Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine, Oviedo, 4.IV; 1997. http://conventions.coe.int.
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine, Oviedo, 4.IV; 1997. http://conventions.coe.int.
Art. 18 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
Art. 18 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
A study of the countries which already ratified the Convention can be found in Nys H, Stultiëns L, Borry P, Goffin T, Dierickx K, Patient Rights in EU Member States after the ratification of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. Health Policy 2007. 83 (2-3): 223-35.
A study of the countries which already ratified the Convention can be found in Nys H, Stultiëns L, Borry P, Goffin T, Dierickx K, Patient Rights in EU Member States after the ratification of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. Health Policy 2007. 83 (2-3): 223-35.
Explanatory report to the Convention, comments on the provisions of the Convention. p. 1-2.
Explanatory report to the Convention, comments on the provisions of the Convention. p. 1-2.
Nys H, Goffin T, Stultiëns L, Borry P, Dierickx K. Patient rights in the EU-Denmark, European Ethical-Legal Papers, No. 2. Leuven; 2007. p. 1. Available at www.cbmer.be.
Nys H, Goffin T, Stultiëns L, Borry P, Dierickx K. Patient rights in the EU-Denmark, European Ethical-Legal Papers, No. 2. Leuven; 2007. p. 1. Available at www.cbmer.be.
This article stipulates: (1) where the law allows research on embryos in vitro, it shall ensure adequate protection of the embryo. (2) The creation of human embryos for research purposes is prohibited.
This article stipulates: (1) where the law allows research on embryos in vitro, it shall ensure adequate protection of the embryo. (2) The creation of human embryos for research purposes is prohibited.
Latvia and Poland were no EU Member State at the moment they signed the Convention.
Latvia and Poland were no EU Member State at the moment they signed the Convention.
Finnish National Ethics Committees: human stem cells, cloning and research. Helsinki, Finland; 2005. 20 pp., www.protsv.fi.
Finnish National Ethics Committees: human stem cells, cloning and research. Helsinki, Finland; 2005. 20 pp., www.protsv.fi.
National Advisory Board on Health Care Ethics, Request for opinion from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs regarding the Bioethics Convention and its Additional Protocols and their Signing and Ratification; April 29, 2005. www.etene.org.
National Advisory Board on Health Care Ethics, Request for opinion from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs regarding the Bioethics Convention and its Additional Protocols and their Signing and Ratification; April 29, 2005. www.etene.org.
Law No. 1237 of 22 December 2006 on Assisted Fertilization. Finlands Förfatningssamling; December 27, 2006. p. 1237-42.
Law No. 1237 of 22 December 2006 on Assisted Fertilization. Finlands Förfatningssamling; December 27, 2006. p. 1237-42.
Soini S. Personal communication.
Soini S. Personal communication.
National Advisory Board on Health Care Ethics, Views of ETENE on the Memorandum of the Project Group Examining the Need to Revise Section 6 of the Patient Act; September 22, 2003. www.etene.org.
National Advisory Board on Health Care Ethics, Views of ETENE on the Memorandum of the Project Group Examining the Need to Revise Section 6 of the Patient Act; September 22, 2003. www.etene.org.
Finns defined patients' rights before Dutch
Sheldon T. Finns defined patients' rights before Dutch. BMJ 309 (1994) 130-131
, vol.309
, pp. 130-131
Sheldon, T.1
Loi no. 94-548 du 1er juillet 1994 relative au traitement de données nominatives ayant pour fin la recherche dans le domaine de la santé et modifiant la loi no. 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 relative à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés; Loi no. 94-653 du 29 juillet 1994 relative au respect du corps humain; Loi no. 94-654 du 29 juillet 1994 relative au don et à l'utilisation des éléments et produits du corps humain, à l'assistance médicale à la procréation et au diagnostic prénatal (www.legifrance.gouv.fr).
