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Volumn 39, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 263-298

State-civil society cooperation and conflict in the spanish empire: The intellectual and political activities of the ultramarine consulados and economic societies, c. 1780-1810

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EID: 34248561162     PISSN: 0022216X     EISSN: 1469767X     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1017/S0022216X07002386     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (35)

References (228)
  • 5
    • 0342969201 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Process and Pattern: A Re-Examination of the Ibero-American Independence Movements, 1808-1826
    • Brian Hamnett, 'Process and Pattern: A Re-Examination of the Ibero-American Independence Movements, 1808-1826', JLAS vol. 29 (1997), pp. 283-4.
    • (1997) JLAS , vol.29 , pp. 283-284
    • Hamnett, B.1
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    • 0022214680 scopus 로고
    • Absolutism and Enlightened Reform: Charles III, the Establishment of the Alcabala, and Commercial Reorganization in Cuba
    • A. J. Kuethe and G. D. Inglis, 'Absolutism and Enlightened Reform: Charles III, the Establishment of the Alcabala, and Commercial Reorganization in Cuba', Past and Present vol. 109 (1985), pp. 118-43
    • (1985) Past and Present , vol.109 , pp. 118-143
    • Kuethe, A.J.1    Inglis, G.D.2
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    • 34248593670 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Empire, Enlightenment and Regalism: New Directions in Eighteenth-Century Spanish History
    • For an analysis of the most recent scholarship, see
    • For an analysis of the most recent scholarship, see Gabriel B. Paquette 'Empire, Enlightenment and Regalism: New Directions in Eighteenth-Century Spanish History', European History Quaterly Vol. 35 (2005), pp. 107-17.
    • (2005) European History Quaterly , vol.35 , pp. 107-117
    • Paquette, G.B.1
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    • 0343570666 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • One must distinguish between intentions and results. Cádiz continued to handle the overwhelming proportion of transatlantic trade: 76 per cent of imports from Spanish America in terms of value between 1782 and 1796, and 84 Per cent of the return traffic in the same period: See John Fisher, 'Commerce and Imperial Decline: Spanish Trade with Spanish America, 1797-1820', JLAS 30 (1998), p. 462.
    • One must distinguish between intentions and results. Cádiz continued to handle the overwhelming proportion of transatlantic trade: 76 per cent of imports from Spanish America in terms of value between 1782 and 1796, and 84 Per cent of the return traffic in the same period: See John Fisher, 'Commerce and Imperial Decline: Spanish Trade with Spanish America, 1797-1820', JLAS vol. 30 (1998), p. 462.
  • 16
    • 84975992667 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Bourbon focus on trade policy on the imperial periphery should not obscure the Crown's reliance on bullion, mainly from Peru and Mexico, which accounted for 77 per cent of the cargo value of imports into Spain until at least 1778: See David Brading, 'Bourbon Spain and its American Empire', Historical Journal 39 (1981), pp. 961-9.
    • The Bourbon focus on trade policy on the imperial periphery should not obscure the Crown's reliance on bullion, mainly from Peru and Mexico, which accounted for 77 per cent of the cargo value of imports into Spain until at least 1778: See David Brading, 'Bourbon Spain and its American Empire', Historical Journal vol. 39 (1981), pp. 961-9.
  • 17
    • 5944238005 scopus 로고
    • Economic Crisis, Taxes and the Quito Insurrection of 1765
    • See especially
    • See especially Kenneth Andrien, 'Economic Crisis, Taxes and the Quito Insurrection of 1765', Past and Present vol. 129 (1990), pp. 104-31
    • (1990) Past and Present , vol.129 , pp. 104-131
    • Andrien, K.1
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    • 5944231759 scopus 로고
    • Rebellions in Late Colonial Spanish America: A Comparative Perspective
    • Anthony McFarlane, 'Rebellions in Late Colonial Spanish America: A Comparative Perspective', Bulletin of Latin American Research vol. 14 (1995), pp 313-38
    • (1995) Bulletin of Latin American Research , vol.14 , pp. 313-338
    • McFarlane, A.1
  • 23
    • 13344251631 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • As Anthony McFarlane argued, these rebellions and conspiracies 'did not generally indicate desire for independence from Spain [but were] aimed at perpetuating past practices, not with overthrowing them... Enmity toward metropolitan Spaniards was insufficiently strong or widespread to underpin nationalistic sentiment or to provide a focus for rebellion against Spain': See McFarlane, 'Identity, Enlightenment and Political Dissent in Late Colonial Spanish America', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 6th ser. 8 (1998), p.322.
    • As Anthony McFarlane argued, these rebellions and conspiracies 'did not generally indicate desire for independence from Spain [but were] aimed at perpetuating past practices, not with overthrowing them... Enmity toward metropolitan Spaniards was insufficiently strong or widespread to underpin nationalistic sentiment or to provide a focus for rebellion against Spain': See McFarlane, 'Identity, Enlightenment and Political Dissent in Late Colonial Spanish America', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 6th ser. vol. 8 (1998), p.322.
  • 24
    • 34248572917 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Other historians argue that it was the death of José de Gálvez in 1787 that brought 'an abrupt halt and repeal of some of the key measures already enforced': See John Fisher, Government and Society in Colonial Peru: The Intendant System, 1784-814 (London, 1970), p. 60.
    • Other historians argue that it was the death of José de Gálvez in 1787 that brought 'an abrupt halt and repeal of some of the key measures already enforced': See John Fisher, Government and Society in Colonial Peru: The Intendant System, 1784-814 (London, 1970), p. 60.
  • 26
    • 34248590691 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Victorián de Villava, 'Apuntes para una Reforma de España' (1797) in Ricardo Levene (ed.), Vida y Escritos de Victorián de Villava (Buenos Aires, 1946), p. cxvi; Villava was a peninsular professor of political economy who became an oidor of the Audiencia of Charcas.
    • Victorián de Villava, 'Apuntes para una Reforma de España' (1797) in Ricardo Levene (ed.), Vida y Escritos de Victorián de Villava (Buenos Aires, 1946), p. cxvi; Villava was a peninsular professor of political economy who became an oidor of the Audiencia of Charcas.
  • 27
    • 34248546611 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Francisco Silvestre, Governor and Visitor of Antioquia (New Granada), quoted in Margarita Garrido de Payan, 'The Political Culture of New Granada, 1770-1815 ', unpubl. PhD diss., University of Oxford, 1990, p. 35.
    • Francisco Silvestre, Governor and Visitor of Antioquia (New Granada), quoted in Margarita Garrido de Payan, 'The Political Culture of New Granada, 1770-1815 ', unpubl. PhD diss., University of Oxford, 1990, p. 35.
  • 28
    • 34248550023 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Biblioteca del Palacio Real (Madrid) [hereafter BPR] II/2866, Josef Fuertes, 'Pensamientos, o Proyecto Sobre Volver a Reconciliar con la Madre Patria las Provincias Discolas de la América Meridional' (1781), fo. 261 v.
    • Biblioteca del Palacio Real (Madrid) [hereafter BPR] II/2866, Josef Fuertes, 'Pensamientos, o Proyecto Sobre Volver a Reconciliar con la Madre Patria las Provincias Discolas de la América Meridional' (1781), fo. 261 v.
  • 29
    • 34248587392 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Such a scheme was not peculiar to Spain. John Fothergill's Considerations Relative to the North American Colonies (1765) had made the identical point:
    • Such a scheme was not peculiar to Spain. John Fothergill's Considerations Relative to the North American Colonies (1765) had made the identical point:
  • 31
    • 34248576638 scopus 로고
    • Carta Sobre Lo Que Debe Hacer un Principe que Tenga Colonias a Gran Distancia
    • Vitoria
    • Valentín de Foronda, 'Carta Sobre Lo Que Debe Hacer un Principe que Tenga Colonias a Gran Distancia' (1800) in Escritos Políticos y Constitucionales (Vitoria, 2002), p. 249.
    • (1800) Escritos Políticos y Constitucionales , pp. 249
    • Valentín de Foronda1
  • 32
    • 34248532719 scopus 로고
    • hereafter AGI] Santo Domingo 2665, Navarro to Valdes
    • 16 April, fos. 327-28
    • Archivo General de Indias [hereafter AGI] Santo Domingo 2665, Navarro to Valdes, 16 April 1789, fos. 327-28.
