAkayesu, Judgment, Case No. ICTR-94-4-T, 2 September 1998, para. 705 (hereinafter: ' Akayesu Judgment’).
Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World, para. 337.
Revue Internationale de Droit Penal
See, for example, 'Crimes of Omission - Omissive Offences and Penal Responsibility because of Omission’, 52
See, for example, 'Crimes of Omission - Omissive Offences and Penal Responsibility because of Omission’, 52 Revue Internationale de Droit Penal (1981) pp. 589–592.
, pp. 589-592
Geneva Protocol I Additional to the
Geneva Conventions of 12 August, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (hereinafter: 'Additional Protocol I’).
1977 Geneva Protocol I Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (hereinafter: 'Additional Protocol I’).
The High Contracting Parties and the Parties to the conflict shall repress grave breaches, and take measures necessary to suppress all other breaches, of the Conventions or of this Protocol which result from a failure to act when under the duty to do so. 2. The fact that a breach of the Conventions or of this Protocol was committed by a subordinate does not absolve his superiors from penal or disciplinary responsibility, as the case
Art. 86 Failure to Act reads, may be, if they knew, or had information which should have enabled them to conclude in the circumstances at the time, that he was committing or was going to commit such a breach and if they did not take all feasible measures within their power to prevent or repress the breach
Art. 86 Failure to Act reads: 41. The High Contracting Parties and the Parties to the conflict shall repress grave breaches, and take measures necessary to suppress all other breaches, of the Conventions or of this Protocol which result from a failure to act when under the duty to do so. 2. The fact that a breach of the Conventions or of this Protocol was committed by a subordinate does not absolve his superiors from penal or disciplinary responsibility, as the case may be, if they knew, or had information which should have enabled them to conclude in the circumstances at the time, that he was committing or was going to commit such a breach and if they did not take all feasible measures within their power to prevent or repress the breach.’
31. Human Rights in the World, para.
Y. Sandozah et, eds.,Commentary on the Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 (Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff 1987) p. 1007, para. 3527 (hereinafter: 'Commentary to the Additional Protocols’). 31. Human Rights in the World, para. 3529.
Commentary on the Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 (Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff 1987) p. 1007, para. 3527 (hereinafter: 'Commentary to the Additional Protocols’).
, pp. 3529
Sandozah, Y.1
Emphasis added. 1949 Geneva Convention III Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (hereinafter: the Third
Geneva Convention’).
Emphasis added. 1949 Geneva Convention III Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (hereinafter: the Third Geneva Convention’).
Art. 130 Third Geneva Convention and Art. 147 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (hereinafter: the 'Fourth
Geneva Convention’).
Art. 130 Third Geneva Convention and Art. 147 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (hereinafter: the 'Fourth Geneva Convention’).
Commentary to the Additional Protocols, para. 3524. With respect to this expansion of criminal liability, in commentating the ICRC original proposal for Art. 86 of the Additional Protocol I, the Austrian delegate stated that 'the question was whether a failure to act could or could not be treated as equivalent to a positive action and whether the penal responsibility of its author could be involved in certain circumstances. Penal sanctions were inevitable to ensure the implementation of Protocol I in cases of grave breaches, and in order to be effective, the system of sanctions should be as comprehensive as possible; hence it should include failure to act, which could be as harmful as the commission of a breach’, in Official Records of the Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts, Vol.
1009, para., IX (Bern, Swiss Federal Political Department 1978) p. 115 (CDDH/I/SR.50) (hereinafter: 'Official Records’). 35. For a list of provisions from Additional Protocol I where the adoption of particular positive conducts is required see Commentary to the Additional Protocols
Commentary to the Additional Protocols, para. 3524. With respect to this expansion of criminal liability, in commentating the ICRC original proposal for Art. 86 of the Additional Protocol I, the Austrian delegate stated that 'the question was whether a failure to act could or could not be treated as equivalent to a positive action and whether the penal responsibility of its author could be involved in certain circumstances. Penal sanctions were inevitable to ensure the implementation of Protocol I in cases of grave breaches, and in order to be effective, the system of sanctions should be as comprehensive as possible; hence it should include failure to act, which could be as harmful as the commission of a breach’, in Official Records of the Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts, Vol. IX (Bern, Swiss Federal Political Department 1978) p. 115 (CDDH/I/SR.50) (hereinafter: 'Official Records’). 35. For a list of provisions from Additional Protocol I where the adoption of particular positive conducts is required see Commentary to the Additional Protocols, p. 1009, para. 3536.
Judgment, para. 424 (emphasis added).
Celebici Judgment, para. 424 (emphasis added).
Human Rights in the World, para. 494 (emphasis added)
Human Rights in the World, para. 494 (emphasis added).
Prosecutor v. Anto Furundzija, Case No. IT-95-17/1-T, 10 December 1998, para. 162 (hereinafter: the ' Furundzija
Judgment’) (emphasis added).
Prosecutor v. Anto Furundzija, Case No. IT-95-17/1-T, 10 December 1998, para. 162 (hereinafter: the ' Furundzija Judgment’) (emphasis added).
Judgment, para. 543 (emphasis added).
Celebici Judgment, para. 543 (emphasis added).
Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, Appeals Chamber Judgment, Case No. IT-94-1 -A, 15 July 1999, para. 188 (hereinafter: the 'Tadic Apellate Judgment’), 41. A typical example of this is murder or manslaughter. See J. Smith and B. Hogan, Criminal Law, 8th edn. (London, Butterworths 1996) p. 48, for an example in common law criminal doctrine: 'The courts have long accepted without debate that murder and manslaughter are capable of commission by omission.’ This would go as far as accepting that courts have often held offences to be capable of being committed by omission although the enactment did not expressly provide for it.
For an example in civil law criminal doctrine see S. Glaser, 'Culpability en droit international pynal’, 99 Recueil des Cours (1960–1) pp. 529 – 531 distinguishing delits d’omission proprement dits from delits de commission par omission: 'Delits de commission par omission est defini la ou [l’inactivity] equivaut a l’activite selon la volonte ede la loi. En d’autres termes celui qui se comporte passivement, doit etre considere au sens de la loi, “ parallement ” avec celui qui accomplit une action. Enfin, on admet egalement que presque toutes les infractions peuvent etre en principe commises aussi par omission. Vexception a cette regie ne se rapporte qu’aux cas ou la construction me me des “etats defait” d’ infraction n nadmet pas une omission, c ’est-a-dire rend impossible leur realisation par l ’inaction
Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, Appeals Chamber Judgment, Case No. IT-94-1 -A, 15 July 1999, para. 188 (hereinafter: the 'Tadic Apellate Judgment’), 41. A typical example of this is murder or manslaughter. See J. Smith and B. Hogan, Criminal Law, 8th edn. (London, Butterworths 1996) p. 48, for an example in common law criminal doctrine: 'The courts have long accepted without debate that murder and manslaughter are capable of commission by omission.’ This would go as far as accepting that courts have often held offences to be capable of being committed by omission although the enactment did not expressly provide for it. For an example in civil law criminal doctrine see S. Glaser, 'Culpability en droit international pynal’, 99 Recueil des Cours (1960–1) pp. 529 – 531 distinguishing delits d’omission proprement dits from delits de commission par omission: 'Delits de commission par omission est defini la ou [l’inactivity] equivaut a l’activite selon la volonte ede la loi. En d’autres termes celui qui se comporte passivement, doit etre considere au sens de la loi, “ parallement ” avec celui qui accomplit une action. Enfin, on admet egalement que presque toutes les infractions peuvent etre en principe commises aussi par omission. Vexception a cette regie ne se rapporte qu’aux cas ou la construction me me des “etats defait” d’ infraction n nadmet pas une omission, c ’est-a-dire rend impossible leur realisation par l ’inaction. l
comments with respect to
as referred to in Human Rights in the World, at fn. 72., Revue de science criminelle et de droit penal compare, p. 41 and A. Laingui, 'La theorie de la complicity dans l’ancien droit penal’, 45 Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis
See A. Laingui's comments with respect to'les modalites de l'acte coupable in 'Les adages du droit penal’, Revue de science criminelle et de droit penal compare (1986) p. 41 and A. Laingui, 'La theorie de la complicity dans l’ancien droit penal’, 45 Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis (1977) p. 27 as referred to in Human Rights in the World, at fn. 72.
'les modalites de l'acte coupable in 'Les adages du droit penal’
Laingui's, A.1
accomplice liability arises from a participation which directly and substantially contributes to the commission of an offense coupled with the necessary mens rea
It should be noted that, (indirect or direct intent) and should not be confused with imputed liability.
It should be noted that accomplice liability arises from a participation which directly and substantially contributes to the commission of an offense coupled with the necessary mens rea (indirect or direct intent) and should not be confused with imputed liability.
Judgment, para. 705.
Akayesu Judgment, para. 705.
Prosecutor v. Clement Kayishema and Obed Ruzindana, Case No. ICTR-95- 1 -T, 21 May 1999 para. 202 (hereinafter: ' Kayishema and Ruzindana
Art. 6(1) of the ICTR Statute reads: ' A person who planned, instigated, ordered, committed or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation or execution of a crime referred to in articles 2 to 4 of the present Statute, shall be individually responsible for the crime.’ 46., Judgment’).
Art. 6(1) of the ICTR Statute reads: ' A person who planned, instigated, ordered, committed or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation or execution of a crime referred to in articles 2 to 4 of the present Statute, shall be individually responsible for the crime.’ 46. Prosecutor v. Clement Kayishema and Obed Ruzindana, Case No. ICTR-95- 1 -T, 21 May 1999 para. 202 (hereinafter: ' Kayishema and Ruzindana Judgment’).
Tadic Judgment, para. 686; referring to Case No. 12 – 489, United States v. Kurt Goebell et ai
Report, Survey of the Trials of War Crimes held at Dachau, Germany, 15 September
Tadic Judgment, para. 686; referring to Case No. 12 – 489, United States v. Kurt Goebell et ai, Report, Survey of the Trials of War Crimes held at Dachau, Germany, 2–3 (15 September 1984).
Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World
Prosecution v. Zlatko Aleksovski, Judgment, Case No. IT-95-14/1 -T, 25 June 1999, para. 129 (hereinafter: the 'Aleksovski Judgment’) (emphasis added). 50.Blaskic
Judgment, para. 338.
Prosecution v. Zlatko Aleksovski, Judgment, Case No. IT-95-14/1 -T, 25 June 1999, para. 129 (hereinafter: the 'Aleksovski Judgment’) (emphasis added). 50.Blaskic Judgment, para. 338.
Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World
Judgment, para. 337.
Blaskic Judgment, para. 337.
Judgment, para. 326.
Celebici Judgment, para. 326.
Judgment, para. 284.
Blaskic Judgment, para. 284.
Aleksovski Judgment, para. 65,Akayesu
Human Rights in the World, para. 284 based on, Judgment, para. 693.
Human Rights in the World, para. 284 based on Aleksovski Judgment, para. 65,Akayesu Judgment, para. 693.
Judgment, para 339.
Blaskic Judgment, para 339.
Thereby rejecting the
Human Rights in the World 58. Human Rights in the World, para. 286., standard applicable to the aider and abettor is the 'knowledge’ that his acts assist the commission of the offence.
Human Rights in the World 58. Human Rights in the World, para. 286. Thereby rejecting the Furunditja holding that the mens rea standard applicable to the aider and abettor is the 'knowledge’ that his acts assist the commission of the offence.
Furunditja holding that the mens rea
Defence counsel argued in that regard that '[t]he
Human Rights in the World In fact, Bla§kic's own defence corresponds with this view when it accepted that an omission could be the basis for holding a commander accountable under Art., element and act element under ICTY Article, Evidence that Blagkic may have known of a subordinate's acts does not demonstrate that BlaSkic specifically intended to plan, order or facilitate his subordinates’ violative acts. The mens rea satisfying ICTY Article, as opposed to ICTY Article, requires a higher degree of culpability and focuses on a different substantive issue (i.e., intent to commit an act facilitating violative acts, rather than the mere knowledge of the violative acts)’. Defence Final Brief
Human Rights in the World In fact, Bla§kic's own defence corresponds with this view when it accepted that an omission could be the basis for holding a commander accountable under Art. 7 (1). Defence counsel argued in that regard that '[t]he mens rea element and act element under ICTY Article 7 (1) are distinguishable from the mens rea element and act element under ICTY Article 7(3). Evidence that Blagkic may have known of a subordinate's acts does not demonstrate that BlaSkic specifically intended to plan, order or facilitate his subordinates’ violative acts. The mens rea satisfying ICTY Article 7 (1), as opposed to ICTY Article 7(3), requires a higher degree of culpability and focuses on a different substantive issue (i.e., intent to commit an act facilitating violative acts, rather than the mere knowledge of the violative acts)’. Defence Final Brief, p. 38.
mens rea element and act element under ICTY Article 7 (1) are distinguishable from the mens rea
, vol.7
, Issue.1
, pp. 38
Celebici Judgment, para. 326 relying on Tadic
Judgment, para. 689.
Celebici Judgment, para. 326 relying on Tadic Judgment, para. 689.
Judgment, para. 286.
Blaskic Judgment, para. 286.
Dolus can be defined as 'la connaissance effective et la volonte de la realisation de Vacte en chacun de ses elements constitutes’, C. Hennau, Droit penal general
(Bruxelles, Bruylant
Dolus can be defined as 'la connaissance effective et la volonte de la realisation de Vacte en chacun de ses elements constitutes’, C. Hennau, et. al., Droit penal general (Bruxelles, Bruylant 1995) p. 299.
Dolus eventualis is a form of indirect intent where the agent 'n’a pas eu pour but de commettre ce crime; mais sachant que, selon toute probability, son action causerait un mal grave,. il a eventuellement voulu ce mal, it a prefere de subir cette consequence de son fait, plutot que de renoncer a son projet qu ’il voulait executer, mime au risque du resultat prevu
Human Rights in the World, p, 298.
Dolus eventualis is a form of indirect intent where the agent 'n’a pas eu pour but de commettre ce crime; mais sachant que, selon toute probability, son action causerait un mal grave,. il a eventuellement voulu ce mal, it a prefere de subir cette consequence de son fait, plutot que de renoncer a son projet qu ’il voulait executer, mime au risque du resultat prevu. Human Rights in the World, p, 298.
of the ICTY requires 'direct intention, indirect intention (otherwise known as oblique intention or dolus eventualis) or gross negligence’ is legally incorrect and confuses the mental element required under Art. 7 (3) from the one required under Art
Smith and Hogan, Human Rights in the World 41, at p. 59. 65. Bantekas’ conclusion that the mens rea required under Art., Human Rights in the World
Smith and Hogan, Human Rights in the World 41, at p. 59. 65. Bantekas’ conclusion that the mens rea required under Art. 7 (3) of the ICTY requires 'direct intention, indirect intention (otherwise known as oblique intention or dolus eventualis) or gross negligence’ is legally incorrect and confuses the mental element required under Art. 7 (3) from the one required under Art. 7(1), Human Rights in the World n. 24, at p. 590.
