Two simple calculation schemes for use in ophthalmic optics. I. Tracing oblique rays through systems including astigmatic surfaces
Bennett AG (1986a): Two simple calculation schemes for use in ophthalmic optics. I. Tracing oblique rays through systems including astigmatic surfaces. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 6: 325-331.
Two simple calculation schemes for use in ophthalmic optics. II. Tracing axial pencils through systems including astigmatic surfaces at random axes
Bennett AG (1986b): Two simple calculation schemes for use in ophthalmic optics. II. Tracing axial pencils through systems including astigmatic surfaces at random axes. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 6: 419-429.
Implantation of a toric poly (methylmethacrylate) intraocular lens to correct high astigmatism
Frohn A, Dick HB & Thiel HJ (1999): Implantation of a toric poly (methylmethacrylate) intraocular lens to correct high astigmatism. J Cataract Refract Surg 25: 1675-1685.