Medicaid Commission, December 2006, accessed 5 January
Medicaid Commission, Final Report and Recommendations, December 2006, http://aspe.hhs.gov/medicaid/122906rpt.pdf (accessed 5 January 2007).
Final Report and Recommendations
and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HHS Budget in Brief, Fiscal Year 2007, February 2006, http://www.hhs.gov/budget/ 07budget/2007BudgetInBrief.pdf (accessed 25 October 2006).
and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, "HHS Budget in Brief, Fiscal Year 2007," February 2006, http://www.hhs.gov/budget/ 07budget/2007BudgetInBrief.pdf (accessed 25 October 2006).
CBO, December, accessed 29 September
CBO, "The Long-Term Budget Outlook," December 2005, http://cbo.gov/ftpdocs/69xx/doc6982/12-15-LongTermOutlook.pdf (accessed 29 September 2006).
The Long-Term Budget Outlook
That is, Medicaid spending/NHE = (Medicaid spending/Medicaid beneficiaries) x (Medicaid beneficiaries/U.S. population) x (U.S. population/NHE) = (Medicaid beneficiaries/U.S. population) x (Medicaid spending per beneficiary)/(NHE per capita).
That is, Medicaid spending/NHE = (Medicaid spending/Medicaid beneficiaries) x (Medicaid beneficiaries/U.S. population) x (U.S. population/NHE) = (Medicaid beneficiaries/U.S. population) x (Medicaid spending per beneficiary)/(NHE per capita).
Our online technical appendix is available at
Our online technical appendix is available at http://content. healthaffairs.org/cgi/content/full/26/2/w271/DC2. All data in this analysis are on a calendar-year basis.
Projections of NHE as a share of GDP were produced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the winter of 2006 and were supplied by Stephen Heffler of the CMS Office of the Actuary
Projections of NHE as a share of GDP were produced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the winter of 2006 and were supplied by Stephen Heffler of the CMS Office of the Actuary.
See the online technical appendix, as in Note 6.
See the online technical appendix, as in Note 6.
Social Security Administration, 2006 SSI Annual Report, May 2006, http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/SSIR/SSI06/index.html (accessed 23 January 2007). The correlation between the number of under-age-sixty-five Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries and the number of cash Medicaid disabled beneficiaries from 1990 to 2003 is 0.95.
Social Security Administration, "2006 SSI Annual Report," May 2006, http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/SSIR/SSI06/index.html (accessed 23 January 2007). The correlation between the number of under-age-sixty-five Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries and the number of cash Medicaid disabled beneficiaries from 1990 to 2003 is 0.95.
The LTCFM was initially developed in the mid-1980s and has been updated and enhanced under a contract with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. See D.L. Kennell et al., Brookings/ICF Long Term Care Financing Model: Model Assumptions, February 1992, http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/ modampes.htm (accessed 23 January 2007), for the original model specifications. We used baseline output from the updated model that was graciously provided by the staff of the Georgetown University Long-Term Care Financing Project.
The LTCFM was initially developed in the mid-1980s and has been updated and enhanced under a contract with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. See D.L. Kennell et al., Brookings/ICF Long Term Care Financing Model: Model Assumptions, February 1992, http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/ modampes.htm (accessed 23 January 2007), for the original model specifications. We used baseline output from the updated model that was graciously provided by the staff of the Georgetown University Long-Term Care Financing Project.
The updated model is described in P. Kemper, H.L. Komisar, and L. Alecxih, Long-Term Care over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current Retirees Expect? Inquiry 42, no. 4 (2005/2006): 335-350.
The updated model is described in P. Kemper, H.L. Komisar, and L. Alecxih, "Long-Term Care over an Uncertain Future: What Can Current Retirees Expect?" Inquiry 42, no. 4 (2005/2006): 335-350.
See the online technical appendix, as in Note 6.
See the online technical appendix, as in Note 6.
The decline might be a result in part of case-mix changes
The decline might be a result in part of case-mix changes.
See the online technical appendix, as in Note 6.
See the online technical appendix, as in Note 6.
Social Security Administration
Social Security Administration, "2006 SSI Annual Report."
SSI Annual Report
See the online technical appendix, as in Note 6.
See the online technical appendix, as in Note 6.
The clawback payments (phased-down state contribution, in statute) in 2006 and beyond are not counted as Medicaid spending.
The "clawback" payments (phased-down state contribution, in statute) in 2006 and beyond are not counted as Medicaid spending.
Changes in the Prevalence of Chronic Disability in the United States Black and Non-Black Population above Age Sixty-five from 1982 to 1999
K.G. Manton and X. Gu, "Changes in the Prevalence of Chronic Disability in the United States Black and Non-Black Population above Age Sixty-five from 1982 to 1999," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) 98, no. 11 (2001): 6354-6359;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
, vol.98
, Issue.11
, pp. 6354-6359
Manton, K.G.1
Gu, X.2
Perspectives on the Recent Decline in Disability at Older Ages
and D.A. Wolf, K. Hunt, and J. Knickman, "Perspectives on the Recent Decline in Disability at Older Ages," Milbank Quarterly 83, no. 3 (2005): 365-395.
Milbank Quarterly
, vol.83
, Issue.3
, pp. 365-395
Wolf, D.A.1
Hunt, K.2
Knickman, J.3
CBO, Fact Sheet for CBO's March 2006 Baseline; and DHHS, HHS Budget in Brief.
CBO, "Fact Sheet for CBO's March 2006 Baseline"; and DHHS, "HHS Budget in Brief."
See the online technical appendix, as in Note 6.
See the online technical appendix, as in Note 6.
National Association of State Budget Officers, 2004 State Expenditure Report, Table 28, http://www.nasbo.org/Publications/PDFs/2004ExpendReport. pdf (accessed 23 October 2006). Including federal Medicaid funds in the state spending total raises the 2004 percentage to 22.3 percent. These totals exclude administrative spending.
National Association of State Budget Officers, 2004 State Expenditure Report, Table 28, http://www.nasbo.org/Publications/PDFs/2004ExpendReport. pdf (accessed 23 October 2006). Including federal Medicaid funds in the state spending total raises the 2004 percentage to 22.3 percent. These totals exclude administrative spending.
Data on states' own-source revenues from FY 1977 to FY 2004 were provided by the Rockefeller Institute of Government, State University of New York. State tax revenue data for FY 2005 are from Census Bureau, Federal, State, and Local Governments: 2005 State Government Tax Collections, 23 May 2006, http://www.census.gov/govs/www/statetax05.html (accessed 23 January 2007).
Data on states' own-source revenues from FY 1977 to FY 2004 were provided by the Rockefeller Institute of Government, State University of New York. State tax revenue data for FY 2005 are from Census Bureau, "Federal, State, and Local Governments: 2005 State Government Tax Collections," 23 May 2006, http://www.census.gov/govs/www/statetax05.html (accessed 23 January 2007).
The Long-Term Budget
CBO, "The Long-Term Budget Outlook."