art. 3.1. Apart from harmonization, the SPS Agreement underlines several principles to be observed, including scientific principle, mutual recognition, transparency etc
The SPS Agreement, art. 3.1. Apart from harmonization, the SPS Agreement underlines several principles to be observed, including scientific principle, mutual recognition, transparency etc
The SPS Agreement
is used to increase leanness in pork and beef. See Codex website
Ractopamine, a veterinary drug administered as a feed additive, is used to increase leanness in pork and beef. See Codex website: http://www.fao.org/ news/story/en/item/150953/icode/
Ractopamine, A Veterinary Drug Administered As A Feed Additive
At the previous codex sessions, no consensus was reached concerning the approval of a residue standard for ractopamine
held in Rome on July 6, 2012, by a very close vote: 69 in favor, 67 against, with seven abstentions
At the previous Codex sessions, no consensus was reached concerning the approval of a residue standard for ractopamine. The U.S. and Canada favored the proposed draft standard, but European countries opposed the adoption of such a standard. Eventually, the Codex adopted a standard at the 35th session, held in Rome on July 6, 2012, by a very close vote: 69 in favor, 67 against, with seven abstentions
The U.S. and Canada Favored the Proposed Draft Standard, but European Countries Opposed the Adoption of Such A Standard. Eventually, the Codex Adopted A Standard at the 35th Session
the Codex website, The move was seen as a triumph by countries that approve the use of the drug in meat production
the Codex website: http://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/150953/icode/. The move was seen as a triumph by countries that approve the use of the drug in meat production
http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2012/07/codex-votes-69-67-to-advance- ractopamine-limits-for-beef-and-pork/
at USTR Website, www.ustr.org (last visited Aug. 1, For the official statement of the U.S. government on the adoption of the standards, see, (last visited July 25, 2012)
the statement of the U.S. Trade Representative, at USTR Website: www.ustr.org (last visited Aug. 1, 2011). For the official statement of the U.S. government on the adoption of the standards, see:http://www.usda.gov/wps/ portal/usda/usdahome?contentid=2012/07/0222.xml&navid=NEWS- RELEASE&navtype=RT&parentnav=LATEST-RELEASES&edeployment-action= retrievecontent (last visited July 25, 2012)
The Statement of the U.S. Trade Representative
WTO Doc. WT/DS26/AB/R,WT/DS48/AB/R(Jan. 16, 1998)[hereinafter Appellate Body Report, EC - Hormones]; Appellate Body Report, EC - Trade Description of Sardines, WT/DS231/AB/R, [hereinafter Appellate Body Report, EC - Sardines]
Appellate Body Report, EC - Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones), WTO Doc. WT/DS26/AB/R,WT/DS48/AB/R(Jan. 16, 1998)[hereinafter Appellate Body Report, EC - Hormones]; Appellate Body Report, EC - Trade Description of Sardines, WT/DS231/AB/R(Sep. 26, 2002)[hereinafter Appellate Body Report, EC - Sardines]
Appellate Body Report, EC - Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones)
paras 421, 422, 467, 472, 477, 479, 481, 482
Id. paras.421, 422, 467, 472, 477, 479, 481, 482
which is run independently of Codex. See Codex website:
The JECFA was established in 1956 under the auspice of FAO/WHO, which is run independently of Codex. See Codex website: http://www.codexalimentarius.org/ scientific-basis-for-codex/jecfa/en/
The JECFA Was Established in 1956 under the Auspice of FAO/WHO
Science and risk regulation in international law 294
(cambridge, cambridge u. p., 2010), WTO Doc. WT/DS320/R, n. 377 to para. 7.78, [hereinafter Panel Report, US - Continued Suspension]
Jacqueline Peel, Science and Risk Regulation in International Law 294 (Cambridge, Cambridge U. P., 2010); Panel Report, United States - Continued Suspension of Obligations in the EC - Hormones Dispute, WTO Doc. WT/DS320/R, n. 377 to para. 7.78 (March 31, 2008)[hereinafter Panel Report, US - Continued Suspension]
Panel Report, United States - Continued Suspension of Obligations in the EC - Hormones Dispute
Jacqueline Peel1
The case of e. Coli raised by the ec provides a good example
WTO Doc. WT/DS48/R/CAN, para. 4.213, [hereinafter Panel Report, EC - Hormones].
