J. H. Plumb, ed., Crisis in the Humanities (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1964). The humanities are generally considered to include English language and literature; foreign languages and literatures; history; philosophy; religion; ethnic, gender, and cultural studies; area and interdisciplinary studies ; archaeology ; art history; the history of music; and the study of drama and cinema. Some parts of political science, government, geography, anthropology, and sociology-the humanistic social sciences - are more closely identified with the humanities than with other more quantitative aspects of the disciplines.
J. H. Plumb, ed., Crisis in the Humanities (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1964). The humanities are generally considered to include English language and literature; foreign languages and literatures; history; philosophy; religion; ethnic, gender, and cultural studies; area and interdisciplinary studies ; archaeology ; art history; the history of music; and the study of drama and cinema. Some parts of political science, government, geography, anthropology, and sociology-the "humanistic social sciences" - are more closely identified with the humanities than with other more quantitative aspects of the disciplines.
A special issue of New Literary History, 36 (2005), built around responses to Geoffrey Gait Harpharn's essay Beneath and Beyond the 'Crisis in the Humanities,' is extremely helpful. Harpham analyzes the perennial nature of the crisis.
A special issue of New Literary History, 36 (2005), built around responses to Geoffrey Gait Harpharn's essay "Beneath and Beyond the 'Crisis in the Humanities,'" is extremely helpful. Harpham analyzes the perennial nature of the crisis.
The Humanities Indicators Prototype is sponsored by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and can be found at humanities Data.aspx. In 2004, about 16 percent of humanities doctorates in this country went to students from abroad. For a useful perspective, see Steven Brint, The Rise of the 'Practical Arts, in The Future of the City of Intellect: The Changing American University, ed. Brint Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002, 231, 259
The Humanities Indicators Prototype is sponsored by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and can be found at http :// www.humanitiesindicators.org/ humanities Data.aspx. In 2004, about 16 percent of humanities doctorates in this country went to students from abroad. For a useful perspective, see Steven Brint, "The Rise of the 'Practical Arts,'" in The Future of the City of Intellect: The Changing American University, ed. Brint (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002), 231 - 259.
For helpful overviews that inform the narrative that follows, see Steven Marcus, Humanities from Classics to Cultural Studies: Notes to-ward the History of an Idea, Dcedalus 13s (2) (Spring 2006): 15 - 21, and Louis Menand, The Marketplace of Ideas (American Council of Learned Societies, 2001), available at http ://archives.acls.org/op/49-Marketp lace -of-Ideas.htm; Menand, Dangers Within and Without, Profession 8 (2005): 10-17; Geoffrey Gait Harpham, Between Humanity and the Homeland: The Evolution of an Institutional Concept, American Literary History 18 (2006): 24s - 261.
For helpful overviews that inform the narrative that follows, see Steven Marcus, "Humanities from Classics to Cultural Studies: Notes to-ward the History of an Idea," Dcedalus 13s (2) (Spring 2006): 15 - 21, and Louis Menand, The Marketplace of Ideas (American Council of Learned Societies, 2001), available at http ://archives.acls.org/op/49-Marketp lace -of-Ideas.htm; Menand, "Dangers Within and Without," Profession 8 (2005): 10-17; Geoffrey Gait Harpham, "Between Humanity and the Homeland: The Evolution of an Institutional Concept," American Literary History 18 (2006): 24s - 261.
For an analysis of the crisis of the 1970s, see Roger L. Geiger, The Humanities in American Higher Education from the 1950s through the 1980s, in Humanities and the Dynamics of Inclusion Since World War II, ed. David A. Hollinger (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006), so - 72.
For an analysis of the crisis of the 1970s, see Roger L. Geiger, "The Humanities in American Higher Education from the 1950s through the 1980s," in Humanities and the Dynamics of Inclusion Since World War II, ed. David A. Hollinger (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006), so - 72.
While the humanities have attracted a growing percentage of traditionally under- represented ethnic groups 14.4 percent in 2004, compared to 8.8 percent in 1992, more than the physical sciences or the arts, they still trail social science and business
While the humanities have attracted a growing percentage of traditionally under- represented ethnic groups (14.4 percent in 2004, compared to 8.8 percent in 1992), more than the physical sciences or the arts, they still trail social science and business.
On the Sputnik allusion, see A Call to Action for National Foreign Language Capabilities, February 1
On the Sputnik allusion, see "A Call to Action for National Foreign Language Capabilities," The National Language Conference, February 1, 2005, 1.
The National Language Conference
, pp. 1
For more on the digital humanities, see James J. O'Donnell's essay in this issue of Dcedalus.
For more on the digital humanities, see James J. O'Donnell's essay in this issue of Dcedalus.
See Domjnick La Capra, What Is Essential to the Humanities, in Do the Humanities Have to Be Useful? ed. G. Peter Lepage, Carolyn (Biddy) Martin, and Mohsen Mostafavi (Ithaca : Cornell University, 2006), 76-77.
See Domjnick La Capra, "What Is Essential to the Humanities," in Do the Humanities Have to Be Useful? ed. G. Peter Lepage, Carolyn (Biddy) Martin, and Mohsen Mostafavi (Ithaca : Cornell University, 2006), 76-77.
Mission Statement, Medical Humanities Program at NYU, available at http ://medhum.med.nyu.edu/index.html; Therese Jones and Abraham Verghese, On Becoming a Humanities Curriculum, Academic Medicine 78 (2003): 1010-1014.
Mission Statement, Medical Humanities Program at NYU, available at http ://medhum.med.nyu.edu/index.html; Therese Jones and Abraham Verghese, "On Becoming a Humanities Curriculum," Academic Medicine 78 (2003): 1010-1014.
"Making History with History": http:// www.reveries.com/reverb/ media/scheff /index.html; http ://www.aetninternational.corn/news.jsp?id= 17679909.
Making History with History