Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, GA Res. 40/34 of 29 November 1985; Recommendation (1985)11 on the Position of the Victim in the Framework of Criminal Law and Procedure, 28 June 1985; and of later date than the Framework Decision Recommendation (2006)8 on Assistance to Crime Victims, 14 June 2006.
Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, GA Res. 40/34 of 29 November 1985; Recommendation (1985)11 on the Position of the Victim in the Framework of Criminal Law and Procedure, 28 June 1985; and of later date than the Framework Decision Recommendation (2006)8 on Assistance to Crime Victims, 14 June 2006.
See for Grodin's role, as well as those of the Portuguese and French governments in the development of the Framework Decision, P. Rock, Constructing Victims' Rights; The Home Ofce, New Labour, and Victims (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004) 513.
See for Grodin's role, as well as those of the Portuguese and French governments in the development of the Framework Decision, P. Rock, Constructing Victims' Rights; The Home Ofce, New Labour, and Victims (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004) 513.
Hervorming van het strafprocesrecht met het oog op belangen van het slachtofer; 'We ain't seen nothing yet'
See M.S. Groenhuijsen, "Hervorming van het strafprocesrecht met het oog op belangen van het slachtofer; 'We ain't seen nothing yet'", (2001) Delikt en delinkwent 645-653
Delikt en delinkwent
, pp. 645-653
Groenhuijsen, M.S.1
See W. van Genugten, M.S. Groenhuijsen, R. van Gestel, & R.M. Letschert, Loopholes, Risks, Ambivalences in International Lawmaking: The Case of the Framework Convention on Victims' Rights, (2006) Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 37, 109-154, and also D. Shelton, Introduction, Law, Non-law and the Problem of 'Soft-law', in D. Shelton (ed.), Commitment and Compliance; the Role of Non-Binding Norms in the International Legal System (Oxford, Oxford University Press).
See W. van Genugten, M.S. Groenhuijsen, R. van Gestel, & R.M. Letschert, "Loopholes, Risks, Ambivalences in International Lawmaking: The Case of the Framework Convention on Victims' Rights", (2006) Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 37, 109-154, and also D. Shelton, "Introduction, Law, Non-law and the Problem of 'Soft-law'", in D. Shelton (ed.), Commitment and Compliance; the Role of Non-Binding Norms in the International Legal System (Oxford, Oxford University Press).
See M.E.I. Brienen, E.H. Hoegen, Victims of Crime in 22 European Criminal Justice Systems (Nijmegen, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2000) 995-1055. J.J.M Van Dijk, R. Manchin, J. van Kesteren, et al., The Burden of Crime in the EU (Brussels, Gallup Europe, 2007).
See M.E.I. Brienen, E.H. Hoegen, Victims of Crime in 22 European Criminal Justice Systems (Nijmegen, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2000) 995-1055. J.J.M Van Dijk, R. Manchin, J. van Kesteren, et al., The Burden of Crime in the EU (Brussels, Gallup Europe, 2007).
E.g, Nijmegen, Wolf Legal Publishers
E.g., M.J. Borgers, F.G.H. Kristen, et al., Implementatie van kaderbesluiten (Nijmegen, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2006).
Implementatie van kaderbesluiten
Borgers, M.J.1
Kristen, F.G.H.2
Following a restructuring of the organization the EFVS renamed herself Victim Support Europe from October 2007 onward
Following a restructuring of the organization the EFVS renamed herself Victim Support Europe from October 2007 onward.
We are indebted to the EFVS and in particular those responsible for flling out the questionnaires for their cooperation. We received answers from Portugal, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Finland, Scotland, Belgium, Austria, England and Wales, Malta and Serbia
We are indebted to the EFVS and in particular those responsible for flling out the questionnaires for their cooperation. We received answers from Portugal, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Finland, Scotland, Belgium, Austria, England and Wales, Malta and Serbia.
The questionnaire is available from the second author on request
The questionnaire is available from the second author on request.
D. Miers, J. Willemsens (eds.), Mapping Restorative Justice; Developments in 25 European Countries (Leuven, European Forum for Restorative Justice, 2004) 178. See also J. Willemsens, & L. Walgrave, Regional Reviews: C: Europe, in G. Johnstone, & D.W. van Ness, (eds.), Handbook of Restorative Justice (Cullumpton, Willan Publishing, 2007).
D. Miers, J. Willemsens (eds.), Mapping Restorative Justice; Developments in 25 European Countries (Leuven, European Forum for Restorative Justice, 2004) 178. See also J. Willemsens, & L. Walgrave, "Regional Reviews: C: Europe", in G. Johnstone, & D.W. van Ness, (eds.), Handbook of Restorative Justice (Cullumpton, Willan Publishing, 2007).
See J. Shapland, P. Duf & J. Wilmore, Victims in the Criminal Justice System (Aldershot, Gower, 1985). J.J.M. Wemmers, Victims in the Criminal Justice System (The Hague, Kugler/WODC, 1996).
See J. Shapland, P. Duf & J. Wilmore, Victims in the Criminal Justice System (Aldershot, Gower, 1985). J.J.M. Wemmers, Victims in the Criminal Justice System (The Hague, Kugler/WODC, 1996).
See, e.g., M. Reisig & R. Parks, Satisfaction with Police: What Matters? (Washington, DC, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, 2002); W. Skogan, Citizen Satisfaction with Police Encounters (2005) Police Quarterly, 8(3) 298-321;
See, e.g., M. Reisig & R. Parks, Satisfaction with Police: What Matters? (Washington, DC, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, 2002); W. Skogan, "Citizen Satisfaction with Police Encounters" (2005) Police Quarterly, 8(3) 298-321;
J.J.M. van Dijk & M.S. Groenhuijsen, Benchmarking Victim Policies in the Framework of European Union Law, in S.Walklate (ed.), Handbook of Victims and Victimology (Cullumpton, Willan Publishing, 2007).
J.J.M. van Dijk & M.S. Groenhuijsen, "Benchmarking Victim Policies in the Framework of European Union Law", in S.Walklate (ed.), Handbook of Victims and Victimology (Cullumpton, Willan Publishing, 2007).
M.S. Groenhuijsen, R.M. Letschert, Refections on the Development and Legal Status of Victims' Rights Instruments, in M.S. Groenhuijsen, R.M. Letschert (eds.), Compilation of International Victims' Rights Instruments (Nijmegen, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2006).
M.S. Groenhuijsen, R.M. Letschert, "Refections on the Development and Legal Status of Victims' Rights Instruments", in M.S. Groenhuijsen, R.M. Letschert (eds.), Compilation of International Victims' Rights Instruments (Nijmegen, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2006).