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Volumn 323, Issue 10, 2008, Pages 2376-2451

Superfluidity and phase transitions in a resonant Bose gas

Author keywords

BCS; BEC; Bose Einstein; Condensate; Feshbach; Quantum phase transition; Squeezed; Superfluidity; Vortices

Indexed keywords

EID: 50149103766     PISSN: 00034916     EISSN: 1096035X     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1016/j.aop.2008.05.008     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (82)

References (111)
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    • The problem of particle and particle pair condensation in a system of attractive bosons was first considered, within a zero temperature variational wavefunction approach, by References to previous literature on boson pairing can also be found there
    • The problem of particle and particle pair condensation in a system of attractive bosons was first considered, within a zero temperature variational wavefunction approach, by. Nozieres P., and Saint James D. J. Phys. (Paris) 43 (1982) 1133 References to previous literature on boson pairing can also be found there
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    • In the experiments the bound state actually exists in a high vibrational state. Observation of a quasi-equilibrium molecular condensate requires that the lifetime of this state be much larger than collisional equilibration time of the vapor. Only then can the lower vibrational states to which this state must eventually decay be neglected.
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    • The authors thank V. Gurarie for discussion on this point.
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    • In the noninteracting BEC limit (α = 0) the ASF will not be accompanied by a molecular condensate as it is for a finite Feshbach resonance coupling. As discussed in Section 4.2, for a finite α a molecular condensate will necessarily appear in the ASF state, but will be small in the weakly interacting limit.
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    • It will be seen in Section 4 that this transition may also be driven first-order in certain regions of the phase diagram (see Figs. 2, 10, and 11). This possibility has been explored previously within a renormalization group framework [52,51], where runaway flows generated by the coupling between the incipient atomic order and fluctuations in the molecular order parameter, are interpreted in this fashion. Near the point (critical endpoint) where all three phases meet, this is also found unambiguously even at the mean field level.
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    • In the presence of a hyperfine interaction, open and closed channels are coupled, and the inter-channel transition is accompanied by (an angular momentum compensating) nuclear spin flip. The coupling of the latter to the external magnetic field is much smaller than that of the electrons (by the ratio of the nuclear to the Bohr magneton) and therefore plays a negligible role in the Feshbach resonance parameters.
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    • At low energies the same scattering amplitude structure arises for two atoms interacting through a potential with a large potential barrier separating a short-range attractive minimum from the rapidly decaying repulsive part at infinity. For a sufficiently deep minimum, a (negative energy) bound state (molecule) exists. For a sufficiently shallow minimum, a (positive energy) quasi-bound state exists with a finite lifetime (resonance). However, there is also an intermediate range in which there is no bound state, but the real part of the energy pole is negative, and the metastable molecule interpretation fails.
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    • Such an order-parameter classification of the phases by the types of broken symmetries is incomplete. There are systems that exhibit (so-called) "topological" phase transitions that do not break any global symmetry and therefore are not associated with any local order parameter. Probably the best known example of this is the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a two-dimensional XY-model [ ], where the ordered phase, while exhibiting a finite supefluid density and power-law correlations (that distinguish it from the fully disordered paramagnetic state) does not break any global symmetries, and is not characterized by a local order parameter
    • Such an order-parameter classification of the phases by the types of broken symmetries is incomplete. There are systems that exhibit (so-called) "topological" phase transitions that do not break any global symmetry and therefore are not associated with any local order parameter. Probably the best known example of this is the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a two-dimensional XY-model [. Kosterlitz M., and Thouless D.J. J. Phys. C6 (1973) 1181 ], where the ordered phase, while exhibiting a finite supefluid density and power-law correlations (that distinguish it from the fully disordered paramagnetic state) does not break any global symmetries, and is not characterized by a local order parameter
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    • In 1d, for attractive interactions, the energy functional also admits bright soliton solutions that (for a range of parameters) minimize the energy: V. Gurarie, unpublished. Focusing here on sufficiently large nonresonant repulsive interactions, these inhomogeneous solutions we will be neglected.