The case of E. Coli raised by the EC provides a good example. See Panel Report, EC - Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products, WTO Doc. WT/DS48/R/CAN, para. 4.213 (Aug. 18, 1997)[hereinafter Panel Report, EC - Hormones]
See Panel Report, EC - Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products
(The Hague: TMC Asser, 2007)(explaining the lacking of national regulations for field test requirement and the reluctance of many local industry to accept the requirement)
Marielle D. Masson-Matthee, The Codex Alimentarius Commission and Its Standards 69, n. 91. (The Hague: TMC Asser, 2007)(explaining the lacking of national regulations for field test requirement and the reluctance of many local industry to accept the requirement)
Masson-Matthee, the Codex Alimentarius Commission and Its Standards 69, N. 91
Marielle, D.1
Cf it is argued that every product implies differential risk
To require a zero risk is impracticable, See Appellate Body Report, Australia-Measures Affecting Importation of Salmon, WTO Doc. WT/DS18/AB/R, para. 125
Cf It is argued that every product implies differential risk. To require a zero risk is impracticable. However, according to the ruling on Australia-Salmon case, the Appellate Body recognizes the right of WTO members to use zero risk as an appropriate level of protection. See Appellate Body Report, Australia-Measures Affecting Importation of Salmon, WTO Doc. WT/DS18/AB/R, para. 125 (Oct. 20, 1998)
However, According to the Ruling on Australia-Salmon Case, the Appellate Body Recognizes the Right of Wto Members to Use Zero Risk As An Appropriate Level of Protection
in Codex Procedural Manual, at 209-10 (20th ed. 2011), available at, (last visited July 31, 2011)[hereinafter Codex Procedural Manual]
Statements of Principles Concerning the Role of Science," in Codex Procedural Manual, at 209-10 (20th ed. 2011), available at ftp://ftp.fao.org/ codex/Publications/ProcManuals/Manual-20e.pdf (last visited July 31, 2011)[hereinafter Codex Procedural Manual]
Statements of Principles Concerning the Role of Science
According to codex procedural manual, the procedure to conclude a food standard consists of eight steps
id., at 31-32
According to Codex Procedural Manual, the procedure to conclude a food standard consists of eight steps. See "Uniform Procedure for the Elaboration of Codex Standards and Related Texts," id., at 31-32
Uniform Procedure for the Elaboration of Codex Standards and Related Texts
supra note 13, at 294
See Peel, supra note 13, at 294
supra note 17, at 68; Ravi Afonso Pereira, Why Would International Administrative Activity be Any Less Legitimate?- A Study of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, 9 German L. J.
Masson-Matthee, supra note 17, at 68; Ravi Afonso Pereira, Why Would International Administrative Activity be Any Less Legitimate?- A Study of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, 9 German L. J. 1693, 1701 (2008)
, vol.1693
, pp. 1701
supra note 17, at 68
Masson-Matthee, supra note 17, at 68
Codex standards for pesticides residues
215 (N. Rees and D. Watson eds., Aspen, 2000)
G.G. Moy and J.R. Wessel, Codex Standards for Pesticides Residues, in International Standards for Food Safety 215 (N. Rees and D. Watson eds., Aspen, 2000)
International Standards for Food Safety
Moy, G.G.1
Wessel, J.R.2
supra note 17, at 68
Masson-Matthee, supra note 17, at 68
Victor, 32 N. Y. U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 865, 899 (2000)(explaining the determination of MRLs relies on "no effect" level in tested animals, but questioning "how it translates to human effects has not been rigorously defined or quantified")
David G. Victor, The Sanitary and Phitosanitary Agreement of the WTO: An Assessment After Five Years, 32 N. Y. U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 865, 899 (2000)(explaining the determination of MRLs relies on "no effect" level in tested animals, but questioning "how it translates to human effects has not been rigorously defined or quantified")
The Sanitary and Phitosanitary Agreement of the WTO: An Assessment after Five Years
David, G.1
European food safety authority's scientific opinion on safety evaluation of ractopamine
It is observed that there are only s9 test persons that have been studied concerning ractopamine's effect See, adopted on Apr. 2, 2009, The EFSA Journal (2009) 1041, at 24, 28, available at, (last visited May 1, 2012)
It is observed that there are only s9 test persons that have been studied concerning ractopamine's effect. See European Food Safety Authority's scientific opinion on Safety Evaluation of ractopamine, the Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances Used in Animal Feed, adopted on Apr. 2, 2009, The EFSA Journal (2009) 1041, at 24, 28, available at http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/efsajournal/pub/1041.htm (last visited May 1, 2012)
The Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances Used in Animal Feed
Many asians preferentially consume the organs of livestock
See Food Safety News website:
Many Asians preferentially consume the organs of livestock. China has raised concerns about the higher concentrations of ractopamine residues in pig organs. See Food Safety News website: http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2012/07/ codex-votes-69-67-to-advance-ractopamine-limits-for-beef-and-pork/
China Has Raised Concerns about the Higher Concentrations of Ractopamine Residues in Pig Organs
supra note 17, at 172
Masson-Matthee, supra note 17, at 172
steps 4, 5 of Uniform Procedure for the Elaboration of Codex Standards and Related Texts, at 31, 32
steps 4, 5 of Uniform Procedure for the Elaboration of Codex Standards and Related Texts, Codex Procedural Manual, supra note 20, at 31, 32
Codex Procedural Manual, Supra Note 20
81 NYU L.Rev., Lucinda Sikes, FDA's Consideration of Codex Alimentarius Standards in Light of International TradeAgreements, 53 Food & Drug L.J. 327, 330 (1998)
Michael A. Livermore, Authority and Legitimacy in Global Governance: Deliberation, Institutional Differentiation and the Codex Alimentarius, 81 NYU L.Rev. 766, 784-85 (2006); Lucinda Sikes, FDA's Consideration of Codex Alimentarius Standards in Light of International TradeAgreements, 53 Food & Drug L.J. 327, 330 (1998)
Livermore, Authority and Legitimacy in Global Governance: Deliberation, Institutional Differentiation and the Codex Alimentarius
, vol.766
, pp. 784-785
Michael, A.1
supra note 35, n. 90
Livermore, supra note 35, n. 90
Wallach, globalization and sovereignty: Accountable governance in the era of globalization: The wto, nafta, and international harmonization of standards
Lori M. Wallach, Globalization and Sovereignty: Accountable Governance in the Era of Globalization: The WTO, NAFTA, and International Harmonization of Standards, 50 Kan. L. Rev. 823, 836 (2002)
50 Kan. L. Rev
, vol.823
, pp. 836
Lori, M.1
It has been rightly pointed out that "industry representatives [who] are seeking to use the international harmonization process as a vehicle for global deregulation
See B. A. Silverglade, The Impact of International Trade Agreements on U.S. Food Safety and Labelling Standards
It has been rightly pointed out that "industry representatives [who] are seeking to use the international harmonization process as a vehicle for global deregulation." See B. A. Silverglade, The Impact of International Trade Agreements on U.S. Food Safety and Labelling Standards, 53 Food & Drug L. J. 537, 540 (1998)
53 Food & Drug L. J.
, vol.537
, pp. 540
Alan Boyle & Christine Chinkin, The Making of International Law 101 (Oxford: Oxford U. P.,2007);Jan Klabbers, Anne Peters and GeirUlfstein, (Oxford, Oxford UP, 2009)
Alan Boyle & Christine Chinkin, The Making of International Law 101 (Oxford: Oxford U. P., 2007);Jan Klabbers, Anne Peters and GeirUlfstein, The Constitutionalization of International Law 55(Oxford, Oxford UP, 2009)
The Constitutionalization of International Law 55
supra note 40, at 101-102
Boyle & Chinkin, supra note 40, at 101-102
Boyle & Chinkin
UN Doc. A/CONF.62/122 (1982), 21 ILM 1261, in force Nov. 16, 1994, Art. 161
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, UN Doc. A/CONF.62/122 (1982), 21 ILM 1261, in force Nov. 16, 1994, Art. 161
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
supra note 40, at 158
Boyle & Chinkin, supra note 40, at 158
Boyle & Chinkin
supra note 40, at 158
Boyle & Chinkin, supra note 40, at 158
Boyle & Chinkin
For instance, the 2007 un declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples was adopted by voting
(Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burundi, Colombia, Georgia, Kenya, Nigeria, Russian Federation, Samoa, and Ukraine). See Office of the United Nations High Commissioners for Human Rights, at, (last visited Aug. 10, 2009)
For instance, the 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by voting. The UN Declaration was adopted by a majority of 143 states in favor, with 4 votes against (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States) and 11 abstentions (Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burundi, Colombia, Georgia, Kenya, Nigeria, Russian Federation, Samoa, and Ukraine). See Office of the United Nations High Commissioners for Human Rights, at http://www2.ohchr.org/english/issues/indigenous/declaration.htm (last visited Aug. 10, 2009)