Loi no. 94-548 du 1er juillet 1994 relative au traitement de données nominatives ayant pour fin la recherche dans le domaine de la santé et modifiant la loi no. 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 relative à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés; Loi no. 94-653 du 29 juillet 1994 relative au respect du corps humain; Loi no. 94-654 du 29 juillet 1994 relative au don et à l'utilisation des éléments et produits du corps humain, à l'assistance médicale à la procréation et au diagnostic prénatal (www.legifrance.gouv.fr).
There was a Proposal of an Act Ratifying the Convention in 1998, But this Proposol was Never Worked Out Properly: projet de loi, autorisant la ratification de la convention pour la protection des droits de l'homme et la dignité de l'être humain à l'égard des applications de la biologie et de la médecine-convention sur les droits de l'homme et la biomédecine (No. 538 Sénat, 1997-1998, http://www.senat.fr/).
There was a Proposal of an Act Ratifying the Convention in 1998, But this Proposol was Never Worked Out Properly: projet de loi, autorisant la ratification de la convention pour la protection des droits de l'homme et la dignité de l'être humain à l'égard des applications de la biologie et de la médecine-convention sur les droits de l'homme et la biomédecine (No. 538 Sénat, 1997-1998, http://www.senat.fr/).
Garay A. The new French legislation relating to patients' rights and the quality of the health care system. European Journal of Health Law 2002;9:361-2; also published in Sanderfelt M, editor. Yearbook of European medical law 2005. Lidingo: The Institute of Medical Law; 2005. p. 127-43.
Garay A. The new French legislation relating to patients' rights and the quality of the health care system. European Journal of Health Law 2002;9:361-2; also published in Sanderfelt M, editor. Yearbook of European medical law 2005. Lidingo: The Institute of Medical Law; 2005. p. 127-43.
Garay A. The new French legislation relating to patients' rights and the quality of the health care system. European Journal of Health Law 2002;9:361-2; also published in Sanderfelt M, editor. Yearbook of European medical law 2005. Lidingo: The Institute of Medical Law; 2005. p. 361-2.
Garay A. The new French legislation relating to patients' rights and the quality of the health care system. European Journal of Health Law 2002;9:361-2; also published in Sanderfelt M, editor. Yearbook of European medical law 2005. Lidingo: The Institute of Medical Law; 2005. p. 361-2.
Legge 28 marzo 2001, no. 145, Ratifica ed esecuzione della Convenzione del Consiglio d'Europa per la protezione dei diritti dell'uomo e della dignità dell'essere umano riguardo all'applicazione della biologia e della medicina, www.italgiure.giustizia.it; Mori M, Neri D. Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. Journal of Medical Philosophy 2001;332.
Legge 28 marzo 2001, no. 145, Ratifica ed esecuzione della Convenzione del Consiglio d'Europa per la protezione dei diritti dell'uomo e della dignità dell'essere umano riguardo all'applicazione della biologia e della medicina, www.italgiure.giustizia.it; Mori M, Neri D. Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. Journal of Medical Philosophy 2001;332.
Place of deposit. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
Place of deposit. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
Nys H, Stultiëns L, Borry P, Goffin T, Dierickx K, Patient rights in the EU Member States after the ratification of the Convention. Health Policy 2007. 83 (2-3): 223-35.
Nys H, Stultiëns L, Borry P, Goffin T, Dierickx K, Patient rights in the EU Member States after the ratification of the Convention. Health Policy 2007. 83 (2-3): 223-35.
Italian Law 40/2004, no. 40, Gazzetta Ufficiale no. 45, February 24, 2004.
Italian Law 40/2004, no. 40, Gazzetta Ufficiale no. 45, February 24, 2004.
Catholic doctrine versus women's rights: the new Italian law on assisted reproduction
Fenton R.A. Catholic doctrine versus women's rights: the new Italian law on assisted reproduction. Medical Law Review 14 (2006) 78
Medical Law Review
, vol.14
, pp. 78
Fenton, R.A.1
Judgment of the Italian Corte Costituzionale, 45/2005, Abstract in English, on the request seeking a total repeal of law no.40. http://solotesto.cortecostituzionale.it.