, vol.7
, Issue.3
, pp. 590
Blaskic Judgment, para. 281 referring to Akayesu
Judgment para. 483.
Blaskic Judgment, para. 281 referring to Akayesu Judgment para. 483.
Trial ofSS Brigadefuhrer Kurt Meyer, Canadian Military Court, Aurich, Germany, 10 – 28 December 1945 (hereinafter: the 'Abbaye Ardenne Case’), Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals, Vol. IV (selected and prepared by the United Nations War Crimes Commission, H.M. Stationary Office, London, 1947 – 1949, hereinafter: 'Law Reports TWC
Trial ofSS Brigadefuhrer Kurt Meyer, Canadian Military Court, Aurich, Germany, 10 – 28 December 1945 (hereinafter: the 'Abbaye Ardenne Case’), Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals, Vol. IV (selected and prepared by the United Nations War Crimes Commission, H.M. Stationary Office, London, 1947 – 1949, hereinafter: 'Law Reports TWC’).
Abbaye Ardenne case, summing up of the Judge Advocate, Law Reports TWC
The, However, in assessing circumstantial evidence, it should be noted that the Judge Advocate additionally raised that ‘. before the Court finds an accused person guilty on circumstantial evidence, it must be satisfied not only that the circumstances are consistent with the accused having committed the act’ '[in orther words to give the order] but that they are inconsistent with any other rational conclusion that the accused was the guilty person'.
The Abbaye Ardenne case, summing up of the Judge Advocate, Law Reports TWC, Vol. 4, p. 108. However, in assessing circumstantial evidence, it should be noted that the Judge Advocate additionally raised that ‘. before the Court finds an accused person guilty on circumstantial evidence, it must be satisfied not only that the circumstances are consistent with the accused having committed the act’ '[in orther words to give the order] but that they are inconsistent with any other rational conclusion that the accused was the guilty person'.
, vol.4
, pp. 108
Blaskic Judgment, para. 282. Note that the French version states: 'En consequence, it importe peu que l lordre donne revete ou non un caractere manifestement illegal. ’ The Trial Chamber cited in that respect US v. Wilhelm von Leeb. (hereinafter: the 'High Command case), in Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council No. JO (Washing-ton, US Government Printing Office 1950), Vol. XI, p. 511, 'to find a field commander criminally responsible for the transmittal of such an order, he must have passed the order to the chain of command and the order must be one that is criminal upon his face, or one which he is shown to have known was criminal
(emphasis added).
Blaskic Judgment, para. 282. Note that the French version states: 'En consequence, it importe peu que l lordre donne revete ou non un caractere manifestement illegal. ’ The Trial Chamber cited in that respect US v. Wilhelm von Leeb, (hereinafter: the 'High Command case), in Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council No. JO (Washing-ton, US Government Printing Office 1950), Vol. XI, p. 511, 'to find a field commander criminally responsible for the transmittal of such an order, he must have passed the order to the chain of command and the order must be one that is criminal upon his face, or one which he is shown to have known was criminal’ (emphasis added).
Judgment, para. 751.
Blaskic Judgment, para. 751.
Human Rights in the World, paras
Human Rights in the World, paras. 449–466.
Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World, para. 467.
Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World, para. 472.
Human Rights in the World, para. 471. The Trial Chamber equally noted that it was 'hard to imagine how the systematic use of petrol as a combat weapon could have been possible in that period of fuel shortage without the approval of the military and/or civilian authorities'. Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World, para. 471. The Trial Chamber equally noted that it was 'hard to imagine how the systematic use of petrol as a combat weapon could have been possible in that period of fuel shortage without the approval of the military and/or civilian authorities'. Human Rights in the World, para. 470.
Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World, para. 753.
He dol eventueV into 'recklessness’. For the reasons noted above and considering that the French version is the authoritative text He dol eventueV has been translated here into the Latin phrase 'dolus eventualis
The English version translated the original French, 77. Human Rights in the World para. 474.
The English version translated the original French He dol eventueV into 'recklessness’. For the reasons noted above and considering that the French version is the authoritative text He dol eventueV has been translated here into the Latin phrase 'dolus eventualis 77. Human Rights in the World para. 474.
Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World, para. 738.
Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World, para. 741.
Hereinafter referred to as 'command responsibility
Hereinafter referred to as 'command responsibility’.
Celebici Judgment, para. 334, referring to the ILC Report 1996, p. 36, and the Commentary to the Additional protocols, para. 3537. 82.Celebici Judgment, paras. 338 - 343; Kayishema and Ruzindana
Judgment, para. 209.
Celebici Judgment, para. 334, referring to the ILC Report 1996, p. 36, and the Commentary to the Additional protocols, para. 3537. 82.Celebici Judgment, paras. 338 - 343; Kayishema and Ruzindana Judgment, para. 209.
See also Supreme Court of the United States
Arts. 1 and 43 of the annex to the Hague Convention No. IV on the Laws and Customs of War on Land, Art. 5 of the Hague Convention No. IX on Bombardment by Naval Forces in Time of War, Art. 19 of Hague Convention No. X for the Adaptation to Maritime Warfare of the Principles of the Geneva Convention, Art. 26 of the Geneva Red Cross Convention of, for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field.
