eds), (Jena, Jenaer Wissenschaftliche Verlags-gesellschaft
S, Leible and M, Ruffert (eds), Völkerrecht und IPR (Jena, Jenaer Wissenschaftliche Verlags-gesellschaft, 2006)
Völkerrecht und IPR
Leible, S.1
Ruffert, M.2
Restatement of the Law (3d), The Foreign Relations Law of the United States (,), §§ 402–16. Mathias Reimann has asked that a potential new restatement of conflict of laws account for international choice of law: A New Restatement for the International Age (,) 75, 575. See also Academic Workshop: Should We Continue to Distinguish between Public and Private Law? (,) 79, 352
Restatement of the Law (3d), The Foreign Relations Law of the United States (1987), §§ 402–16. Mathias Reimann has asked that a potential new restatement of conflict of laws account for international choice of law: “A New Restatement for the International Age” (2000) 75 Indiana Law Journal 575. See also Academic Workshop: Should We Continue to Distinguish between Public and Private Law? (1985) 79 ASIL Proceedings 352
ASIL Proceedings
A Mills, The Private History of International Law (,) 55, 1
A Mills, “The Private History of International Law” (2006) 55 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1
International and Comparative Law Quarterly
A Nussbaum, The Rise and Decline of the Law-of-Nations Doctrine the Conflict of Laws (,) 52, 189
A Nussbaum, “The Rise and Decline of the Law-of-Nations Doctrine in the Conflict of Laws” (1942) 52 Columbia Law Review 189
Columbia Law Review
Eg R Phillimore, (1854) 54; J Westlake, (1859) 18. More recently for strict distinction, see, and, (eds), (London, Longman, 9th edn; MN Shaw, (Cambridge University Press, 5th edn
Eg R Phillimore, Commentaries upon International Law (1854) 54; J Westlake, A Treatise on Private International Law of Conflict of Laws (1859) 18. More recently for strict distinction, see R, Jennings and A, Watts (eds), Oppenheim's International Law (London, Longman, 9th edn, 1996), 6–7; MN Shaw, International Law (Cambridge University Press, 5th edn, 2003)
International Law
, pp. 6-7
Jennings, R.1
Watts, A.2
PM Brown, Private versus Public International Law (,) 36, 448; JR Stevenson, The Relationship of Private International Law to Public International Law (,) 52, 561, 564; G Schwarzenberger, (London, Institute of World Affairs, 5th edn,) 4; JR Paul,) 7, 149
PM Brown, “Private versus Public International Law” (1942) 36 American Journal of International Law 448; JR Stevenson, “The Relationship of Private International Law to Public International Law” (1952) 52 Columbia Law Review 561, 564; G Schwarzenberger, A Manual of International Law (London, Institute of World Affairs, 5th edn, 1967) 4; JR Paul, The Isolation of Private International Law (1989) 7 Wisconsin International Law Journal 149
Wisconsin International Law Journal
Literature on this has no boundaries. See the references R Michaels, Welche Globalisierung für das Recht? Welches Recht für die Globalisierung? (,) 69, 525; R Michaels and N Jansen, Private Law Beyond the State? Europeanization, Globalization, Privatization (,) 54, 843; N Jansen and R Michaels, Private Law and the StateComparative Perceptions and Historical Dimensions (,) 71, 345, all with extensive further references. More recently, see, (eds), (Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan
Literature on this has no boundaries. See the references in R Michaels, “Welche Globalisierung für das Recht? Welches Recht für die Globalisierung?” (2005) 69 RabelsZ 525; R Michaels and N Jansen, “Private Law Beyond the State? Europeanization, Globalization, Privatization” (2006) 54 American Journal of Comparative Law 843; N Jansen and R Michaels, “Private Law and the State–Comparative Perceptions and Historical Dimensions” (2007) 71 RabelsZ 345, all with extensive further references. More recently, see E, Leibfried et al (eds), Transforming the Golden-Age Nation State (Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008)
Transforming the Golden-Age Nation State
Leibfried, E.1
Eg PC Jessup, (New Haven, Yale University Press,); Paul, n 6; HH Koh, Transnational Legal Process (,) 75, 181; for a summary and evaluation of the debate, see P Zumbansen, Transnational Law (ed), (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar,), 738
Eg PC Jessup, Transnational Law (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1956); Paul, supra n 6, 158–9; HH Koh, “Transnational Legal Process” (1996) 75 Nebraska Law Review 181; for a summary and evaluation of the debate, see P Zumbansen, “Transnational Law”, in J, Smits (ed), Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2006), 738
Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law