    • (1789)
    • General de Indias, A.1
  • 33
    • 84928432730 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The American contribution to the Crown's ordinary income increased in both absolute and relative terms between 1790 and 1810, rising from 25 per cent in 1790 to 40 per cent in the 1802-1804 period, before increasing again to 50 per cent between 1808 and 1811: See Carlos Marichal, 'Beneficios y costes fiscales del colonialismo: Las remesas americanas a España 1760-1814', Revista de Historia Económica 15 (1997), p. 478
    • The American contribution to the Crown's ordinary income increased in both absolute and relative terms between 1790 and 1810, rising from 25 per cent in 1790 to 40 per cent in the 1802-1804 period, before increasing again to 50 per cent between 1808 and 1811: See Carlos Marichal, 'Beneficios y costes fiscales del colonialismo: Las remesas americanas a España 1760-1814', Revista de Historia Económica vol. 15 (1997), p. 478
  • 34
    • 34248597115 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Civil Society is defined here as a 'complex and dynamic ensemble of legally protected non-government institutions that tend to be non-violent, self-governing, self-reflexive and permanently in tension with each other and with the state institutions that frame, construct and enable their activities': See John Keane, Civil Society: Old Images, New Visions (Cambridge, 1998), p. 6; this article stresses co-operation between the Bourbon state and Spanish American civil society institutions.
    • Civil Society is defined here as a 'complex and dynamic ensemble of legally protected non-government institutions that tend to be non-violent, self-governing, self-reflexive and permanently in tension with each other and with the state institutions that "frame", construct and enable their activities': See John Keane, Civil Society: Old Images, New Visions (Cambridge, 1998), p. 6; this article stresses co-operation between the Bourbon state and Spanish American civil society institutions.
  • 35
    • 34248525475 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Although this article focuses on the mercantile privileges extended by the Crown, other concessions were extended as well, for example the fuero militar: See Elliott, Empires of the Atlantic World, p. 300
    • Although this article focuses on the mercantile privileges extended by the Crown, other concessions were extended as well, for example the fuero militar: See Elliott, Empires of the Atlantic World, p. 300.
  • 36
    • 34248550022 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This concept is developed by Peter Evans, Introduction' in Evans (ed, State-Society Synergy: Government and Social Capital in Development Berkeley, 1991, p. 2
    • This concept is developed by Peter Evans, 'Introduction' in Evans (ed.), State-Society Synergy: Government and Social Capital in Development (Berkeley, 1991), p. 2.
  • 37
    • 34248546609 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For a contrasting view, which construes the creation of Consulados as an 'explicit manifestation of [the Crown's] impotence', see Manuel Lucena Giraldo, 'F¿ilántropos u Oportunistas? Ciencia y Política en los Proyectos de Obras Públicas del Consulado de Cartagena de Indias, 1795-1810', Revista de Indias 52 (1992), pp. 627-46.
    • For a contrasting view, which construes the creation of Consulados as an 'explicit manifestation of [the Crown's] impotence', see Manuel Lucena Giraldo, 'F¿ilántropos u Oportunistas? Ciencia y Política en los Proyectos de Obras Públicas del Consulado de Cartagena de Indias, 1795-1810', Revista de Indias vol. 52 (1992), pp. 627-46.
  • 39
    • 85016573100 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • see Victor Uribe-Uran, 'The Birth of the Public Sphere in Latin America during the Age of Revolution
    • On die emergence of a public sphere in the late colonial period
    • On die emergence of a public sphere in the late colonial period, see Victor Uribe-Uran, 'The Birth of the Public Sphere in Latin America during the Age of Revolution', Comparative Studies in Society and Histry vol. 42 (2000), pp. 425-57.
    • (2000) Comparative Studies in Society and Histry , vol.42 , pp. 425-457
  • 42
    • 34248561337 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The major work on the Economic Societies remains Robert Jones Shafer, The Economic Societies of the Spanish World 1763-1821 (Syracuse, 1958).
    • The major work on the Economic Societies remains Robert Jones Shafer, The Economic Societies of the Spanish World 1763-1821 (Syracuse, 1958).
  • 43
    • 34248550020 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On the discourse of 'improvement' in the contemporary British empire with significant application to other European empires, see the pioneering study by Richard Drayton, Nature's Government: Science, Imperial Britain and the 'Improvement' of the World (New Haven, 2000).
    • On the discourse of 'improvement' in the contemporary British empire with significant application to other European empires, see the pioneering study by Richard Drayton, Nature's Government: Science, Imperial Britain and the 'Improvement' of the World (New Haven, 2000).
  • 44
    • 84861384575 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Spanish American Independence in Recent Historiography
    • John Lynch has pointed out that 'the Enlightenment remains one of the understudied subjects of Latin American History, The ideological origins of the Spanish American revolutions is still waiting to be written, See, Anthony McFarlane and Eduardo Posada-Carbó eds, London
    • John Lynch has pointed out that 'the Enlightenment remains one of the understudied subjects of Latin American History ... The ideological origins of the Spanish American revolutions is still waiting to be written': See Lynch, 'Spanish American Independence in Recent Historiography' in Anthony McFarlane and Eduardo Posada-Carbó (eds.), Independence and Revolution in Spanish America: Perspectives and Problems (London, 1999), pp. 35-6.
    • (1999) Independence and Revolution in Spanish America: Perspectives and Problems , pp. 35-36
    • Lynch1
  • 46
    • 34248597099 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • for the intellectual context of the Consulado's activities, see J. F. Wilhite, 'The Enlightenment and Education in New Granada, 1760-1830', unpubl. PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 1976, esp. pp. 248-315
    • for the intellectual context of the Consulado's activities, see J. F. Wilhite, 'The Enlightenment and Education in New Granada, 1760-1830', unpubl. PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 1976, esp. pp. 248-315
  • 47
    • 0003230566 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Identity Formation in Spanish America
    • On the formation of separate, creole identity as a prelude to independence, see, Pagden and Canny eds
    • On the formation of separate, creole identity as a prelude to independence, see Anthony Pagden, 'Identity Formation in Spanish America', in Pagden and Canny (eds.), Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, p. 92.
    • Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World , pp. 92
    • Pagden, A.1
  • 50
    • 34248550019 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • There had been an earlier attempt to establish a Consulado in New Granada in 1694, but it had dissolved in 1713. In 1784, a Consulado for Mompox was formed, but soon became defunct: See Garrido de Payan, 'The political Culture of New Granada', p. 50.
    • There had been an earlier attempt to establish a Consulado in New Granada in 1694, but it had dissolved in 1713. In 1784, a Consulado for Mompox was formed, but soon became defunct: See Garrido de Payan, 'The political Culture of New Granada', p. 50.
  • 51
    • 34248532718 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Brian Hamnett made a similar point in relation to New Spain: 'Mercantile Rivalry and Peninsular Division: The Consulados of New Spain and the Impact of the Bourbon Reforms, 1789-1824', Ibero-Amerikanisches Archiv 2 (1976), p. 276.
    • Brian Hamnett made a similar point in relation to New Spain: 'Mercantile Rivalry and Peninsular Division: The Consulados of New Spain and the Impact of the Bourbon Reforms, 1789-1824', Ibero-Amerikanisches Archiv vol. 2 (1976), p. 276.
  • 52
    • 60949695850 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On the Consulado of Lima in the period, see Patricia H. Marks, 'Confronting a Mercantile Elite: Bourbon Reformers and the Merchants of Lima, 1765 -1796', The Americas 60 (2004), pp. 519-58.
    • On the Consulado of Lima in the period, see Patricia H. Marks, 'Confronting a Mercantile Elite: Bourbon Reformers and the Merchants of Lima, 1765 -1796', The Americas vol. 60 (2004), pp. 519-58.