See, e.g., Arts. 1 and 43 of the annex to the Hague Convention No. IV on the Laws and Customs of War on Land, Art. 5 of the Hague Convention No. IX on Bombardment by Naval Forces in Time of War, Art. 19 of Hague Convention No. X for the Adaptation to Maritime Warfare of the Principles of the Geneva Convention, Art. 26 of the Geneva Red Cross Convention of 1929 for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field. See also Supreme Court of the United States, In re Yamashita, 327 US 1, pp, 16–17.
In re Yamashita, 327 US
, vol.1
, pp. 16-17
Trial of General Tomoyuki Yamashita, Law Reports TWC, Vol. IV, p. 22 (hereinafter: the ' Yamashita case’); here, a military commission pronounced upon the accused's responsibility; and before the United States, In re Yamashita, 327 US I, pp. 16 - 17; United States v. Soemu Toyoda (hereinafter: the 'Toyoda case’), Official Transcript, p. 5006; United States v Oscar Pohl and others (hereinafter: the 'Pohl Trial’), Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council No. 70, Human Rights in the World
69, Vol. V
Trial of General Tomoyuki Yamashita, Law Reports TWC, Vol. IV, p. 22 (hereinafter: the ' Yamashita case’); here, a military commission pronounced upon the accused's responsibility; and before the United States, In re Yamashita, 327 US I, pp. 16 - 17; United States v. Soemu Toyoda (hereinafter: the 'Toyoda case’), Official Transcript, p. 5006; United States v Oscar Pohl and others (hereinafter: the 'Pohl Trial’), Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council No. 70, Human Rights in the World n. 69, Vol. V, p. 1011.
Tokyo Trial
International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 29 April, November, Official Transcripts, 444.
Tokyo Trial, International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 29 April 1946–12 November 1948, Official Transcripts, pp. 48, 442-448, 444.
, pp. 442-448
Hostage case, Law Reports 7WC, Vol. VIII, p. 71; Tokyo Trial, Official Transcripts, pp. 48, 444 - 48,445. The ILC reaffirmed the existence of such a duty in its Report, ILC Report 1996, pp. 37 – 38. 87. Hostage case, pp. 69 and 71; see also High Command case, Law Reports TWC
Vol. XII
Hostage case, Law Reports 7WC, Vol. VIII, p. 71; Tokyo Trial, Official Transcripts, pp. 48, 444 - 48,445. The ILC reaffirmed the existence of such a duty in its Report, ILC Report 1996, pp. 37 – 38. 87. Hostage case, pp. 69 and 71; see also High Command case, Law Reports TWC, Vol. XII, pp. 73–74, 77–79, 81–82.
are three: (1) the individual committing the crime were the subordinates of the accused (the superior); (2) the accused knew or had reason to know that the crime was about to be or had been committed; (3) the accused failed to take the necessary and reasonable measures to prevent the crime or punish the perpetrators. See
Blaskic, Judgment, para. 294; telebici Judgment, para. 346; Aleksovski Judgment, para.
The elements required under Art. 7 (3) are three: (1) the individual committing the crime were the subordinates of the accused (the superior); (2) the accused knew or had reason to know that the crime was about to be or had been committed; (3) the accused failed to take the necessary and reasonable measures to prevent the crime or punish the perpetrators. See Blaskic Judgment, para. 294; telebici Judgment, para. 346; Aleksovski Judgment, para. 69.
The elements required under Art.
, vol.7
, Issue.3
, pp. 69
Judgment, paras.
Blaskic Judgment, paras. 331–332.
Law Reports TWQ
Law Reports TWQ Vol. 4, p. 33.
, vol.4
, pp. 33
criminal neglect, especially with respect to food and medical supplies, as well as complete failure to detect and prevent
Human Rights in the World, The President of the Commission, when delivering their findings on 17 September 1945 noted that 'with respect to civilian internees and prisoners of war, the proof offered by the Commission alleged, cruel and inhuman treatment accorded by local commanders and guards'. Human Rights in the World, 3 (emphasis added).
Human Rights in the World, p. 3. The President of the Commission, when delivering their findings on 17 September 1945 noted that 'with respect to civilian internees and prisoners of war, the proof offered by the Commission alleged criminal neglect, especially with respect to food and medical supplies, as well as complete failure to detect and prevent cruel and inhuman treatment accorded by local commanders and guards'. Human Rights in the World, p. 33 (emphasis added).
Human Rights in the World
93. Human Rights in the World, p. 32 (emphasis added).
Human Rights in the World, p. 84. 93. Human Rights in the World, p. 32 (emphasis added).
Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World
High Command case, Law Reports TWC
High Command case, Law Reports TWC, Vol. 7, p. 76.
, vol.7
, pp. 76
Tokyo Trial, Human Rights in the World
Tokyo Trial, Human Rights in the World n. 85.
Law Reports TWC
(emphasis added). 98. Human Rights in the World
Law Reports TWC, Vol. 4, p. 86 (emphasis added). 98. Human Rights in the World, p. 87.
, vol.4
, pp. 86
Official Records, Human Rights in the World
Official Records, Human Rights in the World n. 34, Vol. 9, p. 115 (CCDH/I/SR 50).
