Neuropeptide Y acts directly in the periphery on fat tissue and mediates stress-induced obesity and metabolic syndrome
Kuo LE, Kitlinska JB, Tilan JU, et al. Neuropeptide Y acts directly in the periphery on fat tissue and mediates stress-induced obesity and metabolic syndrome. Nat Med. 2007;13: 803.
Neuropeptide Y: A novel angiogenic factor from the sympathetic nerves and endothelium
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Collagenous microbeads as a scaffold for tissue engineering with adipose-derived stem cells
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Nastech reports positive PYY nasal spray clinical trial data and will advance obesity clinical program in 2007. Available at:, Accessed July 30, 2007
Nastech reports positive PYY nasal spray clinical trial data and will advance obesity clinical program in 2007. Available at: http://www. Accessed July 30, 2007.
Nasal peptide YY3-36: Phase 1 dose ranging & safety studies in healthy human subjects
Presented at the, New Orleans, La, June 16-19
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Nasal peptide YY 3-36: Phase 1 dose ranging and safety study in healthy human subjects
Presented at the, Prague, Czech Republic, May 26-29
Park A, Wynne K, Sileno A, et al. Nasal peptide YY 3-36: Phase 1 dose ranging and safety study in healthy human subjects. Presented at the 13th European Congress on Obesity, Prague, Czech Republic, May 26-29, 2004.