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    • The nonlinear relation (5.16) between the canonical and grand canonical variables is an example of the very general feature of Fisher renormalization: see: This relation will also be altered by interaction effects very close to the critical line: see footnote [69] above
    • The nonlinear relation (5.16) between the canonical and grand canonical variables is an example of the very general feature of Fisher renormalization: see:. Fisher M.E. Phys. Rev. 176 (1968) 257 This relation will also be altered by interaction effects very close to the critical line: see footnote [69] above
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    • More detailed discussion of how the extremum condition for the order parameter mixes different orders in perturbation theory about the weakly interacting limit, and how to ensure consistency order by order for any given quantity, may be found in:
    • More detailed discussion of how the extremum condition for the order parameter mixes different orders in perturbation theory about the weakly interacting limit, and how to ensure consistency order by order for any given quantity, may be found in:. Weichman P.B. Phys. Rev. B 38 (1988) 8739
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    • In the presence of a trapping potential, the spectrum should be observably discrete for excitation wavelengths comparable to the system size, and will depend on the trap shape.
    • In the presence of a trapping potential, the spectrum should be observably discrete for excitation wavelengths comparable to the system size, and will depend on the trap shape.
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    • For d ≥ 4 a similar analysis may be performed, but one now needs to impose an ultraviolet (large k) cutoff, which physically arises from the vanishing of the scattering coefficients at large k.
    • For d ≥ 4 a similar analysis may be performed, but one now needs to impose an ultraviolet (large k) cutoff, which physically arises from the vanishing of the scattering coefficients at large k.
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    • 2 Ising symmetry of the MSF. Further discussion of this, and related, issues can be found in Appendix A.
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    • The connection to a compressible Ising model can be made even closer by a duality transformation. See for example Ref. [52].
    • The connection to a compressible Ising model can be made even closer by a duality transformation. See for example Ref. [52].
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    • Despite this particle gap, it can be shown that the required Goldstone mode appears in the spectrum of the two particle bound states:
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    • The single-particle energy spectrum should indeed be gapped in the MSF phase. The fact that it is gapped even in the ASF phase is an artifact of the variational calculation [30], and can be cured by more sophisticated treatments [78,86]. In particular, the usual Bogoliubov approximation for g > 0 yields gapless excitations, but the variational approach, which includes additional higher order terms in the Hamiltonian coefficients (8.20) to account for the possibility of molecular order, reopens the gap. Reclosing it requires careful inclusion of further higher order terms.
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    • For 2d systems that do spontaneously break a continuous symmetry see, for example, L. Radzihovsky, Anisotropic and Heterogeneous Polymerized Membranes, in "Statistical Mechanics of Membranes and Surfaces," (World Scientific, edited by D.R. Nelson, T. Piran and S. Weinberg), as well as Ref. [68], and references therein.
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    • In a different context, this was independently discussed in
    • In a different context, this was independently discussed in. Klinkhamer F.R., and Volovik G.E. JETP Lett. 80 (2004) 343
    • (2004) JETP Lett. , vol.80 , pp. 343
    • Klinkhamer, F.R.1    Volovik, G.E.2
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    • The existence of highly anisotropic dumbbell 2 π atomic vortices allows for the possibility of liquid crystal [65,67] normal phases. These can, in principle, appear when the anisotropic 2 π vortices proliferate but exhibit some form of (e.g., smectic or nematic) spatial order, that distinguishes the resulting liquid-crystal normal state from a fully disordered normal state, where vortices form a homogeneous, isotropic liquid.
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    • 1 is not), and a fully disordered, isotropic phase. These are isomorphic to the ASF, MSF and normal phases, respectively, and (as shown by Grinstein and Lee) the polar and nematic phases are separated by an Ising deconfinement transition characterized by the roughenning and loss of line tension of the domain wall across which θ jumps by π; L. Radzihovsky and J. Park, unpublished.
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    • ma mb.
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    • 1 / 3.

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