ATLAS technical proposal for a general-purpose pp experiment at the large hadron collider at CERN
The ATLAS Collaboration, Technical Report CERN/LHCC/94-043, CERN, 1994
The ATLAS Collaboration, ATLAS technical proposal for a general-purpose pp experiment at the large hadron collider at CERN, Technical Report CERN/LHCC/94-043, CERN, 1994.
The ATLAS Collaboration, J. Instrum. 3 (2008) S08003.
The ATLAS Collaboration, J. Instrum. 3 (2008) S08003.
The ATLAS Collaboration, Technical Report CERN/LHCC/96-041, CERN
The ATLAS Collaboration, Liquid argon calorimeter technical design report, Technical Report CERN/LHCC/96-041, CERN, 1996.
Liquid argon calorimeter technical design report
The ATLAS Collaboration, Technical Report CERN/LHCC/96-040, CERN
The ATLAS Collaboration, Calorimeter performance technical design report, Technical Report CERN/LHCC/96-040, CERN, 1996.
Calorimeter performance technical design report
G. Aad, et al., ATLAS pixel detector electronics and sensors, J. Instrum. 3 (2008) P07007.
G. Aad, et al., ATLAS pixel detector electronics and sensors, J. Instrum. 3 (2008) P07007.
Large-scale production of monitored drift tube chambers for the ATLAS muon spectrometer
F. Bauer, et al., Large-scale production of monitored drift tube chambers for the ATLAS muon spectrometer, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 518 (2004) 69.
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A
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Bauer, F.1
M. Aleksa, M. Delmastro, M. Fanti, R. Lafaye, W. Lampl, S. Laplace, D. Prieur, F. Tarrade, I. Wingerter-Seez, ATLAS Combined Testbeam: computation and validation of the electronic calibration constants for the electromagnetic calorimeter, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-PUB-2006-003, 2006.
M. Aleksa, M. Delmastro, M. Fanti, R. Lafaye, W. Lampl, S. Laplace, D. Prieur, F. Tarrade, I. Wingerter-Seez, ATLAS Combined Testbeam: computation and validation of the electronic calibration constants for the electromagnetic calorimeter, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-PUB-2006-003, 2006.
ATLAS computing TDR
The ATLAS Collaboration, Technical Report CERN/LHCC/2005-022, CERN, 2005
The ATLAS Collaboration, ATLAS computing TDR, Technical Report CERN/LHCC/2005-022, CERN, 2005.
M. Delmastro, M. Aleksa, T. Carli, R. Froeschl, I. Wingerter-Seez, Response of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Electromagnetic Barrel Calorimeter to Very Low Energy Electrons at the 2004 ATLAS Combined Test-Beam, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-INT-2009-007, 2009.
M. Delmastro, M. Aleksa, T. Carli, R. Froeschl, I. Wingerter-Seez, Response of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Electromagnetic Barrel Calorimeter to Very Low Energy Electrons at the 2004 ATLAS Combined Test-Beam, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-INT-2009-007, 2009.
L. Neukermans, P. Perrodo, R. Zitoun, Understanding the electromagnetic barrel pulse shapes and the absolute electronic calibration, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-2001-008, 2001.
L. Neukermans, P. Perrodo, R. Zitoun, Understanding the electromagnetic barrel pulse shapes and the absolute electronic calibration, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-2001-008, 2001.
M. Citterio, M. Delmastro, M. Fanti, A study of the electrical properties and of the signal shapes in the ATLAS Liquid ARgon Accordion Calorimeter using a hardware model, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-2001-018, 2001.
M. Citterio, M. Delmastro, M. Fanti, A study of the electrical properties and of the signal shapes in the ATLAS Liquid ARgon Accordion Calorimeter using a hardware model, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-2001-018, 2001.
D. Prieur. Using Time Convolution Method to compute Optimal Filtering Coefficients for LARG electromagnetic calorimeter, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-2005-001, 2005.
D. Prieur. Using Time Convolution Method to compute Optimal Filtering Coefficients for LARG electromagnetic calorimeter, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-2005-001, 2005.
