42976 Effect of anticonvulsant felbamate on GABAA receptor system. Ticku MK, Kamatchi GL, Sofia RD EPILEPSIA 1991 32 389-391
A receptor system. Ticku MK, Kamatchi GL, Sofia RD EPILEPSIA 1991 32 389-391
300805 New IND for novel antiepileptic drug. SK Corp PRESS RELEASE 1998 October 07
300805 New IND for novel antiepileptic drug. SK Corp PRESS RELEASE 1998 October 07
389973 SK and Janssen sign CNS drug deal. SK Corp PRESS RELEASE 2000 November 16
389973 SK and Janssen sign CNS drug deal. SK Corp PRESS RELEASE 2000 November 16
405683 Synthesis and in vitro reactivity of 3-carbamoyl-2-phenylpropionaldehyde and 2-phenylpropenal: Putative reactive metabolites of felbamate. Thompson CD, Kinter MT, MacDonald TL CHEM RES TOXICOL 1996 9 8 1225-1229
405683 Synthesis and in vitro reactivity of 3-carbamoyl-2-phenylpropionaldehyde and 2-phenylpropenal: Putative reactive metabolites of felbamate. Thompson CD, Kinter MT, MacDonald TL CHEM RES TOXICOL 1996 9 8 1225-1229
490640 About us, company history. SK Bio-Pharmaceuticals COMPANY WORLD WIDE WEB SITE 2003 May 01
490640 About us - company history. SK Bio-Pharmaceuticals COMPANY WORLD WIDE WEB SITE 2003 May 01
540000 New antiepileptic drugs, Seventh Eilat Conference, Sardinia, Italy. Pitkanen A IDDB MEETING REPORT 2004 May 9-13
540000 New antiepileptic drugs - Seventh Eilat Conference, Sardinia, Italy. Pitkanen A IDDB MEETING REPORT 2004 May 9-13
576835 American Epilepsy Society, 58th Annual Meeting. Novel compounds for the treatment of seizures. Pitkanen A IDDB MEETING REPORT 2004 December 3-7
576835 American Epilepsy Society - 58th Annual Meeting. Novel compounds for the treatment of seizures. Pitkanen A IDDB MEETING REPORT 2004 December 3-7
583836 Progress report on new antiepileptic drugs: A summary of the Seventh Eilat Conference EILAT VII, Bialer M, Johannessen SI, Kupferberg H, Levy RH, Perucca E, Tomson T EPILEPSY RES 2004 61 1-3 1-48
583836 Progress report on new antiepileptic drugs: A summary of the Seventh Eilat Conference (EILAT VII). Bialer M, Johannessen SI, Kupferberg H, Levy RH, Perucca E, Tomson T EPILEPSY RES 2004 61 1-3 1-48
600431 Current status and future directions in the pharmacotherapy of epilepsy. Loscher W TRENDS PHARMACOL SCI 2002 23 3 113-118
600431 Current status and future directions in the pharmacotherapy of epilepsy. Loscher W TRENDS PHARMACOL SCI 2002 23 3 113-118
616047 The use of chronic models in antiepileptic drug discovery: The effect of RWJ-333369 on spontaneous motor seizures in rats with kainate-induced epilepsy. Grabenstatter HL, Dudek FE EPILEPSIA 2004 45 Suppl 7 197
616047 The use of chronic models in antiepileptic drug discovery: The effect of RWJ-333369 on spontaneous motor seizures in rats with kainate-induced epilepsy. Grabenstatter HL, Dudek FE EPILEPSIA 2004 45 Suppl 7 197
640793 American Epilepsy Society, 59th Annual Meeting Joint with the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society Part I, Pitkanen A IDDB MEETING REPORT 2005 December 2-6
640793 American Epilepsy Society - 59th Annual Meeting Joint with the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (Part I). Pitkanen A IDDB MEETING REPORT 2005 December 2-6
692334 New antiepileptic drugs, Eighth Eilat Conference EILAT VIII, Perucca E A IDDB MEETING REPORT 2006 September 10-14
692334 New antiepileptic drugs - Eighth Eilat Conference (EILAT VIII). Perucca E A IDDB MEETING REPORT 2006 September 10-14
743147 Diverse mechanisms of antiepileptic drugs in the development pipeline. Rogawski MA EPILEPSY RES 2006 69 3 272-294
743147 Diverse mechanisms of antiepileptic drugs in the development pipeline. Rogawski MA EPILEPSY RES 2006 69 3 272-294
759611 NCT00425282: A study of the efficacy and safety of RWJ-333369 as add-on therapy in the treatment of partial onset seizures. ALZA Corp CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 January 09
759611 NCT00425282: A study of the efficacy and safety of RWJ-333369 as add-on therapy in the treatment of partial onset seizures. ALZA Corp CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 January 09
771640 Pharmacokinetic interaction study between the new antiepileptic and CNS drug RWJ-333369 and carbamazepine in healthy adults. Chien S, Bialer M, Solanki B, Verhaeghe T, Doose DR, Novak G, Yao C EPILEPSIA 2006 47 11 1830-1840 • This paper presents results from a drug-drug interaction study with carisbamate and carbamazepine in healthy volunteers
771640 Pharmacokinetic interaction study between the new antiepileptic and CNS drug RWJ-333369 and carbamazepine in healthy adults. Chien S, Bialer M, Solanki B, Verhaeghe T, Doose DR, Novak G, Yao C EPILEPSIA 2006 47 11 1830-1840 • This paper presents results from a drug-drug interaction study with carisbamate and carbamazepine in healthy volunteers.
