Guided implant placement and immediate prosthesis delivery using traditional Brånemark System abutments: A pilot study of 23 patients
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Use of stereolithographic models as diagnostic and restorative aids for predictable immediate loading of implants
Ganz SD. Use of stereolithographic models as diagnostic and restorative aids for predictable immediate loading of implants. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2003; 15: 763-771.
Computer- assisted implant placement. A case report: Treatment of the mandible
Tardieu P, Vrielinck L, Escolano E. Computer- assisted implant placement. A case report: Treatment of the mandible. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2003; 18: 599-604.
The expanding influence of computed tomography and the application of computer guided implantology
Mandelaris GA, Rosenfeld AL. The expanding influence of computed tomography and the application of computer guided implantology. Prac Proced Aesthet Dent 2008; 20: 297-305.
Prosthetically directed implant placement using computer software to ensure precise placement and predictable prosthetic outcome. Part 1: Diagnostics, imaging, and collaborative accountability
Rosenfeld AL, Mandelaris GA, Tardieu PB. Prosthetically directed implant placement using computer software to ensure precise placement and predictable prosthetic outcome. Part 1: Diagnostics, imaging, and collaborative accountability. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2006; 26: 215-221.
Prosthetically directed implant placement using computer software to ensure precise placement and predictable prosthetic outcome. Part 2: Rapid prototype medical modeling and stereolithographic drilling guides requiring bone exposure
Rosenfeld AL, Mandelaris GA, Tardieu PB. Prosthetically directed implant placement using computer software to ensure precise placement and predictable prosthetic outcome. Part 2: Rapid prototype medical modeling and stereolithographic drilling guides requiring bone exposure. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2006; 26: 347-353.
Prosthetically directed implant placement using computer software to ensure precise placement and predictable prosthetic outcome. Part 3: Stereolithographic drilling guides that do not require bone exposure and the immediate delivery of teeth
Rosenfeld AL, Mandelaris GA, Tardieu PB. Prosthetically directed implant placement using computer software to ensure precise placement and predictable prosthetic outcome. Part 3: Stereolithographic drilling guides that do not require bone exposure and the immediate delivery of teeth. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2006; 26: 493-499.
Implantologie assistée par ordinateur: Le programme SimPlantSurgiCase et le SAFE System. Cas clinique: Mise en charge immédiate d’un bridge mandibulaire avec des implants transmuqueux
Tardieu P, Vrielinck L. Implantologie assistée par ordinateur: Le programme SimPlantSurgiCase et le SAFE System. Cas clinique: Mise en charge immédiate d’un bridge mandibulaire avec des implants transmuqueux. Implant 2003; 19: 15-28.
Accuracy of implant placement with a stereolithographic surgical guide
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Accuracy of implant placement based on pre-surgical planning of threedimensional cone-beam images: A pilot study
Van Assche N, van Steenberghe D, Guerrero ME, et al. Accuracy of implant placement based on pre-surgical planning of threedimensional cone-beam images: A pilot study. J Clin Periodontol 2007; 34: 816-821.
Accuracy of drilling guides for transfer from three-dimensional CT-based planning to placement of zygoma implants in human cadavers
Van Steenberghe D, Malevez C, van Cleynenbreugel J, et al. Accuracy of drilling guides for transfer from three-dimensional CT-based planning to placement of zygoma implants in human cadavers. Clin Oral Implants Res 2003; 14: 131-136.
A comparison of jaw dimensional and quality assessments of bone characteristics with conebeam CT, spiral tomography, and multislice spiral CT
Loubele M, Guerrero ME, Jacobs R, Suetens P, van Steenberghe D. A comparison of jaw dimensional and quality assessments of bone characteristics with conebeam CT, spiral tomography, and multislice spiral CT. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2007; 22: 446-454.
Flapless implant surgery in the esthetic region: Advantages and precautions
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