  • 55
    • 34248590680 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The new measures were an assault on the corporate power and privileges, not the profits, of Mexico and Peru. According to John Fisher, 'agricultural economics in regions hitherto marginalised from the official routes of transatlantic trade - notably in the Río de la Plata, Venezuela, Central America and Cuba - experienced upsurges in export-led production, but not at the expense of traditional centres of Spanish authority, Mexico and Peru, which maintained their majority shares of commercial activity in their respective regions, particularly because of the continuing predominance of silver in exports to Spain': see Fisher, 'Commerce and Imperial Decline', p. 461.
    • The new measures were an assault on the corporate power and privileges, not the profits, of Mexico and Peru. According to John Fisher, 'agricultural economics in regions hitherto marginalised from the official routes of transatlantic trade - notably in the Río de la Plata, Venezuela, Central America and Cuba - experienced upsurges in export-led production, but not at the expense of traditional centres of Spanish authority, Mexico and Peru, which maintained their majority shares of commercial activity in their respective regions, particularly because of the continuing predominance of silver in exports to Spain': see Fisher, 'Commerce and Imperial Decline', p. 461.
  • 56
    • 34248532711 scopus 로고
    • Costumbres viejas, "hombres nuevos": José de Gálvez y la burocracia fiscal novohispana
    • In Mexico royal bureaucrats, especially at the local level, became embedded in family and commercial networks and more often acted out of motives of greed than good governance: See
    • In Mexico royal bureaucrats, especially at the local level, became embedded in family and commercial networks and more often acted out of motives of greed than good governance: See Linda Salvucci, 'Costumbres viejas, "hombres nuevos": José de Gálvez y la burocracia fiscal novohispana (1754-1800)', Historia Mexicana vol. 33, (1983), pp. 224-64.
    • (1983) Historia Mexicana , vol.33 , pp. 224-264
    • Salvucci, L.1
  • 57
    • 34248575192 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Caracas 908, Francisco de Saavedra to Gálvez, 2 May 1785.
    • AGI Caracas 908, Francisco de Saavedra to Gálvez, 2 May 1785.
  • 58
    • 34248523474 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Santa Fe 957, Juan Francisco Gil y Lemos to Antonio Valdes, 15 March 1789
    • AGI Santa Fe 957, Juan Francisco Gil y Lemos to Antonio Valdes, 15 March 1789
  • 60
    • 34248590690 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Viceroy Pedro Mendinueta to his successor Antonio Amar y Borbón (1803), in José García y García, (ed.), Relaciones de los Virreyes del Nuevo Reino de Granada (New York, 1869), 508.
    • Viceroy Pedro Mendinueta to his successor Antonio Amar y Borbón (1803), in José García y García, (ed.), Relaciones de los Virreyes del Nuevo Reino de Granada (New York, 1869), 508.
  • 61
    • 34248523469 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Many officials, it must be conceded, held creoles in contempt. New Granada's Viceroy in the 1780s, for example, complained that his subjects were 'incapable of understanding the justification for royal taxes. All they aspire to is their own self-interest, which is absolute and unlimited libertinism... The goal of government must be to force the plebeians to respect public authority so that their subordination and obedience is preserved': F. Gutiérrez de Piñeres to Gálvez, quoted in Phelan, The People and the King, p. 33.
    • Many officials, it must be conceded, held creoles in contempt. New Granada's Viceroy in the 1780s, for example, complained that his subjects were 'incapable of understanding the justification for royal taxes. All they aspire to is their own self-interest, which is absolute and unlimited libertinism... The goal of government must be to force the plebeians to respect public authority so that their subordination and obedience is preserved': F. Gutiérrez de Piñeres to Gálvez, quoted in Phelan, The People and the King, p. 33.
  • 62
    • 34248595096 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Caracas 152, José María Chacón to Antonio Valdes, 25 Jan. 1788.
    • AGI Caracas 152, José María Chacón to Antonio Valdes, 25 Jan. 1788.
  • 63
    • 34248593677 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Caracas 908, Francisco de Saavedra to José de Gálvez, 2 May 1785.
    • AGI Caracas 908, Francisco de Saavedra to José de Gálvez, 2 May 1785.
  • 65
    • 34248597113 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Caracas 908, Cabildo to the Council of the Indies, 16 July 1788.
    • AGI Caracas 908, Cabildo to the Council of the Indies, 16 July 1788.
  • 66
    • 34248588651 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Estado 54, no. 3, Lazaro Maria de Herrera and José Ignacio de Pombo to Viceroy Caballero y Gongora, March 1789.
    • AGI Estado 54, no. 3, Lazaro Maria de Herrera and José Ignacio de Pombo to Viceroy Caballero y Gongora, March 1789.
  • 67
    • 34248583970 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Notwithstanding these pledges, the rise of the colonial Consulado was a gradual process. In Buenos Aires, for example, it was preceded by the emergence of informal merchant associations (Juntas de Comerciantes y Mercaderos). There was often a sizable lag between the initial petition - the majority of which were presented in the early 1780s - and the grant of a royal charter, the majority of which were approved in the mid-1790s. Susan Migden Socolow argued that this lengthy petition process is evidence that the merchants possessed 'virtually no power vis-à-vis the entire colonial empire and in metropolitan Spain': Socolow, The Merchants of Buenos Aires 1778-1810: Family and Commerce (Cambridge, 1978), p. 173.
    • Notwithstanding these pledges, the rise of the colonial Consulado was a gradual process. In Buenos Aires, for example, it was preceded by the emergence of informal merchant associations (Juntas de Comerciantes y Mercaderos). There was often a sizable lag between the initial petition - the majority of which were presented in the early 1780s - and the grant of a royal charter, the majority of which were approved in the mid-1790s. Susan Migden Socolow argued that this lengthy petition process is evidence that the merchants possessed 'virtually no power vis-à-vis the entire colonial empire and in metropolitan Spain': Socolow, The Merchants of Buenos Aires 1778-1810: Family and Commerce (Cambridge, 1978), p. 173.
  • 69
    • 34248595090 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Real Cédula de Erección del Consulado de Chile (Madrid, 1795), p. 20. The cédula for the creation of the Consulado of Buenos Aires employed identical language: See AGI Buenos Aires 583.
    • Real Cédula de Erección del Consulado de Chile (Madrid, 1795), p. 20. The cédula for the creation of the Consulado of Buenos Aires employed identical language: See AGI Buenos Aires 583.
  • 71
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    • for an appraisal of this Consulado's accomplishments, see German O. E. Tjarks, El Consulado de Buenos Aires y sus Proyecciones en la Historia del Río de la Plata (Buenos Aires, 1962), I, p. 103; II, 874
    • for an appraisal of this Consulado's accomplishments, see German O. E. Tjarks, El Consulado de Buenos Aires y sus Proyecciones en la Historia del Río de la Plata (Buenos Aires, 1962), vol. I, p. 103; vol. II, 874
  • 72
    • 34248587391 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On Colonial Consulados more generally, see Manuel Nunes Dias, El Real Consulado de Caracas (1793-1810) (Caracas, 1971), esp. pp. 232, 574.
    • On Colonial Consulados more generally, see Manuel Nunes Dias, El Real Consulado de Caracas (1793-1810) (Caracas, 1971), esp. pp. 232, 574.
  • 73
    • 34248576637 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • P. J. Lampros, 'Merchant-Planter Cooperation and Conflict: The Havana Consulado, 1794-1832', unpubl. PhD diss., Tulane University, 1980, pp. 14-28.
    • P. J. Lampros, 'Merchant-Planter Cooperation and Conflict: The Havana Consulado, 1794-1832', unpubl. PhD diss., Tulane University, 1980, pp. 14-28.
  • 74
    • 34248523459 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • As Carlos Díaz Rementería wrote, the avería began as a 'special tax by which interested parties collaborated to finance the costs of armadas to protect the flota' in Ismael Sánchez Bella, Alberto de la Hera and Carlos Díaz Rementería, Historia del Derecho Indio (Madrid, 1992), p. 381
    • As Carlos Díaz Rementería wrote, the avería began as a 'special tax by which interested parties collaborated to finance the costs of armadas to protect the flota' in Ismael Sánchez Bella, Alberto de la Hera and Carlos Díaz Rementería, Historia del Derecho Indio (Madrid, 1992), p. 381
  • 75
    • 34248578585 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • R. S. Smith, 'Origins of the Consulado in Guatemala', Hispanic American Historical Review 26, no. 2 (1946), p. 159. Some Consulados also were empowered to take the peage, a toll collected on vehicles and pack animals using the roads.