, pp. 158-159
Smits, J.1
H Muir Watt, Droit public et droit privé dans les rapports internationaux (Vers la publicisation des conflits de lois?) (,) 41, 207; PS Berman, From International Law to Law and Globalization (,) 43, 485 518–23
H Muir Watt, “Droit public et droit privé dans les rapports internationaux (Vers la publicisation des conflits de lois?)” (1997) 41 Archives de philosophie du droit–le privé et le public 207; PS Berman, “From International Law to Law and Globalization” (2005) 43 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 485 518–23
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
Mills, n 3
Mills, supra n 3
Oxford University Press, Eg A Clapham,); O Dörr, Privatisierung des Völkerrechts (,) 60, 905; T Meron, (Leiden, Nijhoff
Eg A Clapham, Human Rights Obligations of Non-State Actors (Oxford University Press, 2006); O Dörr, “Privatisierung' des Völkerrechts” (2005) 60 Juristenzeitung 905; T Meron, The Humanization of International Law (Leiden, Nijhoff, 2006)
The Humanization of International Law
A-M Slaughter and W Burke-White, The Future of International Law is Domestic (or The European Way of Law) (,) 47, 327
A-M Slaughter and W Burke-White, “The Future of International Law is Domestic (or The European Way of Law)” (2006) 47 Harvard International Law Journal 327
Harvard International Law Journal
548 US 331 (US S Ct,); Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfGGerman Federal Constitutional Court), 19 Sep, 2 BvR 2115/01, International Law Domestic Courts (ILDC) 668 (DE 2006). For comparison, see J Gogolin, Avena and Sanchez-Llamas Come to GermanyThe German Constitutional Court Upholds Rights under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (2007) 8, 261, /article.php?id=805; KF Gräditz, German Federal Constitutional Court: Decision on Failure to Provide Consular Notification (,) 101, 627; C Hoppe, Implementation of LaGrand and Avena Germany and the United States: Exploring a Transatlantic Divide Search of a Uniform Interpretation of Consular Rights (,) 18, 317. The latest US Supreme Court decision on these questions is, (25 Mar,) 76, 4143
Sanchez-Llamas v Oregon, 548 US 331 (US S Ct 2006); Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG–German Federal Constitutional Court), 19 Sep 2006, 2 BvR 2115/01, International Law in Domestic Courts (ILDC) 668 (DE 2006). For comparison, see J Gogolin, “Avena and Sanchez-Llamas Come to Germany–The German Constitutional Court Upholds Rights under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations” (2007) 8 German Law Journal 261, http://www.germanlawjournal.com/article.php?id=805; KF Gräditz, “German Federal Constitutional Court: Decision on Failure to Provide Consular Notification” (2007) 101 American Journal of International Law 627; C Hoppe, “Implementation of LaGrand and Avena in Germany and the United States: Exploring a Transatlantic Divide in Search of a Uniform Interpretation of Consular Rights” (2007) 18 European Journal of International Law 317. The latest US Supreme Court decision on these questions is Medellín v Texas (25 Mar 2008), (2008) 76 United States Law Week 4143
United States Law Week
RG Steinhardt, The Privatization of Public Law (,) 25, 523, 544. B Kingsbury, The Problem of the Public International Law (NYU Law School, working paper
RG Steinhardt, “The Privatization of Public Law” (1991) 25 George Washington Journal of International Law and Economics 523, 544. B Kingsbury, “The Problem of the Public in International Law” (NYU Law School, working paper, 2005)
George Washington Journal of International Law and Economics
K Schurig, Völkerrecht und IPR: Methodische Verschleifung oder strukturierte Interaktion? Leible and Ruffert, n 1
K Schurig, “Völkerrecht und IPR: Methodische Verschleifung oder strukturierte Interaktion?”, in Leible and Ruffert, supra n 1, 55, 56–7
, vol.55
, pp. 56-57
17 Burkhard Hess at Tübingen reportedly also holds a venia in public and private international law
17 Burkhard Hess at Tübingen reportedly also holds a venia in public and private international law
On Wengler, see S Leible and M Ruffert, Einführung Leible and Ruffert, n 1 with further references n 14; for a brief obituary, see also C Dominicé (Secretary Generals report), (,) 66 II, 52
On Wengler, see S Leible and M Ruffert, “Einführung”, in Leible and Ruffert, supra n 1, 17, 19–20 with further references in n 14; for a brief obituary, see also C Dominicé (Secretary General's report), (1996) 66 II Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit International 52
Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit International
, vol.17
, pp. 19-20
