(Publication No. 14-6703) National League for Nursing New York
D.R. Carpenter & S. Hudacheck On doctoral education in nursing. The voice of the student (Publication No. 14-6703) 1996 National League for Nursing New York
Preserving writing in doctoral education: Exploring the concernful practices of school learning teaching
N. Diekelmann & P. Ironside Preserving writing in doctoral education: Exploring the concernful practices of school learning teaching Journal of Advanced Nursing 28 1998 1347-1355
Loving partnerships: Dealing with sexual attraction and power in doctoral advisement relationships
K.T. Heinrich Loving partnerships: Dealing with sexual attraction and power in doctoral advisement relationships Journal of Higher Education 62 1991 514-538
The passionate scholar: A mid-life woman doctoral student's quest for voice
K.T. Heinrich The passionate scholar: A mid-life woman doctoral student's quest for voice International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 13 2000 63-84
Doctoral women as passionate scholars: An exploratory inquiry of passionate dissertation scholarship
K.T. Heinrich Doctoral women as passionate scholars: An exploratory inquiry of passionate dissertation scholarship Advances in Nursing Science 23 2001 88-103
Transforming graduate students into budding scholars: Assessing an evidence-based course
San Antonio, TX: National League for Nursing 2003 Summit
K.T. Heinrich Transforming graduate students into budding scholars: Assessing an evidence-based course 2003 National League for Nursing 2003 Summit San Antonio, TX
How can I help you? How can you help me? Transforming nursing education through partnerships
K.T. Heinrich K.T. Pardue M. Davison-Price J. Murphy M.R. Neese P. Walker et al. How can I help you? How can you help me? Transforming nursing education through partnerships Nursing Education Perspectives 26 2005 34-41
Mid-life women doctoral students recover "voice" in a community of scholarly caring: An emancipatory inquiry
K.T. Heinrich A. Rogers R. Haley A. Taylor Mid-life women doctoral students recover "voice" in a community of scholarly caring: An emancipatory inquiry Journal of Professional Nursing 13 1997 352-364
The "self-in-relation": A theory of women's development
J.V. Jordan A.G. Kaplan J.B. Miller & J.L. Surrey (Eds.) Guilford Press New York
J.L. Surrey The "self-in-relation": A theory of women's development In J.V. Jordan A.G. Kaplan J.B. Miller & J.L. Surrey (Eds.) Women's growth in connection: Writings from the Stone Center 1991 Guilford Press New York