Judgment of the Italian Corte Costituzionale, 45/2005, Abstract in English, on the request seeking a total repeal of law no.40. http://solotesto.cortecostituzionale.it.
Judgment 46/2005, 47/2005 and 48/2005.
Judgment 46/2005, 47/2005 and 48/2005.
Health legislation in eastern European countries: the Baltic States
Birmontiene T. Health legislation in eastern European countries: the Baltic States. European Journal of Health Law 11 (2004) 77
European Journal of Health Law
, vol.11
, pp. 77
Birmontiene, T.1
Health legislation in eastern European countries: the Baltic States
Birmontiene T. Health legislation in eastern European countries: the Baltic States. European Journal of Health Law 11 (2004) 81
European Journal of Health Law
, vol.11
, pp. 81
Birmontiene, T.1
Health legislation in eastern European countries: the Baltic States
Birmontiene T. Health legislation in eastern European countries: the Baltic States. European Journal of Health Law 11 (2004) 82-83
European Journal of Health Law
, vol.11
, pp. 82-83
Birmontiene, T.1
On the website of the Human Rights Education Associates an article regarding the problems with patient rights in Latvia - "World Health Organization reports problems with patients' rights in Latvia", April 24, 2003 - was published. The report cited in this article was provided by Lars Fallberg, http://www.hrea.org.
On the website of the Human Rights Education Associates an article regarding the problems with patient rights in Latvia - "World Health Organization reports problems with patients' rights in Latvia", April 24, 2003 - was published. The report cited in this article was provided by Lars Fallberg, http://www.hrea.org.
Fallberg L. Comments on the Latvian Draft Law on the Rights of Patients. http://phoebe.vm.gov.lv.
Fallberg L. Comments on the Latvian Draft Law on the Rights of Patients. http://phoebe.vm.gov.lv.
Sulce L. Director of the Patients' Rights Office of Latvia, personal communication.
Sulce L. Director of the Patients' Rights Office of Latvia, personal communication.
Sulce L. Director of the Patients' Rights Office of Latvia, personal communication.
Sulce L. Director of the Patients' Rights Office of Latvia, personal communication.
The Latvian National Human Rights Office. On 1 January 2007 the new Ombudsman's Office on the basis of the Latvian National Human Rights Office has been established; January 3, 2007. www.vcb.lv.
The Latvian National Human Rights Office. On 1 January 2007 the new Ombudsman's Office on the basis of the Latvian National Human Rights Office has been established; January 3, 2007. www.vcb.lv.
Projet de loi No. 5528 portant approbation de la Convention pour la protection des Droits de l'Homme et de la dignité de l'être humain à l'égard des applications de la biologie et de la médecine: Convention sur les Droits de l'Homme et la biomédecine, ouverte à la signature, à Oviedo, le 4 avril 1997, Chambres des députés, Session ordinaire, 2005-2006, www.chd.lu.
Projet de loi No. 5528 portant approbation de la Convention pour la protection des Droits de l'Homme et de la dignité de l'être humain à l'égard des applications de la biologie et de la médecine: Convention sur les Droits de l'Homme et la biomédecine, ouverte à la signature, à Oviedo, le 4 avril 1997, Chambres des députés, Session ordinaire, 2005-2006, www.chd.lu.
Projet de loi No. 5528 [1]-Avis du Conseil d' Etat, Chambres des députés, Session ordinaire, 2005-2006, www.chd.lu.
Projet de loi No. 5528 [1]-Avis du Conseil d' Etat, Chambres des députés, Session ordinaire, 2005-2006, www.chd.lu.
See on the issue of direct applicability: Nys H, Stultiëns L, Borry P, Goffin T, Dierickx K. Patient rights in EU Member States after the ratification of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. Health Policy 2007. 83 (2-3): 223-35.
See on the issue of direct applicability: Nys H, Stultiëns L, Borry P, Goffin T, Dierickx K. Patient rights in EU Member States after the ratification of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. Health Policy 2007. 83 (2-3): 223-35.