19 “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht“, not to be confused with the “Deutsche Vereinigung für Internationales Recht”, the German branch of the International Law Association (ILA)
19 “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht“, not to be confused with the “Deutsche Vereinigung für Internationales Recht”, the German branch of the International Law Association (ILA).,
Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht; for a list, see
Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht; for a list, see http://www.dgvr.de/berichte.pdf.,
Similarly H-P Mansel, Staatlichkeit des Internationalen Privatrechts und Völkerrecht Leible and Ruffert, n 1, 89, 91
Similarly H-P Mansel, “Staatlichkeit des Internationalen Privatrechts und Völkerrecht”, in Leible and Ruffert, supra n 1, 89, 91
E Zitelmann, (3 vols, Munich, Duncker & Humblot, 1897–1912); E Frankenstein, (4 vols, Berlin-Grunewald, Dr Walther Rothschild, –35): A Bleckmann, (Cologne, Heymanns,). For a French reception, see P de Vareilles-Sommières, (Paris, LGDJ
E Zitelmann, Internationales Privatrecht (3 vols, Munich, Duncker & Humblot, 1897–1912); E Frankenstein, Internationales Privatrecht (Grenzrecht) (4 vols, Berlin-Grunewald, Dr Walther Rothschild, 1926–35): A Bleckmann, Die völkerrechtlichen Grundlagen des internationalen Kollisionsrechts (Cologne, Heymanns, 1992). For a French reception, see P de Vareilles-Sommières, La Compétence de l'Etat en matière de droit privé (Paris, LGDJ, 1997)
La Compétence de l'Etat en matière de droit privé
Mansel, n 21, 89
Mansel, supra n 21, 89
Mansel, n 21; Schurig, n 15; similarly B Audit, (Paris, Economica, 4th edn; C von Bar and P Mankowski, vol 1 (Munich, Beck, 2nd edn,), § 3 8–13
Mansel, supra n 21, 111–14; Schurig, supra n 15, 60–1; similarly B Audit, Droit International Privé (Paris, Economica, 4th edn, 2006), 30–1; C von Bar and P Mankowski, Internationales Privatrecht, vol 1 (Munich, Beck, 2nd edn, 2003), § 3 nos 8–13
Internationales Privatrecht
, pp. 30-31
WE Beckett, What Is Private International Law? (,) 7, 73
WE Beckett, “What Is Private International Law?” (1926) 7 British Yearbook of International Law 73
British Yearbook of International Law
Mansel, n 21
Mansel supra n 21, 97–103
, pp. 97-103
See A Cassese, Remarks on Scelles Theory of ‘Role Splitting’ (dédoublement fonctionnel) International Law (,) 1, 210
See A Cassese, “Remarks on Scelle's Theory of ‘Role Splitting’ (dédoublement fonctionnel) in International Law” (1990) 1 European Journal of International Law 210
European Journal of International Law
case (, 1955 ICJ Rep 4; see already the case of the, PCIJ (Ser A) No 10
Nottebohm case (Liechtenstein v Guatemala), 1955 ICJ Rep 4; see already the case of the SS Lotus (France v Turkey), 1927 PCIJ (Ser A) No 10
France v Turkey
W Wheeler Cook, (Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press discussing limited practical effect of the, decision of the ICJ
W Wheeler Cook, The Logical and Legal Bases of the Conflict of Law (Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1942), 71–8, discussing limited practical effect of the Lotus decision of the ICJ
, pp. 71-78
A Makarov, Völkerrecht und Internationales Privatrecht vol 1 (Athens and,. Cf E Jayme, (Heidelberg, Müller
A Makarov, “Völkerrecht und Internationales Privatrecht”, in Mélanges Streit, vol 1 (Athens 1939), 535, 548–9 and passim. Cf E Jayme, Internationales Privatrecht und Völkerrecht (Heidelberg, Müller, 2003), 18–19
Internationales Privatrecht und Völkerrecht
, vol.535
, pp. 18-19
Mansel, n 21 cites to two decisions by the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof), questioning the genuine link between a state and a corporation incorporated under that states law. Denial of such a link could not be based on international law
Mansel, supra n 21, 117–28 cites to two decisions by the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof), questioning the genuine link between a state and a corporation incorporated under that state's law. Denial of such a link could not be based on international law
, pp. 117-128
Eg H Yntema, The Comity Doctrine (,) 65, 9 with a historical Foreword by K Nadelmann, 1; J Paul, Comity International Law (,) 32, 1; J Paul, The Transformation of International Comity (,) 71/3, (forthcoming
Eg H Yntema, “The Comity Doctrine” (1966) 65 Michigan Law Review 9 with a historical “Foreword” by K Nadelmann, ibid 1; J Paul, “Comity in International Law” (1991) 32 Harvard International Law Journal 1; J Paul, “The Transformation of International Comity” (2008) 71/3 Law and Contemporary Problems (forthcoming)
Law and Contemporary Problems
AV Dicey, (1st edn, 1896), 10, quoted with approval by HF Goodrich, (St Paul, MN, West Publishing, 3rd edn