771641 Pharmacokinetics of the new antiepileptic and CNS drug RWJ-333369 following single and multiple dosing to humans. Yao C, Doose DR, Novak G, Bialer M EPILEPSIA 2006 47 1822-1829
771641 Pharmacokinetics of the new antiepileptic and CNS drug RWJ-333369 following single and multiple dosing to humans. Yao C, Doose DR, Novak G, Bialer M EPILEPSIA 2006 47 1822-1829
771643 The novel investigational neuromodulator RWJ-333369 displays a broad-spectrum anticonvulsant profile in rodent seizure and epilepsy models. White HS, Srivastava A, Klein B, Zhao B, Choi YM, Gordon R, Lee SJ EPILEPSIA 2006 47 Suppl 4 200-201
771643 The novel investigational neuromodulator RWJ-333369 displays a broad-spectrum anticonvulsant profile in rodent seizure and epilepsy models. White HS, Srivastava A, Klein B, Zhao B, Choi YM, Gordon R, Lee SJ EPILEPSIA 2006 47 Suppl 4 200-201
771644 A new drug, RWJ-333369, protects limbic areas in the lithium-pilocarpine model (Li-Pilo) of epilepsy and delays or prevents the occurrence of spontaneous seizures. Francois J, Ferrandon A, Koning E, Nehlig EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 269-270
771644 A new drug, RWJ-333369, protects limbic areas in the lithium-pilocarpine model (Li-Pilo) of epilepsy and delays or prevents the occurrence of spontaneous seizures. Francois J, Ferrandon A, Koning E, Nehlig EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 269-270
771645 A new drug, RWJ-333369 displays potent antiepileptic properties in genetic models of absence and audiogenic epilepsy. Nehlig A, Rigoulot MA, Boehrer A EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 215
771645 A new drug, RWJ-333369 displays potent antiepileptic properties in genetic models of absence and audiogenic epilepsy. Nehlig A, Rigoulot MA, Boehrer A EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 215
771646 RWJ-333369 pharmacokinetics are linear following single and repeated oral administration in healthy adult men. Yao C, Choi YM, Lee J, Doose DR, Novak G EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 192
771646 RWJ-333369 pharmacokinetics are linear following single and repeated oral administration in healthy adult men. Yao C, Choi YM, Lee J, Doose DR, Novak G EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 192
771647 Drug-drug interaction study between RWJ-333369 and carbamazepine in healthy adults. Chien SC, Yao C, Solanki B, Verhaeghe T, Doose D, Novak G EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 181
771647 Drug-drug interaction study between RWJ-333369 and carbamazepine in healthy adults. Chien SC, Yao C, Solanki B, Verhaeghe T, Doose D, Novak G EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 181
771648 Lack of clinically significant pharmacokinetic drug interactions between RWJ-333369 and valproate or lamotrigine. Chien S, Yao C, Mertens A, Vertaeghe T, Solanki B, Doose D, Novak G EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 173
771648 Lack of clinically significant pharmacokinetic drug interactions between RWJ-333369 and valproate or lamotrigine. Chien S, Yao C, Mertens A, Vertaeghe T, Solanki B, Doose D, Novak G EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 173