The un Declaration Was Adopted by A Majority of 143 States in Favor, with 4 Votes Against (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States) and 11 Abstentions
supra note 35, at 787
Livermore, supra note 35, at 787
supra note 1, art. 3.2
The SPS Agreement, supra note 1, art. 3.2
The SPS Agreement
the International Plant Protection Convention, and the International Office of Epizootics, 26 Syracuse J. Int'l L. & Com
Terence P. Stewart & David S. Johanson, The SPS Agreement of the World Trade Organization and International Organizations: the Roles of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the International Plant Protection Convention, and the International Office of Epizootics, 26 Syracuse J. Int'l L. & Com. 27, 45 (1998)
The SPS Agreement of the World Trade Organization and International Organizations: The Roles of the Codex Alimentarius Commission
, vol.27
, pp. 45
Stewart Terence, P.1
Johanson David, S.2
Countries like america and the european nations have adopted a differential policy on growth promoting hormones
Victor, supra note 28, at 931; Livermore, supra note 35, at 789
Victor, supra note 28, at 931; Livermore, supra note 35, at 789. Countries like America and the European nations have adopted a differential policy on growth promoting hormones. The use of hormones would be legal in North America if farmers comply with regulations. By contrast, the EC directives prohibit the use of hormones as veterinary drugs
The Use of Hormones Would Be Legal in North America if Farmers Comply with Regulations. By Contrast, the EC Directives Prohibit the Use of Hormones As Veterinary Drugs
33 votes in favor, 29 against, 7 abstentions.Report of the 21st, July 3-8, 1995 ALINORM 95/37, para. 45 [hereinafter Codex 21st Session Report]
33 votes in favor, 29 against, 7 abstentions.Report of the 21st Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, Rome, July 3-8, 1995 ALINORM 95/37, para. 45 [hereinafter Codex 21st Session Report]
Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, Rome
Rules of Procedure, Rule V3, para.5, in, (20th ed., 2010), supra note 20, at 11
Rules of Procedure, Rule V3, para.5, in Codex Procedural Manual (20th ed., 2010), supra note 20, at 11
Codex Procedural Manual
Codex 21st Session Report, supra note 58, para. 46; Stewart & Johanson, supra note 56, at 42
Codex 21st Session Report, supra note 58, para. 46; Stewart & Johanson, supra note 56, at 42
33 votes in favor, 31 against and 10 abstentions.Report of the 22nd Session of the, ALINORM 97/37, para. 69 [hereinafter Codex 22nd Session Report]
33 votes in favor, 31 against and 10 abstentions.Report of the 22nd Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, Geneva, June 23-28, 1997 ALINORM 97/37, para. 69 [hereinafter Codex 22nd Session Report]
Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, Geneva
, pp. 23-28
Victor, supra note 28, at 887
Victor, supra note 28, at 887
The U.S. Objected the standard by stating that "[this] standard ignores public health protection by prohibiting any antimicrobial treatment and creates a barrier to international trade by including unnecessary and inappropriately restrictive requirements which are contrary to the general principles of codex alimentarius, adopted by the commission to protect public health and facilitate international trade, supra note 61, para. 91
The U.S. objected the standard by stating that "[this] standard ignores public health protection by prohibiting any antimicrobial treatment and creates a barrier to international trade by including unnecessary and inappropriately restrictive requirements which are contrary to the General Principles of Codex Alimentarius, adopted by the Commission to protect public health and facilitate international trade. Codex 22nd Session Report, supra note 61, para. 91
Codex 22nd Session Report
According to an evaluation initiated by the FAO in 2002
Report of the Evaluation of the Codex Alimentarius and Other FAO and WHO Food Standards Work, para. 93;, the majority of Codex members objected an increase of resorting to vote in standard-making. W. Bruce Trail et al., (2002), at (2002), at §
Id. para. 93; According to an evaluation initiated by the FAO in 2002, the majority of Codex members objected an increase of resorting to vote in standard-making. W. Bruce Trail et al., Report of the Evaluation of the Codex Alimentarius and Other FAO and WHO Food Standards Work (2002), at (2002), at §
Rule of Procedure, Rule 12, para. 2, in, (20th ed., 2010), supra note 20, at 14
Rule of Procedure, Rule 12, para. 2, in Codex Procedural Manual (20th ed., 2010), supra note 20, at 14
Codex Procedural Manual
supra note 17, at 233