AV Dicey, The Conflict of Laws (1st edn, 1896), 10, quoted with approval by HF Goodrich, Handbook of the Conflict of Laws (St Paul, MN, West Publishing, 3rd edn, 1949), 11–12
Handbook of the Conflict of Laws
, pp. 11-12
159 US 113 (US S Ct 1895
Hilton v Guyot, 159 US 113, 163–4 (US S Ct 1895)
Hilton v Guyot
, pp. 163-164
See, most recently, L Collins, The United States Supreme Court and the Principles of Comity: Evidence Transnational Litigation (,) 8, 53
See, most recently, L Collins, “The United States Supreme Court and the Principles of Comity: Evidence in Transnational Litigation” (2006) 8 Yearbook of Private International Law 53
Yearbook of Private International Law
Oxford University Press, (3 and 4) [,] Ch 65, 82 (CA);,] QB 818, 827 (CA), Millett LJ. See, more generally, L Collins, Comity Modern Private International Law (ed),), 89
Derby & Co Ltd v Weldon (Nos 3 and 4) [1990] Ch 65, 82 (CA); Crédit Suisse Fides Trust SA v Cuoghi [1998] QB 818, 827 (CA) per Millett LJ. See, more generally, L Collins, “Comity in Modern Private International Law”, in J, Fawcett (ed), Reform and Development of Private International Law: Essays in Honour of Sir Peter North (Oxford University Press, 2002), 89
Reform and Development of Private International Law: Essays in Honour of Sir Peter North
Fawcett, J.1
See G Kegel and K Schurig, (Munich, Beck, 9th edn,), 185; KH Ziegler, Völkerrechtliche Verpflichtung zur Anwendung oder nur ‘freundliche Beachtung’ fremden Rechts? Die comitas-Lehre heute (Betrachtungen eines Rechtshistorikers) Leible and Ruffert, n 1, 43, 54); Schurig, n 15, 60
See G Kegel and K Schurig, Internationales Privatrecht (Munich, Beck, 9th edn, 2004), 185; KH Ziegler, “Völkerrechtliche Verpflichtung zur Anwendung oder nur ‘freundliche Beachtung’ fremden Rechts? Die comitas-Lehre heute (Betrachtungen eines Rechtshistorikers)”, in Leible and Ruffert, supra n 1, 43, 54); Schurig, supra n 15, 60
Ziegler, ibid
Ziegler hints at a possible connection between Savignys private international law and the public international law of his time. For reasons expressed the text I would not expect this to be fruitful
Ziegler, ibid, 46–7 hints at a possible connection between Savigny's private international law and the public international law of his time. For reasons expressed in the text I would not expect this to be fruitful
, pp. 46-47
See G Kegel, Story and Savigny (,) 37, Law 39
See G Kegel, “Story and Savigny” (1989) 37 American Journal of Comparative Law 39
American Journal of Comparative
On the origins of this volume, see F Sturm, Savigny und das internationale Privatrecht seiner Zeit (,) 8, 92
On the origins of this volume, see F Sturm, “Savigny und das internationale Privatrecht seiner Zeit” (1979) 8 Ius commune 92
Ius commune
Kegel, n 40, 59; see already M Gutzwiller, (Freiburg [Switzerland], Universitätsverlag Gschwend, Tschopp & Co
Kegel, supra n 40, 59; see already M Gutzwiller, Der Einfluss Savignys auf die Entwicklung des Inter-nationalprivatrechts (Freiburg [Switzerland], Universitätsverlag Gschwend, Tschopp & Co, 1923), 43–4
Der Einfluss Savignys auf die Entwicklung des Inter-nationalprivatrechts
, pp. 43-44
Savigny, n 43, 70
Savigny, supra n 43, 70
Kegel, n 40
Kegel, supra n 40, 58–9
, pp. 58-59
For limits to Savigny as a model for globalised conflict of laws, see R Michaels, Globalising Savigny? The State Savignys Private International Law and the Challenge from European-ization and Globalization and, (eds), (Baden-Baden: Nomos,), 119
For limits to Savigny as a model for globalised conflict of laws, see R Michaels, “Globalising Savigny? The State in Savigny's Private International Law and the Challenge from European-ization and Globalization”, in M, Stolleis and W, Streeck (eds), Dezentralisierung. Aktuelle Fragen politischer und rechtlicher Steuerung im Kontext der Globalisierung (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2007), 119
Dezentralisierung. Aktuelle Fragen politischer und rechtlicher Steuerung im Kontext der Globalisierung
Stolleis, M.1
Streeck, W.2
Mansel, n 21
Mansel, supra n 21, 103–11
, pp. 103-111
J Basedow, Das Konventionsprivatrecht und das Völkerrecht der Staatsverträge 153
J Basedow, “Das Konventionsprivatrecht und das Völkerrecht der Staatsverträge”, ibid, 153
See E Jayme, Völkerrecht und Internationales PrivatrechtEine entwicklungsgeschichtliche Betrachtung Leible and Ruffert, n 1; the resolution of the Institute is; see also, briefly, Basedow, n 49
See E Jayme, “Völkerrecht und Internationales Privatrecht–Eine entwicklungsgeschichtliche Betrachtung”, in Leible and Ruffert, supra n 1, 23, 24–6; the resolution of the Institute is ibid, 39–40; see also, briefly, Basedow, supra n 49, 156–7
