Met-regulated expression signature defines a subset of human hepatocellular carcinomas with poor prognosis and aggressive phenotype
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Oligonucleotide micro-array analysis of aminoallyl-labeled cDNA targets from linear RNA amplification
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Effect of formalin, acetone, and RNAlater fixatives on tissue preservation and different size amplicons by real-time PCR from paraffin-embedded tissue
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Similarities and differences in hepatitis B and C virus induced hepatocarcinogenesis
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Chlamydia pneumoniae in coronary bypass grafts of redo patients. The concept of the 'adven-titial baseline infection'
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Hepatitis C virus RNA in the cutaneous eruption but not in the symptom-free skin from patient with prurigo simplex and chronic C hepatitis
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Hepatitis C virus RNA in the skin eruption from patients with prurigo and chronic hepatitis C
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Claudin-1, -3 and -4 proteins and mRNA expression in benign and malignant breast lesions: A research study
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Detection of HER-2/neu gene amplification in breast carcinomas using quantitative realtime PCR - a comparison with immunohistochemical and FISH results
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