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Volumn 112, Issue 50, 2008, Pages 13225-13230

Consequences of spin contamination in unrestricted calculations on open-shell species: Effect of Hartree-Fock and møller-plesset contributions in hybrid and double-hybrid density functional theory approaches

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EID: 58149152842     PISSN: 10895639     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1021/jp803064k     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (152)

References (60)
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    • In comparison with its restricted variant, an unrestricted Hartree- Fock wave function lowers the ground-state energy because of the inclusion of static correlation through the use of different orbitals for different spins, but at the same time it raises the energy by including higher-energy spin states. The variational principle guarantees that UHF predicts a lower energy than that predicted by RHF because of its greater flexibility, i.e., the first effect must be dominant. On the other hand, UMP leads to a higher energy than RMP because of the mixing in of higher-energy spin states.
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    • UMP2 values are listed in Table S1 of the Supporting Information.
    • UMP2 values are listed in Table S1 of the Supporting Information.

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