, vol.23
, pp. 156-157
See KH Nadelmann, Multilateral Conventions the Conflicts Field: An Historical Sketch (,) 19, 107
See KH Nadelmann, “Multilateral Conventions in the Conflicts Field: An Historical Sketch” (1972) 19 Netherlands International Law Review 107
Netherlands International Law Review
PS Mancini, De lutilité de rendre obligatoires pour tous les Etats, sous la forme de plusieurs traités internationaux, un certain nombre de règles générales du Droit international prié pour assurer la decision uniforme des conflits entre les différentes égislations civiles et criminelles Clunet 1 (1874
PS Mancini, “De l'utilité de rendre obligatoires pour tous les Etats, sous la forme de plusieurs traités internationaux, un certain nombre de règles générales du Droit international prié pour assurer la decision uniforme des conflits entre les différentes égislations civiles et criminelles” Clunet 1 (1874), 221–39, 285–304
n 49
Supra n 49
K Nadelmann, Uniform Legislation versus International Conventions as a Method of Unification of Private International Law K Nadelmann, (The Hague, Nijhoff,), 87
K Nadelmann, “Uniform Legislation versus International Conventions as a Method of Unification of Private International Law”, in K Nadelmann, Conflict of Laws: International and Interstate: Selected Essays (The Hague, Nijhoff 1972), 87
Conflict of Laws: International and Interstate: Selected Essays
See K Nadelmann, Mancinis Nationality Rule and Non-Unified Legal Systems (,) 17, 418. A prominent proponent of codification was none other than David Dudley Field, famous for his promotion of codification of domestic law New York
See K Nadelmann, “Mancini's Nationality Rule and Non-Unified Legal Systems” (1969) 17 American Journal of Comparative Law 418, 422–3. A prominent proponent of codification was none other than David Dudley Field, famous for his promotion of codification of domestic law in New York
American Journal of Comparative Law
, pp. 422-423
See R Michaels, The European Choice-of-Law Revolution 82, II.A (forthcoming
See R Michaels, “The European Choice-of-Law Revolution” 82 Tulane Law Review II.A (forthcoming)
Tulane Law Review
J Basedow, Was wird aus der Haager Konferenz für Internationales Privtrecht? and, (eds), (München, Sellier,), 463; M Traest, Development of a European Private International Law and the Hague Conference (,) 5, 223
J Basedow, “Was wird aus der Haager Konferenz für Internationales Privtrecht?” in T, Rauscher and H-P, Mansel (eds), Festschrift für Werner Lorenz zum 80. Geburtstag (München, Sellier, 2001), 463; M Traest, “Development of a European Private International Law and the Hague Conference” (2003) 5 Yearbook of Private International Law 223
Yearbook of Private International Law
Rauscher, T.1
Mansel, H.-P.2
H Kronke, Most Significant Relationship, Governmental Interests, Cultural Identity, Integration: ‘Rules’ at Will and the Case for Principles of Conflict of Laws (,) 9, 467
H Kronke, “Most Significant Relationship, Governmental Interests, Cultural Identity, Integration: ‘Rules’ at Will and the Case for Principles of Conflict of Laws” (2004) 9 Uniform Law Review 467
Uniform Law Review
P Mankowski, Völkerrechtliche Meistbegünstigung und europäisches IPR/IZVR Leible and Ruffert, n 1, 235
P Mankowski, “Völkerrechtliche Meistbegünstigung und europäisches IPR/IZVR” in Leible and Ruffert, supra n 1, 235
Bundesgerichtshof, 29 Jan, VIII ZR 155/02, [, 1607; JC Dammann, Amerikanische Gesellschaften mit Sitz Deutschland. Zugleich eine Anmerkung zu BGH 29.1.2003VIII ZR 155/02 (,) 65, 1. Mankowski, n 59, 262 argues that the result followed already from a choice of law rule the US–German Treaty
Bundesgerichtshof, 29 Jan 2003 VIII ZR 155/02, [2003] Neue Juristiche Wochenschrift 1607; JC Dammann, “Amerikanische Gesellschaften mit Sitz in Deutschland. Zugleich eine Anmerkung zu BGH 29.1.2003–VIII ZR 155/02” (2004) 65 RabelsZ 1. Mankowski, supra n 59, 262 argues that the result followed already from a choice of law rule in the US–German Treaty
See J Meeusen, Instrumentalisation of Private International Law the European Union: Towards a European Conflicts Revolution? (,) 9, 287, 291ss; Michaels, n 56, II.3.b
See J Meeusen, “Instrumentalisation of Private International Law in the European Union: Towards a European Conflicts Revolution?” (2007) 9 European Journal of Migration and Law 287, 291ss; Michaels, supra n 56, II.3.b
J Goldsmith and AO Sykes, Lex Loci Delictus and Global Economic Welfare:, (,) 120, 1137, 1144–5. More generally on the potential impact of WTO law on private international law, see W-H Roth, Welthandelsordnung und IPR (,) 40, 331. For a conceptualisation of the WTO as a conflict-of-laws system, see C Joerge, Constitutionalism Postnational Constellations: Contrasting Social Regulation the EU and the WTO and, (eds), (Oxford, Hart Publishing,), 491
