In this article, I use “private international law” rather than “conflict of laws” or “choice of law” for two reasons. First, this is in accordance with European usage. Second, it brings out the focus on private interest that characterises the country of origin principle better than “conflict of laws” or “choice of law”, both of which suggest that the relevant question goes to which of several laws is applicable
In this article, I use “private international law” rather than “conflict of laws” or “choice of law” for two reasons. First, this is in accordance with European usage. Second, it brings out the focus on private interest that characterises the country of origin principle better than “conflict of laws” or “choice of law”, both of which suggest that the relevant question goes to which of several laws is applicable.,
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the internal market (by the Commission), 5 March 2004, COM(2004) 2 final/3, Art 16, “Country of origin principle”
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the internal market (by the Commission), 5 March 2004, COM(2004) 2 final/3, Art 16, “Country of origin principle”:
Member States shall ensure that providers are subject only to the national provisions of their Member State of origin which fall within the coordinated field. Paragraph 1 shall cover national provisions relating to access to and the exercise of a service activity, in particular those requirements governing the behaviour of the provider, the quality or content of the service, advertising, contracts and the provider's liability
Member States shall ensure that providers are subject only to the national provisions of their Member State of origin which fall within the coordinated field. Paragraph 1 shall cover national provisions relating to access to and the exercise of a service activity, in particular those requirements governing the behaviour of the provider, the quality or content of the service, advertising, contracts and the provider's liability
Member States may not, for reasons falling within the coordinated field, restrict the freedom to provide services in the case of a provider established in another Member State, in particular, by imposing any of the following requirements
Member States may not, for reasons falling within the coordinated field, restrict the freedom to provide services in the case of a provider established in another Member State, in particular, by imposing any of the following requirements:
an obligation on the provider to have an establishment in their territory
an obligation on the provider to have an establishment in their territory;,
an obligation on the provider to make a declaration or notification to, or to obtain an authorisation from, their competent authorities, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in their territory
an obligation on the provider to make a declaration or notification to, or to obtain an authorisation from, their competent authorities, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in their territory;,
an obligation on the provider to have an address or representative in their territory or to have an address for service at the address of a person authorized in that territory
an obligation on the provider to have an address or representative in their territory or to have an address for service at the address of a person authorized in that territory;,
the provider setting up a certain, structure their territory, including an office or chambers, which the provider needs to supply the services question;
the provider setting up a certain infra structure in their territory, including an office or chambers, which the provider needs to supply the services in question
an obligation on the provider to comply with requirements, relating to the exercise of a service activity, applicable in their territory
an obligation on the provider to comply with requirements, relating to the exercise of a service activity, applicable in their territory;,
the application of specific contractual arrangements between the provider and the recipient which prevent or restrict service provision by the self-employed
the application of specific contractual arrangements between the provider and the recipient which prevent or restrict service provision by the self-employed;,
an obligation on the provider to possess an identity document issued by its competent authorities specific to the exercise of a service activity
an obligation on the provider to possess an identity document issued by its competent authorities specific to the exercise of a service activity;,
requirements which affect the use of equipment which is an integral part of the service provided
requirements which affect the use of equipment which is an integral part of the service provided;,
restrictions on the freedom to provide the services referred to in Article 20, the first subparagraph of Article 23(1) or Article 25(1)
restrictions on the freedom to provide the services referred to in Article 20, the first subparagraph of Article 23(1) or Article 25(1).,
In using the “Polish plumber” as a prime example at various points in this paper, I refer to an example frequently used to express pertaining fears in public debates, but take no view on whether these fears are justified. Nor do I analyse to what extent exactly the Service Directive would actually make only Polish law applicable to him. These questions were hotly debated and widely unclear; they have become moot in the most recent proposals. My main point in this paper is conceptual – how would a country-of-origin principle function if it applied – rather than substantive
3 In using the “Polish plumber” as a prime example at various points in this paper, I refer to an example frequently used to express pertaining fears in public debates, but take no view on whether these fears are justified. Nor do I analyse to what extent exactly the Service Directive would actually make only Polish law applicable to him. These questions were hotly debated and widely unclear; they have become moot in the most recent proposals. My main point in this paper is conceptual–how would a country-of-origin principle function if it applied–rather than substantive.,
Keynote Article: Questions of EuropeThe Domestic Politics of the, French and Dutch Referendums and their Challenge for the Study of European Integration (,) 44, 7, 16
P, Taggart, “Keynote Article: Questions of Europe–The Domestic Politics of the 2005 French and Dutch Referendums and their Challenge for the Study of European Integration” (2006) 44 Journal of Common Market Studies, Annual Review 7, 16
Journal of Common Market Studies, Annual Review
Taggart, P.1
Editorial comments: The Services Directive Proposal: Striking a Balance between the Promotion of the Internal Market and Preserving the European Social Model? (,) 43, 307, 309. For the changes made, see Amended Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Services the Internal Market (presented by the Commission), 4 April, COM(,) 160 final, Art 16 with comments at 10–12. See now Common Position adopted by the Council with a view to the adoption of a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on services the internal market, 17 July 2006, Doc. 10003/06, Art 16
“Editorial comments: The Services Directive Proposal: Striking a Balance between the Promotion of the Internal Market and Preserving the European Social Model?” (2006) 43 Common Market Law Review 307, 309. For the changes made, see Amended Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Services in the Internal Market (presented by the Commission), 4 April 2006, COM(2006) 160 final, Art 16 with comments at 10–12. See now Common Position adopted by the Council with a view to the adoption of a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the internal market, 17 July 2006, Doc. 10003/06, Art 16
Common Market Law Review
Le Marché commun au regard du droit international privé
von Cammerer E., (ed), But see, for some early analyses, (,) 48, 237; id., Les aspects du droit international privé de la Communauté Économique (Paris, Dalloz,), 17; K Zweigert, Einige Auswirkungen des Einige Auswirkungen des der der Mitgliedstaaten (Frankfurt/M, Klostermann,), 555. For two recent accounts of the history, see Jannet A Pontier, (Amsterdam, Vossiuspers,); K Kreuzer, Zu Stand und Perspektiven des Europäischen Internationalen PrivatrechtsWie europäisch soll das Europäische Internationale Privatrecht sein? (,) 70, 1. For an argument to treat all EU law as conflict of laws, see C Joerges, The Challenges of Europeanization the Realm of Private Law: A Plea for a New Legal Discipline (,) 14, 149; C Joerges, European Law as Conflict of Laws C Joerges and J Neyers, ‘Deliberative Supranationalism’ Revisited EUI Working Paper Law No 2006/20, 15, 23ff; see also A Furrer, (Berne, Stämpfli,); C Schmid, (Baden-Baden, Nomos, forthcoming
But see, for some early analyses, R, Savatier, “Le Marché commun au regard du droit international privé” (1959) 48 Revue critique de droit international privé 237; id., “Les aspects du droit international privé de la Communauté Économique “, in Travaux du Comité Français de droit international privé 1960–1962 (Paris, Dalloz, 1963), 17; K Zweigert, “Einige Auswirkungen des Einige Auswirkungen des der der Mitgliedstaaten”, in E, von Cammerer et al (eds), Probleme des europäischen Rechts. Festschrift für Walter Hallstein zu seinem 65. Geburtstag (Frankfurt/M, Klostermann, 1966), 555. For two recent accounts of the history, see Jannet A Pontier, Europees conflictenrecht–Een complexe geschiedenis in vogelvlucht (Amsterdam, Vossiuspers, 2005); K Kreuzer, “Zu Stand und Perspektiven des Europäischen Internationalen Privatrechts–Wie europäisch soll das Europäische Internationale Privatrecht sein?” (2006) 70 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 1, 8–30. For an argument to treat all EU law as conflict of laws, see C Joerges, “The Challenges of Europeanization in the Realm of Private Law: A Plea for a New Legal Discipline” (2004) 14 Duke International and Comparative Law Journal 149; C Joerges, “European Law as Conflict of Laws” in C Joerges and J Neyers, “‘Deliberative Supranationalism’ Revisited” EUI Working Paper Law No 2006/20, 15, 23ff; see also A Furrer, Zivilrecht im gemeinschaftsrechtlichen Kontext–Das Europäische Kollisionsrecht als Koordinierungsinstrument für die Einbindung des Zivilrechts in das europäische Wirtschaftsrecht (Berne, Stämpfli, 2002); C Schmid, Die Instrumentalisierung des Privatrechts durch die EU (Baden-Baden, Nomos, forthcoming)
Die Instrumentalisierung des Privatrechts durch die EU
, pp. 8-30
Savatier, R.1
The Communitarization of the Conflict of Laws under the Treaty of Amsterdam
See, (,) 37, 687; O Remien, European Private Inter national Law, the European Community and its Emerging Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (,) 38, 53
