Transnational Democracy and Nondomination
See, in, ed. Cécile Laborde and J. Maynor (London: Basil Blackwell)
See James Bohman, Transnational Democracy and Nondomination in Republicanism and Political Theory, ed. Cécile Laborde and J. Maynor (London: Basil Blackwell, 2008), 190-216.
Republicanism and Political Theory
, pp. 190-216
Bohman, J.1
See also, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, chap. 2
See also Bohman, Democracy across Borders (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007), chap. 2.
Democracy Across Borders
"Philadelphian system" of American federalism in his recovery of the republican tradition of international relations
See, fascinating discussion of the, in, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, chap. 6
See Daniel Deudney's fascinating discussion of the Philadelphian system of American federalism in his recovery of the republican tradition of international relations in Bounding Power (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007), chap. 6.
Bounding Power
Deudney, D.1
Sovereignty, Commerce, and Cosmopolitanism
See also
See also John Tomasi, Sovereignty, Commerce, and Cosmopolitanism, Social Philosophy and Policy (2003): 223-46.
Social Philosophy and Policy
, pp. 223-46
Tomasi, J.1
The Insufficiency of Nondomination
For these criticism of the incompleteness of nondomination as the "overarching" category for the injustice of unfreedom, see, In the case of migrants without status, any a revision of the republican conception of nondomination ought to reflect the new circumstances in which large numbers of noncitizens live in the midst of citizens and are thus vulnerable to domination by them
For these criticism of the incompleteness of nondomination as the "overarching" category for the injustice of unfreedom, see Patchen Markell, The Insufficiency of Nondomination, Political Theory 36 (2008): 9-36. In the case of migrants without status, any a revision of the republican conception of nondomination ought to reflect the new circumstances in which large numbers of noncitizens live in the midst of citizens and are thus vulnerable to domination by them.
Political Theory
, vol.36
, pp. 9-36
Markell, P.1
For a normative conception of domination, see, Oxford: Oxford University Press, chap. 2 and 3. As he puts it, domination is the capacity to make people's lives and situations worse by arbitrarily imposing duties on them, or by arbitrarily purporting to impose duties on them (p. 34). However, by assuming that dominated and the dominator share a common civil status within a democratic society, Richardson's account cannot solve the problem of the domination of noncitizens by citizens. Furthermore, in contrast to my view, Richardson sees domination with respect to rights only in their violation, rather than also in the denial or absence of their status
For a normative conception of domination, see Henry Richardson, Democratic Autonomy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), chap. 2 and 3. As he puts it, domination is the capacity to make people's lives and situations worse by arbitrarily imposing duties on them, or by arbitrarily purporting to impose duties on them (p. 34). However, by assuming that dominated and the dominator share a common civil status within a democratic society, Richardson's account cannot solve the problem of the domination of noncitizens by citizens. Furthermore, in contrast to my view, Richardson sees domination with respect to rights only in their violation, rather than also in the denial or absence of their status.
Democratic Autonomy
Richardson, H.1
Oxford: Oxford University Press
Philip Pettit, Republicanism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), 39.
, pp. 39
Pettit, P.1
ed. and trans. M. Gregor (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
Immanuel Kant, Metaphysics of Morals, ed. and trans. M. Gregor (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 30.
Metaphysics of Morals
, pp. 30
Kant, I.1
Kantian Constructivism and Moral Theory
in, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Rawls, Kantian Constructivism and Moral Theory, in Collected Papers (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001), 331.
Collected Papers
, pp. 331
For this reason, the voluntary surrender of one's freedom entirely to another is impossible for Kant, since it is only as a person that one may enter into a contract. Thus, the right to freedom is imprescriptible and unalienable. See, Hegel similarly argues that "my right to my distinct personality in general and to my universal freedom of the will" are all imprescriptible and inalienable
For this reason, the voluntary surrender of one's freedom entirely to another is impossible for Kant, since it is only as a person that one may enter into a contract. Thus, the right to freedom is imprescriptible and unalienable. See Kant, Metaphysics of Morals, 104. Hegel similarly argues that "my right to my distinct personality in general and to my universal freedom of the will" are all imprescriptible and inalienable.
Metaphysics of Morals
, pp. 104
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
See Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Philosophy of Right (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), 92
Philosophy of Right
, pp. 92
Hegel, G.W.F.1
See, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
See Sankar Muthu, Enlightenment against Empire (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003).
