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Volumn 45, Issue 12, 2007, Pages 1059-1071

Experimental and quantum-chemical studies of1H, 13C and15N NMR coordination shifts in Pd(II) and Pt(II) chloride complexes with quinoline, isoquinoline, and 2,2′-biquinoline

Author keywords

13C; 15N; 1H; Azine complexes; NMR; NMR coordination shifts; Palladium complexes; Platinum complexes; Quantum chemical NMR calculations; Quinolines

Indexed keywords


EID: 37149027739     PISSN: 07491581     EISSN: 1097458X     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1002/mrc.2105     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (30)

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