See J, Basedow, “The Communitarization of the Conflict of Laws under the Treaty of Amsterdam” (2000) 37 Common Market Law Review 687; O Remien, “European Private Inter national Law, the European Community and its Emerging Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” (2001) 38 Common Market Law Review 53
Common Market Law Review
Basedow, J.1
Spécificité et coordination du droit international privé communautaire
But see, (Paris, Pédone,), 275 (arguing that federalised codification of private international law is a novelty
But see J, Basedow, “Spécificité et coordination du droit international privé communautaire”, in Travaux du comité français de droit international privé 2002–2004 (Paris, Pédone, 2005), 275 (arguing that federalised codification of private international law is a novelty)
Travaux du comité français de droit international privé 2002–2004
Basedow, J.1
Eg for the private law of names case of double nationality: Case C–148/02 Garcia Avello, decision of 2 October,] ECR–I 1161 3; Case C–96/04 Stadt Niebüll, Opinion of the Advocate General of 30 June 2005, paras 56–7. (The Court of Justice decided on 27 April 2006 it had no jurisdiction over the case.) Avello is interpreted as a return to Savignyan private inter national law by T Ballarino and B Ubertazzi, On Avello and Other Judgments: A New Departure the Conflict of Laws? (2004) 6, 85
Eg for the private law of names in case of double nationality: Case C–148/02 Garcia Avello, decision of 2 October 2003, [2003] ECR–I 1161 3; Case C–96/04 Stadt Niebüll, Opinion of the Advocate General of 30 June 2005, paras 56–7. (The Court of Justice decided on 27 April 2006 it had no jurisdiction over the case.) Avello is interpreted as a return to Savignyan private inter national law by T Ballarino and B Ubertazzi, “On Avello and Other Judgments: A New Departure in the Conflict of Laws?” (2004) 6 Yearbook of Private International Law 85, 124–9
Yearbook of Private International Law
, pp. 124-129
Mansel H.P., (ed), See (critically), and, Europäisches Kollisionsrecht, : Anerkennungsprinzip statt IPR? [, 501; P Lagarde, Développe-ments futures du droit international privé dans une Europe en voie dunification: quelques conjectures (,) 68, 225; D Coester-Waltjen, Das Anerkennungsprinzip im Dornröschenschlaf? I (Munich, Sellier,), 121
See (critically) E, Jayme and C, Kohler, “Europäisches Kollisionsrecht 2001: Anerkennungsprinzip statt IPR?” [2001] Praxis des internationalen Privat-und Verfahrensrechts 501; P Lagarde, “Développe-ments futures du droit international privé dans une Europe en voie d'unification: quelques conjectures” (2004) 68 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 225; D Coester-Waltjen, “Das Anerkennungsprinzip im Dornröschenschlaf?” in HP, Mansel (ed), Festschrift für Erik Jayme I (Munich, Sellier, 2004), 121
Festschrift für Erik Jayme
Jayme, E.1
Kohler, C.2
Reiss H.S., (ed), n 6, 154. For the origin of the quote, see Immanuel Kant, The Contest of Faculties (2nd ed, [1798]
Joerges,n 6, 154. For the origin of the quote, see Immanuel Kant, “The Contest of Faculties” in HS, Reiss (ed), Kant–Political Writings (2nd ed, 1991) (Der Streit der Fakultäten [1798])
Der Streit der Fakultäten
Stolleis M., Streeck W., (eds), For Savignys continued (or renewed) importance, see, Savignys Triumph? Choice of Law Contracts Cases at the Close of the Twentieth Century (,) 39, 571; Ballarino and Ubertazzi, n 9; R Michaels, Globalizing Savigny? (Baden-Baden, Nomos, forth coming
For Savigny's continued (or renewed) importance, see M, Reimann, “Savigny's Triumph? Choice of Law in Contracts Cases at the Close of the Twentieth Century” (1999) 39 Virginia Journal of International Law 571; Ballarino and Ubertazzi,n 9; R Michaels, “Globalizing Savigny?”, http://ssrn.com/abstract=796228, in M, Stolleis and W, Streeck (eds), Dezentralisierung. Aktuelle Fragen politischer und rechtlicher Steuerung im Kontext der Globalisierung (Baden-Baden, Nomos, forth coming 2007)
Dezentralisierung. Aktuelle Fragen politischer und rechtlicher Steuerung im Kontext der Globalisierung
Reimann, M.1
Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations (Consolidated Version), OJ C27, 34. Art 20 reads: “This Convention shall not affect the application of provisions which, in relation to particular matters, lay down choice-of-law rules relating to contractual obligations and which are or will be contained in acts of the institutions of the European Communities or in national laws harmonized in implementation of such acts.”
Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations (Consolidated Version) [1998] OJ C27, 34. Art 20 reads: “This Convention shall not affect the application of provisions which, in relation to particular matters, lay down choice-of-law rules relating to contractual obligations and which are or will be contained in acts of the institutions of the European Communities or in national laws harmonized in implementation of such acts.”
Green Paper on the conversion of the Rome Convention of 1980 on the law applicable to contractual obligations into a Community instrument and its modernisation, COM (,) 654 final, 14 January, 5. The French version is more strict and uses the word, (will have to); this stricter use can also be found the draft proposal for the Services Directive (, n 2) at p 17, which, when quoting the Green Paper, replaces should with must
Green Paper on the conversion of the Rome Convention of 1980 on the law applicable to contractual obligations into a Community instrument and its modernisation, COM (2002) 654 final, 14 January 2003, 5. The French version is more strict and uses the word devra (“will have to”); this stricter use can also be found in the draft proposal for the Services Directive (n 2) at p 17, which, when quoting the Green Paper, replaces “should” with “must”
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations (“Rome II”), 22 July 2003, COM (2003) 427 final
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations (“Rome II”), 22 July 2003, COM (2003) 427 final
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations (Rome I) (presented by the Commission), 15 December 2005, COM (2005) 650 final
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations (Rome I) (presented by the Commission), 15 December 2005, COM (2005) 650 final
Amended proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation on the Law Applicable to Non-contractual Obligations (“Rome II”), 21 Feb 2006, COM, 83 final
Amended proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation on the Law Applicable to Non-contractual Obligations (“Rome II”), 21 Feb 2006, COM (2006) 83 final
But see, for criticism, Hamburg Group for Private International Law, Comments on the European Commissions Draft Proposal for a Council Regulation on the Law Applicable to Non contractual Obligations (,) 67, 1
But see, for criticism, Hamburg Group for Private International Law, “Comments on the European Commission's Draft Proposal for a Council Regulation on the Law Applicable to Non contractual Obligations” (2003) 67 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 1, 54–55
Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht
, pp. 54-55
Whether Art 65 is an appropriate basis for private international law legislation or whether such legislation must be based on Arts 94, 95 of the Treaty, is irrelevant for purposes of this argument, since both make it a condition that private international law regulations are fact necessary for the functioning of the internal market. This is not the subject of this article; see, for two recent critical views, PR Beaumont, Private International Law of the European Union: Competence Questions Arising from the Proposed Rome II Regulation on Choice of Law Non-contractual Obligations (Thomson/West, CILE Studies Vol 2,), 15; A Dickinson, European Private International Law: Embracing New Horizons or Mourning the Past? (,) 1, 197
Whether Art 65 is an appropriate basis for private international law legislation or whether such legislation must be based on Arts 94, 95 of the Treaty, is irrelevant for purposes of this argument, since both make it a condition that private international law regulations are in fact necessary for the functioning of the internal market. This is not the subject of this article; see, for two recent critical views, PR Beaumont, “Private International Law of the European Union: Competence Questions Arising from the Proposed Rome II Regulation on Choice of Law in Non-contractual Obligations”, in Private Law, Private International Law and Judicial Cooperation in the EU–US Relationship (Thomson/West, CILE Studies Vol 2, 2005), 15; A Dickinson, “European Private International Law: Embracing New Horizons or Mourning the Past?” (2005) 1 Journal of Private International Law 197
Journal of Private International Law
See Rome I Proposal, n 16, Recitals 1, 4; Amended Rome II Proposal, n 17, Recitals 1, 4
See Rome I Proposal,n 16, Recitals 1, 4; Amended Rome II Proposal,n 17, Recitals 1, 4
Council Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989 on the co-ordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities [,] OJ L298/23; amended by Directive 97/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 June, [1997] OJ L202/60. On the scope of the country-of-origin principle, see ECJ 9 July 1997, Joined cases C–34/95, C–35/95 and C–36/95;,. For characterisation as a private international law norm, see A Thünken, Multistate Advertising over the Internet and the Private International Law of Unfair Competition (,) 51, 909, 939
Council Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989 on the co-ordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities [1989] OJ L298/23; amended by Directive 97/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 June 1997 [1997] OJ L202/60. On the scope of the country-of-origin principle, see ECJ 9 July 1997, Joined cases C–34/95, C–35/95 and C–36/95; Konsumentombudsmannen KO v De Agostini (Svenska) Forlag AB; Konsumentbodsmannen v TV Shop i Sverige AB. For characterisation as a private international law norm, see A Thünken, “Multistate Advertising over the Internet and the Private International Law of Unfair Competition” (2002) 51 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 909, 939
International and Comparative Law Quarterly
Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market (Directive on electronic commerce), [2000] OJ L178/1
Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market (Directive on electronic commerce), [2000] OJ L178/1
See also Recital 23: “This Directive neither aims to establish additional rules on private international law relating to conflicts of law nor does it deal with the jurisdiction of Courts; provisions of the applicable law designated by rules of private international law must not restrict the freedom to provide services as established in this Directive.”