J Goldsmith and AO Sykes, “Lex Loci Delictus and Global Economic Welfare: Spinozzi v ITT Sheraton Corp” (2007) 120 Harvard Law Review 1137, 1144–5. More generally on the potential impact of WTO law on private international law, see W-H Roth, “Welthandelsordnung und IPR” (2003) 40 Berichte der deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht 331. For a conceptualisation of the WTO as a conflict-of-laws system, see C Joerge, “Constitutionalism in Postnational Constellations: Contrasting Social Regulation in the EU and in the WTO”, in C, Joerges and E-U, Petersmann (eds), Constitutionalism, Multilevel Trade Governance and Social Regulation (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2006), 491
Constitutionalism, Multilevel Trade Governance and Social Regulation
Joerges, C.1
Petersmann, E.-U.2
For the market as relevant connecting factor, see D Martiny, Die Anknüpfung an den Markt (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck,), 389
For the market as relevant connecting factor, see D Martiny, “Die Anknüpfung an den Markt”, in Festschrift für Ulrich Drobnig zum siebzigsten. Geburtstag (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 1998), 389
Festschrift für Ulrich Drobnig zum siebzigsten. Geburtstag
N de Belleville Katzenbach, Conflicts on an Unruly Horse: Reciprocal Claims and Tolerances Interstate and International Law (,) 65, 1087, 1087
N de Belleville Katzenbach, “Conflicts on an Unruly Horse: Reciprocal Claims and Tolerances in Interstate and International Law” (1956) 65 Yale Law Journal 1087, 1087
Yale Law Journal
See, (gen ed), (London, Stevens & Sons and Sweet & Maxwell, 6th edn,) LXV; JC Morris (gen ed), (London, Stevens & Sons, 7th edn,), 9
See JC, Morris (gen ed), Dicey's Conflict of Laws (London, Stevens & Sons and Sweet & Maxwell, 6th edn, 1949) LXV; JC Morris (gen ed), Dicey's Conflict of Laws (London, Stevens & Sons, 7th edn, 1958), 9
Dicey's Conflict of Laws
Morris, J.C.1
See R Michaels, EU Law as Private International Law? Reconceptualizing the Country-of-Origin Principle as Wested-rights Theory (,) 2, 195
See R Michaels, “EU Law as Private International Law? Reconceptualizing the Country-of-Origin Principle as Wested-rights Theory (2006) 2 Journal of Private International Law 195, 226–7
Journal of Private International Law
, pp. 226-227
Mansel, n 21, 114, against W Wengler, vol 1 (Berlin, de Gruyter
Mansel, supra n 21, 114, against W Wengler, Internationales Privatrecht, vol 1 (Berlin, de Gruyter, 1983), 23–4
Internationales Privatrecht
, pp. 23-24
Michaels, n 61; similarly Mansel, n 21, 114
Michaels, supra n 61; similarly Mansel, supra n 21, 114
Mankowski, n 59
Mankowski, supra n 59, 258–60
, pp. 258-260
On Kants importance for private international law, see also K Siehr, Kant and Private International Law (,) 2, 767. A Kantian reconceptualization of private international law is the theme of F Rödl, Weltbürgerliches Kollisionsrecht. Über die Form des Kollisionsrechts und ihre Einlösung im Recht der Europäischen Union (PhD Thesis EUI Florence
On Kant's importance for private international law, see also K Siehr, “Kant and Private International Law” (2001) 2 European Business Organization Law Review 767. A Kantian reconceptualization of private international law is the theme of F Rödl, “Weltbürgerliches Kollisionsrecht. Über die Form des Kollisionsrechts und ihre Einlösung im Recht der Europäischen Union” (PhD Thesis EUI Florence, 2008)
European Business Organization Law Review
Jayme, n 50, 23. More extensively, E Jayme, (Heidelberg: CF Müller,), 95. Another brief discussion this volume is that by Mansel, n 21
Jayme, supra n 50, 23. More extensively, E Jayme, Menschenrechte und Theorie des Internationalen Privatrechts, in E Jayme, Internationale Privatrecht und Völkerrecht (Heidelberg: CF Müller, 2003), 95. Another brief discussion in this volume is that by Mansel, supra n 21, 128–9
, pp. 128-129
A Spickhoff, Der völkerrechtsbezogene ordre public Leible and Ruffert, n 1, 275
A Spickhoff, “Der völkerrechtsbezogene ordre public”, in Leible and Ruffert, supra n 1, 275
–, against G Jaenicke, Zur Frage des internationalen ordre public (,) 7, 77
Ibid, 277–81, against G Jaenicke, “Zur Frage des internationalen ordre public” (1967) 7 Berichte der deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht 77
Berichte der deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht
, pp. 277-281