Masson-Matthee, supra note 17, at 233
Annex 2 to the marrakesh agreement establishing the world trade organization
in The Legal Texts:
Annex 2 to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, in The Legal Texts: The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations 354 (1999)
The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations 354
Masson-Matthee, supra note 17, at 185
Masson-Matthee, supra note 17, at 185
supra note 1, art. 3
The SPS Agreement, supra note 1, art. 3
The SPS Agreement
WTO Doc. WT/DS231/R, para. 4.34 (May 29, 2002)[hereinafter Panel Report, EC - Sardines]
Panel Report, EC - Trade Description of Sardines, WTO Doc. WT/DS231/R, para. 4.34 (May 29, 2002)[hereinafter Panel Report, EC - Sardines]
Panel Report, EC - Trade Description of Sardines
Decision of the committee on principles for the development of international standards
WTO Doc. G/TBT/9, adopted November 13, 2000, para. 9
Decision of The Committee On Principles For The Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations With Relation to Articles 2, 5 and Annex 3 of The Agreement, Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade, WTO Doc. G/TBT/9, adopted November 13, 2000, para. 9
Guides and Recommendations with Relation to Articles 2, 5 and Annex 3 of the Agreement, Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade
See Dispute Settlement Body, WTO Doc. WT/DSB/M/134, at 12, para. 41 (Oct. 23, 2002)
For instance, Chile worried the adverse effect of the Appellate Body ruling. See Dispute Settlement Body, WTO Doc. WT/DSB/M/134, at 12, para. 41 (Oct. 23, 2002)
For Instance, Chile Worried the Adverse Effect of the Appellate Body Ruling
Klabbers et al, supra note 40, at 64
Klabbers et al, supra note 40, at 64
Application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide (provisional measures)
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of genocide (provisional measures), ICJ Rep. 3 (1993)
ICJ Rep. 3
supra note 87, at 15
Lockerbie, supra note 87, at 15
supra note 35, at 790
Livermore, supra note 35, at 790
at 790-96; Joanne Scott, International Trade and Environmental Governance: Relating Rules (and Standards) in the EU and the WTO, 15 Euro. J. Int'l L, Pereira, supra note 23, at 1711-12
Id.at 790-96; Joanne Scott, International Trade and Environmental Governance: Relating Rules (and Standards) in the EU and the WTO, 15 Euro. J. Int'l L. 307, 330-33 (2004); Pereira, supra note 23, at 1711-12
, vol.307
, pp. 330-333
supra note 35, at 790-91
Livermore, supra note 35, at 790-91
Masson-Matthee, supra note 17, at 190-91
Masson-Matthee, supra note 17, at 190-91
at 190. (For instance, Masson-Matthee observes that the Lome Convention had been reviewed in the WTO Banana case.)
Id. at 190. (For instance, Masson-Matthee observes that the Lome Convention had been reviewed in the WTO Banana case.)
Livermore, supra note 35, at 792. Cf From a general perspective of international law, Klabbers, supra note 40, at 67
Livermore, supra note 35, at 792. Cf From a general perspective of international law, Klabbers submits that the scope of matters to be reviewed should also cover the content of the decisions as so to ensure respect of general international law, of course including ergaomnes. Klabbers, supra note 40, at 67
Klabbers Submits That the Scope of Matters to Be Reviewed Should Also Cover the Content of the Decisions As so to Ensure Respect of General International Law, of Course Including Ergaomnes
supra note 35, at 794-95
Livermore, supra note 35, at 794-95
Appellate Body Report, United States - Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, WTO Doc. WT/DS58/AB/R, paras. 177-83 (Oct. 12, 1998)[hereinafter Appellate Body Report, U.S. - Shrimp]. For a discussion on the principle of due process in the WTO dispute settlement proceedings, see Andrew Mitchell, Legal Principles in WTO Disputes 145-76 (Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 2008)
The Appellate Body considered that the lack of a proper appeal mechanism provided for importing countries as such was of arbitrary discrimination, and thus violated U.S. obligations under the chapeau of Article XX of the GATT 1994. Appellate Body Report, United States - Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, WTO Doc. WT/DS58/AB/R, paras. 177-83 (Oct. 12, 1998)[hereinafter Appellate Body Report, U.S. - Shrimp]. For a discussion on the principle of due process in the WTO dispute settlement proceedings, see Andrew Mitchell, Legal Principles in WTO Disputes 145-76 (Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 2008)