23 See also Recital 23: “This Directive neither aims to establish additional rules on private international law relating to conflicts of law nor does it deal with the jurisdiction of Courts; provisions of the applicable law designated by rules of private international law must not restrict the freedom to provide services as established in this Directive.”,
Das Herkunftslandprinzip als Internationales Privatrecht der e-commerce-Richtlinie
See only, (,) 100, 137; S Grundmann, Das Inter nationale Privatrecht der E-Commerce-Richtliniewas ist kategorial anders im Kollisionsrecht des Binnenmarkts und warum? (,) 67, 246; G de Baere, Is this a Conflict Rule which I see Before Me? Looking for a Hidden Conflict Rule the Principle of Origin as Implemented Primary European Community Law and the Directive on Electronic Commerce (,) 11, 287; O Cachard, Le domaine coordonné par la directive sur le commerce électronique et le droit international privé (,) 4, 161; all with further references
See only P, Mankowski, “Das Herkunftslandprinzip als Internationales Privatrecht der e-commerce-Richtlinie” (2001) 100 Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 137; S Grundmann, “Das Inter nationale Privatrecht der E-Commerce-Richtlinie–was ist kategorial anders im Kollisionsrecht des Binnenmarkts und warum?” (2003) 67 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 246; G de Baere, “'Is this a Conflict Rule which I see Before Me?' Looking for a Hidden Conflict Rule in the Principle of Origin as Implemented in Primary European Community Law and in the Directive on Electronic Commerce” (2004) 11 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 287, 305–17; O Cachard, “Le domaine coordonné par la directive sur le commerce électronique et le droit international privé” (2004) 4 International Business Law Journal 161; all with further references
International Business Law Journal
, pp. 305-317
Mankowski, P.1
Case C–322/01,] ECR I–14887; English case note by R Lang at (,) 42, 189; see also C Lenz, Warenverkehrsfreiheit nach der DocMorris-Entscheidung zum Versand von Arzneimitteln [, 332; E Mand, E-Commerce mit ArzneimittelnAuswirkungen des Herkunftslandprinzips auf das Internationale Wettbewerbsrecht [, 77
Case C–322/01, Deutscher Apothekerverband eV v 0800 DocMorris NV and Jacques Waterval, [2003] ECR I–14887; English case note by R Lang at (2005) 42 Common Market Law Review 189; see also C Lenz, “Warenverkehrsfreiheit nach der DocMorris-Entscheidung zum Versand von Arzneimitteln” [2004] Neue juristische Wochenschrift 332; E Mand, “E-Commerce mit Arzneimitteln–Auswirkungen des Herkunftslandprinzips auf das Internationale Wettbewerbsrecht” [2003] Multimediarecht 77
n 2
n 2
Rome I Proposal, n 16, Art 5(1
Rome I Proposal,n 16, Art 5(1)
Amended Rome II Proposal, n 17, Art 5(1
Amended Rome II Proposal,n 17, Art 5(1)
See Services Directive Proposal, n 2, 17 (under the slightly ironic heading of Coherence with other Community Policies): they could, however, play an important role not only for the activities which are not covered by this Directive but also for the questions which are the object of derogations to the country-of-origin principle, notably the derogation relation to contracts concluded by consumers, as well as the derogation relating to the non-contractual liability of the provider the case of an accident occurring the context of his activity which affects a person a Member State which a provider visits
See Services Directive Proposal,n 2, 17 (under the slightly ironic heading of “Coherence with other Community Policies”): “they could, however, play an important role not only for the activities which are not covered by this Directive but also for the questions which are the object of derogations to the country-of-origin principle, notably the derogation in relation to contracts concluded by consumers, as well as the derogation relating to the non-contractual liability of the provider in the case of an accident occurring in the context of his activity which affects a person in a Member State which a provider visits”
Herkunftslandsprinzip und Internationales Privatrecht im europäischen Binnenmarkt für Dienstleistungen
See also, (Krakow, Zakamycze
See also J, Basedow, “Herkunftslandsprinzip und Internationales Privatrecht im europäischen Binnenmarkt für Dienstleistungen“, in Rozprawy prawnicze. Ksiega pamiatkowa Profesora Maksymiliana Pazdana (Krakow, Zakamycze, 2005), 29, 41–42
Rozprawy prawnicze. Ksiega pamiatkowa Profesora Maksymiliana Pazdana
, vol.29
, pp. 41-42
Basedow, J.1
n 5; for criticism, see Editorial Comments, n 5; Charlemagne, Not Yet Free to Serve 18 Feb,. The Common Position of the Council, n 5, goes back even to the unclear position of the e-commerce directive. Its Art 3(2) reads: This Directive does not concern rules of private international law, particular rules governing the law applicable to contractual and non-contractual obligations, including those which guarantee that consumers benefit from the protection granted to them by the consumer protection rules laid down the consumer legislation force their Member State. See also consideration no 90, at 39
n 5; for criticism, see Editorial Comments,n 5; Charlemagne, “Not Yet Free to Serve” The Economist, 18 Feb 2006. The Common Position of the Council,n 5, goes back even to the unclear position of the e-commerce directive. Its Art 3(2) reads: “This Directive does not concern rules of private international law, in particular rules governing the law applicable to contractual and non-contractual obligations, including those which guarantee that consumers benefit from the protection granted to them by the consumer protection rules laid down in the consumer legislation in force in their Member State.” See also consideration no 90, at 39
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Concerning Unfair Business-to-Consumer Commercial Practices in the Internal Market (the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive), 17 June 2003, COM (2003) Art 4
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Concerning Unfair Business-to-Consumer Commercial Practices in the Internal Market (the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive), 17 June 2003, COM (2003) Art 4
Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May, Concerning Unfair Business-to-Consumer Commercial Practices the Internal Market and Amending Council Directive 84/450/EEC, Directives 97/7/EC, 98/27/EC and 2002/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (‘Unfair Commercial Practices Directive’) [2005] OJ L149/22; see J Stuyck, E Terryn and T van Dyck, Confidence Through Fairness? The New Directive on Unfair Business-to-Consumer Commercial Practices the Internal Market (2006) 43, 107
Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2005 Concerning Unfair Business-to-Consumer Commercial Practices in the Internal Market and Amending Council Directive 84/450/EEC, Directives 97/7/EC, 98/27/EC and 2002/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (‘Unfair Commercial Practices Directive’) [2005] OJ L149/22; see J Stuyck, E Terryn and T van Dyck, “Confidence Through Fairness? The New Directive on Unfair Business-to-Consumer Commercial Practices in the Internal Market” (2006) 43 Common Market Law Review 107, 117–20
Common Market Law Review
, pp. 117-120
7 October 2005, COM, 483 final, Article 21 and, see also Council of the European Union, Interinstitutional File 2002/0222 (COD), 5504/06, 6 February 2006
Modified proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on credit agreements for consumers amending Council Directive 93/13/EC, 7 October 2005, COM(2005) 483 final, Article 21 and pp 7–8; see also Council of the European Union, Interinstitutional File 2002/0222 (COD), 5504/06, 6 February 2006
Modified Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Credit Agreements for Consumers Amending Council Directive 93/13/EC
, pp. 7-8
Case C–212/97, Centros Ltd v Erhvervs-og Selskabsstyrelsen, [,] ECR I–1459; Case C–208/00,] ECR I–9919; Case C–167/01,] ECR I–10155
Case C–212/97, Centros Ltd v Erhvervs-og Selskabsstyrelsen, [1999] ECR I–1459; Case C–208/00, Überseering BV v Nordic Construction Company Baumanagement GmbH (NCC), [2002] ECR I–9919; Case C–167/01, Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor Amsterdam v Inspire Art Ltd, [2003] ECR I–10155
Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor Amsterdam v Inspire Art Ltd
Oberster Gerichtshof (Austria), decision of 15 July, 719; Bundesgerichtshof (Germany), decision of 13 MarchVII ZR 370/98, 154 Ent-scheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofs Zivilsachen (BGHZ) 185; Bundesgerichtshof (Germany), decision of 14 MarchII ZR 5/03, [2005], 1648; see also the contribution by Federal Court judge W Goette, Zu den Folgen der Anerkennung ausländischer Gesellschaften mit tatsächlichem Sitz im Inland für die Haftung ihrer Gesellschafter und Organe (,) 27, (ZIP) 541
Oberster Gerichtshof (Austria), decision of 15 July 1999, [1999] Österreichisches Recht der Wirtschaft 719; Bundesgerichtshof (Germany), decision of 13 March 2003–VII ZR 370/98, 154 Ent-scheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofs in Zivilsachen (BGHZ) 185; Bundesgerichtshof (Germany), decision of 14 March 2005–II ZR 5/03, [2005] Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 1648; see also the contribution by Federal Court judge W Goette, “Zu den Folgen der Anerkennung ausländischer Gesellschaften mit tatsächlichem Sitz im Inland für die Haftung ihrer Gesellschafter und Organe” (2006) 27 Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 541
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht
Case No 81/87, The Queen v Treasury and Commissioners of Inland Revenue, ex parte Daily Mail and General Trust [,] ECR 5483, no 19; similarly L Brilmayer, (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Aspen,), 242
Case No 81/87, The Queen v Treasury and Commissioners of Inland Revenue, ex parte Daily Mail and General Trust [1988] ECR 5483, no 19; similarly L Brilmayer, Conflict of Laws (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Aspen, 1995), 242
Conflict of Laws
But see now Case C–411/03, SEVIC Systems AG, 13 December,] ECR I–10805; Case C–446/03, 13 December 2005,] ECR I–10837. These newer decisions seem to suggest that discrimination between corporations acting within the founding state and corporations acting transnationally can constitute a violation of Arts 43, 48
But see now Case C–411/03, SEVIC Systems AG, 13 December 2005 [2005] ECR I–10805; Case C–446/03, 13 December 2005, Marks & Spencer Plc v Halsey (Inspector of Taxes) [2005] ECR I–10837. These newer decisions seem to suggest that discrimination between corporations acting within the founding state and corporations acting transnationally can constitute a violation of Arts 43, 48