771649 Epileptic outcome is correlated with protection in temporal cortices: Evidence from neuroprotection studies with a new drug, RWJ-333369, in the lithium-pilocarpine model. Francois J, Ferrandon A, Koning E, Nehlig A EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 62-63
771649 Epileptic outcome is correlated with protection in temporal cortices: Evidence from neuroprotection studies with a new drug, RWJ-333369, in the lithium-pilocarpine model. Francois J, Ferrandon A, Koning E, Nehlig A EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 62-63
776702 Progress report on new antiepileptic drugs: A summary of the Eighth Eilat Conference EILAT VIII, Bialer M, Johannessen SI, Kupferberg HJ, Levy RH, Perucca E, Tomson T EPILEPSIA RES 2007 73 1 1-52
776702 Progress report on new antiepileptic drugs: A summary of the Eighth Eilat Conference (EILAT VIII). Bialer M, Johannessen SI, Kupferberg HJ, Levy RH, Perucca E, Tomson T EPILEPSIA RES 2007 73 1 1-52
792287 NCT00433667: A study of the efficacy and safety of RWJ-333369 as add-on therapy in the treatment of partial onset seizures. Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 April 27
792287 NCT00433667: A study of the efficacy and safety of RWJ-333369 as add-on therapy in the treatment of partial onset seizures. Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 April 27
792444 Metabolism and excretion of RWJ-333369 [1,2-ethanediol, 1-2-chlorophenyl, 2-carbamate, S, in mice, rats, rabbits and dogs. Mamidi RN, Mannens G, Annaert P, Hendrickx J, Goris I, Bockx M, Janssen CGM, Kao M, Kelley MF, Meuldermans W DRUG METAB DISPOS 2007 35 4 566-575 • This paper presents an overview of the results of the metabolism and pharmacokinetics of carisbamate in animals
792444 Metabolism and excretion of RWJ-333369 [1,2-ethanediol, 1-(2-chlorophenyl)-, 2-carbamate, (S)-] in mice, rats, rabbits and dogs. Mamidi RN, Mannens G, Annaert P, Hendrickx J, Goris I, Bockx M, Janssen CGM, Kao M, Kelley MF, Meuldermans W DRUG METAB DISPOS 2007 35 4 566-575 • This paper presents an overview of the results of the metabolism and pharmacokinetics of carisbamate in animals.
792456 The absorption, metabolism, and excretion of the novel neuron-modulator RWJ-333369 [1,2-ethanediol, 1-2-chlorophenyl, 2-carbamate, S], in humans. Mannens GS, Hendrickx J, Janssen CG, Chien S, Van Hoof B, Verhaeghe T, Kao M, Kelley MF, Goris I, Bockx M, Verreet B et al DRUG METAB DISPOS 2007 35 4 554-565 • This paper provides an overview of the results of the metabolism and pharmacokinetics of carisbamate in humans
792456 The absorption, metabolism, and excretion of the novel neuron-modulator RWJ-333369 [1,2-ethanediol, (1-2-chlorophenyl)-, 2-carbamate, (S]-) in humans. Mannens GS, Hendrickx J, Janssen CG, Chien S, Van Hoof B, Verhaeghe T, Kao M, Kelley MF, Goris I, Bockx M, Verreet B et al DRUG METAB DISPOS 2007 35 4 554-565 • This paper provides an overview of the results of the metabolism and pharmacokinetics of carisbamate in humans.