, vol.34
, Issue.9
, pp. 115
Commentary to the Additional Protocols, para
Commentary to the Additional Protocols, para. 3541.
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to para. 5 of SC Res., 13 February, UN Doc, para. 56 (emphasis added). 102., Judgment, para. 304.
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to para. 5 of SC Res. 955 (1994), 13 February 1995, UN Doc. S/1995/134, para. 56 (emphasis added). 102.Blaskic Judgment, para. 304.
, vol.955
Defence Final Brief
Defence Final Brief, p. 41.
Celeb ici
Final report of the Commission of Experts, para. 58;, Judgment, para. 386.
Final report of the Commission of Experts, para. 58;Celeb ici Judgment, para. 386.
Judgment, para. 307.
Blaskic Judgment, para. 307.
Law Reports TWC
107. Human Rights in the World
Law Reports TWC, Vol. 4, p. 94. 107. Human Rights in the World
, vol.4
, pp. 94
Tokyo Trial
Official Transcripts, 445.
Tokyo Trial, Official Transcripts, p. 48,445.
case, Judgment
Toyoda case, Judgment, p. 5005–5006.
Trial of Josef Kramer and 44 Others, British Military Court, Luneburg, 17 September -17 November 1945, Law Reports TWC, Vol. II (hereinafter: the ' Belsen
Trial of Josef Kramer and 44 Others, British Military Court, Luneburg, 17 September -17 November 1945, Law Reports TWC, Vol. II (hereinafter: the ' Belsen case’).
some evidence to rebut such inference. See J.A. Andrews and M. Hirst, Criminal Evidence, 2nd
This means that the accused needs only to come forward with, (London, Sweet and Maxwell 1992), paras. 4.14 and 4.15. 112. Defence Final Brief
This means that the accused needs only to come forward with some evidence to rebut such inference. See J.A. Andrews and M. Hirst, Criminal Evidence, 2nd edn. (London, Sweet and Maxwell 1992) p. 107, paras. 4.14 and 4.15. 112. Defence Final Brief, pp. 39–42.
Judgment, para. 388 (footnote omitted).
Celebici Judgment, para. 388 (footnote omitted).
Blaskic Judgment, para 322 quoting W. H Parks, 'Command Responsibility for War Crimes’, 62 Mil L Rev
Blaskic Judgment, para 322 quoting W. H Parks, 'Command Responsibility for War Crimes’, 62 Mil L Rev. (1973) p. 90.
, pp. 90
Celebici Judgment, para 388 referring to Tokyo Trial
Official Transcript, 445.
Celebici Judgment, para 388 referring to Tokyo Trial Official Transcript, p. 48,445.
Judgment, para. 315.
Blaskic Judgment, para. 315.
Judgment, Vol., Official Transcript, 442. 118. Human Rights in the World
Tokyo Judgment, Vol. 200, Official Transcript, p. 48,442. 118. Human Rights in the World, p. 48, 445.
, vol.200
, pp. 48
case, Official Transcript, (emphasis added).
Toyoda case, Official Transcript, p. 5011 (emphasis added).
Pohl Trial, Law Reports TWC
Appendix B
Pohl Trial, Law Reports TWC, Vol. 14, Appendix B, p. 1006.
, vol.14
, pp. 1006
versus Hermann Roechling and Others, Charged with Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity (hereinafter: the ‘ Roechling case’), Law Reports TWC
General Tribunal of the Military Government of the French Zone of Occupation in Germany, Judgment rendered on 30 June 1948 in the Case, Appendix
General Tribunal of the Military Government of the French Zone of Occupation in Germany, Judgment rendered on 30 June 1948 in the Case versus Hermann Roechling and Others, Charged with Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity (hereinafter: the ‘ Roechling case’), Law Reports TWC Vol. 15, Appendix, p. 1088.
, vol.15
, pp. 1088
Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World
versus Hermann Roechling and Others, Decision on Writ of Appeal Against Judgment of 30 June 1948, Law Reports TWC, Vol. XIV, Appendix B, p. 1106. 124. Blaskic Judgment, para. 319, quoting the Hostage case, Law Reports TWC
Superior Military Government Court of the French Occupation Zone in Germany, Judgment of 25 January 1949 in the Case, Vol. IX, p. 1271 (Trial Chamber emphasis).
Superior Military Government Court of the French Occupation Zone in Germany, Judgment of 25 January 1949 in the Case versus Hermann Roechling and Others, Decision on Writ of Appeal Against Judgment of 30 June 1948, Law Reports TWC, Vol. XIV, Appendix B, p. 1106. 124. Blaskic Judgment, para. 319, quoting the Hostage case, Law Reports TWC, Vol. IX, p. 1271 (Trial Chamber emphasis).
Human Rights in the World, para. 323 referring to US Department of Army Field Manual
Law and Land Warfare. It also noticed that the British Manual of Military Law adopted the 'should have known’ standard.
Human Rights in the World, para. 323 referring to US Department of Army Field Manual 27–10, Law and Land Warfare. It also noticed that the British Manual of Military Law adopted the 'should have known’ standard.