Marks & Spencer Plc v Halsey (Inspector of Taxes)
Estado de origen v. estado de destinoLas diferentes lógicas del Derecho internacional privado 4/2004, art no 251, 2
M Virgós, Soriano and F J Garcimartín, Alférez, “Estado de origen v. estado de destino–Las diferentes lógicas del Derecho internacional privado” InDret 4/2004, art no 251, 2, available at http://www.indret.com/pdf/251_es.pdf
Soriano, M.V.1
Alférez, F.J.G.2
Amended Proposal, n 5, Art 3(2); Common Position, n 5, Art 3(2). This should mean that both the EC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations Art 5 and choice-of-law provisions EC directives on consumer law prevail over the directive
Amended Proposal,n 5, Art 3(2); Common Position,n 5, Art 3(2). This should mean that both the EC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations Art 5 and choice-of-law provisions in EC directives on consumer law prevail over the directive
Amended Rome II Proposal, n 17, Art 1(2)(h). The ultimate reason for the exception may have been a political oneto account for interests of media providers. Since media providers would benefit from, and all likelihood prefer, a country of origin rule, this explanation would be consistent with the analysis provided here
Amended Rome II Proposal,n 17, Art 1(2)(h). The ultimate reason for the exception may have been a political one–to account for interests of media providers. Since media providers would benefit from, and in all likelihood prefer, a country of origin rule, this explanation would be consistent with the analysis provided here
Verständigungsschwierigkeiten zwischen europäischem Gemeinschaftsrecht und internationalem Privatrecht
I (,) 445 EC Conflict of LawsA Matter of Coordination (Coimbra, Almedina,) 17, 26
C, Kohler, “Verständigungsschwierigkeiten zwischen europäischem Gemeinschaftsrecht und internationalem Privatrecht” in Festschrift für Erik Jayme I (2004) 445, 457–59; J, Basedow, “EC Conflict of Laws–A Matter of Coordination”, in Seminário Internacional sobre a Comunitarizaçao do Direito Internacional Privado (Coimbra, Almedina, 2005) 17, 26
Seminário Internacional sobre a Comunitarizaçao do Direito Internacional Privado
, pp. 457-459
Kohler, C.1
Basedow, J.2
La Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes et le non-Droit international privé
Cf, I (,) 263
Cf JD González, Campos, “La Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes et le non-Droit international privé” in Festschrift für Erik Jayme I (2004) 263
Festschrift für Erik Jayme
Campos, J.D.G.1
Der kollisionsrechtliche Gehalt der Produktfreiheiten im europäischen Binnenmarkt: favour offerentis
59, 1; W Drasch, (Baden-Baden, Nomos
J, Basedow, “Der kollisionsrechtliche Gehalt der Produktfreiheiten im europäischen Binnenmarkt: favour offerentis” (1995) 59 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 1, 16–17; W Drasch, Das Herkunftslandprinzip im Internationalen Privatrecht (Baden-Baden, Nomos, 1997), 344–49
Das Herkunftslandprinzip im Internationalen Privatrecht
, pp. 344-349
Basedow, J.1
Fuchs A., Watt H.M., Pataut É., (eds), The Country-of-origin Principles the E-commerce Directive: A Conflict with Conflict of Laws? (Paris, Dalloz,) 205, 224, who suggests a similarity between the country-of-origin principle and the medieval system of personal laws
M, Hellner, “The Country-of-origin Principles in the E-commerce Directive: A Conflict with Conflict of Laws?” in A, Fuchs, H Muir, Watt and É, Pataut (eds), Les conflits de lois et le système juridique communautaire (Paris, Dalloz, 2004) 205, 224, who suggests a similarity between the country-of-origin principle and the medieval system of personal laws
Les conflits de lois et le système juridique communautaire
Hellner, M.1
See the debate Friedrich Carl von Savigny, (William Guthrie trans, Edinburgh, 1869), ss 350–59, 147
See the debate in Friedrich Carl von Savigny, A Treatise on the Conflict of Laws, and the Limits of their Operation in Respect of Place and Time (William Guthrie trans, Edinburgh, 1869), ss 350–59, 147
A Treatise on the Conflict of Laws, and the Limits of their Operation in Respect of Place and Time
Le principe de proximité dans le droit de l'Union européenne
But see, (Paris, Dalloz,), 241, 246ff
But see M, Fallon, “Le principe de proximité dans le droit de l'Union européenne”, in Le droit inter national privé: esprit et méthodes. Mélanges en l'honneur de Paul Lagarde (Paris, Dalloz, 2005), 241, 246ff
Le droit inter national privé: esprit et méthodes. Mélanges en l'honneur de Paul Lagarde
Fallon, M.1
n 23 and accompanying text
n 23 and accompanying text
Schutz vor ‘europäischen’ Kapitalgesellschaften
[, 97, 100
H, Altmeppen, “Schutz vor ‘europäischen’ Kapitalgesellschaften” [2004] Neue Juristische Wochen-schrift 97, 100
Neue Juristische Wochen-schrift
Altmeppen, H.1
n 24, 301 (internal footnote omitted); M Wilderspin and X Lewis Les relations entre le droit communautaire et les règles de conflits de lois des Etats membres (,) 91, 1, 21
de, Baere,n 24, 301 (internal footnote omitted); M Wilderspin and X Lewis “Les relations entre le droit communautaire et les règles de conflits de lois des Etats membres” (2002) 91 Revue critique de droit international privé 1, 21
Revue critique de droit international privé
Baere, D.1
Die Entscheidung für Pluralität: Kollisionsrecht und Gesellschaftsrecht nach der EuGH-Entscheidung ‘Inspire Art’
Lorenz S., (ed), and, [, (AG) 661; C Wendehorst, Kollisionsnormen im primären Europarecht? (Munich, Beck,), 1071; see also Basedow, n 31
E, Schanze and A, Jüttner, “Die Entscheidung für Pluralität: Kollisionsrecht und Gesellschaftsrecht nach der EuGH-Entscheidung ‘Inspire Art’” [2003] Die Aktiengesellschaft (AG) 661, 665–66; C Wendehorst, “Kollisionsnormen im primären Europarecht?” in S, Lorenz et al (eds), Festschrift für Andreas Heldrich zum 70. Geburtstag (Munich, Beck 2005), 1071; see also Basedow,n 31, 40–44
, pp. 40-44
Schanze, E.1
Jüttner, A.2
The Law Relating to the Movement of Companies in the European Com munity
Eg, I, 527, 529. See also A Ohly, Herkunftslandprinzip und Kollisionsrecht [, (GRURInt) 899 (arguing for a kollisionsrechtlicher Mindestgehalt a minimal core of private inter national law
Eg K, Lipstein, “The Law Relating to the Movement of Companies in the European Com munity”, in Festschrift für Erik Jayme I, 527, 529. See also A Ohly, “Herkunftslandprinzip und Kollisionsrecht” [2001] Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht–Internationaler Teil (GRURInt) 899, 901–02 (arguing for a “kollisionsrechtlicher Mindestgehalt”, a minimal core of private inter national law)
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht–Internationaler Teil
, pp. 901-902
Lipstein, K.1
n 47
Hellner,n 47, 217–24
at 222
at 222
at 223
at 223
The European Directive on e-Commerce (2000/31/EC) and its Consequences on the Conflict of Laws [, vol 2, issue 2, art 2
N, Höning, “The European Directive on e-Commerce (2000/31/EC) and its Consequences on the Conflict of Laws” [2005] Global Jurist Topics vol 2, issue 2, art 2, http://www.bepress.com/gj/topics/vol5/iss2/art2/, 27–28, 34–36
Global Jurist Topics
, pp. 34-36
Höning, N.1
Cassis de Dijon und Kollisionsrechtam Beispiel des unlauteren Wettbewerbs (,) 3, 437 (for a brief exposition English, see, n 24); M Fallon and J Meusen, Private International Law the European Union and the Exception of Mutual Recognition (,) 4, 37, 40, 52
P, Bernard, “Cassis de Dijon und Kollisionsrecht–am Beispiel des unlauteren Wettbewerbs” (1992) 3 Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht 437 (for a brief exposition in English, see de, Baere,n 24, 291–92); M Fallon and J Meusen, “Private International Law in the European Union and the Exception of Mutual Recognition” (2002) 4 Yearbook of Private International Law 37, 40, 52
Yearbook of Private International Law
, pp. 291-292
Bernard, P.1
Baere, D.2
The Functional Method of Comparative Law
Zimmermann R., Reimann M., (eds), Oxford University Press,), 339
R, Michaels, “The Functional Method of Comparative Law”, in R, Zimmermann and M, Reimann (eds), Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law (Oxford University Press, 2006), 339
Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law
Michaels, R.1
Ibid, 374
Supra, 209
Règles des conflits de lois
–IV) 243
R, Ago, “Règles des conflits de lois” (1936–IV) 243 Recueil des Cours 302–08
Recueil des Cours
, pp. 302-308
Ago, R.1
The Logical and Legal Bases of Conflict of Laws
23, 457, 469: the forum, when confronted by a case involving foreign elements, always applies its own law to the case, but doing so adopts and enforces as its own law a rule of decision identical, or at least highly similar though not identical, scope with a rule of decision found the system of law force another state or country with which some or all of the foreign elements are connected;, 291 Fed 769, 770 (SD NY,): A foreign sovereign under civilized law imposes an obligation of its own as nearly homologous as possible to that arising the place where the tort occurs (, J Learned Hand
WW, Cook, “The Logical and Legal Bases of Conflict of Laws” (1924) 23 Yale Law Journal 457, 469: “the forum, when confronted by a case involving foreign elements, always applies its own law to the case, but in doing so adopts and enforces as its own law a rule of decision identical, or at least highly similar though not identical, in scope with a rule of decision found in the system of law in force in another state or country with which some or all of the foreign elements are connected”; Guinness v Miller, 291 Fed 769, 770 (SD NY 1923): “A foreign sovereign under civilized law imposes an obligation of its own as nearly homologous as possible to that arising in the place where the tort occurs” (per J Learned Hand)
Cook, W.W.1
n 54, 1084
Wendehorst,n 54, 1084
The Historical Bases of Conflict of Laws
2, 297, 316 (a theory which contains neither truth nor virtue
HE, Yntema, “The Historical Bases of Conflict of Laws” (1953) 2 American Journal of Comparative Law 297, 316 (“a theory which contains neither truth nor virtue”)
American Journal of Comparative Law
Yntema, H.E.1
See, (St Paul, MN, West, 4th edn
See EF, Scoles et al, Conflict of Laws (St Paul, MN, West, 4th edn, 2004), 38–43
Conflict of Laws
, pp. 38-43
Scoles, E.F.1
Die Auslegung und Fortbildung ausländischen Rechts
116, 3 and passim
N, Jansen and R, Michaels, “Die Auslegung und Fortbildung ausländischen Rechts” (2003) 116 Zeitschrift für Zivilprozeß 3, 8–16 and passim
Zeitschrift für Zivilprozeß
, pp. 8-16
Jansen, N.1
Michaels, R.2
Supra, 210