J Basedow, Die Verselbständigung des europäischen ordre publique and, (eds), (München, Beck,), 291; for a more critical view, see I Thoma, Die Europäisierung und die Vergemeinschaftung des nationalen ordre public (Tübingen, Mohr,); see also Spickhoff, n 73
J Basedow, “Die Verselbständigung des europäischen ordre publique”, in M, Coester, D, Martiny and KA Prinz, von Sachsen Gessaphe (eds), Privatrecht in Europa–Vielfalt, Kollision, Kooperation; Festschrift für Hans Jürgen Sonnenberger zum 70. Geburtstag (München, Beck, 2004), 291; for a more critical view, see I Thoma, “Die Europäisierung und die Vergemeinschaftung des nationalen ordre public” (Tübingen, Mohr 2007); see also Spickhoff, supra n 73, 285–6
, pp. 285-286
Coester, M.1
Martiny, D.2
von Sachsen Gessaphe, K.A.P.3
The latter is true only when one views public policy as an exception. Spickhoff, following Klaus Schurig, establishes public policy as a specific choice-of-law rule. See A Spickhoff, (Neuwied, Metzner
The latter is true only when one views public policy as an exception. Spickhoff, following Klaus Schurig, establishes public policy as a specific choice-of-law rule. See A Spickhoff, Der ordre public im internationalen Privatrecht, Entwicklung, Struktur, Konkretisierung (Neuwied, Metzner, 1989)
Der ordre public im internationalen Privatrecht, Entwicklung, Struktur, Konkretisierung
Jayme, n 50 discussing ECJ, 2 Oct, case C–148/02,] ECR I–11613; see also ECJ, 27 Apr, Case C–96/04, Standesamt Stadt Niebüll (Grunkin-Paul), [2006] ECR I–3561; for discussion, Meeusen, n 61, 292ss
Jayme, supra n 50, 25–6, discussing ECJ, 2 Oct 2003, case C–148/02, Garcia Avello [2003] ECR I–11613; see also ECJ, 27 Apr 2006, Case C–96/04, Standesamt Stadt Niebüll (“Grunkin-Paul”), [2006] ECR I–3561; for discussion, Meeusen, supra n 61, 292ss
, pp. 25-26
Jayme, n 50; see already E Jayme, Lautonomie de la volonté des parties dans les contrats internationaux entre personnes privées (,) 64-I, 14, 63ss; S Leible, Parteiautonomie im IPRAllgemeines Anknüpfungsprinzip oder Verlegenheitslösung? (eds), (München, Sellier,), 485
Jayme, supra n 50, 37–8; see already E Jayme, “L'autonomie de la volonté des parties dans les contrats internationaux entre personnes privées” (1991) 64-I Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit International 14, 63ss; S Leible, “Parteiautonomie im IPR–Allgemeines Anknüpfungsprinzip oder Verlegenheitslösung?”, in HP, Mansel et al (eds), Festschrift für Jayme (München, Sellier 2004), 485
Festschrift für Jayme
, pp. 37-38
Mansel, H.P.1
See now V van den Eckhout, Promoting Human Rights within the Union: The Role of European Private International Law (,) 14, 105
See now V van den Eckhout, “Promoting Human Rights within the Union: The Role of European Private International Law” (2008) 14 European Law Journal 105
European Law Journal
Karen Knop, Public/Private Citizenship (,) 71, (forthcoming
Karen Knop, “Public/Private Citizenship” (2008) 71 Law and Contemporary Problems (forthcoming)
Law and Contemporary Problems
Fenwick H., Phillipson G., Masterman R., (eds),] UKHL 22 (6 May,); G Phillipson, Clarity Postponed? Horizontal Effect after Campbell (Cambridge University Press,), 143. See more generally, JH Knox, Horizontal Human Rights Law (,) 102, 1
Campbell v Mirror Group Newspapers Ltd [2004] UKHL 22 (6 May 2004); G Phillipson, “Clarity Postponed? Horizontal Effect after Campbell”, in H, Fenwick, G, Phillipson and R, Masterman (eds), Judicial Reasoning under the UK Human Rights Act (Cambridge University Press, 2007), 143. See more generally, JH Knox, “Horizontal Human Rights Law” (2008) 102 American Journal of International Law 1
American Journal of International Law
Oxford University Press, AF Lowenfeld
AF Lowenfeld, International Economic Law (Oxford University Press, 2002)
International Economic Law
Schurig, n 15
Schurig, supra n 15
See, eg, JP Trachtman, The International Economic Law Revolution (,) 17, 33, 40 (The Disappearance of Private International Law
See, eg, JP Trachtman, “The International Economic Law Revolution” (1996) 17 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law 33, 40 (“The Disappearance of Private International Law”)
University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law
A Weber, Marktfreiheit oder kooperative Gemeinwohlverwirklichung im internationalen Wirt-schaftsrecht? Leible and Ruffert, n 1
A Weber, “Marktfreiheit oder kooperative Gemeinwohlverwirklichung im internationalen Wirt-schaftsrecht?”, in Leible and Ruffert, supra n 1, 71, 72–3
, vol.71
, pp. 72-73
F Kübler, Wirtschaftsrecht der Bundesrepublik. Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Bestandsauf-nahme (ed), (Frankfurt, Suhrkamp,), 364