793223 Pros and cons for the development of new antiepileptic drugs. Bialer M, Walker MC, Sander JW CNS Drugs 2002 16 5 285-289
793223 Pros and cons for the development of new antiepileptic drugs. Bialer M, Walker MC, Sander JW CNS Drugs 2002 16 5 285-289
793366 Mechanism of action of antiepileptic drugs. Czapinski P, Blaszczyk B, Czuczwar SJ CURR TOP MED CHEM 2005 5 1 3-14
793366 Mechanism of action of antiepileptic drugs. Czapinski P, Blaszczyk B, Czuczwar SJ CURR TOP MED CHEM 2005 5 1 3-14
793369 New anticonvulsant agents. Malawska B CURR TOP MED CHEM 2005 5 1 69-85
793369 New anticonvulsant agents. Malawska B CURR TOP MED CHEM 2005 5 1 69-85
793375 Target dose for evaluation of topiramate initiated as monotherapy. Pellock JM EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 215
793375 Target dose for evaluation of topiramate initiated as monotherapy. Pellock JM EPILEPSIA 2005 46 Suppl 8 215
797523 The epidemiology of epilepsy: The size of the problem. Bell GS, Sander JW SEIZURE 2001 10 4 306-316
797523 The epidemiology of epilepsy: The size of the problem. Bell GS, Sander JW SEIZURE 2001 10 4 306-316
797525 Medical treatment of epilepsy. Bauer J, Reuber M EXPERT OPIN EMERG DRUGS 2003 8 2 457-467
797525 Medical treatment of epilepsy. Bauer J, Reuber M EXPERT OPIN EMERG DRUGS 2003 8 2 457-467
797531 Felbamate block of recombinant N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors: Selectivity for the NR2B subunit. Harty TP, Rogawski MA EPILEPSY RES 2000 39 1 47-55
797531 Felbamate block of recombinant N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors: Selectivity for the NR2B subunit. Harty TP, Rogawski MA EPILEPSY RES 2000 39 1 47-55
798631 Evaluation of carisbamate, a novel antiepileptic drug, in photosensitive patients: An exploratory, placebo-controlled study. Trenite DG, French JA, Hirsch E, Macher JP, Meyer BU, Grosse PA, Abou-Khalil BW, Rosenfeld WE, van Gerven J, Novak GP, Parmeggiani L et al EPILEPSY RES 2007 74 2-3 193-200
798631 Evaluation of carisbamate, a novel antiepileptic drug, in photosensitive patients: An exploratory, placebo-controlled study. Trenite DG, French JA, Hirsch E, Macher JP, Meyer BU, Grosse PA, Abou-Khalil BW, Rosenfeld WE, van Gerven J, Novak GP, Parmeggiani L et al EPILEPSY RES 2007 74 2-3 193-200
805412 Eisai launches Inovelon for Lennox-Gaustaut Syndrome. Eisai Co Ltd PRESS RELEASE 2007 June 18
805412 Eisai launches Inovelon for Lennox-Gaustaut Syndrome. Eisai Co Ltd PRESS RELEASE 2007 June 18
811879 US-06127412: Halogen-substituted carbamate compounds from 2-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol. Moon CY, Woo KM, Han PJ US PATENT 2000 October 03
811879 US-06127412: Halogen-substituted carbamate compounds from 2-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol. Moon CY, Woo KM, Han PJ US PATENT 2000 October 03
813832 NCT00501202: Study for safety and effectiveness of RWJ-333369 (carsibamate) for the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy DPN, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development LLC CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 July 12
813832 NCT00501202: Study for safety and effectiveness of RWJ-333369 (carsibamate) for the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development LLC CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 July 12
813844 NCT00492323: An effectiveness and safety study with RWJ-333369 (carisbamate) for the study of postherpetic neuralgia PHN, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development LLC CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 June 29
813844 NCT00492323: An effectiveness and safety study with RWJ-333369 (carisbamate) for the study of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development LLC CLINICALTRIALS.GOV 2007 June 29
832038 An interaction study between the new antiepileptic and CNS drug carisbamate (RWJ-333369) and lamotrigine and valproic acid. Chien S, Yao C, Mertens A, Verhaeghe T, Solanki B, Doose DR, Novak G, Bialer M EPILEPSIA 2007 48 7 1328-1338
832038 An interaction study between the new antiepileptic and CNS drug carisbamate (RWJ-333369) and lamotrigine and valproic acid. Chien S, Yao C, Mertens A, Verhaeghe T, Solanki B, Doose DR, Novak G, Bialer M EPILEPSIA 2007 48 7 1328-1338
832039 The novel antiepileptic agent RWJ-333369-A, but not its analog RWJ-333369, reduces regional cerebral edema without affecting neurobehavioral outcome or cell death following experimental traumatic brain injury. Keck CA, Thompson HJ, Pitkanen A, Lebold DG, Morales DM, Plevy JB, Puri R, Zhao B, Dichter M, McIntosh TK RESTORATIVE NEUROL NEUROSCI 2007 25 2 77-90
832039 The novel antiepileptic agent RWJ-333369-A, but not its analog RWJ-333369, reduces regional cerebral edema without affecting neurobehavioral outcome or cell death following experimental traumatic brain injury. Keck CA, Thompson HJ, Pitkanen A, Lebold DG, Morales DM, Plevy JB, Puri R, Zhao B, Dichter M, McIntosh TK RESTORATIVE NEUROL NEUROSCI 2007 25 2 77-90