    • R. S. Smith, 'Origins of the Consulado in Guatemala', Hispanic American Historical Review vol. 26, no. 2 (1946), p. 159. Some Consulados also were empowered to take the peage, a toll collected on vehicles and pack animals using the roads.
  • 76
    • 34248585317 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Chile 445, Consulado to Gardoqui, 16 June 1797: The figures are extrapolated from a chart entitled: 'Estado que Manifiesta lo que ha producido el 1/2 percent de avería concedido por SM a este Real Consulado en 1796'
    • AGI Chile 445, Consulado to Gardoqui, 16 June 1797: The figures are extrapolated from a chart entitled: 'Estado que Manifiesta lo que ha producido el 1/2 percent de avería concedido por SM a este Real Consulado en 1796'
  • 77
    • 34248570840 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Buenos Aires 586: The figures are extrapolated from a chart entitled: 'Productos correspondientes al Tribunal de Consulado por el medio por ciento de avería cobrado ... en 1796'.
    • AGI Buenos Aires 586: The figures are extrapolated from a chart entitled: 'Productos correspondientes al Tribunal de Consulado por el medio por ciento de avería cobrado ... en 1796'.
  • 81
    • 34248570852 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Caracas 908, Francisco de Saavedra to José de Gálvez, 2 May 1785.
    • AGI Caracas 908, Francisco de Saavedra to José de Gálvez, 2 May 1785.
  • 82
    • 34248585316 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Viceroy of New Granada also cited road construction as a principal rationale for the Consulados: See AGI Santa Fe 957, Juan Francisco Gil y Lemos to Antonio Valdes, 15 March 1789.
    • The Viceroy of New Granada also cited road construction as a principal rationale for the Consulados: See AGI Santa Fe 957, Juan Francisco Gil y Lemos to Antonio Valdes, 15 March 1789.
  • 84
    • 34248563343 scopus 로고
    • Sobre la Necesidad de Construir Caminos en esta Isla, Medios de Hacerlos y Dirección que Deben Tener
    • Havana, appendix, doc. 2
    • Nicolas Calvo y O'Farrill, 'Sobre la Necesidad de Construir Caminos en esta Isla, Medios de Hacerlos y Dirección que Deben Tener' in Memorias de la Sociedad Patriótica de la Habana (Havana, 1795), vol. III, appendix, doc. 2.
    • (1795) Memorias de la Sociedad Patriótica de la Habana , vol.3
    • Calvo, N.1    O'Farrill2
  • 85
    • 34248550003 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Before the establishment of the Consulado in 1794, there had been strenuous efforts by the Governor-General, in collaboration with the sugar magnates, to compel inhabitants to volunteer personal labour in order to maintain bridges and roads: See Sherry Johnson, The Social Transformafion of Eighteenth-Century Cuba (Gainesville, 2001), pp. 129-35.
    • Before the establishment of the Consulado in 1794, there had been strenuous efforts by the Governor-General, in collaboration with the sugar magnates, to compel inhabitants to volunteer personal labour in order to maintain bridges and roads: See Sherry Johnson, The Social Transformafion of Eighteenth-Century Cuba (Gainesville, 2001), pp. 129-35.
  • 86
    • 34248572888 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Buenos Aires 585, unsigned, first (top) document in legajo.
    • AGI Buenos Aires 585, unsigned, first (top) document in legajo.
  • 87
    • 34248590689 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Caracas 152, José María Chacón to Antonio Valdes, 25 Jan. 1788.
    • AGI Caracas 152, José María Chacón to Antonio Valdes, 25 Jan. 1788.
  • 88
    • 34248563344 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Estado 25, no. 41/1, Marqués de Branciforte to Godoy, n.d. fos. 1, 4.
    • AGI Estado 25, no. 41/1, Marqués de Branciforte to Godoy, n.d. fos. 1, 4.
  • 89
    • 34248587384 scopus 로고
    • Memoria sobre la Construcción de Sumideros para Purificar la Atmosfera' (1797), in Javier Ortíz de la Tabla DuCasse, ed
    • Seville
    • Vicente Basadre, 'Memoria sobre la Construcción de Sumideros para Purificar la Atmosfera' (1797), in Javier Ortíz de la Tabla DuCasse, ed., Memorias Políticas y Económicas del Consulado de Vera Cruz, 1796- 1822 (Seville, 1985), p. 15.
    • (1985) Memorias Políticas y Económicas del Consulado de Vera Cruz, 1796- 1822 , pp. 15
    • Basadre, V.1
  • 90
    • 34248583962 scopus 로고
    • Memoria Sobre la Construcción de un Camino Carretero desde Vera Cruz a México
    • José Donato de Austria, 'Memoria Sobre la Construcción de un Camino Carretero desde Vera Cruz a México' (1800), in ibid., p. 27.
    • (1800) ibid , pp. 27
    • Donato de Austria, J.1
  • 91
    • 34248578586 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • BPR II/2896, 'Relación del Gobierno del Exmo. Sr. D. Josef de Ezpeleta (...) a su Succesor el Exmo. D. Pedro Mendinueta' (1796), fo. 274v.
    • BPR II/2896, 'Relación del Gobierno del Exmo. Sr. D. Josef de Ezpeleta (...) a su Succesor el Exmo. D. Pedro Mendinueta' (1796), fo. 274v.
  • 92
    • 34248598881 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Chile 445, Consulado to Miguel Cayetano Soler, 13 June 1800.
    • AGI Chile 445, Consulado to Miguel Cayetano Soler, 13 June 1800.
  • 93
    • 34248590671 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Santa Fe 957, Joachim de Cañavernal to Diego de Gardoqui, 3 Nov. 1795.
    • AGI Santa Fe 957, Joachim de Cañavernal to Diego de Gardoqui, 3 Nov. 1795.
  • 94
    • 34248546591 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Viceroy Amar y Borbón, quoted in Silva, Los Ilustrados de Nueva Granada, pp. 629-30.
    • Viceroy Amar y Borbón, quoted in Silva, Los Ilustrados de Nueva Granada, pp. 629-30.
  • 95
    • 34248570842 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Chile 445, Consulado to Cayetano Soler, 15 July 1800.
    • AGI Chile 445, Consulado to Cayetano Soler, 15 July 1800.
  • 99
    • 34248563345 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • David McNally, Political Economy and the Rise of Capitalism: A Reinterpretation (Berkeley, 1988), especially pp. 124-5.
    • David McNally, Political Economy and the Rise of Capitalism: A Reinterpretation (Berkeley, 1988), especially pp. 124-5.
  • 100
    • 34248546590 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This analysis draws on Albert Hirschman's observation that, the by-product of individuals acting predictably in accordance with their economic interests was therefore not an easy balance, but a strong web of interdependent relationships, Ambition, the lust for power and the desire for respect can all be satisfied by economic improvement, Hirschman, The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments for Capitalism before its Triumph Princeton, 1997, pp. 51, 110
    • This analysis draws on Albert Hirschman's observation that, 'the by-product of individuals acting predictably in accordance with their economic interests was therefore not an easy balance, but a strong web of interdependent relationships... Ambition, the lust for power and the desire for respect can all be satisfied by economic improvement': Hirschman, The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments for Capitalism before its Triumph (Princeton, 1997), pp. 51, 110.
  • 102
    • 34248590670 scopus 로고
    • Medios Generales de Fomentar la Agricultura, Animar la Industria, y Proteger el Comercio en un País Agricultor'
    • Museo Mitre, Buenos Aires
    • Manuel Belgrano, 'Medios Generales de Fomentar la Agricultura, Animar la Industria, y Proteger el Comercio en un País Agricultor' (1796), in Museo Mitre, Documentos del Archivo Belgrano (Buenos Aires, 1913), vol. I, p. 59
    • (1913) Documentos del Archivo Belgrano , vol.1 , pp. 59
    • Belgrano, M.1
  • 103
    • 34248590681 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • on the impact of physiocracy in the Spanish empire, see Ernest Lluch and Lluís Argemí i d'Abadal, 'La fisiocracia en España', in Agronomía fisiocracia en España (1750-1820) (Valencia, 1985)
    • on the impact of physiocracy in the Spanish empire, see Ernest Lluch and Lluís Argemí i d'Abadal, 'La fisiocracia en España', in Agronomía fisiocracia en España (1750-1820) (Valencia, 1985)
  • 104
    • 34248587383 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • see Vicent Llombart, 'Traducciones españolas de economia política (1700-1812): Catálogo bibliográfico y una nueva perspectiva
    • on the translation of works of European political economy into Spanish
    • on the translation of works of European political economy into Spanish, see Vicent Llombart, 'Traducciones españolas de economia política (1700-1812): Catálogo bibliográfico y una nueva perspectiva', Cromobs 9 (2004), pp. 1-14.