Bundesverfassungsgericht, decision of 4 May, 31 Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (BVerfGE) 58; for a discussion English see FK Juenger, The German Constitutional Court and the Conflict of Laws (,) 20, 290; for a French translation see (, 57 with the article by C Labrusse, Droit constitutionnel et droit international privé en Allemagne fédérale at 1–46
Bundesverfassungsgericht, decision of 4 May 1971, 31 Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (BVerfGE) 58; for a discussion in English see FK Juenger, “The German Constitutional Court and the Conflict of Laws” (1972) 20 American Journal of Comparative Law 290; for a French translation see (1974) Revue critique de droit international privé 57 with the article by C Labrusse, “Droit constitutionnel et droit international privé en Allemagne fédérale”, at 1–46
Revue critique de droit international privé
For debate, see
For debate, see infra 220–21
, pp. 220-221
Choice of Law in a Federal System and an Integrated Market
For an impressive attempt to translate the US debate to the Common Market see, 8/01
For an impressive attempt to translate the US debate to the Common Market see H, Spamann, “Choice of Law in a Federal System and an Integrated Market”, Harvard Jean Monnet Working Paper 8/01, http://www.jeanmonnetprogram.org/papers/01/012601.html
Harvard Jean Monnet Working Paper
Spamann, H.1
Constitutional Constraints on Choice of Law
See, (,) 24, 40, 40: Current constitutional constraints, however, are minimal. To see how minimal, see, 449 US 302 (, 486 US 717
See S, Fruehwald, “Constitutional Constraints on Choice of Law” (1998) 24 University of Dayton Law Review 40, 40: “Current constitutional constraints, however, are minimal.” To see how minimal, see Allstate Ins Co v Hague, 449 US 302 (1981); SunOil Co v Wortman, 486 US 717 (1988)
SunOil Co v Wortman
Fruehwald, S.1
For debate, see, 220
For debate, see infra 220
Supra, 209–10
Supra, 210
Holl, Klinke, (eds), Lois dapplication immédiate und Sonderanknüpfung zwingenden Rechts: Erkennt-nisfortschritt oder Mystifikation? (Cologne, Heymanns
K, Schurig, “Lois d'application immédiate und Sonderanknüpfung zwingenden Rechts: Erkennt-nisfortschritt oder Mystifikation?” in Holl and Klinke (eds), Internationales Privatrecht, internationales Wirtschaftsrecht (Cologne, Heymanns, 1985), 55–76
Internationales Privatrecht, internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
, pp. 55-76
Schurig, K.1
who advocates the analogy to mandatory norms, sees the basis for applicability of such internationally mandatory norms not their own determination, but rather Arts 7(2) and 7(1) of the Rome I Convention. Even if the intended Rome I Regulation does not contain a rule on the applicability of foreign mandatory norms, Hellner argues that a general obligation to apply foreign mandatory rules already exists at least to the extent that these rules are made mandatory by EU law for the purpose of facilitating one of the fundamental freedoms, viz. the freedom to provide services (, n 47). Such a general obligation would be a private international law norm based on the Treaty that would supersede the directive anyway; an additional category of internationally mandatory norms would not be necessary
Hellner, who advocates the analogy to mandatory norms, sees the basis for applicability of such internationally mandatory norms not in their own determination, but rather in Arts 7(2) and 7(1) of the Rome I Convention. Even if the intended Rome I Regulation does not contain a rule on the applicability of foreign mandatory norms, Hellner argues “that a general obligation to apply foreign mandatory rules already exists at least to the extent that these rules are made mandatory by EU law for the purpose of facilitating one of the fundamental freedoms, viz. the freedom to provide services” (n 47, 221–21). Such a general obligation would be a private international law norm based on the Treaty that would supersede the directive anyway; an additional category of “internationally mandatory norms” would not be necessary
On Private International Law as a Branch of the Law of England
1890) 6, 1–21 and 113–27. This article found its way, almost unchanged, as Introduction into, (1896). For the history of the idea England see KH Nadelmann, Some Historical Notes on the Doctrinal Sources of American Conflict of Laws Nadelmann (originally) 263). Nadelmann (17) points out that Dicey himself mentioned the principle earlier a book review (1885) 1, 246, 248. Dicey borrowed the idea from his colleague and friend Thomas Erskine Holland, (1880) 288 n 1; for a glowing review of Hollands book, see, (1880) 5, 382
AV, Dicey, “On Private International Law as a Branch of the Law of England” (1890) 6 Law Quarterly Review 1–21 and 113–27. This article found its way, almost unchanged, as “Introduction” into AV, Dicey, A Digest of the Law of England with Reference to the Conflict of Laws (1896). For the history of the idea in England see KH Nadelmann, “Some Historical Notes on the Doctrinal Sources of American Conflict of Laws”, in Nadelmann, Conflict of Laws: International and Interstate, 1, 14–20 (originally in Ius et Lex. Festgabe zum 70. Geburtstag von Max Gutzwiller (1959) 263, 276–81). Nadelmann (17) points out that Dicey himself mentioned the principle earlier in a book review in (1885) 1 Law Quarterly Review 246, 248. Dicey borrowed the idea from his colleague and friend Thomas Erskine Holland, Elements of Jurisprudence (1880) 288 n 1; for a glowing review of Holland's book, see AV, Dicey, “The Study of Jurisprudence” (1880) 5 Law Magazine and Review; A Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence and Quarterly Digest of All Reported Cases 5th Series 382
Law Magazine and Review; A Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence and Quarterly Digest of All Reported Cases 5th Series
, vol.1
, pp. 276-281
Dicey, A.V.1
Dicey, A.V.2
Dicey, A.V.3
n 82, 10: Similarly,] 2 Ch 259; GC Cheshire,) 6
Dicey,n 82, 10: Similarly In re Askew [1930] 2 Ch 259, 267–68; GC Cheshire, Private International Law (1935) 6
Private International Law
, pp. 267-268
Holman v Johnson, 1 Cowp 341, 98 ER 1120, [1775–1802] All ER Rep,) per Lord Mansfield
Holman v Johnson, 1 Cowp 341, 98 ER 1120, [1775–1802] All ER Rep 98 (1775) per Lord Mansfield
, vol.98
, Issue.1775
n 82, 113
Dicey,n 82, 113
The other two concern the supremacy of acts of the English parliament, and the interference with the authority of a foreign sovereign within the country whereof he is sovereign. See 123–24
The other two concern the supremacy of acts of the English parliament, and the interference with the authority of a foreign sovereign within the country whereof he is sovereign. See 123–24
Ibid, 118
Ibid, 120–21
, pp. 120-121
Ibid, 114–15
, pp. 114-115
The Comity Doctrine
von Caemmerer E., Nikisch A., Zweigert K., (eds), Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, See, I (Tübingen, Mohr,), 65; reprinted with an introduction by K Nadelmann (,) 65, 1; see also A Watson and J Story,). Both Dicey and Beale were critical of comity; see, n 82; JH Beale, I (,) s 6; similarly Cheshire, n 83, 6
See HE, Yntema, “The Comity Doctrine”, in E, von Caemmerer, A, Nikisch and K, Zweigert (eds), Festschrift für Hans Dölle I (Tübingen, Mohr, 1963), 65; reprinted with an introduction by K Nadelmann in (1966) 65 Michigan Law Review 1; see also A Watson and J Story, The Comity of Errors (Athens, GA, University of Georgia Press, 1992). Both Dicey and Beale were critical of comity; see Dicey,n 82, 9–10; JH Beale, A Treatise on the Conflict of Laws I (1935) s 6, 53–55; similarly Cheshire,n 83, 6
, pp. 53-55
Yntema, H.E.1
Beale wrote a very favourable review of Diceys treatise. See JH Beale, Diceys ‘Conflict of Laws’ (1896) 10, 168
Beale wrote a very favourable review of Dicey's treatise. See JH Beale, “Dicey's ‘Conflict of Laws’” (1896) 10 Harvard Law Review 168
Harvard Law Review
Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law Review Publishing Association,), 517. The similarity to English private international law is no coincidenceBeale cites here to, 24 Sickels 24, 31 (CA NY 1877), which decision turn cites to Westlakes treatise on private international law
JH, Beale, Three Cases on the Conflict of Laws (Cambridge, MA, Harvard Law Review Publishing Association, 1902), 517. The similarity to English private international law is no coincidence–Beale cites here to King v Sarria, 24 Sickels 24, 31 (CA NY 1877), which decision in turn cites to Westlake's treatise on private international law
King v Sarria
Beale, J.H.1
n 90, §5.2, 52
Beale,n 90, §5.2, 52
n 91
Supra, n 91, 169–71
For a comparison between Diceys vested-rights theory and Pillets theory of droits acquis, see H Muir Watt, Quelques remarques sur la théorie anglo-américaine des droits acquis [, 425. The first French mention of, as the basis of private international law appears to be Comte de Vareilles-Sommières, I (1897) 31. For this reason, Beale considered him particularly relevant; see, n 90, l
For a comparison between Dicey's vested-rights theory and Pillet's theory of droits acquis, see H Muir Watt, “Quelques remarques sur la théorie anglo-américaine des droits acquis” [1986] Revue critique de droit international privé 425. The first French mention of droits acquis as the basis of private international law appears to be in Comte de Vareilles-Sommières, La synthèse du droit international privé I (1897) 31. For this reason, Beale considered him particularly relevant; see Beale,n 90, l
I (Paris, Sirey,), 5 (no 2). The rights of foreigners and nationality law are still sometimes considered part of private international law France. See, eg, P Mayer and V Heuzé, (Paris, LGDJ, 8th edn (836–1027
A, Pillet, Traité pratique de droit international privé I (Paris, Sirey, 1923), 5 (no 2). The rights of foreigners and nationality law are still sometimes considered part of private international law in France. See, eg, P Mayer and V Heuzé, Droit international privé (Paris, LGDJ, 8th edn, 2004), 607–712 (nos 836–1027)
Droit international privé
, pp. 607-712
Pillet, A.1
106: The way to resolve conflicts is to give preference to the law of the state which has the greatest interest that the goal pursued by the law question be attained…that its law regulate the litigation. If a sacrifice must be made, it should be as small as possible. For the comparative impairment approach the United States, see W Baxter, Choice of Law and the Federal System (,) 16, 1; for a recent assessment, see EA OHara and WH Allen, Second Generation Law and Economics of Conflict of Laws: Baxters Comparative Impairment and Beyond (,) 51, 1011. The similarity between Pillet and Baxter is occasionally recognised; see, eg, W Tetley, A Canadian Looks at American Conflict of Law Theory and Practice, Especially the Light of the American Legal and Social Systems (,) 38, 299, 314 n 47; J Trachtman, Economic Analysis of Prescriptive Jurisdiction (,) 42, 1, 26 n 91