Internal Note, ATL-LARG-2000-007
F. Hubaut, B. Laforge, D. Lacour, F. Orsini, Test beam Measurement of the Cross-talk in the EM Barrel Module 0, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-2000-007, 2000.
Test beam Measurement of the Cross-talk in the EM Barrel Module 0, ATLAS
Hubaut, F.1
Laforge, B.2
Lacour, D.3
Orsini, F.4
F. Hubaut, Crosstalk Measurements in the EM Barrel Module 0 from 99', May 00' and July 00' Beam Tests, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-2000-009, 2000.
F. Hubaut, Crosstalk Measurements in the EM Barrel Module 0 from 99', May 00' and July 00' Beam Tests, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-2000-009, 2000.
ATLAS Note, ATL-LARG-PUB-2007-010
C. Collard, D. Fournier, S. Henrot-Versillé, L. Serin, Prediction of signal amplitude and shape for the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter, ATLAS Note, ATL-LARG-PUB-2007-010, 2007.
Prediction of signal amplitude and shape for the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter
Collard, C.1
Fournier, D.2
Henrot-Versillé, S.3
Serin, L.4
Etude en Faisceau-Test de la Réponse des Calorimètres de l'expérience ATLAS du LHC à des Pions Chargés, d'Energie Comprise entre 3 et 350 GeV, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, 2006
Report number PCCF-T-0608. Presented on 17 November
V. Giangiobbe, Etude en Faisceau-Test de la Réponse des Calorimètres de l'expérience ATLAS du LHC à des Pions Chargés, d'Energie Comprise entre 3 et 350 GeV, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, 2006. Report number PCCF-T-0608. Presented on 17 November 2006.
Giangiobbe, V.1
B. Di Girolamo, et al., ATLAS Barrel Combined Run in 2004 Test Beam Set-up and its Evolutions, ATLAS EDMS Note, ATC-TT-ID-0001, EDMS Id: 406980, 2005.
ATLAS Barrel Combined Run in 2004 Test Beam Set-up and its Evolutions, ATLAS EDMS Note, ATC-TT-ID-0001, EDMS
, pp. 406980
Di Girolamo, B.1
Etude du ROHACELL plongé dans de l'argon liquide pour ATLAS, Private communication
L. Dufay, T. Niinikoski, Etude du ROHACELL plongé dans de l'argon liquide pour ATLAS, Private communication.
Dufay, L.1
Niinikoski, T.2
B. Di Girolamo, M. Gallas, T. Koffas, 2004 ATLAS Barrel Combined Test Beam Layout, ATLAS EDMS Note, ATC-TT-IN-0001, 2005.
ATLAS Barrel Combined Test Beam Layout
Di Girolamo, B.1
Gallas, M.2
Koffas, T.3
ATLAS Note, ATL-LARG-PUB-2007-012
D. Banfi, L. Carminati, L. Mandelli, Calibration of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter using calibration hits, ATLAS Note, ATL-LARG-PUB-2007-012, 2007.
Calibration of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter using calibration hits
Banfi, D.1
Carminati, L.2
Mandelli, L.3
W. Lampl, Optimizing the Energy Measurement of the ATLAS Electromagnetic Calorimeter. oai:cds.cern.ch:923625, Ph.D. Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, 2006. Presented on 18 January 2006.
W. Lampl, Optimizing the Energy Measurement of the ATLAS Electromagnetic Calorimeter. oai:cds.cern.ch:923625, Ph.D. Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, 2006. Presented on 18 January 2006.
T. Carli S. Paganis, K. Loureiro, G. Unal, Combined intercalibration and longitudinal weight extraction for the atlas liquid-argon em calorimeter, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-2004-012, 2004.
T. Carli S. Paganis, K. Loureiro, G. Unal, Combined intercalibration and longitudinal weight extraction for the atlas liquid-argon em calorimeter, ATLAS Internal Note, ATL-LARG-2004-012, 2004.
′, Ph.D. Thesis, SLAC-R-255, 1982. The Crystal Ball function is defined in Appendix F, p. 178.
′, Ph.D. Thesis, SLAC-R-255, 1982. The Crystal Ball function is defined in Appendix F, p. 178.