    • (2004) Cromobs , vol.9 , pp. 1-14
  • 105
    • 34248580077 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Buenos Aires 585. Such an embrace of physiocracy would have not been construed as politically radical. As McNally suggested in his examination of Quesnay, 'the unity and stability of the social order presuppose a centralised political authority which can establish the framework by which private interests unintentionally further the general welfare': See McNally, Political Economy, p. 124.
    • AGI Buenos Aires 585. Such an embrace of physiocracy would have not been construed as politically radical. As McNally suggested in his examination of Quesnay, 'the unity and stability of the social order presuppose a centralised political authority which can establish the framework by which private interests unintentionally further the general welfare': See McNally, Political Economy, p. 124.
  • 107
    • 34248588645 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • for additional treatment of Belgrano's economic ideas, see Oreste Popescu, Studies in the History of Latin American Economic Thought (London, 1997), pp. 156-71,
    • for additional treatment of Belgrano's economic ideas, see Oreste Popescu, Studies in the History of Latin American Economic Thought (London, 1997), pp. 156-71,
  • 108
    • 34248561322 scopus 로고
    • Notas para un estudio del ideario económico y político de Manuel Belgrano
    • and Navarro Floria, 'Notas para un estudio del ideario económico y político de Manuel Belgrano', Quinto Centenario 13 (1987), p. 183
    • (1987) Quinto Centenario , vol.13 , pp. 183
    • Floria, N.1
  • 109
    • 34248593658 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • on the importance of Campomanes in Belgrano's thought, see Jorge I. Segura, El Pensamiento Económico de Manuel Belgrano (Mendoza, 1953), p. 7.
    • on the importance of Campomanes in Belgrano's thought, see Jorge I. Segura, El Pensamiento Económico de Manuel Belgrano (Mendoza, 1953), p. 7.
  • 111
    • 34248583958 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra described political economy as part of a 'patriotic epistemological discourse at the core of the Spanish enlightenment... of a "cosmopolitan" kind': 'Eighteenth-Century Spanish Political Economy: Epistemology of Decline
    • In relation to the Spanish Atlantic world
    • In relation to the Spanish Atlantic world, Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra described political economy as part of a 'patriotic epistemological discourse at the core of the Spanish enlightenment... of a "cosmopolitan" kind': 'Eighteenth-Century Spanish Political Economy: Epistemology of Decline', Eighteenth-Century Thought vol. 1 (2003), pp. 301, 314.
    • (2003) Eighteenth-Century Thought , vol.1
  • 112
    • 34248595082 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Indiferente General 2467, Real Consulado de Caracas to Madrid, 18 April 1801.
    • AGI Indiferente General 2467, Real Consulado de Caracas to Madrid, 18 April 1801.
  • 113
    • 34248580082 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Manuel de Salas to Diego Gardoqui (1796), in Escritos de Manuel de Salas (Santiago, 1910), I, p. 161
    • Manuel de Salas to Diego Gardoqui (1796), in Escritos de Manuel de Salas (Santiago, 1910), vol. I, p. 161
  • 114
    • 34248576627 scopus 로고
    • see Elsa Urbina Reyes, 'El Tribunal del Consulado de Chile: Sus origenes y primeros años
    • for an older but very thorough treatment of the organisation and activities of Santiago's Consulado
    • for an older but very thorough treatment of the organisation and activities of Santiago's Consulado, see Elsa Urbina Reyes, 'El Tribunal del Consulado de Chile: Sus origenes y primeros años', Boletín de la Academia Chilena de la Historia vol. 29 (1962), pp. 104-43.
    • (1962) Boletín de la Academia Chilena de la Historia , vol.29 , pp. 104-143
  • 115
    • 34248576628 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Archivo Nacional (Chile), Tribunal del Consulado, 34, 'Representación al Ministerio de Hacienda sobre El Estado de la Agricultura, Industria y Comercio en Chile', Jan. 1798. Hereafter national archives are referred to as AN followed by the name of the country.
    • Archivo Nacional (Chile), Tribunal del Consulado, vol. 34, 'Representación al Ministerio de Hacienda sobre "El Estado de la Agricultura, Industria y Comercio en Chile"', Jan. 1798. Hereafter national archives are referred to as AN followed by the name of the country.
  • 116
    • 34248550004 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Chile 443, 'Memoria de Consulado de Chile', 29 February 1797. On population expansion schemes, see Gabriel B. Paquette, 'Governance and Reform in the Spanish Atlantic World, c. 1760-1810', unpubl. PhD diss., University of Cambridge, 2006, esp. Chaps 3 and 4.
    • AGI Chile 443, 'Memoria de Consulado de Chile', 29 February 1797. On population expansion schemes, see Gabriel B. Paquette, 'Governance and Reform in the Spanish Atlantic World, c. 1760-1810', unpubl. PhD diss., University of Cambridge, 2006, esp. Chaps 3 and 4.
  • 118
    • 34248572903 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Medios Generales de Fomentar la Agricultura
    • Roque Gondra
    • Belgrano, 'Medios Generales de Fomentar la Agricultura' in Roque Gondra, Las Ideas Económicas, p. 156
    • Las Ideas Económicas , pp. 156
    • Belgrano1
  • 119
    • 34248523460 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • for an examination of the critical emulation of foreign political and economic ideas during the Bourbon reform period, see Paquette, Governance and Reform, especially Chap. 2
    • for an examination of the critical emulation of foreign political and economic ideas during the Bourbon reform period, see Paquette, 'Governance and Reform', especially Chap. 2.
  • 120
    • 34248561325 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AN (Chile) Tribunal del Consulado, 34, Memoria, Jan. 1799.
    • AN (Chile) Tribunal del Consulado, vol. 34, Memoria, Jan. 1799.
  • 121
    • 34248590672 scopus 로고
    • Tribunal del Consulado
    • AN Chile, Popular
    • AN (Chile) Tribunal del Consulado, vol. 34, 'Memorial Sobre Educación Popular', 1808.
    • (1808) Memorial Sobre Educación , vol.34
  • 123
    • 34248585324 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Belgrano, 'Memoria' of 14 June 1798, reprinted in Roque Gondra, Las Ideas Económicas, p. 194.
    • Belgrano, 'Memoria' of 14 June 1798, reprinted in Roque Gondra, Las Ideas Económicas, p. 194.
  • 127
    • 34248525468 scopus 로고
    • Tribunal del Consulado
    • AN Chile, Jan
    • AN (Chile) Tribunal del Consulado, vol. 34, Memoria of Anselmo de la Cruz, Jan. 1807.
    • (1807) Memoria of Anselmo de la Cruz , vol.34
  • 128
    • 34248597106 scopus 로고
    • Oración Inaugural para la Apertura de los Estudios de la Real Universidad de San Felipe en el Año 1804
    • Santiago
    • Juan Egaña, 'Oración Inaugural para la Apertura de los Estudios de la Real Universidad de San Felipe en el Año 1804', in Escritos Inéditos y Dispersos (Santiago, 1949), pp. 14-17.
    • (1949) Escritos Inéditos y Dispersos , pp. 14-17
    • Egaña, J.1
  • 130
    • 34248591695 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On the translation and dissemination of Adam Smith in the Spanish Atlantic World, see R. S. Smith, 'The Wealth of Nations in Spain and Hispanic America, 1780-1830', Journal of Political Economy 65 (1957), pp. 104-25.