Pillet, 106: “The way to resolve conflicts is to give preference to the law of the state which has the greatest interest that the goal pursued by the law in question be attained…that its law regulate the litigation. If a sacrifice must be made, it should be as small as possible.” For the “comparative impairment” approach in the United States, see W Baxter, “Choice of Law and the Federal System” (1963) 16 Stanford Law Review 1; for a recent assessment, see EA O'Hara and WH Allen, “Second Generation Law and Economics of Conflict of Laws: Baxter's Comparative Impairment and Beyond” (1999) 51 Stanford Law Review 1011. The similarity between Pillet and Baxter is occasionally recognised; see, eg, W Tetley, “A Canadian Looks at American Conflict of Law Theory and Practice, Especially in the Light of the American Legal and Social Systems” (2000) 38 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 299, 314 n 47; J Trachtman, “Economic Analysis of Prescriptive Jurisdiction” (2001) 42 Virginia Journal of International Law 1, 26 n 91
Virginia Journal of International Law
284–93; on the avoidance of conflict, see Muir Watt, n 96, 430
284–93; on the avoidance of conflict, see Muir Watt,n 96, 430
Territoriality and Universal Recognition of Rules of Conflict of Laws
Similarly, (,) 65, 582
Similarly JP, Niboyet, “Territoriality and Universal Recognition of Rules of Conflict of Laws” (1952) 65 Harvard Law Review 582, 594–95
Harvard Law Review
, pp. 594-595
Niboyet, J.P.1
n 97
Pillet,n 97, 536–44
n 98, 287: le problème de lefficacité internationale des droits définitivement constitués Niboyet translated the First Restatement into French Law
Niboyet,n 98, 287: “le problème de l'efficacité internationale des droits définitivement constitués”. Niboyet translated the First Restatement into French Law
Ibid, 294
Thus indeed, (Friederichsen, de Gruyter,), 176 and passim; for criticism, see Gutzwiller, n 81
Thus indeed H, Müller, Der Grundsatz des wohlerworbenen Rechts im internationalen Privatrecht. Geschichte und Kritik (Friederichsen, de Gruyter, 1935), 176 and passim; for criticism, see Gutzwiller,n 81
Müller, H.1
The first author using the concept was Baldus, according to EM Meijers, Lhistoire des principes fondamentaux du droit international privé (, –III) 49, 543, 607; see also Gutzwiller, n 81, 1058
The first author using the concept was Baldus, according to EM Meijers, “L'histoire des principes fondamentaux du droit international privé” (1934–III) 49 Recueil des Cours 543, 607; see also Gutzwiller,n 81, 1058
Praelectiones iuris Romani et hodierni, vol II, book 1, Title iii, 1689). On Huber see now N Hatzimihail, (SJD Thesis Harvard,), ch 5; on Hubers importance for, see L Davies, The Influence of Hubers De Conflictu Legum on English Private International Law (,) 18, Law 49, 59
U, Huber, De Conflictu Legum Diversarum in Diversis Imperiis (Praelectiones iuris Romani et hodierni, vol II, book 1, Title iii, 1689). On Huber see now N Hatzimihail, Pre-Classical Conflict of Laws (SJD Thesis Harvard, 2002), ch 5; on Huber's importance for Dicey, see L Davies, “The Influence of Huber's De Conflictu Legum on English Private International Law” (1937) 18 British Yearbook of International Law 49, 59
British Yearbook of International
Huber, U.1
Von Bar C., Dopffel P., (eds), (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck,), 528: Ut enim Divini ac Gentium Juris est ut quisque pareat ei, cui subjectus est, ejusque leges suis actibus observet, ita ejusdem Gentium juri est, ut jus ex illa observatione natum ubique valeat, et a nullo aufferri possit. Igitur extra territorium jus dici non potest; at contra territorio rite actum ubique valet, ita ut Jure Naturae nemo, ac ne Princeps quidem jus quaesitum inde aufferre queat (my translation
Heinrich Freiherr, von Cocceji, Exercitationum curiosarum, Palatinarum, Trajectinarum et Viadrinarum, volumen primum, Disp 54 Tit 7 no 5 in C, Von Bar and P, Dopffel (eds), Deutsches Internationales Privatrecht im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2001), 528: “Ut enim Divini ac Gentium Juris est ut quisque pareat ei, cui subjectus est, ejusque leges in suis actibus observet, ita ejusdem Gentium juri est, ut jus ex illa observatione natum ubique valeat, et a nullo aufferri possit. Igitur extra territorium jus dici non potest; at contra in territorio rite actum ubique valet, ita ut Jure Naturae nemo, ac ne Princeps quidem jus quaesitum inde aufferre queat” (my translation)
Deutsches Internationales Privatrecht im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
von Cocceji, H.F.1
Hubers original text is: Rectores imperiorum id comiter agunt, ut jura cuiusquue populi intra terminus ejus exercita, teneant ubique suam vim, quatenus nihil potestati aut juri alterius imperantis ejusque civium praejudicetur. (Those who exercise sovereign authority so act from comity that the laws (iura) of each nation having been applied within each own boundaries should retain their effect everywhere so far as they do not prejudice the power or rights of another government or its subjects; translation after EG Lorenzen, Hubers De Conflictu Legum (, –19) 13, 375 reprinted Lorenzen, 162 (,). The first English translation of Hubers text is 3 US 369, 370 (1797); for another translation, see Davies, n 108
Huber's original text is: “Rectores imperiorum id comiter agunt, ut jura cuiusquue populi intra terminus ejus exercita, teneant ubique suam vim, quatenus nihil potestati aut juri alterius imperantis ejusque civium praejudicetur.” (“Those who exercise sovereign authority so act from comity that the laws (iura) of each nation having been applied within each own boundaries should retain their effect everywhere so far as they do not prejudice the power or rights of another government or its subjects”; translation after EG Lorenzen, “Huber's De Conflictu Legum” (1918–19) 13 Illinois Law Review 375, 401–18, reprinted in Lorenzen, Selected Articles on the Conflict of Laws 162 (1947). The first English translation of Huber's text is in Emory v Grenough, 3 US 369, 370 (1797); for another translation, see Davies,n 108, 64–78
, pp. 64-78
n 106 Davies, n 108, 59; Meijers, n 107, 670; RD Kollewijn, (Amsterdam, Noord-Hollandsche Uitgeversmij
Müller,n 106, 125–128; contra Davies,n 108, 59; Meijers,n 107, 670; RD Kollewijn, Geschiedenis van de nderlandse wetenschap van het internationaal privaatrecht tot 1880 (Amsterdam, Noord-Hollandsche Uitgeversmij, 1937), 145–46
Geschiedenis van de nderlandse wetenschap van het internationaal privaatrecht tot 1880
, pp. 145-146
von Bar and Dopffel, n 109, 1, 4
P, Dopffel, “Einführung”, in von Bar and Dopffel,n 109, 1, 4
Dopffel, P.1
Ius gentium is a global common law rather than a law between nation states. See, most recently, J Waldron, Foreign Law and the Modern Ius gentium (,) 119, 129, 132ff
Ius gentium is a global common law rather than a law between nation states. See, most recently, J Waldron, “Foreign Law and the Modern Ius gentium” (2005) 119 Harvard Law Review 129, 132ff
Harvard Law Review
n 106
Müller,n 106, 149–51
Halle, Gebauer, 1822); for analysis see, n 106
FW, Tittmann, De competentia legum externarum et domesticarum in defiendis potissimum iuribus coniugum (Halle, Gebauer, 1822); for analysis see Müller,n 106, 180–87
Tittmann, F.W.1
Leipzig, Barth, 12th edn, 1877), s 113, 172: …daß ein Staat, indem er den Fremden als Rechtssubjekt anerkennt, ihm auch die schon erworbenen Rechte (vorausgesetzt solche, deren Möglichkeit er überhaupt anerkennt) zugesteht, mit anderen Worten, daß er dessen Wirksamkeit als Person nicht erst von dem Augenblick datirt, wo derselbe mit seinem Recht und den es schützenden Anstalten Berührung kommt; F Lassalle, I (Leipzig, Brockhaus, 2nd edn, 1880), 303; cf, n 106
GF, Puchta, Pandekten (Leipzig, Barth, 12th edn, 1877), s 113, 172: “…daß ein Staat, indem er den Fremden als Rechtssubjekt anerkennt, ihm auch die schon erworbenen Rechte (vorausgesetzt solche, deren Möglichkeit er überhaupt anerkennt) zugesteht, mit anderen Worten, daß er dessen Wirksamkeit als Person nicht erst von dem Augenblick datirt, wo derselbe mit seinem Recht und den es schützenden Anstalten in Berührung kommt”; F Lassalle, Das System der erworbenen Rechte I (Leipzig, Brockhaus, 2nd edn, 1880), 303; cf Müller,n 106, 191–201
Puchta, G.F.1
US Const amend XIV, s 1
117 US Const amend XIV, s 1.,
Home Insurance v Dick, 281 US 397, 410 (1930)
Home Insurance v Dick, 281 US 397, 410 (1930)
US Const Art IV, s 1. See, eg, 286 US 145 (, 294 US 532 (, 306 US 493
US Const Art IV, s 1. See, eg, Bradford Electric Light Co Inc v Clapper, 286 US 145 (1932); Alaska Packers Association v Industrial Accident Commission, 294 US 532 (1935); Pacific Employers Insurance Co v Industrial Accident Commission, 306 US 493 (1939)
Pacific Employers Insurance Co v Industrial Accident Commission
Watson v Employers Liability Assurance Corp, Limited, 348 US 66 (, 377 US 179
Watson v Employers Liability Assurance Corp, Limited, 348 US 66 (1954); Clay v Sun Ins Office, Limited, 377 US 179 (1964)
Clay v Sun Ins Office, Limited
Allstate Insurance Co v Hague 449 US 302, 313 (,); see also, 472 US 797 (, 486 US 717
Allstate Insurance Co v Hague 449 US 302, 313 (1981); see also Phillips Petroleum Co v Shutts 472 US 797 (1985); Sun Oil Co v Wortman 486 US 717 (1988)
Sun Oil Co v Wortman
The Myth of Choice of Law: Rethinking Conflicts
For a recent attempt to resuscitate a few key concepts that Beale got right see, (,) 97, 2448, quote at 2458 n 48
For a recent attempt to “resuscitate a few key concepts that Beale got right” see K, Roosevelt, “The Myth of Choice of Law: Rethinking Conflicts” (1999) 97 Michigan Law Review 2448, quote at 2458 n 48
Michigan Law Review
Roosevelt, K.1
v, (1811) 2 Hagg Const 54, 58, 59, emphasis added
Dalrymple v Dalrymple (1811) 2 Hagg Const 54, 58, 59, emphasis added
Vested Rights
This is the main element of vestedness as used by, Vestedness and Choice of Law (,) 96, 1191
This is the main element of “vestedness” as used by P, Dane, “Vested Rights, “Vestedness” and Choice of Law” (1987) 96 Yale Law Journal 1191
Yale Law Journal
Dane, P.1
Supra, 209
n 115, 7
Tittmann,n 115, 7
Frankfurt, Thom. Matt. Goetz, 1662), lib 1 cap 6 de confirmatione privilegiorum mercantilium; cited after Gutzwiller, n 81, 1060
Johann, Marquard, Tractatus de iure mercatorum (Frankfurt, Thom. Matt. Goetz, 1662), lib 1 cap 6 de confirmatione privilegiorum mercantilium; cited after Gutzwiller,n 81, 1060
Marquard, J.1
For explicit inclusion of privileges, see Restatement of the Law of Conflict of Laws (1934) s 382(2): “A person who acts pursuant to a privilege conferred by the law of the place of acting will not be held liable for the results of his act in another state.”
