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Volumn 44, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 471-484

Infrared spectroscopy of wild 2 particle hypervelocity tracks in stardust aerogel: Evidence for the presence of volatile organics in cometary dust

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EID: 68149091857     PISSN: 10869379     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2009.tb00745.x     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (28)

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    • Zolensky M. E, Zega T. J, Yano H, Wirick S, Westphal A. J, Welsberg M. K, Weber I, Warren J. L, Velbel M. A, Tsuchiyama A, Tsou P, Toppani A, Tomioka N, Kazuchige T, Teslich N, Taheri M, Susini J, Stroud R, Stephan T, Staderman F. J, Snead C. J, Simon S. B, Simionovici A, See T. H, Robert F, Rietmeijer F. J, Rao W, Perronnet M. C, Nakamura Messenger K, Nakamura T, Mostefaoui S, Mikouchi T, Meibom A, Matrajt G, Marcus M. A, Leroux H, Lemelle L, Le L, Lanzirotti A, Langenhorst F, Krot A. N, Keller L. P, Kearsley A.T, Joswiak D, Jacob D, Ishii H, Harvey R, Hagiya K, Grossman L, Grossman J. N, Graham G. A, Gounelle M, Gillet P, Genge M. J, Flynn G, Ferroir T, Fallon S, Ebel D. S, Dai Z.R, Cordier P, Clark B, Chi M, Butterworth A. L, Brownlee D. E, Bridges J. C, Brennan S, Brearley A, Bradley J. P, Bleuet P, Bland P. A, and Bastien R. 2006. Mineralogy and petrology of comet 81P/Wild 2 nucleus samples. Science 314:1
    • Zolensky M. E., Zega T. J., Yano H., Wirick S., Westphal A. J., Welsberg M. K., Weber I., Warren J. L., Velbel M. A., Tsuchiyama A., Tsou P., Toppani A., Tomioka N., Kazuchige T., Teslich N., Taheri M., Susini J., Stroud R., Stephan T., Staderman F. J., Snead C. J., Simon S. B., Simionovici A., See T. H., Robert F., Rietmeijer F. J., Rao W., Perronnet M. C., Nakamura Messenger K., Nakamura T., Mostefaoui S., Mikouchi T., Meibom A., Matrajt G., Marcus M. A., Leroux H., Lemelle L., Le L., Lanzirotti A., Langenhorst F., Krot A. N., Keller L. P., Kearsley A.T., Joswiak D., Jacob D., Ishii H., Harvey R., Hagiya K., Grossman L., Grossman J. N., Graham G. A., Gounelle M., Gillet P., Genge M. J., Flynn G., Ferroir T., Fallon S., Ebel D. S., Dai Z.R., Cordier P., Clark B., Chi M., Butterworth A. L., Brownlee D. E., Bridges J. C., Brennan S., Brearley A., Bradley J. P., Bleuet P., Bland P. A., and Bastien R. 2006. Mineralogy and petrology of comet 81P/Wild 2 nucleus samples. Science 314:1735-1739.

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