    • On the translation and dissemination of Adam Smith in the Spanish Atlantic World, see R. S. Smith, 'The Wealth of Nations in Spain and Hispanic America, 1780-1830', Journal of Political Economy vol. 65 (1957), pp. 104-25.
  • 131
    • 34248570853 scopus 로고
    • Real Consulado, leg. 101, doc
    • AN Cuba, 20 Feb
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 101, doc. 4990, José Ignacio Echegoyen, 20 Feb. 1798
    • (1798) José Ignacio Echegoyen , vol.4990
  • 132
    • 34248530716 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On collaboration between planters and crown officials in Cuba, see
    • On collaboration between planters and crown officials in Cuba, see Johnson, Social Transformation, pp. 128-66.
    • Social Transformation , pp. 128-166
    • Johnson1
  • 134
    • 34248590679 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For an overview of the Consulado's activities, see Salvador Arregui Martínez-Moya, 'El Real Consulado de la Habana, 1794-1834', unpubl. PhD diss., University of Murcia, 1992
    • For an overview of the Consulado's activities, see Salvador Arregui Martínez-Moya, 'El Real Consulado de la Habana, 1794-1834', unpubl. PhD diss., University of Murcia, 1992
  • 136
    • 34248572912 scopus 로고
    • Discurso Sobre la Agricultura de la Habana y Medios de Fomentarla
    • Havana
    • Francisco Arango y Parreño, 'Discurso Sobre la Agricultura de la Habana y Medios de Fomentarla' in Obras (Havana, 1952), vol. 1, pp. 117-118
    • (1952) Obras , vol.1 , pp. 117-118
    • Arango, F.1    Parreño2
  • 139
    • 0037265779 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Wealth of Empire: Francisco Arango y Parreño, Political Economy, and the Second Slavery in Cuba
    • Dale Tomich, 'The Wealth of Empire: Francisco Arango y Parreño, Political Economy, and the Second Slavery in Cuba', Comparative Studies in History and Society vol. 45 (2003), pp. 5-7
    • (2003) Comparative Studies in History and Society , vol.45 , pp. 5-7
    • Tomich, D.1
  • 140
    • 34248572914 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • for a negative view of Arango's activities, see Johnson, Social Transformation.
    • for a negative view of Arango's activities, see Johnson, Social Transformation.
  • 142
    • 34248578594 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Arango and his fellow champions of less-regulated trade conveniently failed to mention the major injections of capital which Cuba regularly received from the mid-1760s. As Stein and Stein indicate, an impressive proportion of [New Spain's] surplus funds was earmarked for financing Cuba's defences, Apogee of Empire, p. 353
    • Arango and his fellow champions of less-regulated trade conveniently failed to mention the major injections of capital which Cuba regularly received from the mid-1760s. As Stein and Stein indicate, 'an impressive proportion of [New Spain's] surplus funds was earmarked for financing Cuba's defences': Apogee of Empire, p. 353
  • 143
    • 60950233247 scopus 로고
    • Silver and Situados: New Spain and the Financing of the Spanish Empire in the Caribbean in the Eighteenth Century
    • see also
    • see also Carlos Marichal and Matilde Souto Mantecón, 'Silver and Situados: New Spain and the Financing of the Spanish Empire in the Caribbean in the Eighteenth Century', Hispanic American Historical Review vol. 74 (1994), pp. 588-9.
    • (1994) Hispanic American Historical Review , vol.74 , pp. 588-589
    • Marichal, C.1    Souto Mantecón, M.2
  • 144
    • 34248585323 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Reflexiones Sobre la Mejor Organización del Consulado de la Habana, Considerado como Tribunal
    • Arango y Parreño, 'Reflexiones Sobre la Mejor Organización del Consulado de la Habana, Considerado como Tribunal' in Obras, vol. 1, p. 209.
    • Obras , vol.1 , pp. 209
    • Arango1    Parreño2
  • 145
    • 34248591696 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Discurso Sobre la Agricultura de la Habana y Medios de Fomentarla
    • Arango y Parreño, 'Discurso Sobre la Agricultura de la Habana y Medios de Fomentarla' in ibid., p. 153.
    • ibid , pp. 153
    • Arango1    Parreño2
  • 146
    • 34248546592 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Estado 5B, no. 4, 'Puntos que ha tratado en la Junta de Gobierno del Real Consulado de la Isla de Cuba ... Arango en la Relación que de su viaje ha hecho' (1796 ?), fos. 1-5 passim.
    • AGI Estado 5B, no. 4, 'Puntos que ha tratado en la Junta de Gobierno del Real Consulado de la Isla de Cuba ... Arango en la Relación que de su viaje ha hecho' (1796 ?), fos. 1-5 passim.
  • 147
    • 34248588639 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Estado 3, no. 7/6, Arango y Parreño, 22 April 1796, fo. 2.
    • AGI Estado 3, no. 7/6, Arango y Parreño, 22 April 1796, fo. 2.
  • 149
    • 61149200768 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • on Anglophilia and Anglophobia, see Gabriel B. Paquette, 'Enlightened Narratives and Imperial Rivalry in Bourbon Spain: The Case of Almodóvar's Historia Política de los Establecimientos Ultramarinos de las Naciones Europeas (1784-1790)', The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Intepretation 48 (2007), forthcoming.
    • on Anglophilia and Anglophobia, see Gabriel B. Paquette, 'Enlightened Narratives and Imperial Rivalry in Bourbon Spain: The Case of Almodóvar's Historia Política de los Establecimientos Ultramarinos de las Naciones Europeas (1784-1790)', The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Intepretation vol. 48 (2007), forthcoming.
  • 150
    • 34248595083 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Also called the Sociedad Patriótica in America and, of course, Sociedad Ecónomica de Amigos del País in peninsular Spain.
    • Also called the Sociedad Patriótica in America and, of course, Sociedad Ecónomica de Amigos del País in peninsular Spain.
  • 152
    • 34248583968 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • These essay prizes usually related to a specific aspect of agriculture. For example, AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 92, doc. 3926, 'Expediente Relativo a los Premios Ofrecidos por la Real Sociedad Patriotica a los Mejores Escritos Sobre Ciertos Ramos de Agricultura, especialmente Café, Añil y Algodon', 15 Jan. 1796
    • These essay prizes usually related to a specific aspect of agriculture. For example, AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 92, doc. 3926, 'Expediente Relativo a los Premios Ofrecidos por la Real Sociedad Patriotica a los Mejores Escritos Sobre Ciertos Ramos de Agricultura, especialmente Café, Añil y Algodon', 15 Jan. 1796
  • 154
    • 34248580074 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Francisco José Caldas (1811), quoted in Antonio LaFuente, 'Enlightenment in an Imperial Context: Local Science in the late Eighteenth-Century Hispanic World', Osiris 15 (2000), p. 170.
    • Francisco José Caldas (1811), quoted in Antonio LaFuente, 'Enlightenment in an Imperial Context: Local Science in the late Eighteenth-Century Hispanic World', Osiris vol. 15 (2000), p. 170.
  • 156
    • 34248570850 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Foreign visitors to Spain offered little praise for the Amigos del País societies. Henry Swinburne noted that they had 'gone on but slowly in their improvements in literature and agriculture. I doubt that they have yet got into a proper method; for they undertake many things and finish none'. See his Travels through Spain in the Years 1775 and 1776 (London, 1787), II, p. 203.
    • Foreign visitors to Spain offered little praise for the Amigos del País societies. Henry Swinburne noted that they had 'gone on but slowly in their improvements in literature and agriculture. I doubt that they have yet got into a proper method; for they undertake many things and finish none'. See his Travels through Spain in the Years 1775 and 1776 (London, 1787), vol. II, p. 203.
  • 157
    • 34248590678 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On British views of the Bourbon reforms, see Gabriel Paquette 'The Image of Imperial Spain in British Political Thought, 1750-1800', Bulletin of Spanish Studies 81 (2004), pp. 187-214.
    • On British views of the Bourbon reforms, see Gabriel Paquette 'The Image of Imperial Spain in British Political Thought, 1750-1800', Bulletin of Spanish Studies vol. 81 (2004), pp. 187-214.