For explicit inclusion of privileges, see Restatement of the Law of Conflict of Laws (1934) s 382(2): “A person who acts pursuant to a privilege conferred by the law of the place of acting will not be held liable for the results of his act in another state.”
Supra, 208–09
La théorie générale des droits acquis
–III), 485, 533: la solution la plus libérale des deux (the more liberal solution of the two
A, Pillet, “La théorie générale des droits acquis” (1925–III) Recueil des Cours 485, 533: “la solution la plus libérale des deux” (the more liberal solution of the two)
Recueil des Cours
Pillet, A.1
Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co v Delta & Pine Land Co, 292 US 143 (,) (a Tennessee claim time-barred under Tennessee law cannot be enforced under Mississippi law). The case was practically overruled by, n 74, 308 n 11
Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co v Delta & Pine Land Co, 292 US 143 (1934) (a Tennessee claim time-barred under Tennessee law cannot be enforced under Mississippi law). The case was practically overruled by Allstate Ins Co v Hague,n 74, 308 n 11
n 109; cf. Hilling, n 128
Cocceji,n 109; cf. Hilling,n 128, 51–54
Supra, 215
n 24
de, Baere,n 24, 299–302
Baere, D.1
A Solution to the Yahoo! Problem? The E-Commerce Directive as a Model for International Cooperation on Internet Choice of Law (,) 24, 719
MF, Kightlinger, “A Solution to the Yahoo! Problem? The E-Commerce Directive as a Model for International Cooperation on Internet Choice of Law” (2003) 24 Michigan Journal of International Law 719
Michigan Journal of International Law
Kightlinger, M.F.1
n 82, 116
Dicey,n 82, 116
n 99, no 937, 294
Niboyet,n 99, no 937, 294
The Return of the Standard of Civilization
perhaps returning to such a limitation, see, (,) 2, 137
And perhaps returning to such a limitation, see DP, Fidler, “The Return of the Standard of Civilization” (2001) 2 University of Chicago International Law Journal 137
University of Chicago International Law Journal
Fidler, D.P.1
Ueber die Collision der Privatrechtsgesetze verschiedener Staaten (Fortsetzung) (1842) 25, 1. A partial English translation of the relevant section on vested rights can be found Nadelmann, n 82, 16; a different part of this essay has been translated to English, together with an introductory note, as KH Nadelmann, Wächters Essay on the Collision of Private Laws of different States (,) 13, 414
CG, Wächter, “Ueber die Collision der Privatrechtsgesetze verschiedener Staaten (Fortsetzung)” (1842) 25 Archiv für die civilistische Praxis 1, 1–9. A partial English translation of the relevant section on vested rights can be found in Nadelmann,n 82, 16; a different part of this essay has been translated to English, together with an introductory note, as KH Nadelmann, “Wächter's Essay on the Collision of Private Laws of different States” (1964) 13 American Journal of Comparative Law 414
American Journal of Comparative Law
, pp. 1-9
Wächter, C.G.1
n 48,147
Savigny,n 48,147
The Hornbook Method and the Conflict of Laws
n 65; see also, (, –28) 37, 468; D Cavers, A Critique of the Choice of Law Problem (,) 47, 173
Cook,n 65; see also HE, Yntema, “The Hornbook Method and the Conflict of Laws” (1927–28) 37 Ya le L a w J o u r n a l 468, 476–83; D Cavers, “A Critique of the Choice of Law Problem” (1933) 47 Harvard Law Review 173, 175–76
Harvard Law Review
, pp. 175-176
Yntema, H.E.2
Eg, and,n 97, 110–112; B Audit, (Paris, Economica, 4th edn,), no 233, 192
Eg Mayer and Heuzé,n 97, nos 110–112, 81–82; B Audit, Droit international privé (Paris, Economica, 4th edn, 2006), no 233, 192
Droit international privé
, pp. 81-82
La notion des droits acquis en droit international privé
–II) 44, 1. See also H Weiller, (Diss Frankfurt/M
P, Arminjon, “La notion des droits acquis en droit international privé “ (1933–II) 44 Recueil des Cours 1. See also H Weiller, Der Schutz der wohlerworbenen Rechte im internationalen Privatrecht (Diss Frankfurt/M, 1934)
Der Schutz der wohlerworbenen Rechte im internationalen Privatrecht
Arminjon, P.1
6th edn by Morris and others,). Cf FA Mann, Book review (,) 12, 518, 520: he has greatly improved the formulation of the vested-rights theory The change was criticised as insufficient by D Cavers, Book review (,) 63, 1278, 1280 (Clarification here is needed) and M Rheinstein, Book review (,) 25, 180, 182 (What good beyond the avoidance of too radical a break with the tradition of the masters language can possibly be achieved with the preservation of a terminology reminiscent of the vested-rights theory?
AV, Dicey, Conflict of Laws LXV (6th edn by Morris and others, 1949). Cf FA Mann, Book review (1949) 12 Modern Law Review 518, 520: “he has greatly improved the formulation of the vested-rights theory”. The change was criticised as insufficient by D Cavers, Book review (1950) 63 Harvard Law Review 1278, 1280 (“Clarification here is needed”) and M Rheinstein, Book review (1950) 25 New York University Law Review 180, 182 (“What good beyond the avoidance of too radical a break with the tradition of the master's language can possibly be achieved with the preservation of a terminology reminiscent of the vested-rights theory?”)
New York University Law Review
Dicey, A.V.1
See, 228
See infra, 228
London, Stevens,), 523. Similarly N deBelleville Katzenbach, Conflicts on an Unruly Horse: Reciprocal Claims and Tolerances Interstate and International Law (,) 65, 1087, 1087–88 (the theory of vested rights has been brutally murdered by, Lorenzen and others, though it still flits ghostlike through many decisions); RD Carswell, The Doctrine of Vested Rights Private International Law (,) 8, 268, 268 (Few theories have suffered more at the hands of their rivals
JHC, Morris, The Conflict of Laws (London, Stevens, 1971), 523. Similarly N deBelleville Katzenbach, “Conflicts on an Unruly Horse: Reciprocal Claims and Tolerances in Interstate and International Law” (1956) 65 Yale Law Journal 1087, 1087–88 (”the theory of vested rights has been brutally murdered by Cook, Lorenzen and others, though it still flits ghostlike through many decisions“); RD Carswell, “The Doctrine of Vested Rights in Private International Law” (1959) 8 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 268, 268 (“Few theories have suffered more at the hands of their rivals”)
International and Comparative Law Quarterly
Morris, J.H.C.1
n 149, 275
Carswell,n 149, 275
n 97, no 112, 82
Mayer and Heuzé,n 97, no 112, 82
n 146, 58: La nature dune question ne change pas parce que sa solution est évidente
Arminjon,n 146, 58: “La nature d'une question ne change pas parce que sa solution est évidente.”
n 146, 59ff
Arminjon,n 146, 59ff
n 38
Brilmayer,n 38, 31, 37–41
, vol.31
, pp. 37-41
American Theories of Conflict of Laws: Their Role and Utility
n 144 (,) 58, 361
Yntema,n 144, 477–78; EE, Cheatham, “American Theories of Conflict of Laws: Their Role and Utility” (1945) 58 Harvard Law Review 361, 380–81
Harvard Law Review
, pp. 380-381
Cheatham, E.E.2
n 149, 279
Carswell,n 149, 279
Horwitt v Horwitt, 90 FSupp 528, 530 (D Conn 1950)
Horwitt v Horwitt, 90 FSupp 528, 530 (D Conn 1950)
n 48, 147 (William Guthrie, trans, Edinburgh 1869): Dieser Grundsatz führt auf einen bloßen Zirkel. Denn welche Rechte wohlerworben sind, können wir nur erfahren, wenn wir zuvor wissen, nach welchem örtlichen Rechte wir den vollzogenen Erwerb zu beurteilen haben
Savigny,n 48, 147 (William Guthrie, trans, Edinburgh 1869): “Dieser Grundsatz führt auf einen bloßen Zirkel. Denn welche Rechte wohlerworben sind, können wir nur erfahren, wenn wir zuvor wissen, nach welchem örtlichen Rechte wir den vollzogenen Erwerb zu beurteilen haben.”