The Appellate Body Considered That the Lack of A Proper Appeal Mechanism Provided for Importing Countries As Such Was of Arbitrary Discrimination, and Thus Violated U.S. Obligations under the Chapeau of Article XX of the GATT 1994
supra note 35, at 795
Livermore, supra note 35, at 795
supra note 1, art. 3.5
The SPS Agreement, supra note 1, art. 3.5
The SPS Agreement
It should be understandable that a Codex member will oppose such review if a presumed Codex standard favoring its position would be so applied as to push the lift of trade restrictions of other countries
It should be understandable that a Codex member will oppose such review if a presumed Codex standard favoring its position would be so applied as to push the lift of trade restrictions of other countries
Judicial lawmaking at the wto: Discursive
257 (2004)(addressing concerns about expansive judicial lawmaking at the WTO); Boyle &Chinkin, supra note 40, at 263-311(providing a general discussion on law-making activities of international courts)
Richard H. Steinberg, Judicial Lawmaking at the WTO: Discursive, Constitutional, and Political Constraints, 98 Am. J. Int'l L. 257 (2004)(addressing concerns about expansive judicial lawmaking at the WTO); Boyle & Chinkin, supra note 40, at 263-311(providing a general discussion on law-making activities of international courts)
Constitutional, and Political Constraints, 98 Am. J. Int'l L
Steinberg Richard, H.1
It is proposed that a structure of international judicial review should encompass issues of scope, matters to be covered, standing and effects etc. Klabbers et al, supra note 40, at 66-67
It is proposed that a structure of international judicial review should encompass issues of scope, matters to be covered, standing and effects etc. Klabbers et al, supra note 40, at 66-67
According to article 22.6 of the DSU, the U.S. was authorized to terminate its concessions and obligations towards the EC by imposing higher tariffs on the importation of EC products, supra note 10, paras. 8-9
According to article 22.6 of the DSU, the U.S. was authorized to terminate its concessions and obligations towards the EC by imposing higher tariffs on the importation of EC products. See Appellate Body Report, U.S. - Continued Suspension, supra note 10, paras. 8-9
Appellate Body Report, U.S. - Continued Suspension
Article 11 of the DSU requires the Panel to conduct an objective assessment of the matter before it
Article 11 of the DSU requires the Panel to conduct an objective assessment of the matter before it
Appellate Body Report, supra note 10, paras. 10. 11
Appellate Body Report, U.S. - Continued Suspension, supra note 10, paras. 10. 11
U.S. - Continued Suspension
para. 11
Id. para. 11
supra note 1, art. 11.2
The SPS Agreement, supra note 1, art. 11.2
The SPS Agreement
Append9 4 to the DSU
Append9 4 to the DSU
Rules of Conduct for the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, WT/DSB/RC1
Rules of Conduct for the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, WT/DSB/RC1
Panel Report, supra note 13, para. 6.22
Panel Report, U.S. - Continued Suspension, supra note 13, para. 6.22
U.S.-Continued Suspension
paras. 7.84
Id. paras. 7.84
paras. 7.85
Id. paras. 7.85
The Appellate Body considered due process protection covers the selection and consultations with experts, supra note 10, para. 436
The Appellate Body considered due process protection covers the selection and consultations with experts. See Appellate Body Report, U.S. - Continued Suspension, supra note 10, para. 436
Appellate Body Report, U.S. - Continued Suspension
The two doctors were not only members of the JECFA, but played a significant role in hormone discussions by serving Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Joint-Rapporteur. See, para. 460
The two doctors were not only members of the JECFA, but played a significant role in hormone discussions by serving Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Joint-Rapporteur. See id. para. 460
paras.462-68, 477
Id. paras.462-68, 477
para. 469
Id. para. 469
paras. 458, 477, 479 (The EC argued the limitations in JECFA's assessments and pointed out the data used by JECFA was outdated)
Id. paras. 458, 477, 479 (The EC argued the limitations in JECFA's assessments and pointed out the data used by JECFA was outdated)
para. 481
Id. para. 481
JoostPauwelyn, INSIDE U.S. TRADE (Oct. 24, 2008); Michael M. Du, Standard of Review under the SPS Agreement after Hormones II, 59 Int'l & Com. L. Q
JoostPauwelyn, U.S.-EU Hormone Case Limits WTO Role in Reviewing SPS Measures, INSIDE U.S. TRADE (Oct. 24, 2008); Michael M. Du, Standard of Review under the SPS Agreement after Hormones II, 59 Int'l & Com. L. Q 441, 459 (2010)
U.S.-EU Hormone Case Limits WTO Role in Reviewing SPS Measures
, vol.441
, pp. 459