  • 159
    • 34248580067 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • on this subject, see Izaskun Alvarez Cuartero, 'Las Sociedades Económicas de Amigos del País en Cuba (1787-1832): Una aportación al pensamiento Ilustrado' in Consuelo Naranjo Orovio and Tomás Mallo Gutiérrez (eds.), Cuba: Perla de las Antillas (Madrid, 1994), esp. pp. 37-8.
    • on this subject, see Izaskun Alvarez Cuartero, 'Las Sociedades Económicas de Amigos del País en Cuba (1787-1832): Una aportación al pensamiento Ilustrado' in Consuelo Naranjo Orovio and Tomás Mallo Gutiérrez (eds.), Cuba: Perla de las Antillas (Madrid, 1994), esp. pp. 37-8.
  • 160
    • 34248561332 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Estado, no. 7/3, 'Discurso Sobre las Utilidades que Puede Producir Una Sociedad Económica de Guatemala' (1795), to. 6
    • AGI Estado, no. 7/3, 'Discurso Sobre las Utilidades que Puede Producir Una Sociedad Económica de Guatemala' (1795), to. 6
  • 162
    • 34248546601 scopus 로고
    • Ordenanzas para el Reglamento de una Academia de Jovenes Comerciantes [en Barcelona]
    • hereafter AHN, Madrid
    • Archivo Histórico Nacional [hereafter AHN] (Madrid) Estado 1927, no. 301, 'Ordenanzas para el Reglamento de una Academia de Jovenes Comerciantes [en Barcelona]' (1787)
    • (1787)
    • Histórico Nacional, A.1
  • 163
    • 34248561324 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AHN Estado 3188, no. 377, Eugenio de Santiago Palomares, 'Establecimientos de una Escuela de Comercio en Madrid o Valencia' (July 1786).
    • AHN Estado 3188, no. 377, Eugenio de Santiago Palomares, 'Establecimientos de una Escuela de Comercio en Madrid o Valencia' (July 1786).
  • 164
    • 34248593659 scopus 로고
    • Real Consulado, leg. 179, doc
    • AN Cuba, 21 March
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 179, doc. 8213, Sociedad Patriótica to Godoy, 21 March 1797
    • (1797) Sociedad Patriótica to Godoy , vol.8213
  • 165
    • 34248525467 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Estado 1, no. 32/1, Count of Santa Clara to Godoy, 22 March 1797, fo. 1.
    • AGI Estado 1, no. 32/1, Count of Santa Clara to Godoy, 22 March 1797, fo. 1.
  • 168
    • 34248597105 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Buenos Aires 587, Consulado to Secretary of State, 24 April 1802
    • AGI Buenos Aires 587, Consulado to Secretary of State, 24 April 1802
  • 172
    • 34248590674 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 92, doc. 3925, 'Expediente Traducir al Castellano las Obras Francesas de Du Trône de la Couture y de Corbeaux, acerca del Cultivo de la Caña', 15 January 1796. These works were Précis Sur la Canne et Sur les Moyens d'en Extraire le Sel Essentiel and Essai sur l'Arte de Cultiver la Canne et d'en Extraire le Sucre: Memorias de la Sociedad Patriótica de la Habana I, p. 13.
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 92, doc. 3925, 'Expediente Traducir al Castellano las Obras Francesas de Du Trône de la Couture y de Corbeaux, acerca del Cultivo de la Caña', 15 January 1796. These works were Précis Sur la Canne et Sur les Moyens d'en Extraire le Sel Essentiel and Essai sur l'Arte de Cultiver la Canne et d'en Extraire le Sucre: Memorias de la Sociedad Patriótica de la Habana vol. I, p. 13.
  • 174
    • 0038183989 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • on the sugar planters' embrace of new technology, see Maria M. Portuondo, 'Plantation Factories: Science and Technology in late Eighteenth-Century Cuba', Technology and Culture 44 (2003), pp. 231-57.
    • on the sugar planters' embrace of new technology, see Maria M. Portuondo, 'Plantation Factories: Science and Technology in late Eighteenth-Century Cuba', Technology and Culture Vol. 44 (2003), pp. 231-57.
  • 175
    • 34248570853 scopus 로고
    • Real Consulado, leg. 101, doc
    • AN Cuba, 20 Feb
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 101, doc. 4990, José Ignacio Echegoyen, 20 Feb. 1798.
    • (1798) José Ignacio Echegoyen , vol.4990
  • 176
    • 34248532709 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 22, doc. 1295, 'List of books in a box shipped by the American Brig Boston for Havana, to the care of Antonio de Frias for, and on the account of, the President of the Consulado', 11 Nov. 1811.
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 22, doc. 1295, 'List of books in a box shipped by the American Brig Boston for Havana, to the care of Antonio de Frias for, and on the account of, the President of the Consulado', 11 Nov. 1811.
  • 177
    • 34248595086 scopus 로고
    • Documents: A Proposed Library for the Merchant Guild of VeraCruz, 1801
    • Irving A. Leonard and Robert Sidney Smith, 'Documents: A Proposed Library for the Merchant Guild of VeraCruz, 1801', Hispanic American Historical Review vol. 24 (1944), pp. 84-102
    • (1944) Hispanic American Historical Review , vol.24 , pp. 84-102
    • Leonard, I.A.1    Sidney Smith, R.2
  • 178
    • 34248593666 scopus 로고
    • Documents: A Provincial Library in Colonial Mexico, 1802
    • Harry Bernstein, 'Documents: A Provincial Library in Colonial Mexico, 1802', Hispanic American Historical Review vol. 26 (1946), pp. 162-83.
    • (1946) Hispanic American Historical Review , vol.26 , pp. 162-183
    • Bernstein, H.1
  • 182
    • 34248532707 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • As McFarlane pointed out, 'Creole ideas about cultural identity and political rights were still expressed in the political language of the ancién regime, and, if creoles accorded themselves distinct identities within the Spanish monarchy, they did not imagine themselves outside of it': 'Identity, Enlightenment and Political Dissent', p. 322.
    • As McFarlane pointed out, 'Creole ideas about cultural identity and political rights were still expressed in the political language of the ancién regime, and, if creoles accorded themselves distinct identities within the Spanish monarchy, they did not imagine themselves outside of it': 'Identity, Enlightenment and Political Dissent', p. 322.
  • 183
    • 34248570849 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In pursuing this argument, this article does not disagree with Fisher, 'Commerce and Imperial Decline', who argued that the 'quest for free trade cannot be seen as a dominant factor in determining the political attitudes of Spanish Americans toward the crisis of the Spanish monarchy in 1808-1810'. Rather, the present essay has sought to suggest how traditionally cooperative elites, employing certain political and economic ideas, justified their incremental divergence from official policy within the boundaries of the empire's territorial integrity and political unity.
    • In pursuing this argument, this article does not disagree with Fisher, 'Commerce and Imperial Decline', who argued that the 'quest for free trade cannot be seen as a dominant factor in determining the political attitudes of Spanish Americans toward the crisis of the Spanish monarchy in 1808-1810'. Rather, the present essay has sought to suggest how traditionally cooperative elites, employing certain political and economic ideas, justified their incremental divergence from official policy within the boundaries of the empire's territorial integrity and political unity.
  • 184
    • 34248532708 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Commerce and Imperial Decline
    • Fisher, 'Commerce and Imperial Decline', p. 462
    • Fisher1
  • 185
    • 33746294391 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • for a nuanced view of Anglo-Spanish commercial relations in this period, see Adrian Pearce, 'Rescates and Anglo-Spanish Trade during the French Revolutionary Wars, ca. 1797-1804', JLAS 38 (2006), pp. 607-24.
    • for a nuanced view of Anglo-Spanish commercial relations in this period, see Adrian Pearce, 'Rescates and Anglo-Spanish Trade during the French Revolutionary Wars, ca. 1797-1804', JLAS vol. 38 (2006), pp. 607-24.
  • 186
    • 34248523462 scopus 로고
    • Oceanic Commerce and Platine Merchants, 1796-1806: The Challenges of War
    • Jerry Cooney, 'Oceanic Commerce and Platine Merchants, 1796-1806: The Challenges of War', The Americas vol. 45 (1989), pp. 509-10.