Projet de loi No. 5528 [2]-Dépêche de la secrétaire d'Etat aux relations avec le parlement au président de la Chambre des députés, Chambres des députés, Session ordinaire, 2005-2006, www.chd.lu.
Projet de loi No. 5528 [2]-Dépêche de la secrétaire d'Etat aux relations avec le parlement au président de la Chambre des députés, Chambres des députés, Session ordinaire, 2005-2006, www.chd.lu.
De rechten van de patiënt: verslag van een onderzoek naar de rechten van de patiënt in: België, Denemarken, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Luxemburg, Spanje en het Verenigd Koninkrijk
Nys H., and Stultiens L. De rechten van de patiënt: verslag van een onderzoek naar de rechten van de patiënt in: België, Denemarken, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Luxemburg, Spanje en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Staat van Gezondheidszorg (2006) 55
Staat van Gezondheidszorg
, pp. 55
Nys, H.1
Stultiens, L.2
Memorial A, Journal Officiel du Grand-Duché de Luxmebourg, 27 September 2005, www.legilux.public.lu.
Memorial A, Journal Officiel du Grand-Duché de Luxmebourg, 27 September 2005, www.legilux.public.lu.
Loi du 19 novembre 2004 portant révision de l'article 11 de la Constitution, www.chd.lu.
Loi du 19 novembre 2004 portant révision de l'article 11 de la Constitution, www.chd.lu.
On November 19, 1996 the text of the Convention was approved by the countries of the Council of Europe. Beside Poland, the other countries that abstained vote on the final text were Belgium and Germany.
On November 19, 1996 the text of the Convention was approved by the countries of the Council of Europe. Beside Poland, the other countries that abstained vote on the final text were Belgium and Germany.
Grzymkowska M. Personal communication.
Grzymkowska M. Personal communication.
Dariusz Senatu, no. 5, 1997. http://www.senat.gov.pl/K4/DOK/DIAR/05/0505.HTM.
Dariusz Senatu, no. 5, 1997. http://www.senat.gov.pl/K4/DOK/DIAR/05/0505.HTM.
Ianeva E. Genetics and Society in Eastern Europe. http://www.biopolitics-berlin2003.org/.
Ianeva E. Genetics and Society in Eastern Europe. http://www.biopolitics-berlin2003.org/.
Nesteriwicz M, Bagińska E, Den Exter A. Poland. In: Nys H, editor. International encyclopedia of medical law. London: Kluwer International; 2007. p. 38.
Nesteriwicz M, Bagińska E, Den Exter A. Poland. In: Nys H, editor. International encyclopedia of medical law. London: Kluwer International; 2007. p. 38.
Article 39a Code of Medical Ethics (adopted in 2004); Nesteriwicz M, Bagińska E, Den Exter A. Poland. In: Nys H, editor. International encyclopedia of medical law. London: Kluwer International; 2007. p. 38.
Article 39a Code of Medical Ethics (adopted in 2004); Nesteriwicz M, Bagińska E, Den Exter A. Poland. In: Nys H, editor. International encyclopedia of medical law. London: Kluwer International; 2007. p. 38.
Grzymkowska M. Who consulted the website of the Polish Parliament. Personal communication.
Grzymkowska M. Who consulted the website of the Polish Parliament. Personal communication.
The Polish Ombudsman for Human Rights. http://www.brpo.gov.pl.
The Polish Ombudsman for Human Rights. http://www.brpo.gov.pl.
Health Care reforms in Poland
Baginska E. Health Care reforms in Poland. Medical Law 23 (2004) 746
Medical Law
, vol.23
, pp. 746
Baginska, E.1
Charter of patients' rights with reference to European charter of patients' rights, obeying patients' rights in Poland
Kozlowska K.B. Charter of patients' rights with reference to European charter of patients' rights, obeying patients' rights in Poland. Ministry of Health (1998) 8
Ministry of Health
, pp. 8
Kozlowska, K.B.1
Ross-Van Dorp C. Uitstel goedkeuring Verdrag inzake de rechten van de mens en biogeneeskunde. Nieuwsbank; maart 5, 2004. www.nieuwsbank.nl.