n 141 (translation partly mine, partly following Nadelmann, n 82, 16). The original German text is: Ueberhaupt dürfte es auf einer petitio principii beruhen, wenn man die Frage, ob unser Richter nach fremden Gesetzen gewissen Fällen zu sprechen habe, nach dem Grundsatze entscheiden will, daß er wohlerworbene Rechte schützen müsse. Will man bei einem im Auslande begründeten Rechtsverhältnisse für das nach fremden Gesetzen erworbene Recht unbedingten Schutz auch im Inlande Anspruch nehmen: so argumentiert man aus einer Prämisse, die noch gar nicht erwiesen ist, und setzt etwas voraus, was erst zu erweisen ware, nämlich, daß jenes Rechtsverhältnis nach fremden und nicht nach einheimischen Gesetzen zu beurtheilen sei. Wächter himself cites for his insight to August Siegmund Kori, III (Dresden, Leipzig, Arnoldische Buchhandlung, 1833) 3 note, who argues as follows against Tittmann (, n 115): ob Jemand aus einer im Auslande vorgenommenen Handlung ein Recht erworben habe? bestimmt sich allererst darnach: ist die Handlung nach ausländischen oder inländischen Gesetzen zu beurtheilen? (Whether someone has acquired a right due to an act committed abroad, is determined primarily by whether foreign or domestic law must be applied to the act.) Kori turn responded to other aspects of Wächters essay; see Kori, Ein Beitrag zu der Theorie über Collision der Gesetze verschiedener Staaten, vornehmlich zur Beleuchtung der Wächterschen Ansicht (1844) 27, 309. On Koris approach see (briefly), n 106
Wächter,n 141, 4–5 (translation partly mine, partly following Nadelmann,n 82, 16). The original German text is: “Ueberhaupt dürfte es auf einer petitio principii beruhen, wenn man die Frage, ob unser Richter nach fremden Gesetzen in gewissen Fällen zu sprechen habe, nach dem Grundsatze entscheiden will, daß er wohlerworbene Rechte schützen müsse. Will man bei einem im Auslande begründeten Rechtsverhältnisse für das nach fremden Gesetzen erworbene Recht unbedingten Schutz auch im Inlande in Anspruch nehmen: so argumentiert man aus einer Prämisse, die noch gar nicht erwiesen ist, und setzt etwas voraus, was erst zu erweisen ware, nämlich, daß jenes Rechtsverhältnis nach fremden und nicht nach einheimischen Gesetzen zu beurtheilen sei.” Wächter himself cites for his insight to August Siegmund Kori, Erörterungen praktischer Rechtsfragen aus dem gemeinen und Sächsischen Civilrechte und Civilprocesse III (Dresden, Leipzig, Arnoldische Buchhandlung, 1833) 3 note, who argues as follows against Tittmann (n 115): “ob Jemand aus einer im Auslande vorgenommenen Handlung ein Recht erworben habe? bestimmt sich allererst darnach: ist die Handlung nach ausländischen oder inländischen Gesetzen zu beurtheilen?” (”Whether someone has acquired a right due to an act committed abroad, is determined primarily by whether foreign or domestic law must be applied to the act.”) Kori in turn responded to other aspects of Wächter's essay; see Kori, “Ein Beitrag zu der Theorie über Collision der Gesetze verschiedener Staaten, vornehmlich zur Beleuchtung der Wächter'schen Ansicht” (1844) 27 Archiv für die civilistische Praxis 309. On Kori's approach see (briefly) Müller,n 106, 216–17
Oxford University Press, Eg, n 48, 147 (merely formal). See, generally, HLA Hart, Self-referring Laws id
Eg Savigny,n 48, 147 (“merely formal“). See, generally, HLA Hart, “Self-referring Laws”, in id., Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy (Oxford University Press, 1983), 170–78
Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy
, pp. 170-178
n 146, 37 ff
CfArminjon,n 146, 37 ff
Similarly, n 123, 2467
Similarly Roosevelt,n 123, 2467
Eg, n 149, 271
Eg Carswell,n 149, 271
Territoriality, Public Policy and the Conflict of Laws
See already, (, –4) 33, 736
See already EG, Lorenzen, “Territoriality, Public Policy and the Conflict of Laws” (1923–4) 33 Yale Law Journal 736
Yale Law Journal
Lorenzen, E.G.1
I (Paris, Domat Montchrestien,), s 78, 195; G Kegel and, (Munich, Beck, 9th edn,), s 1 VI, 25
E, Bartin, Principles de droit international privé I (Paris, Domat Montchrestien, 1930), s 78, 195; G Kegel and K, Schurig, Internationales Privatrecht (Munich, Beck, 9th edn, 2004), s 1 VI, 25
Internationales Privatrecht
Bartin, E.1
Schurig, K.2
n 150
Mankowski,n 150, 388–9
Aspects économiques du droit international privé
See, (,) 307, 25
See H Muir, Watt, “Aspects économiques du droit international privé” (2004) 307 Recueil des Cours 25, 191–93
Recueil des Cours
, pp. 191-193
Watt, H.M.1
n 142
Wächter,n 142, 8–9
n 150, 387
Mankowski,n 150, 387
n 142, 6 (my translation
Wächter,n 142, 6 (my translation)
n 106; WR Wichser, (Zurich, Polygraphischer Verlag AG,), 18
Müller,n 106, 298–307; WR Wichser, Der Begriff des wohlerworbenen Rechts im internationalen Privatrecht (Zurich, Polygraphischer Verlag AG, 1955), 18
Der Begriff des wohlerworbenen Rechts im internationalen Privatrecht
, pp. 298-307
n 53, 33;, n 24 n 150
Wilderspin and Lewis,n 53, 33; de, Baere,n 24, 303–05; Mankowski,n 150, 386–88
Baere, D.3
Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 4th edn,), s 21.I.2b
J, Kropholler, Internationales Privatrecht (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 4th edn, 2001), s 21.I.2b, 143–44
Internationales Privatrecht
, pp. 143-144
Kropholler, J.1
See, n 106
See Müller,n 106, 309–10
See, n 106 (discussing Tittmann
See Müller,n 106, 185–86 (discussing Tittmann)
n 109
Cocceji,n 109
Restatement (First) s 311, comment d; cf, n 38
Restatement (First) s 311, comment d; cf Brilmayer,n 38, 40–41
n 81, 1065
Gutzwiller,n 81, 1065
I (Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1880
KG, von Wächter, Pandekten I (Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1880), 152–3
, pp. 152-153
von Wächter, K.G.1
ECJ (15 July 1964), case 6/64, Costa v ENEL, [1964] ECR 585
ECJ (15 July 1964), case 6/64, Costa v ENEL, [1964] ECR 585
n 46
Basedow,n 46, 18–19
n 150, 387
Mankowski,n 150, 387
Rights as Trumps
Waldron J., (ed), Oxford University Press,), 152. For a helpful clarification that Dworkins rights as trumps metaphor suggests protection of individuals against governments, not against the common good, see J Waldron, Pildes on Dworkins Theory of Rights (,) 29, 301
Ronald, Dworkin, “Rights as Trumps” in J, Waldron (ed), Theories of Rights (Oxford University Press, 1984), 152. For a helpful clarification that Dworkin's “rights as trumps” metaphor suggests protection of individuals against governments, not against the common good, see J Waldron, “Pildes on Dworkin's Theory of Rights” (2000) 29 Journal of Legal Studies 301
Journal of Legal Studies
Dworkin, R.1
From Politics to Efficiency in Choice of Law
For both arguments see, and, (,) 67, 1151
For both arguments see EA, O ‘Hara and LE, Ribstein, “From Politics to Efficiency in Choice of Law” (2000) 67 University of Chicago Law Review 1151
University of Chicago Law Review
O ‘Hara, E.A.1
Ribstein, L.E.2
Art 17(20) of the 2004 Proposal and Art 17(15) of the 2006 Common Position exclude only liability for “an accident involving a person”
Art 17(20) of the 2004 Proposal and Art 17(15) of the 2006 Common Position exclude only liability for “an accident involving a person”
Notably, the same reasoning is not applied where the sovereign interests of the EU clash with the private interests of third country domiciliaries, as becomes clear from the, decision of the Court of Justice. See R Michaels and H-G Kamann, Grundlagen eines allgemeinen gemeinschaftlichen Richtlinienkollisionsrechts#x2018;Amerikanisierung’ des Gemeinschafts-IPR? (,) 12, 301, 311
Notably, the same reasoning is not applied where the sovereign interests of the EU clash with the private interests of third country domiciliaries, as becomes clear from the Ingmar decision of the Court of Justice. See R Michaels and H-G Kamann, “Grundlagen eines allgemeinen gemeinschaftlichen Richtlinienkollisionsrechts–‘Amerikanisierung’ des Gemeinschafts-IPR?” (2001) 12 Europäisches Wirtschafts-und Steuerrecht 301, 311
Europäisches Wirtschafts-und Steuerrecht
Basedow J., Kono T., (eds), Two Economists, Three Opinions? Economic Models for Private International LawCross-Border Torts as Example (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck
R, Michaels, “Two Economists, Three Opinions? Economic Models for Private International Law–Cross-Border Torts as Example” in J, Basedow and T, Kono (eds), An Economic Analysis of Private International Law (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2006), 143, 178–79
An Economic Analysis of Private International Law
, vol.143
, pp. 178-179
Michaels, R.1
The Challenges of Europeanization
n 6
Joerges, “The Challenges of Europeanization”,n 6, 178–79
Coherence and Consistency in European C A Progress Report
For debate, see, (,) 6, 333, 363ff
For debate, see G-P, Calliess, “Coherence and Consistency in European C A Progress Report” (2003) 6 German Law Journal 333, 363ff
German Law Journal
Calliess, G.-P.1
n 38, 221ff
Brilmayer,n 38, 221ff
It is a three-track endeavour if we distinguish, within traditional private international law, the Savignyan multilateral approach from the unilateral approach of governmental interest analysis. For application of the latter, see, n 6. this sense, I see my and Joerges analyses as coexisting rather than mutually exclusive
It is a three-track endeavour if we distinguish, within “traditional” private international law, the Savignyan multilateral approach from the unilateral approach of governmental interest analysis. For application of the latter, see Joerges,n 6. In this sense, I see my and Joerges' analyses as coexisting rather than mutually exclusive