Solid-phase extraction of copper with cupron on octadecyl silica cartridge and its determination with atomic absorption
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Ultrasound-assisted treatment of palm oil samples for the determination of copper and lead by stripping chronopotentiometry
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Determination of iron and copper in peanuts by flame atomic absorption spectrometry using acid digestion
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Direct determination of copper, lead and cadmium in aniseed spirits by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
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Cloud point extraction and flame atomic absorption spectrometry combination for copper(II) ion in environmental and biological samples
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Determination of fluorescent whitening agents in environmental waters by solid-phase extraction and ion pair liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
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Solid phase extraction of copper(II) by modified octadecyl silica membrane disks with 3-f2-[2-(2-hydroxyimino-1-methyl-propylideneamino)-ethylamino]-ethyl-iminog-butan-2-one oxime
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Enrichment of trace amounts of copper(II) ions in water samples using octadecyl silica disks modified by a Schiff base ionophore prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination
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Cloud point extraction and flame atomic absorption spectrometry determination of trace amounts of copper(II) ions in water samples
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