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Migrants from food cans revisited: Application of a stochastic model for a more realistic assessment of exposure to BADGE
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Approach to stochastic modelling of consumer exposure for any substance from canned foods using simulant migration data
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Phthalate exposure through food and consumers' risk perception of chemicals in food
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A critical survey of predictive mathematical models for migration from packaging
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Consumer exposure to substances in plastic packaging. I. Assessment of the contribution of styrene from yogurt pots
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Contamination of packaged food by substances migrating from a direct-contact plastic layer: Assessment using a generic quantitative household scale methodology
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Stochastic modelling if migration from polyolefins
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Guidance of the scientific committee to a request from EFSA related to uncertainties in dietary exposure assessment
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Principles of good practice for the use of Monte Carlo techniques in human health and ecological risk assessment
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