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Volumn 72, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 6848-6859

Photochemistry of sulfilimine-based nitrene precursors: Generation of both singlet and triplet benzoylnitrene

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EID: 34548806376     PISSN: 00223263     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1021/jo071049r     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (41)

References (75)
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    • Kinetic traces obtained with 1 are shown in the Supporting Information.
    • Kinetic traces obtained with 1 are shown in the Supporting Information.
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    • Other DBT-based sulfilimines do not produce this peak on photolysis, implying it is not a band due in any way to DBT. Full data on other systems will be published separately
    • Other DBT-based sulfilimines do not produce this peak on photolysis, implying it is not a band due in any way to DBT. Full data on other systems will be published separately.
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    • A control experiment using 20 mM benzoylazide in the absence of any xanthone does not show any photochemistry.
    • A control experiment using 20 mM benzoylazide in the absence of any xanthone does not show any photochemistry.
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    • A band appears at this frequency on direct photolysis at 266 nm, but it does not decay on this time scale, and is assigned to PhNCO, as discussed previously.
    • A band appears at this frequency on direct photolysis at 266 nm, but it does not decay on this time scale, and is assigned to PhNCO, as discussed previously.
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