Undersanding social capital: Learning from the analysis and experience of participation
P. Dagupta I. Serageldin World Bank Washington, DC
N. Uphoff Understanding social capital: Learning from the analysis and experience of participation P. Dagupta I. Serageldin Social capital: A multifaceted perspective 2000 World Bank Washington, DC
Understanding and measuring social capital. A synthesis of findings and recommendations from the social capital initiative
Washington, DC: USAID and IRIS.January 11
C. Grootaert T. Van Bastelaer Understanding and measuring social capital. A synthesis of findings and recommendations from the social capital initiative Forum series on the role of institutions in promoting economic growth 2002 USAID and IRIS Washington, DC January 11
Cities transformed: Demographic change and its implications in the developing world
National Research Council M.R. Montgomery R. Stren B. Cohen H.E. Reed National Academy of Sciences National Academies Press Washington, DC
National Research Council Cities transformed: Demographic change and its implications in the developing world Panel on Urban Population Dynamics M.R. Montgomery R. Stren B. Cohen H.E. Reed National Academy of Sciences 2003 National Academies Press Washington, DC