F Kübler, “Wirtschaftsrecht in der Bundesrepublik. Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Bestandsauf-nahme”, in D, Simon (ed), Rechtswissenschaft in der Bonner Republik (Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 1994), 364
Rechtswissenschaft in der Bonner Republik
Simon, D.1
See Jansen and Michaels, n 7
See Jansen and Michaels, supra n 7, 352–3
, pp. 352-353
Schurig, n 15
Schurig, supra n 15, 56–7
, pp. 56-57
E Eichenhofer, Sicherung völkerrechtlich konsentierter sozialer Mindeststandards durch Kollisions-oder Einheitsrecht? Leible and Ruffert, n 1, 215
E Eichenhofer, “Sicherung völkerrechtlich konsentierter sozialer Mindeststandards durch Kollisions-oder Einheitsrecht?”, in Leible and Ruffert, supra n 1, 215
C Ohler, Internationales Verwaltungsrechtein Kollisionsrecht eigener Art? Leible and Ruffert, n 1, 131; see also C Ohler, (Tübingen, Mohr/Siebeck,). The classic German study is K Neumeyer, 4 vols (Munich & Berlin, J Schweitzer, –36
C Ohler, “Internationales Verwaltungsrecht–ein Kollisionsrecht eigener Art?”, in Leible and Ruffert, supra n 1, 131; see also C Ohler, Die Kollisionsordnung des Allgemeinen Verwaltungsrechts (Tübingen, Mohr/Siebeck 2005). The classic German study is K Neumeyer, Internationales Verwaltungsrecht, 4 vols (Munich & Berlin, J Schweitzer, 1910–36)
Internationales Verwaltungsrecht
PJ McConnaughy, Reviving the ‘Public Law Taboo’ International Conflict of Laws (,) 35, 255; WS Dodge, Breaking the Public Law Taboo (,) 43, 161
PJ McConnaughy, “Reviving the ‘Public Law Taboo’ in International Conflict of Laws” (1999) 35 Stanford Journal of International Law 255; WS Dodge, “Breaking the Public Law Taboo” (2002) 43 Harvard International Law Journal 161
Harvard International Law Journal
O Dörr, Staatenimmunität als Anerkennungs-und Vollstreckungshindernis Leible and Ruffert, n 1, 175
O Dörr, “Staatenimmunität als Anerkennungs-und Vollstreckungshindernis”, in Leible and Ruffert, supra n 1, 175
See only,] UKHL 26. The relationship between sovereign immunity and the duty to provide redress for victims of torture is currently the subject of hot debate. See only, most recently, Symposium: State Immunity Civil Proceedings for Serious Violations of Human Rights (,) 18, 903–70; E Bates, State Immunity for Torture (,) 7, 651
See only Jones v Saudi Arabia, [2006] UKHL 26. The relationship between sovereign immunity and the duty to provide redress for victims of torture is currently the subject of hot debate. See only, most recently, “Symposium: State Immunity in Civil Proceedings for Serious Violations of Human Rights” (2007) 18 European Journal of International Law 903–70; E Bates, “State Immunity for Torture” (2007) 7 Human Rights Law Review 651
Human Rights Law Review
The case was decided by arbitration, and the parties agreed that Austrian law should govern. The arbitral award that ensued is available at
The case was decided by arbitration, and the parties agreed that Austrian law should govern. The arbitral award that ensued is available at http://www.adele.at/Schiedsspruch/schiedsspruch.html.,
C Tietje, Staateninsolvenz und Kapitalaufnahme auf internationalen Anleihemärkten Leible and Ruffert, n 1, 193. Much has been written on these issues. For a perspective from a German private international law scholar, see T Pfeiffer, Zahlungskrisen ausländischer Staaten im deutschen und internationalen Rechtsverkehr (,) 102, 141
C Tietje, “Staateninsolvenz und Kapitalaufnahme auf internationalen Anleihemärkten”, in Leible and Ruffert, supra n 1, 193. Much has been written on these issues. For a perspective from a German private international law scholar, see T Pfeiffer, “Zahlungskrisen ausländischer Staaten im deutschen und internationalen Rechtsverkehr” (2003) 102 Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechts-wissenschaft 141
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechts-wissenschaft
–,. For a recent critique of arbitration the area of sovereign bonds, see M Waibel, Opening Pandoras Box: Sovereign Bonds International Arbitration (,) 101, 711. For the usefulness of conflict-of-laws analysis, see AJ Borklund, Private Rights and Public International Law: Why Competition among International Economic Law Tribunals is not Working (,) 59, 241
Ibid, 204–8. For a recent critique of arbitration in the area of sovereign bonds, see M Waibel, “Opening Pandora's Box: Sovereign Bonds in International Arbitration” (2007) 101 American Journal of International Law 711. For the usefulness of conflict-of-laws analysis, see AJ Borklund, “Private Rights and Public International Law: Why Competition among International Economic Law Tribunals is not Working” (2007) 59 Hastings Law Journal 241
Hastings Law Journal
, pp. 204-208