    • (1989) The Americas , vol.45 , pp. 509-510
    • Cooney, J.1
  • 187
    • 84972066376 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For another perspective on comercio neutral, see Jacques Barbier, 'Peninsular Finance and Colonial Trade: The Dilemma of Charles IV's Spain', JLAS 12 (1980), pp. 21-37.
    • For another perspective on comercio neutral, see Jacques Barbier, 'Peninsular Finance and Colonial Trade: The Dilemma of Charles IV's Spain', JLAS vol. 12 (1980), pp. 21-37.
  • 189
    • 34248523468 scopus 로고
    • Argentina) IX 4-6-3
    • to Madrid , fo. 134
    • AN (Argentina) IX 4-6-3, Consulado to Madrid (1798), fo. 134.
    • (1798) Consulado
    • AN1
  • 193
    • 34248587382 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 112, doc. 4702, Letter 'Sobre Cumplimiento de la Real Orden de 26 de Agosto de 1802, Relativa a la Situación de la Agricultura y Comercio de esta Colonia y especialmente del Contrabando', 25 May 1803.
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 112, doc. 4702, Letter 'Sobre Cumplimiento de la Real Orden de 26 de Agosto de 1802, Relativa a la Situación de la Agricultura y Comercio de esta Colonia y especialmente del Contrabando', 25 May 1803.
  • 194
    • 34248585322 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AN (Cuba) Intendencia, leg. 876, doc. 22, Anon., Oct. 1798.
    • AN (Cuba) Intendencia, leg. 876, doc. 22, Anon., Oct. 1798.
  • 195
    • 34248593668 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 112, doc. 4702.
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 112, doc. 4702.
  • 197
    • 34248532708 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Commerce and Imperial Decline
    • Fisher, 'Commerce and Imperial Decline', p. 459.
    • Fisher1
  • 200
    • 85040138248 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Buenos Aires 586, Consulado to Secretary of State, 23 Aug. 1798. The benefits of neutral trade did not counterbalance the negative effects of disrupted commerce: J. C. Brown, A Socioeconomic History of Argentina, 1776-1860 (Cambridge, 1979), p. 47.
    • AGI Buenos Aires 586, Consulado to Secretary of State, 23 Aug. 1798. The benefits of neutral trade did not counterbalance the negative effects of disrupted commerce: J. C. Brown, A Socioeconomic History of Argentina, 1776-1860 (Cambridge, 1979), p. 47.
  • 202
    • 34248572913 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Indiferente General 2467, Consulado of Cartagena to Secretary of State, 31 Jan. 1799.
    • AGI Indiferente General 2467, Consulado of Cartagena to Secretary of State, 31 Jan. 1799.
  • 203
    • 34248575189 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Indiferente General 2467, Juan Bautista Echezuria [of the Consulado of Caracas to Madrid, 18 April 1801.
    • AGI Indiferente General 2467, Juan Bautista Echezuria [of the Consulado of Caracas to Madrid, 18 April 1801.
  • 204
    • 34248593669 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Indiferente General 2467, Pedro Mendinueta [Viceroy of New Granada] to Madrid, 19 Sept. 1799
    • AGI Indiferente General 2467, Pedro Mendinueta [Viceroy of New Granada] to Madrid, 19 Sept. 1799
  • 206
    • 34248576632 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AGI Indiferente General 2467, Vicente Emparam Superintendante General of Cumaná, 21 August 1799
    • AGI Indiferente General 2467, Vicente Emparam Superintendante General of Cumaná, 21 August 1799
  • 207
    • 34248561330 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • on Venezuelan debates concerning comercio neutral, see Antonio García-Baquero González, 'El comercio de neutrales en Venezuela (1796-1802)' in his El Comercio Colonial en la Época del Absolutismo Ilustrado: Problemas y Debates (Granada, 2003).
    • on Venezuelan debates concerning comercio neutral, see Antonio García-Baquero González, 'El comercio de neutrales en Venezuela (1796-1802)' in his El Comercio Colonial en la Época del Absolutismo Ilustrado: Problemas y Debates (Granada, 2003).
  • 208
    • 34248598887 scopus 로고
    • La estructuración del comercio y la navegación desde el Río de la Plata a Cuba
    • Hemán Asdrúbal Silva, 'La estructuración del comercio y la navegación desde el Río de la Plata a Cuba', Anuario de Estudios Americanos vol. 51, no. 2 (1989), pp. 61-7.
    • (1989) Anuario de Estudios Americanos , vol.51 , Issue.2 , pp. 61-67
    • Asdrúbal Silva, H.1
  • 210
    • 34248575188 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 74, doc. 2845, 'Expediente Sobre Comercio Reciprico de esta Plaza con la de Montevideo', 18 Aug. 1812; reply 12 December 1812; AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 73, doc. 2804, 'Expediente (...) para Cimentar el Comercio Reciprico de Frutos, entre Buenos Aires y esta Colonia', 23 Aug. 1803.
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 74, doc. 2845, 'Expediente Sobre Comercio Reciprico de esta Plaza con la de Montevideo', 18 Aug. 1812; reply 12 December 1812; AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 73, doc. 2804, 'Expediente (...) para Cimentar el Comercio Reciprico de Frutos, entre Buenos Aires y esta Colonia', 23 Aug. 1803.
  • 212
    • 34248578593 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 72, doc. 2788, 12 Feb. 1799.
    • AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 72, doc. 2788, 12 Feb. 1799.
  • 214
    • 34248591690 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Letter found in AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 72.
    • Letter found in AN (Cuba) Real Consulado, leg. 72.
  • 215
    • 0348042322 scopus 로고
    • London, North American commerce with Cuba exploded in this period: [Anon
    • [Anon.], War in Disguise; or, the Frauds of the Neutral Flags (London, 1805), p. 72. North American commerce with Cuba exploded in this period:
    • (1805) War in Disguise; or, the Frauds of the Neutral Flags , pp. 72
  • 216
    • 33645372899 scopus 로고
    • American Trade with European Colonies in the Caribbean and South America, 1790-1812
    • see
    • see J. H. Coatsworth, 'American Trade with European Colonies in the Caribbean and South America, 1790-1812', William and Mary Quarterly vol. 24 (1967), p. 248.
    • (1967) William and Mary Quarterly , vol.24 , pp. 248
    • Coatsworth, J.H.1
  • 218
    • 34248591685 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The quotation is from William Robertson, History of America (London, 1777), III, book 8, p. 337.
    • The quotation is from William Robertson, History of America (London, 1777), Vol. III, book 8, p. 337.
  • 224
    • 34248593665 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This analysis draws on the insights from Blanning, The Culture of Power and the Power of Culture: Old Regime Europe, 1660-1789 Oxford and New York, 2001, p. 13
    • This analysis draws on the insights from Blanning, The Culture of Power and the Power of Culture: Old Regime Europe, 1660-1789 (Oxford and New York, 2001), p. 13.
  • 225
    • 33751112511 scopus 로고
    • Heeding Heraclides: Empire and its Discontents 1619-1812
    • It is necessary to acknowledge, however, Anthony Pagden's keen observation that less regulated trade 'meant creating a polity which was potentially open to foreign political influence, See, Richard L. Kagan and Geoffrey Parker eds, Cambridge
    • It is necessary to acknowledge, however, Anthony Pagden's keen observation that less regulated trade 'meant creating a polity which was potentially open to foreign political influence'. See Pagden, 'Heeding Heraclides: Empire and its Discontents, 1619-1812', in Richard L. Kagan and Geoffrey Parker (eds.), Spain, Europe and the Atlantic World: Essays in Honour of John H. Elliott (Cambridge, 1995), p. 328.
    • (1995) Spain, Europe and the Atlantic World: Essays in Honour of John H. Elliott , pp. 328
    • Pagden1
  • 228
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    • Adelman cogently argues that 'American secession was a reaction to the metropolitan effects of Atlantic warfare, and not the expression of accumulated colonial grievances that spawned a separate political idenfity': Sovereignty and Revolution, p. 219.
    • Adelman cogently argues that 'American secession was a reaction to the metropolitan effects of Atlantic warfare, and not the expression of accumulated colonial grievances that spawned a separate political idenfity': Sovereignty and Revolution, p. 219.

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