Ross-Van Dorp C. Uitstel goedkeuring Verdrag inzake de rechten van de mens en biogeneeskunde. Nieuwsbank; maart 5, 2004. www.nieuwsbank.nl.
Ross-Van Dorp C. Uitstel goedkeuring Verdrag inzake de rechten van de mens en biogeneeskunde. Nieuwsbank; maart 5, 2004. www.nieuwsbank.nl.
Ross-Van Dorp C. Uitstel goedkeuring Verdrag inzake de rechten van de mens en biogeneeskunde. Nieuwsbank; maart 5, 2004. www.nieuwsbank.nl.
Because of the fact that making a reservation would be in conflict with this decision whatever the result of the reservation would have been and that reservations only could be made at the moment of ratification, no reservation and no ratification was made.
Because of the fact that making a reservation would be in conflict with this decision whatever the result of the reservation would have been and that reservations only could be made at the moment of ratification, no reservation and no ratification was made.
Recent developments in Health Law in the Netherlands
Roscam Abbing H. Recent developments in Health Law in the Netherlands. European Journal of Health Law 13 (2006) 134
European Journal of Health Law
, vol.13
, pp. 134
Roscam Abbing, H.1
Nys H, Dreezen I, Vinck I, Dierickx K, Dequeker E, Cassiman J-J. The Netherlands, genetic testing-patients' rights, insurance and employment. A survey of regulations in the European Union; 2002. p. 89.
Nys H, Dreezen I, Vinck I, Dierickx K, Dequeker E, Cassiman J-J. The Netherlands, genetic testing-patients' rights, insurance and employment. A survey of regulations in the European Union; 2002. p. 89.
Changes in the Lithuanian Health Law and the Influence of the Netherlands Civil Code
Birmontiene T. Changes in the Lithuanian Health Law and the Influence of the Netherlands Civil Code. European Journal of Health Law 9 (2002) 381-395
European Journal of Health Law
, vol.9
, pp. 381-395
Birmontiene, T.1
Government proposition 2002/03:50. Vetting the ethics of research involving humans, http://www.epn.se.
Government proposition 2002/03:50. Vetting the ethics of research involving humans, http://www.epn.se.
Rynning E. Personal communication.
Rynning E. Personal communication.
Genethique. La Suède autorise le clonage thérapeutique. Revue de presse, March 5, 2005. www.genetique.org.
Genethique. La Suède autorise le clonage thérapeutique. Revue de presse, March 5, 2005. www.genetique.org.
Frågor om förmyndare och ställföreträdare för vuxna. SOU 2004;112. http://www.regeringen.se.
Frågor om förmyndare och ställföreträdare för vuxna. SOU 2004;112. http://www.regeringen.se.
Rynning E. Personal Communication.
Rynning E. Personal Communication.
Genetik, integritet och etik, SOU 2004;20. http://www.regeringen.se; Rynning E. Personal communication.
Genetik, integritet och etik, SOU 2004;20. http://www.regeringen.se; Rynning E. Personal communication.
Translated summary of the report by E. Rynning.
Translated summary of the report by E. Rynning.
Nys H, Dreezen I, Vinck I, Dierickx K, Dequeker E, Cassiman J-J. Sweden, Genetic Testing-Patients' rights, insurance and employment. A survey of Regulations in the European Union; 2002. p. 113.
Nys H, Dreezen I, Vinck I, Dierickx K, Dequeker E, Cassiman J-J. Sweden, Genetic Testing-Patients' rights, insurance and employment. A survey of Regulations in the European Union; 2002. p. 113.
Patient rights in the Nordic Countries
Fallberg L.H. Patient rights in the Nordic Countries. European Journal of Health Law 7 (2000) 123-143
European Journal of Health Law
, vol.7
, pp. 123-143
Fallberg, L.H.1