Judgment, para. 324.
Blaskic Judgment, para. 324.
Judgment, para. 393.
Celebici Judgment, para. 393.
Celebici Judgment, quoting Draft Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949-ICRC, in Official Records, Vol. I, Part Three, p. 25. The Celebici Trial Chamber interpreted this as a 'rejection’ of the should have known standard. 129. Human Rights in the World, citing CDDH/1/306, in Official Records
Celebici Judgment, quoting Draft Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949-ICRC, in Official Records, Vol. I, Part Three, p. 25. The Celebici Trial Chamber interpreted this as a 'rejection’ of the should have known standard. 129. Human Rights in the World, citing CDDH/1/306, in Official Records, Vol. 3, p. 328.
, vol.3
, pp. 328
Kingdom of Belgium and Others v. Federal Republic of Germany (the Young Loan case), around the English term 'depreciation’ and the German word Abweriung whose literal translation into English is 'devaluation’. Decision of the Arbitral Tribunal for the Agreement on German External Debts, 59 ILR
A similar problem of treaty interpretation arose in
A similar problem of treaty interpretation arose in Kingdom of Belgium and Others v. Federal Republic of Germany (the Young Loan case), around the English term 'depreciation’ and the German word Abweriung whose literal translation into English is 'devaluation’. Decision of the Arbitral Tribunal for the Agreement on German External Debts, 59 ILR (1980) p. 529.
, pp. 529
Judgment, para. 392.
Celebici Judgment, para. 392.
See Art. 102 of Additional Protocol I
See Art. 102 of Additional Protocol I.
Official Records, Vol. IX, p. 278, para. 57. Cited in Celebici
As pointed by the Canadian Delegation. See CCDH/I/SR.61, in, Judgment, p. 146, fn.
As pointed by the Canadian Delegation. See CCDH/I/SR.61, in Official Records, Vol. IX, p. 278, para. 57. Cited in Celebici Judgment, p. 146, fn. 423.
Celebici Judgment, p. 393. The prosecution in the Blaskic case rightly inferred from this holding that if the Celebici
interpretation were correct, 'a superior who completely fails to discharge his or her duty to supervise subordinates properly could never be liable for crimes committed by those subordinates, provided that the superior had no information suggesting that such crimes were being committed’, Prosecution Final Brief, 22 July, Book Seven, Individual Criminal Responsibility of the Accused, p. 133, para. 2.10. 135. Human Rights in the World
Celebici Judgment, p. 393. The prosecution in the Blaskic case rightly inferred from this holding that if the Celebici interpretation were correct, 'a superior who completely fails to discharge his or her duty to supervise subordinates properly could never be liable for crimes committed by those subordinates, provided that the superior had no information suggesting that such crimes were being committed’, Prosecution Final Brief, 22 July 1999, Book Seven, Individual Criminal Responsibility of the Accused, p. 133, para. 2.10. 135. Human Rights in the World
Judgment, para. 393 referring to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Art. 28(1)(a).
Celebici Judgment, para. 393 referring to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Art. 28(1)(a).
Judgment, para. 324.
Blaskic Judgment, para. 324.
Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflict Challenges Ahead: Essays in Honour of Frits Kalshoven
See Christopher Greenwood's remarks in 'Customary Law Status of the 1977 Geneva Protocols’, in A.J.M. Delissen and G.J. Tanja, eds., (Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff 1991), '. the codification of a hitherto unwritten rule will almost invariably affect the content of that rule. In selecting words to codify a customary principle, those responsible for the draft are generally forced to try resolve the ambiguities about the scope and content of that rule and their choices may have the effect of creating new ambiguities. Attention in the future will focus upon the text so that the scope of the customary rule will tend to become a matter of textual interpretation
See Christopher Greenwood's remarks in 'Customary Law Status of the 1977 Geneva Protocols’, in A.J.M. Delissen and G.J. Tanja, eds., Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflict Challenges Ahead: Essays in Honour of Frits Kalshoven (Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff 1991) p. 97: '. the codification of a hitherto unwritten rule will almost invariably affect the content of that rule. In selecting words to codify a customary principle, those responsible for the draft are generally forced to try resolve the ambiguities about the scope and content of that rule and their choices may have the effect of creating new ambiguities. Attention in the future will focus upon the text so that the scope of the customary rule will tend to become a matter of textual interpretation.’
Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Judgment of 27 June 1986, Merits, ICJ Rep
para. 95.
Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Judgment of 27 June 1986, Merits, ICJ Rep (1986) p. 14, para. 95.
, pp. 14
Human Rights in the World
Human Rights in the World, para. 177.
Human Rights in the World, para. 179. 142., Judgment, para. 326.