Enlightenment Against Empire
Muthu, S.1
Equality of Whom? Social Groups and Judgments of Injustice
Iris Young, Equality of Whom? Social Groups and Judgments of Injustice, Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (2001): 1-18.
Journal of Political Philosophy
, vol.9
, pp. 1-18
Young, I.1
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, The pun "Recht auf Recht" that Höffe employs exploits the well-known ambiguity of Recht as both right and law; it is thus both the right to right and the right to law, where the latter specifies the meaning of the former
Otfried Höffe, Kant's Cosmopolitan Theory of Law and Peace (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 121. The pun "Recht auf Recht" that Höffe employs exploits the well-known ambiguity of Recht as both right and law; it is thus both the right to right and the right to law, where the latter specifies the meaning of the former.
Kant's Cosmopolitan Theory of Law and Peace
, pp. 121
Höffe, O.1
Perpetual Peace
in, ed. H. Reiss (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
Immanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace, in Political Writings, ed. H. Reiss (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970), 105-06.
Political Writings
, pp. 105-06
Kant, I.1
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
H. L. A. Hart, The Concept of Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1961), 212.
The Concept of Law
, pp. 212
Hart, H.L.A.1
Oxford: Oxford University Press
Amartya Sen, Poverty and Famine (Oxford: Oxford University Press 1986), 165-66.
Poverty and Famine
, pp. 165-66
Sen, A.1
The Common Law Constitution and Legal Cosmopolitanism
See, in, ed. David Dyzenhaus, Oxford: Hart Publishing, Along these lines, Blackstone argued that "the law of nations is part of common law"
See Mark Walters, The Common Law Constitution and Legal Cosmopolitanism, in The Unity of Public Law, ed. David Dyzenhaus (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2004), 413-54. Along these lines, Blackstone argued that "the law of nations is part of common law".
The Unity of Public Law
, pp. 413-54
Walters, M.1
See, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, in which such principles include "no one should benefit from his fraud and that courts should not be the instruments of injustice"
See Ronald Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978), in which such principles "include no one should benefit from his fraud and that courts should not be the instruments of injustice".
Taking Rights Seriously
Dworkin, R.1
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
Saskia Sassen, Territory, Authority, Rights (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007), 308.
Territory, Authority, Rights
, pp. 308
Sassen, S.1
Constitutional Orders: Trust Building and Response to Change
in, ed. J. R. Hollingsworth and R. Boyer (Cambridge; Cambridge University Press)
Charles Sabel, Constitutional Orders: Trust Building and Response to Change, in Contemporary Capitalism, ed. J. R. Hollingsworth and R. Boyer (Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1997), 159.
Contemporary Capitalism
, pp. 159
Sabel, C.1
An 'Ever Closer Union' in Need of a Human Rights Policy
Joseph Weiler points to the case of Gaygusuz versus Austria that went to the European Court of Human Rights and led to the extension of social security benefits to third country nationals. See
Joseph Weiler points to the case of Gaygusuz versus Austria that went to the European Court of Human Rights and led to the extension of social security benefits to third country nationals. See J. H. Weiler, An 'Ever Closer Union' in Need of a Human Rights Policy, European Journal of International Law 9 (1998): 658-723.
European Journal of International Law
, vol.9
, pp. 658-723
Weiler, J.H.1
On the rights of immigrants, regardless of status, to political participation in the EU, see, London: Routledge
On the rights of immigrants, regardless of status, to political participation in the EU, see Iseult Honohan, Civic Republicanism (London: Routledge, 2002), 238-39.
Civic Republicanism
, pp. 238-39
Honohan, I.1
Besides grounding the universal legal status of all persons in the cosmopolitan constitutions, the extension of political status to all human beings could be fulfilled on in the political community of humanity. While such a conception can be shown to be desirable on republican grounds, I will not offer such a defense here, see, chap. 3
Besides grounding the universal legal status of all persons in the cosmopolitan constitutions, the extension of political status to all human beings could be fulfilled on in the political community of humanity. While such a conception can be shown to be desirable on republican grounds, I will not offer such a defense here.See James Bohman, Democracy across Borders, chap. 3.
Democracy across Borders
Bohman, J.1