Human Rights in the World, para. 179. 142.Blaskic Judgment, para. 326.
of the Vienna Convention lies the rule that in respect to multilingual treaties, where there is more than one authentic text, each of them has equal force. As noted in the
This is supported by the reasoning applied in the Young Loan case, para. 39. Art., case, para., 32). Only if these methods of interpretation fail any discrepancy 'should ultimately be settled by attaching that meaning to the provision in question “ which best reconciles the texts, having regard to the object and purpose of the treaty’ ” (Young Loan
This is supported by the reasoning applied in the Young Loan case, para. 39. Art. 33 (1) of the Vienna Convention lies the rule that in respect to multilingual treaties, where there is more than one authentic text, each of them has equal force. As noted in the Young Loan case, interpretation of such texts requires that the words be construed 'in their context’ (Art. 31 (1)) and the 'object and purpose’ must be taken into account in interpreting unclear treaty provisions. In addition, according to Art. 32 of the Vienna Convention 'recourse may be had to supplementary means of interpretation, which include the circumstances of a treaty conclusion and the travauxpreparatoires, in two cases either in order to confirm the interpretation arrived at with the aid of the rules of Article 31 of the VCT, or in order to obtain further clarification if the result of the attempt at interpretation under Article 31 leads to an ambiguous, obscure or manifestly absurd result’ (Young Loan case, para. 32). Only if these methods of interpretation fail any discrepancy 'should ultimately be settled by attaching that meaning to the provision in question “ which best reconciles the texts, having regard to the object and purpose of the treaty’ ” (Young Loan case, para. 39).
Young Loan case, interpretation of such texts requires that the words be construed 'in their context’ (Art. 31 (1)) and the 'object and purpose’ must be taken into account in interpreting unclear treaty provisions. In addition, according to Art. 32 of the Vienna Convention 'recourse may be had to supplementary means of interpretation, which include the circumstances of a treaty conclusion and the travauxpreparatoires, in two cases either in order to confirm the interpretation arrived at with the aid of the rules of Article 31 of the VCT, or in order to obtain further clarification if the result of the attempt at interpretation under Article 31 leads to an ambiguous, obscure or manifestly absurd result’ (Young Loan case, para.
, vol.33
, Issue.1
The Trial Chamber application of Art. 31 from para. 327 onwards nevertheless lead the Chamber to a correct conclusion
The Trial Chamber application of Art. 31 from para. 327 onwards nevertheless lead the Chamber to a correct conclusion.
Official Records
See, for example, the intervention of the Delegation of the Netherlands, (CDDH/ISR.50).
See, for example, the intervention of the Delegation of the Netherlands, Official Records, Vol. 9, p. 114 (CDDH/ISR.50).
, vol.9
, pp. 114
See, for example, the intervention of the Delegation of
Argentina fearing an interpretation that would reverse the burden of the proof and violate the principle of the presumption of innocence, Human Rights in the World
See, for example, the intervention of the Delegation of Argentina fearing an interpretation that would reverse the burden of the proof and violate the principle of the presumption of innocence, Human Rights in the World, p. 118.
From its drafting Art. 87 (originally Art. 76, was closely linked to Art. 86 (originally Art.
From its drafting Art. 87 (originally Art. 76 bis was closely linked to Art. 86 (originally Art. 76).
Eckhard, 'Command Responsibility
In respect to this point the Delegation of the United States made the following statement: This provision has been added to stress the commander's responsibility to take affirmative action in the supervision and control of members of the armed forces under his command or other persons who are under his control. It is designed to provide a duty of commanders to intervene when they are aware of e breach or a planned breach. This provision requires the commander to take reasonable measures in the supervision and control of his personnel so that if breaches are being permitted, he will become aware of them.’ H. Hansell, 'Memorandum to the Secretary (Defense); Subject: Circular 175, request for Authorization to Sign Two Protocols to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 for the Protection of Victims of War’, cited in W.G.
In respect to this point the Delegation of the United States made the following statement: This provision has been added to stress the commander's responsibility to take affirmative action in the supervision and control of members of the armed forces under his command or other persons who are under his control. It is designed to provide a duty of commanders to intervene when they are aware of e breach or a planned breach. This provision requires the commander to take reasonable measures in the supervision and control of his personnel so that if breaches are being permitted, he will become aware of them.’ H. Hansell, 'Memorandum to the Secretary (Defense); Subject: Circular 175, request for Authorization to Sign Two Protocols to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 for the Protection of Victims of War’, cited in W.G. Eckhard, 'Command Responsibility’, 97 Military Law Review (1982) p. 17.
Military Law Review
, pp. 17
Judgment, para. 327.
Blaskic Judgment, para. 327.
Human Rights in the World, para. 329. 153., Judgment, para. 332.
Human Rights in the World, para. 329. 153.Blaskic Judgment, para. 332.
Celebici Trial Chamber's interpretation of the scope of Art. 86 (2) of Additional Protocol I in connection to the knowledge required for a superior to be held responsible for the crimes of his subordinates. See Prosecution's Appeal Brief filed 2 July 1999 in Case No. IT-96-21-A,Prosecutor v. Delalic et ai, paras
One of the grounds of the appeal is precisely the, 2.1 to 2.25.
One of the grounds of the appeal is precisely the Celebici Trial Chamber's interpretation of the scope of Art. 86 (2) of Additional Protocol I in connection to the knowledge required for a superior to be held responsible for the crimes of his subordinates. See Prosecution's Appeal Brief filed 2 July 1999 in Case No. IT-96-21-A,Prosecutor v. Delalic et ai, paras. 2.1 to 2.25.